Loki was back at it again. The team had been enjoying their recovery after the battle with Ultron, when Loki had burst through the wall. So much for a quiet night in.

With a wave of Loki's hand Thor was flung through the wall of Stark (or Avengers) Tower. Natasha flipped off a table, aiming a powerful kick at the God, only to have a green mist stop her in mid air. She stayed paused in her pose, still ready to kick. Behind her Clint kicked the same table she jumped off of, on it's side to use as cover. Multiple arrows flew through the air at Loki. He held out his hand and the arrows froze then changed direction, speeding towards Clint. Normally anyone of the Avengers would have found it funny once the arrows pinned Clint to a wall through his clothes, like you'd see in a cartoon. At this moment the only one laughing was Loki as he turned his attention to Bruce who was avoiding all conflict to prevent the Hulk making an appearance. Surprisingly, Loki settled on not making Bruce mad. Instead he snapped his fingers and Bruce fell over in a deep sleep.

With a chuckle Loki dogged Steve's shield as it flew by the tricksters face.

"That's enough, Loki. Why are you here?" Steve used his Captain America voice as he caught his shield.

"Why, I'm giving you that war you can't live without." Loki smirked.

"Wow. Out of one liners? If my memory serves me correctly, which it does, you've said something like that before." Tony raised a repulsor covered arm, waiting to fire.

"Now, answer the question." Steve growled.

"Fine. I might as well, seeing as there will be no one to stop me once I'm done here." Loki lifted his chin as he spoke.

"You've said that before. Look what happened." Tony smirked behind his Iron Man mask.

Loki continued, ignoring Tony. "You see, I realized that the only way to destroy you was to stop you individually and not as a whole. You might be a team, but each of you can be stopped in different ways. With your precious Banner asleep, he can't render me helpless. The Widow in Black's acrobatics have gotten her stuck. My brother may come back but him I can handle. He never wanted to hurt me, so I can use that to my advantage. Hawk Man or whatever, his trapped by his only weapon-"

"Hawkeye!" Clint interrupted as he struggled with the magically stuck arrows.

Loki glared before he continued. "You two were the hardest to figure out. For the Captain, I realized you won't stop as long as you have hope. Luckily that's an easy fix."

Loki's hands went green along with Steve's eyes. Steve let out a loud scream as he dug his fingers into his head. Memory after memory of his past flashed by his eyes. All the bad memories seemed to be amplified. All the guilt he felt then, came rushing back now only ten times worse. Tears rolled down his face as he continued to scream.

"No! Stop!" Tony screamed as he shot a repulsor blast at Loki. The blast of energy went straight through Loki and destroyed a shelf.

Suddenly, Steve stopped screaming. He lowered his shaking hands as his face went blank. He slowly sat down on the floor legs crossed, and stared ahead as if nothing around him existed.

"See. Easy fix." Loki laughed.

"What did you do to him?" Tony fought the urge to fall to Steve's side and hug him.

Tony would never admit that his heart would beat a little faster when Steve was around. Or his breath would get caught in his throat when their skin brushed each other. Or that his stomach did flips when he could smell the shampoo Steve used. He'd never admit that. Not even to himself. So now, seeing Steve, in this depressed state, made him want to cry. He wanted to scream as he punched a hole into Loki's head, but instead he stood there and waited for his chance to fire his repulsor again.

"I wouldn't worry about him. You see I figured out that no matter what I do to you, technology will always help you stop me. You're already a broken man, and there's no fun in having you kill yourself. So I figured, since taking the technology out of this world is too difficult, what with another mortal waiting to make more in an instant, so I'll just have to remove you from the technology." Loki smirked as he lifted his hands. Green mist wrapped around Tony and lifted him into the air. Piece by piece his suit came apart and fell to the floor while he stayed floating.

"Loki you won't get away with this. We will stop you!" Tony yelled, venom dripping from his voice.

"How can you stop me this time, when you aren't even in this time anymore?" Loki raised an eyebrow as he laughed.

Tony's eyes went wide as everything around him went black.

"Are you okay?"

Pain flooded Tony's spine. He knew he fell on the ground hard but he wasn'tsure where he fell.

"Sir? Wake up! Please be okay.."

The concerned voice grew louder as Tony slowly gained consciousness. He could feel hands on his chest as the pushed down. Then he felt pressure on his mouth and air fill his lungs.

"Come on, wake up!"

'That voice sounds familiar.'

The same hands pushed down on his chest again and again. Followed by more air being blown into his body.

With a deep breath in, Tony's eyes flew open. The took a minute to focus on his surroundings, but once they did he realized he was outside. The sky above him was gray with rain clouds. Tony turned his head on its side and noticed he was laying in grass. His breath began to calm down to a normal pace. Then it picked up again when he heard a voice.

"You scared me there for a second."

Tony jumped as he spun his head around to see who was with him. His eyebrow raised at the sight.

"Are you okay?" Blue eyes stared at Tony with concern.

Tony could only stare back. Inches in front of him was Steve Rogers, face covered in dirt, wearing a military uniform of some sorts. For a second, Tony had forgotten that he was asked a question.

"Uhhh.. yes?" Tony licked his lips and made a face at the strange taste he got.

"Did you.. did you kiss me?" Tony's heart jumped at the thought.

Steve laughed. "Technically I helped save your life. It wasn't anything like that I swear."

"Oh.. well good. Um why are you wearing a uniform?" Tony raised an eyebrow hoping Steve didn't notice the blush that crept onto Tony's face.

