Part 32: The God of Magic

CrazyBoy358: I sure hope so, after I've been building up his appearance for almost 30 chapters.

Brave2000: All great questions and I'll try to answer what I can, as some might be a little spoilerish.

For starters, I'm basing what happened to all the Grim Reapers on what's happening currently in the actual Grim Tales comic, where Grim is telling Mandy the story of how his father lead a revolt against the Life-Makers. The Reapers apparently did win, but something terrible and unforeseen happened after that. Since the comic has not yet given an answer to what, my story's interpretation is that it resulted in Earl (Grim's father) losing his powers and almost all the Grim Reapers in the universe being wiped out until there were only enough for one per planet (Grim is the Grim Reaper of Earth, Morg is the Grim Reaper of Mars, etc.). Where once there could be a thousand Reapers working together, now it's just Grim who has to be Death for everyone on Earth by himself.

I have thought of an origin for the Devil's Essence, but it's a bit of a spoiler. As for why Clockwork didn't dispose of the Time bomb, like he told Junior, he's not a god and has to let people make their own choices, no matter how terrible they might be.

From what I understand, the ghosts in Danny Phantom were always supposed to be just that; ghosts. The souls of those who died. But the network came down on them for that, because they believed the concept of death was too much for a children's show, and made them change it so that ghosts aren't actually ghost but creatures from a different dimension that are called ghosts. I don't have the same restrictions on me, so in this story's lore, ghosts are ghosts. They are the souls of those who died who could not move on after death and became, for lack of a better term, stuck in-between life and death.

FuryJoe: Thank you.

Major144: I actually did finally get around to watching Star Wars: Rebels within the last couple of months, so yeah, I actually can see that. I will say though that things between Grim and Boogie are not going to end as peacefully as they did between Obi and Maul (that was such a great way to end his story, I loved it).

coldblue2015: I always love reading your posts. Though I will say: Mandy? She's definitely evil. It just happens that sometimes what's best for her is also what's best for the side of good too (and yeah, she's one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters too).

For your answers to the QTP:

1.) Yeah, Junior is nothing if not adaptable, even just with his Nergal powers alone.

2.) I suppose the big question is, despite her own claims, has Mandy ever had friends? That'd certainly determine how much she'd care about what Bubbles would think of her, or whether Mandy would care that Bubbles is being used like a tool.

3.) Hopefully this chapter helps a bit with that.

To answer your questions:

1.) I've definitely been considering having Bubbles and Buttercup in the lemons. Blossom is usually on my mind more, simply because she is a bigger part of the Grim Tales story than her sisters (being Mimi's mom and all), but I'm certainly not against having the other two. Honestly I'd just need to think of a story that'd lead to the two/three of them getting in bed with Junior, as there's not much to immediately connect them together. I've already been toying around with the idea of Mandy X Bubbles and even Chi X Buttercup, as they have more history/connections that could lead to a bedroom encounter.

2.) Since I've included Darkseid in the LBL story, I've definitely thought of how the Anti-Life Equation should factor in too. However, I never considered the idea of Junior being the one to guard it, which actually could be pretty interesting. Who better to guard Anti-Life than Death?

DPSS: Though to be fair, Mandy only destroyed the mirrorverse of her specific universe. The multiverse is a big place, so there are plenty of other mirrorverses running around.

1.) That's…actually a really good point. Though that does beg the question of if Junior and Grim ever got to actually fight or if something else happened first?

2.) Yep, despite what Mandy claims about never having friends.

3.) Ohhh yeah.

nightmaster000: It's like that old saying goes: "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." The heroes of Megaville knew Mandy could be mean, dark, and quite scary, but they never saw her do anything that'd lead them to believe she was a monster. She made sure of it because the heroes would be so much more useful on her side than against her. All they saw was their friend and mayor of Megaville offering to help them.

1.) Technique and skill vs. raw power. It's interesting to wonder how much of a difference between Grim and Junior there is.

2.) More Bubbles than Junior. Junior already knows what Mandy is like (or at least he thinks he does).

3.) Oh my, yes.

Lord Razer: HIM is probably joyously waiting for an angry phone call from Timmy, as he was supposed to keep Junior locked up in the Land of Tainted Souls until the whole invasion was over.

Yinyang2017: Thank you for your kind words. They are incredibly flattering. I will say that Dr. X and Bell are unlikely to appear in this story, as they don't really have any grudges against Grim and Mandy like the rest of the villains do.

