The day turned into night, "here we are! Sorry it took so long to get here" he says as he enters his apartment, the rain soaked my body, " come in, you'll get a cold!" He said as he grabbed my shoulders, I felt my cheeks get warmer, he stared at my eyes, then he…did he… he blushed, he did!

" I cant…force you to come inside, I assumed… since you followed me here you… you know wanted to hangout…" he says, but as he finishes talking I start to hug him, it has passed a day since we first crossed paths…


" sorry I shouldn't hug you like this" he said, my body in couldn't be enjoying more the hug, he tries to break the hug but I don't let him, I needed this, never had I experienced this type of affection before… I never wanted it to end.

After 2 hours I knew I had to let him go, I broke the hug, and stared at him, " I don't want to let you go…"he said as tears start to fall from his eyes, he then apologized and wandered off.

I tried to hug other people that day, people seemed to like it some even gave me money afterwards, but none of those hugs felt the same as that hug he gave me, I remember his brown eyes, they were so beautiful, his hair a unnatural color, why you someone so young have gray hair?

I thought of him, last night, I couldn't stop…I… think my body also liked him, I searched for him everywhere but sleep was the only thing that I found.

The next morning he found me, I had fallen asleep on the side of the road, he got out of his strange shiny container and went to me.

"I found you 100 kilometers away, why are so faraway from there?" He said, I got up and hugged him, I started crying, for the first time in my life, this were tears of joy.

It started to rain, seeking shelter I jump inside of his container, he got in the container and it soon started to move, at first the fear was making me uncomfortable, then I remembered that… I was with him, I look at him, he is so nice, so…handsome, I pull my hands between my thighs they were wet, am I attracted to him?


I entered his apartment, he made a meal, for both of us, I could believe he did that for me, afterwards we started to watch a movie, I had seen this one before, in my spare time while washing my former masters clothes, I remember that this movie made into my dreams the first time I watched it.

This wasn't a dream, I was enjoying this movie with someone I liked, I rested my head on his shoulder as the movie was soon to end, I remembered this part, it was the fonder to my fantasies, the two friends realized they were a couple, looked at each other, and the girl kissed the guy.

I look at him, " what a cool movie" he said as he stands up, he notices me staring at him, I stand up, both of us blushed, I got closer to him, I tripped, my head collided with his torso, I giggle and look at him, he then did it.

He…he kissed me, one of his hands went to my hip as the other one wrapped around my back and grabbed my shoulder, his tongue was in my mouth, I as in ecstasy, my nether parts throbbing, my hands grabbing on to his hips and my tongue stroking his back.

After our tongues got tired, he told me, he also went searching for me, he felt a strong connection on that first hug, I grab his arms, he flinches, I was shocked, his arms were covered with scares.

"Don't mind that, I haven't been cutting myself *laughs*" he said, he looks at me and sees me worried about him, " I'm serious, I am an investigator, a police investigator, when we first met I was doing some recon, on a Lucario, my suspicions were correct, she was the serial killer we, the police, were searching for, she managed to kill most of my colleagues, but one straight bullet head shot her riolu, her partner tried to run… but she used him as a meat shield, anyways its from that this scars appeared" he continues.