A/N:: Getting these updated since I am lacking, haha. Here is the next chappie!

Hope you enjoy~!


Guard Me

It took only two days for Lucci to get over his cold and by the time it reached a week my nose was better. A little tender, but the bruising and swelling was gone and merely showed a yellow tint as that was even barely noticeable. Staring to the mirror, I noticed how I looked a bit run down and all this training was taking a toll, but at the same time I was adjusting to it. The amazing thing about it all was how your body could handle such things to survive and grow.


My body jerked hearing the door slam and I shifted to see Lucci looking livid. This caused me to slink back into the bathroom away from his sight and hope that he wouldn't find me. It seemed whatever he heard over the phone was not a good thing and I really didn't want to know. Fear build up in me as I leaned against the counter whilst taking deep breaths as I heard his cursing.

"Luffy." My name was a snap through the tense air and I stiffly shifted to view out the bathroom to him as he already had eyes my way. "Come here." Teeth were gritted as he pointed before him and this had me stiffly shift to him. My body was tense as I tried to prepare myself for anything and grey eyes looked to me. The silence was harsh on me as he glared hard on me whilst thinking of something. "Go to your bedroom." The order had me snap quickly to follow it and get out of the way. When I closed the door, gasping breaths left me as I wasn't sure what that was about.

Well, I still don't know and had to eat dinner in my room. Lucci still seemed pissed off on whatever it was and I ate all my food with the water finding me to help wash it down. It was a good meal as always and I set the tray by my door on the inside before moving to my bed to lay down and stare up at the ceiling. My lamp casted light on the white plaster that was curled to cause a wave like pattern.

Time passed as I started to feel my body flush with heat, did the food not settle right? It was odd, a curling in my stomach and a faint throb in my chest as I soon rolled with a groan. My door was opened and I shifted up to see Lucci leaning against my door frame with a smirk.

"Face the other wall and lay down on your stomach." Eyes gleamed to me as I soon moved to do as he said. It was evident that he still had that angered tone there and I didn't want to make it spike again. Movement was made before I felt the bed shift before I noticed hands press on either side of my abdomen. "Any resistance will be responded with immediate punishment, got me?"

"Wha…?" Confusion left me as I had nodded nonetheless before feeling a hand line under the back of my shirt. My nerves spiked as I jerked with a gasp at how sensitive my skin felt when he did so. Heat flared through me as I was shocked on my response and he chuckled.

"Good, it's finally set in." It confused me on what he was speaking about before my shirt was pushed up and a tongue dipped along my spine. Gasping breathes found me as my fingers gripped the sheets and hands shifted to grasp my hips. My body trembled as I felt pants leave my lips on how every move made me spike with pleasure.

What did he do to me?!

Fingers tugged on my pants as I was lifted lightly and I felt a clench in my chest as I knew this would happen. I knew it would, but I wasn't ready at all for this. I couldn't handle it and I couldn't even move to resist much as my body felt like goo. Pants were successfully pulled off my body as hands gripped my ass cheeks firmly and I moaned. A hand found my mouth as I tried to stop myself, but my body only jerked into the hold as lips began pressing to a cheek. It was like my body betrayed me as I felt myself growing hard and I cursed lightly as I soon moaned when a tongue found my entrance.

Jolts of pleasure spiked through my body as I gasped out at the feel and how my body wanted nothing more. A hand lined to reach and grasp a hold of my erection with a firm grip. Fingers gripped the sheets as I arched with a moan gasping out of me and continued to tremble. The mouth pulled away before I felt something cold and wet push before slipping into me. "O-ohh~!" I cried out as I felt myself push my face into the bed as I tried to keep anything in, but it was hard to do.

"Mh? I can't wait to feel this tight space." Words were spoken out against my skin as something else pressed in harshly with the first object. A jolt found me as hips bucked against the offending items as I couldn't think straight, my mind was fogged by something. The pleasure boiled through me as the items began thrusting into me as teeth nipped at my skin and the hand on my erection continued. Moans wracked my body as I couldn't help my release with a cry and I trembled as the hand continued the strokes.

Oh god, I was still hard.

"Ah, perfect." The objects in me removed themselves as I soon felt himself shifting before hands pressed to the bed and that presence towered over my body. Lips pressed to a shoulder blade before a hand shifted to tug on my shirt. "Remove." The order had me shakenly take the article off before groaning when teeth nipped harshly to the back of my neck. Something pressed at my entrance before he shifted up with a hand to my head to grip hair. My head was pulled back before I felt my whole body just sear with pain.

"AAHHHH!" The scream left me as I gripped to the sheets, trying to pull away from it, but I was pressed into the mattress harshly. Tears streaked my face as my whole body shook from the pain and I felt lips to my ear.

"I would have been gentle if it weren't for the news I heard today." Choked sobs found me before his hand lined along my side as he rocked his hips against me. Fingers kept their grip in my hair as teeth found my neck and I gripped the bed helplessly. Even with that sudden pain, my body still couldn't respond and the heat only began to pool into me more as he began to shift himself into a rhythm.

No, body! Stop!

I groaned as I felt my erection return and I cried from how much confusion was swirling through me. Nothing made sense as I couldn't understand why this was happening and I felt fingers release my hair as hands gripped hips as he began to send sharp thrusts into my trembling body.

"Your body seems to enjoy the treatment, hm?" The words were hot against my neck as I moaned with tears as I felt so violated.

Why body? What are you doing?!

"O-ohh, haaa~!" I moaned out in chokes as I gripped the sheets harshly as I felt him press against something in me. Something about finding it left him as he continued into that spot whilst praising into my ear as I moaned out.

"Come hard for me, Luffy." Trembles had a shaking moan leave me before jerking against him as I felt the bundle snap and I came onto the bed with a cry. A hum of approval found him as he continued in me as my orgasm put a high on me before I felt a certain snap of hips and knew he had released into me. Trembles left me with a groan as he soon pulled out with hands lining along my ass cheeks. Pants left me as I felt my vision blur and lips were against skin. "Good boy."

When I awoke again, I noticed the time to be somewhere around four in the morning and I groaned to lay back. Pain shot through my body, causing a pained gasp to leave me before trembling as I curled into my body. Everything came back to me on what had happened and I felt eyes widen with horror.

Oh god…

He really…

My hand found my mouth as I felt a pained cry leave me as I squeezed eyes shut and let myself fully shake. The ache in my chest had me cry harder as I tried to keep it down as I felt reality falling hard on me. I was saving myself for Zoro and now I was tarnished to the point of no return.


I'm so sorry.