After two month passed the competition between eri and nozomi still undecided who the winner because both side have equal popularity and the count of person who already they dated is same, so until then they still stuck to keep bet on their little bet until one of them win.
Nozomi is hang around with her friend rin, a boy she already know from middle school and they being a good friend. Maybe rin can called as her partner in crime to prank someone they want to tease and the best thing is having rin always make nozomi feel energetic.
" nozomi-chan~" said rin while he eating the ramen cup as they take a rest to sit in bench at the park while nozomi is eating a pork bun.
" what?" ask nozomi as she take a bit to her pork bun.
" how things between you and that blonde?"
" it was hard to win against him" nozomi sighed and feel irrated with eri, it's the first time she can't beat another player like him and what make nozomi feel more irrated that he can even keep same nerve like her.
" nyaa~ it was the first time I see you so irrated to someone else" said rin
" but it get more fun having him around if I can say." Said nozomi with happy tone as smile a bit
Rin who keep looking at her is surprised to seeing nozomi talking about someone else so happily.
" it's rare for you to smile like that when you talking about someone~ are you begin to like him?" rin asked playfully as nozomi startled with rin question and she can feel a slight blush with that little question mention the blonde, but the sadness keep overcome her.
" I'm just interest with him rin, I can't ever like someone else again… not again." Nozomi said with low voice and faked her smile toward rin whom look guilty as he ask that critical question.
" sorry." Rin apologize with a regret face as he stopping eat his ramen and make nozomi chuckled a bit seeing a timid rin.
" it's okay rin-kun, don't felt guilty about that and don't give me that sad face or I will grope your chest~" nozomi said as she began move her hands and glare rin with beast eye as she begin fondled rin chest and make him cry in pain.
As nozomi finish punish rin she keep wondering to rin question, did eri just interested to her? Or she start to like him…
Nozomi just close her eye and feeling the wind is calming her when she felt trouble, sometime she wished to become like a wind. You can go anywhere without worrying you will left in pain or left something you love because the wind is carefree thing and it will keep going on to all world.
" by the way where umi? Didn't he invite us to watch a movie?" ask nozomi
" he said will be late for a minute." Said rin while he looking at his phone.
" It's rare for him to be late? He always come first for things like this." Said nozomi with pout face because whenever they have a meeting like this if one of rin or nozomi come late umi always scold them.
" it's unfair of him, he always punctual but he can easily came late with easy excuse like this. I remember being scolded by umi every time I came late." Rin laughed along with nozomi remembering how scary umi can be when they fool around or came late.
For a few minute umi is already came and go over to rin and nozomi whom happily greeting umi who look exhausted as he keep panting his breath like he was run.
" why you look so exhausted? Are you run from your fan girls?" tease nozomi and make umi face red as tomato.
" w-what… no." said umi shyly and shrug his head.
" you're late, that's so mean umi-kun. You always so punctual and scold us when we came late, did something to you?" ask rin energetically
" I'm just meet with my friend at high school, we just finished meet right now and I forget we have promise.. sorry." Said umi.
" ara~ are they a girl?" tease nozomi as she begin whistle playfully and claps her hand happily thought a expectation.
" w-whattt….. it's a boy for you guys know. I can't thought that shameless things like that." Denied umi clumsily and his face became redder than before and make two of them smirk with umi act and how he can think something like that when they don't mean like that.
" you such pervert umi, I don't think a pure guy like you think dirty like that." Said rin with tease tone and make umi realize how embarrassing with he said a liitle ago.
" ughhh enough of that, let's just watch the movie.." said umi weakly as he defeated with those two whom always tease him.
" aww~ umi is so cute when embarrassed." Said rin and nozomi seeing their friend who easily teased and became so shy boy.
Without delaying anymore they go into the theatre and watch the movie.
After the movie finished, they then separated to go home and nozomi decided to visit the parfait store which she always come to when she finished with her date or hang out with her friends.
As soon she arrived in front the parfait store which look like a small building with nice color on the wall is light blue mixed with purple and had cute decoration with animal figure always give nozomi fluffy feelings when she get in here.
Nozomi then entered the store and take a seat and order a usual parfait she always eat, she chose vanilla parfait with sauce blueberry.
After ordering them she look around through the glass window and seeing various light displayed near lamp stand brightening the night.
Those lamp look so pretty… nozomi eyes glittered seeing sparkle light at outside look so bright along with colorful light that make them look beautiful.
When she wait around for her parfait come somehow she heard a voice she recognize at back her chair.
Slowly she peek a bit to her back and finding a familiar face that she will never forget.
There is tsubasa who calmly drink his coffee, but the one beside him… ayase?
And moreover that ayase is eating something sweets like this? That's doesn't fit his cool and cold figure. The cool ayase that she is consider as rival is actually eat the parfait which ummm.. look so… how the best way to describe his parfait.. that parfait cup is so big and the fill of the parfait mostly full with chocolate everywhere. chocolate ice cream, choco chips, piece of chocolate, and mostly the parfait filled by sauce chocolate.