"Well I mean we are at a military base. Why are you here and wearing…" Steve squinted at Tony's outfit. "What's ACDC?"

Tony looked down at his shirt. "Uhh it means… Anthony's Computer Design Company." Tony internally winced at his words.

Steve's eyes went wide. "Whoa so you're like good with technology?"

"Well, something like that." Tony smirked. He could feel his brain hurt as he pretended to smile.

"Well, I'll assume that means your name is Anthony." Steve smiled as he helped Tony stand.

Tony nodded even though he was still confused.

"I'm Steve. Steve Rogers." Tony awkwardly shook Steve's hand.

"So uh, Steve… my mind's a little foggy. Could you tell me what year is this?" Tony grinned, hoping he didn't look insane even though, to him, Steve looked insane. Why was he in military clothes? Why didn't he recognize Tony? So many questions buzzed in Tony's mind.

"Your fall must have been harder than I thought. It's 1945." Steve laughed again.

Tony nodded. "That's cool. Yea great."

Tony smiled before he fainted.

Bucky came running up to his best friend, smile falling, as he noticed an unconscious man in Steve's arms.

"Where did he come from?" Bucky eyed Tony's clothes with a look of confusion.

"Not to sure. I noticed him unconscious on the ground back there. When he woke up he asked what year it was and fainted. I'm going to take him to Howard and see if he can help." Steve shrugged his shoulders as best as he could while Tony was in his arms.

Bucky tilted his head to look at Tony more. "Ya know, he reminds me of Howard. But, I've only seen him a few times so who am I kidding." Steve laughed at his friend's words.

"You're kind of right. That's so weird. Maybe Howard will be able to help more than I thought." Steve looked down at Tony with a smile on his face.

Bucky frowned. "I can only assume Colonel Phillips was pissed when you went to rescue us, he's not going to like you bringing a possible spy into our base."

"That's why I'm going to Stark, not Phillips." Steve raised an eyebrow at Bucky as he spoke.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Bucky sighed as he shook his head and followed Steve.

Tony sat up abruptly, eyes wide and bloodshot, breathing forced as his hands reached reached for the arc reactor he no longer had. His face twisted at his surroundings. It looked like a lab, almost reminded him of his own just several years behind on development. He noticed that he was sitting on a table, slowly he tried to stand up when a voice came from behind him.

"Nightmares? I didn't take you for a guy with bad dreams."

Tony snapped his head to look behind him. His heart skipped a beat when he saw it was Steve.

"Where are we? Where are the others?" Tony asked, ignoring Steve's statement, as his eyes continued to look around.

"Others? I didn't see anyone else with you. Are you sure you're okay?" Steve took a few steps closer.

"So our conversation earlier, where I sounded insane for asking the year, wasn't a dream?" Tony bit his lip as he waited for Steve to answer.

"No it wasn't." Steve missed the face Tony made as Howard Stark walked in the room.

"I see our new friend is awake." Howard smiled at Tony.

Tony felt his limbs go numb. There he was. His father. Unaware that his own son was right there in front of him. Tony felt his heartbeat pick up speed as he realized Howard would never smile at him if he knew who he was. It took all of Tony's mental strength not to jump up and yell at Howard. With a deep breath in Tony pushed his anger down and smiled back.

"Your Howard Stark? I can't believe I'm actually meeting you." Tony forced his smile even more.

"The pleasures all mine, my friend." Howard held out his hand and waited for Tony to shake it.

With a flare of anger Tony smiled again and took Howard's hand. "Anthony. Anthony.. Edward." Tony winced internally. He felt stupid for using his middle name as his last name, but if they found out he wasn't from this time, all hell would break loose.

"Hm might I say, I rather like that name." Howard beamed at Tony, causing his chest to tighten with anger.

Steve stepped forward again. "Howard, I was hoping you could help. You see something doesn't seem right with him. He asked me what year it was. I mean that's insane."

"You know I am right here. I can hear everything you just said, Capsicle." Tony's eyes went wide as he realized what he said.

"Uh... Capsicle?" Steve raised an eyebrow at Tony.

Tony felt his face heat up. "Sorry, you just look like a friend of mine and that's what we call him."

Howard pulled Steve aside. "You're definitely right. I'll see what I can do."

"I told you, it's complicated."

Hours had gone by and Tony was still trying to tell Steve and Howard that his situation wasn't going to make sense to them.

"Anthony, just tell us where you are from. Or tell us anything so we can help. You said you needed to get home, so who else lives there? Your parents?" Howard asked with an annoyed look on his face.

Tony held back the growl in his throat. He had seen that look one too many times and he hated it. "Trust me, my parents aren't there." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Tell me this then. Why did you faint when I told you what year it was? Or why are you dressed like that? Or better yet how in the hell did you even get here?" Steve's face had a red tint to it as he spoke.

"I don't know! One minute I was back home fighting Loki with the team, and the next thing I know I wake up here. I can only assume Loki did something-"

Tony's thoughts interrupted him as he remembered Loki's words.

'How can you stop me this time, when you aren't even in this time anymore?'

"Son of a bitch.." Tony mumbled to himself.

"What is it Anthony? Who is Loki? What did he do to you?" Howard leaned forward as he questioned Tony.

"If I told you.. you wouldn't believe me. It's not exactly normal."

Steve smiled, causing Tony's heart to flutter and his face to go red. Howard raised an eyebrow at Tony as a small smirk grew on his face.

"Anthony, trust me when I say, normal isn't exactly normal itself around here."

Tony sighed. "Well.. I'll start with the easy part. Where I come from, the year is 2016… and I'm a superhero."