AMTT94: I understand your worries. I can't say anything right now because of the risk of spoilers, though I have been planning what'll happen with Blossom for a while now. As for Clockwork, he has his reasons and like he told Junior, he's not a god. He doesn't control everything and the universe Mandy destroyed is one universe out of an infinite number of universes in the multiverse.

Earthly Entity: Yeah, I don't know if it's been changed for the actual comic (though I don't think it was ever yet confirmed in the actual comic anyway), but according to Griddles, the original writer for Grim Tales, Timmy Turner was planned to be Grim Jr's biological father. I believe he said as much in the comments section of the Grim Tales page "HELLO NURSE", so you can give it a look for yourself. It's actually quite the interesting idea they had for why Timmy wasn't around when Junior was growing up. If I'm being honest, it is more mature and grown-up than the reasons I've planned for this story, though in my defense I was writing this story before Griddles revealed it.

ChrisCage75: I'm really happy to hear you liked it. Though I do apologize I haven't been putting out a lot of chapters lately to get built up (I certainly understand the joys that come with binge-reading a series). Sadly, real life comes first but hopefully now I'll be able to increase the output again.


After all the fighting that'd been going on within the cavern just moments ago, the silence that followed was almost deafening; no one daring to say a thing as the new arrival looked curiously over his surroundings.

"Huh. So that's what this damn thing looked like." Timmy commented as he lightly kicked over some of the Monument's debris. "That was my hair between the two wands on top. Nasty piece of work. It's anti-magic kept getting stronger the more my regular magic increased." He explained offhandedly to Junior, whom was still lying in the pile of it. "Sorry the Powerpuff used your face to smash it but you know how ragdolls can be. I mean, you did fight Jack after a-!"

He was cut off abruptly as four giant metal slabs fell from above, just appearing from the air itself, not landing on top of him but rather deliberately around his body. The slabs boxed Timmy in on all four sides, their edges connecting perfectly with each other. When that was done, another slab also appeared from nowhere in particular at the ceiling, falling by its face instead of its base, slamming down on top of the other four. With the box completed, the metal gave a quick glow of green, signaling it'd just sealed itself, with Timmy inside.

Junior just blinked heavily, not entirely certain what had just happened. Given Mandy looked more stressed and angry than in any way surprised, he supposed this trap was her doing.

And then, Timmy just casually walked on up from behind the box, leaning smugly against its side where they could see.

"Boy… I'd sure hate to be that guy." He remarked with a playful chuckle, clearly enjoying the irritation Mandy looked at him with. Standing next to it, he tapped his knuckles on against the metal surface. "Shave-and-a-hair-cut." He said in rhythm with the taps.

From the inside of the box, on the other side of the wall, a response. Two bangs against the metal, for "Two-bits".

Smiling slyly, Timmy turned his head slightly to Mandy. "You really went all out for me, didn't you?" He chuckled, sounding almost flattered as he casually stomped his heel against the ground.

The box then shot upwards like a rocket, though not by its own power. Junior blinked several times because he was certain he must have seen it wrong. It almost looked like the earth itself had punched the box from below, launching it up and smashing it abruptly into the ceiling, with its base just barely still poking out, so imbedded had he made the box.

And in the space where it'd been sitting was…another Timmy. The one the group HAD seen get captured by the falling slabs.

The Timmy whom had been inside the box conjured up a top hat from the nothingness atop his head, for the sole reason of then tipping it to the other Timmy. "'Ello."

"'Ello." The Timmy outside the box did the same, the playful air around them showing that the two were just messing around and had no fear regarding any of their surroundings.

Banishing his hat back into nothingness, the first Timmy said "Well, I guess I'd better go check on our bluest of boys. You gonna be alright here by yourself?"

"You know I am." The second said happily.

"True, true. Just being courteous." The first Timmy folded his arms and nodded his head knowingly, before just vanishing without a trace.

With him gone, the remaining one gave the area another look over.

"Hrm. Still a little tight in here." Timmy pondered aloud for a bit, seeming to then make up his mind about something, afterwards then snapping his fingers.

Junior hadn't blinked. He was certain of that. But there was no in-between of the sights. One second they were all still in Grimskull's lowest level and the next they were outside in front of the castle. The impossible had happened in an instant. He hadn't even felt the pull of teleportation or the opening of a portal. They all were just…moved! Just like that!