And what most interest nozomi that blonde is eating the parfait with such silly face and he grinning like a idiot who happily eat his food, that's rare sight nozomi seeing ayase like this. The cool guy she known before not even at slightest she imagine this boy with such sweets.
Therefore just seeing this already enough to make nozomi smile to witness this rare sight.
Nozomi feel the urge to capture this rare moment, so she slowly take out her cell phone and silently try to take a picture of ayase But unfortunately nozomi forget to turn off the flash light and a flash got into ayase face and that's make he startled as soon the flash got into his face.
"w-what's that?" eri ask timidly and looked around then he find the culprit who take his picture.
Eri find the usual purple hair girl who always came in worst time in his life. Nozomi then just give him a silly smile and peace hand to eri who get shy got caught to eat parfait which that's unsuit a cool man figure.
Tsubasa just giggling and find it interesting to see those two relationship. If he can put in a word it's must be a fate that those two always encounter in silly and awkward situation.
" W-Why you in here!" eri said stutteredly without realizing whole his cheek covered by chocolate and nozomi finding it's so cute that man in front her is like innocent guy yet so childish.
Nozomi hands then slowly approaching eri face and that's make eri a bit startled and just frozen in place. Before eri can do something then he realize nozomi finger gently wiped his cheek and finding her finger already has chocolate and slowly eri check his face and finding there's a chocolate in there, after realizing that he just quietly sit and covering his red face.
"you look so cute with chocolate covered your face." Nozomi said and then she lick her finger which had chocolate and eri just look at that and feel a bit aroused seeing nozomi licking her fingers but for a minute he realize that's like indirect kiss between them.
Nozomi who realize eri weird expression then give him her seductive smirk.
"am I make you turn on?" ask nozomi with tease voice and the boy just stay quiet trying to calm himself for being caught.
"this chocolate taste sweet~ I wonder how your lips taste will be?" nozomi put her finger around her lips and staring at eri with seductive eye while eri tried so hard to prevent himself to get played like this but he can't deny those words come from nozomi make him weak with her charm.
"not a chance!" eri said with his face been blushing and averted his eyes away from nozomi.
"hahaha, you guys so funny." Tsubasa can't hold anymore for not laughed at this moment when he can witness eri being embarrassed with one girl teasing him, that's rare one to being seen for tsubasa for whole time he be his friends.
"I want to jump to a hole…" eri mumbling to himself weakly as he can't resolve himself from being caught eat parfait and nozomi tease him, it worser when tsubasa his friend laugh at his awkward position.
Nozomi feel satisfied enough teasing the blonde and not tease eri anymore or he will die in embarrassment.
"I never though ayase-san likes sweets so much." Nozomi said
"I know that feel, he look like an aloof person but actually he is awkward boy with his love for sweets and chocolate." Tsubasa said and make eri more feel embarrassed and can't protest for that.
"oh, never think there was someone who love to eat so much chocolate."
"yeah, it's weird for a cool person like him had sweet tooth."
Nozomi and tsubasa had so much fun to tease and make eri embarrassed and not caring the blonde who almost have his face so red from embarrassment.
"guys… please stop it. I can't handle anymore.." eri begged with hopeless voice and make those two just giggling to him, make eri give up and just continued eating his parfait.
"the charming prince is embarrassed~" tsubasa said
"hehehe, this is fun. See you later guys, my order is coming." Nozomi bid her goodbye and sit down to her place to eat her parfait.
"eri are you still alive?" tsubasa ask to his friend who been so quiet.
"I'm fine" replied eri with weak voice and just cared for his parfait and tsubasa just let it pass, he can't embarrasse him anymore.
"your little secret revealed, maybe she can win the bet~" tsubasa said
"u-u-ummm I don't think so, I am the best player you know." Eri answered still tried to defend his pride not wanting lost just because this childish thing.
"maybe." Tsubasa said
I don't know why eri still wanted to be a player? Don't he want to find a real love? No matter how perfect you are and how much heart you already stolen, it useless if it can't lasting until the end of your life. Just come and leave quickly like wind.
Tsubasa still can't know why eri still playing around and don't find serious relationship.
He know eri still can't let go from his past, he still be haunted with that and Seems like he can't forget that.
"do you had date today?" tsubasa ask out of blue suddenly.
"I have two girl for my date today, what's wrong? You suddenly ask something like this." Eri said confuse that tsubasa ask those thing, like he don't know every day eri always had a date.
"nah, I just think maybe you got bored and do something else than to have those girls every day." Tsubasa said bitterly and drink his coffee.
Eri feel he know what tsubasa meaning truly but it can't be helped. It's just he tired to trust for loving someone he dearly care, he just want to forget and choose many different place,time and even someone to be loved.
I'm back finally! already a new chap sorry for long delayed chap.
I don't think this good enough but i hope it went well, as always i'm sorry if i make any mistake. Gracias~