It was a sudden hard splash into the thick pink liquid and Junior immediately started sinking. With the smell of strawberries and dairy hitting him like a truck, he quickly put together they'd all been teleported to the fields outside the castle, as he heard a few more splashes from the others. He'd flown over the ocean of yogurt Billy had created upon first arriving at the castle but didn't bother investigating, figuring he'd ask his parents what all that was about later when he was less pressed for time.

The yogurt's consistency was too different from water for Junior to swim, gravity pulling him straight down into the sea of it. He didn't need to breathe but his mind was quickly filled with terror of what was happening to Manny, whose injuries would certainly make his struggles even worse.

"Oh shit, that's right." Timmy grumbled to himself as he was somehow able to just stand atop the yogurt's surface, Junior unable to hear him after becoming submerged. "Sorry, sorry, one moment."

Conjuring a simple toilet plunger into his hand and a snorkel around his face, Timmy made a swimmer's dive into the yogurt.

It was a few seconds of peace, just a few bubbles making their way up to the surface from the sea's bottom.

And then, echoing throughout the Domain of Death, the droning sound of a flushing toilet.

The entire sea of yogurt started to get sucked into its center by a massive whirlpool, causing the levels decrease rapidly as the maelstrom spun, taking Junior and everyone else caught within it for a ride.

Within a few minutes and Junior felt his back slam against the hard, rocky ground, the yogurt leaving him behind as it left the previously coated area clean and dry, barely even a strawberry or two as abandoned debris.

So soon as after they'd just arrived, all the yogurt that'd covered so much of Grimskull's lands had been drained away, all having funneled into the hole besides Timmy's feet, barely larger than a sewer lid.

"Sorry, sorry, that was my bad." Timmy apologized so sincerely to them all as he tossed the plunger and snorkel into the hole, then having it close up with just a wave of his fingers, returned to being just dirt on the ground, like it'd never been there in the first place. "I forgot all that was out here. That was on me."

Junior, his mind still adjusting to…whatever it was that'd just happened…looked around the now cleared area. He was thankful to see his mother was nearby, even more so to see that she had Manny laying in her arms, hacking and coughing up yogurt but clearly still breathing. She must have grabbed onto him once they were all teleported, as she was the closest one near. It took Junior a little longer to spot Jack, whom had been swept further away by the current. It was only because Junior could sense his soul that he knew the half that remained of the samurai was even still alive.

Hearing a loud gurgling, both he and Timmy looked over to across the rocky field. Bubbles and Buttercup where standing as straight as could be, no signs that the ocean of yogurt or its removal had disturbed them one bit. Drax however…well…it was an interesting mix of reds and pinks that was leaking out of his mouth and his many bullet wounds.

"Ooh…feeling a little waterlogged there, buddy?" Timmy called over casually to him.

"Bghbhghbhhgbgghhh…" Was the most Drax could get up through his throat as he laid otherwise motionless on the ground.

"Okay, I'll be right over. …Actually, come to think of it, didn't we have someone out here fighting Billy before the yogurt got cleaned up? What happened to…oh."

It didn't take much looking around. Just a short distance away, nearby the fallen Still Impressive, a very damp and crumbled blue uniform lay amongst what looked like various bits of faded white goo intermixed with some black zombie chunks. If you squinted, you could maybe make out some flattened facial features.

"Skarr? You dead?"

A minute of waiting and no response.

"…Yeah, ya dead." Timmy shook his head with more the attitude of an oops than any real disappointment or anger. "Worst part is it looks like it was more the drowning that finished him than the injuries. That's really gotta suck. …Drowning… Drowning… Oh shit, right!"

Having regained his train of thought, it was barely a step and Timmy just appeared at Drax's side, closing the distance in an instant. The ragdoll Powerpuffs didn't seem to even register his presence and he didn't really need them to right now anyway. Bending over, he picked Drax up by the back of the collar. Many audible groans of pain and sickening wet sloshes of broken bones and bleeding both internal and external were able to be heard as Drax hung from Timmy's hand like a pillowcase full of raw meat.

Timmy then used his hold to snap Drax suddenly against the air overhead, like one would do with a wet towel.

An impossible sight. Timmy stood Drax back up on his feet, all the bullet wounds gone. Both his body and clothes restored to pristine condition. And with a hard slap on the scientist's back, Timmy forced Drax to puke up all the yogurt he'd had left within his body.

Coughing heavily, Drax's legs wobbled as he tried to keep himself upright, like his brain was still having trouble believing that his body had been restored. But Drax knew it was real. The man standing next to him…he knew there was not a thing he couldn't do.

"Thank… Thank you…sir." Drax said as got out the last fits of coughing, rubbing his sore throat.

"Ah, don't worry about it. This whole invasion was supposed to be a team effort, right?" Timmy assured him.

"This is the God of Magic?" Junior understandably thought to himself with some questions. "All those tricks he's pulling off are certainly magic of some kind but for a god he's…not quite what I was expecting…"

Timmy seemed aware that Junior was staring at him and turned to look his way. Though he couldn't see his eyes through the sunglasses, Junior's body immediately tensed up under their gaze. Before he could even blink and Timmy had vanished, sending Junior's fighting instincts flaring. Quickly he spawned forth a scythe to defend himself but Timmy was already on him, having closed the gap between them in an instant, Junior not being able to react in time as he put his arms around him.

But not to attack.

Next thing Junior knew, he was being hoisted off his feet, now dangling above the ground as Timmy was…hugging him?

"Aww, come here, you!" Timmy exclaimed so joyously as he squeezed tightly, keeping Junior's arms pinned against his sides as Timmy shook him back and forth affectionately, the Reaper naturally feeling his mind crash over the sudden massive shift in tone.

"Why… Why are you hugging me?" Junior finally managed to get the confused words out once his brain had rebooted enough to think. He could see clear over the top of Timmy's head, as high up as he was holding him.

"Huh? Oh! Right! Sorry! You don't know yet! Sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit." Timmy apologized again as he put Junior down, though still beaming at him with the happiest smile Junior had ever seen even after he let him go. "It's just…ah! I've wanted to meet you for so long and now…well…here we are!" He laughed as he slapped Junior heartedly on the shoulder.

They both then heard the click of a gun behind his back.

"Turner, back away." Mandy warned, knowing full well the aim she was taking at him was an empty gesture. "Back away or else I'll-!"

Timmy didn't even turn around to look at her, merely pointing his finger casually over his shoulder as she talked. A stream of sparkling white energy shot out for its tip and struck Mandy clean in the face. The moment it did, Mandy's mouth was replaced by a literal zipper. It seemed to do her no actual physical harm but it was quite sufficient enough to get her to be quiet.

"Mom!" Junior quickly rushed past Timmy to go help her, the shocked queen trying and failing greatly at getting her lips apart no matter how much she tugged.

"Shit. Sorry…again." Timmy said, seeming to realize what he'd done just now probably wasn't the best call if he wanted Junior to listen to him. "That was pure instinct on my part. I wasn't thinking. Though in my defense, I've been waiting YEARS to get my revenge on that woman, so you can understand the urge is a little strong."

Seeing there was nothing he could do to help his mother, outside of possibly cutting her closed mouth open, Junior held his scythe tightly in his hands and turned to face his enemy.

Timmy quickly held his own hands up. "Junior, easy. I'm not here to fight you. I know you have no reason to believe that, given, well, the whole secret terrorist society of villains thing. But you know Mandy well enough to know that she has a habit of making things as difficult as possible. This was the only way I could finally meet you and we could just get everything out in the open."

Junior kept his eyes forward. Given Mandy's grunts were quieting, he could only guess she'd stopped struggling with the binds over her mouth. Would the two of them together be enough to take this guy on?

"And just why exactly are you so interested in talking to me?" Junior asked, stalling for time as he tried to plan out a decent method of attack.

"Because I'm your-"

Whatever words Timmy said next were drowned out by the sudden shockwave that sent Junior and Mandy tumbling back. The impact was an explosion of force, sending dirt and dust flying up everywhere to blot out everyone's line of sight.

When the thick brown cloud finally settled, there in its previous center was Timmy, holding back Mjölnir by its face with a single hand, Billy above him pushing the hammer down with all his strength. The ground beneath Timmy had been completely blown away by the thunder god's attack, yet Timmy floated unmoved above the small crater in the exact spot he'd been, like he was standing atop some unseen, unbreakable surface.

"You look familiar." Timmy said very casually, his single arm not showing even the slightest hint of strain. "Did we used to eat paste together when we were kids?"

"I still eat paste!" Billy said happily, in that minute seeming to completely forget he was in the middle of a fight.

"…You know what? You do you, man." Timmy told him sincerely.

…Right before using his free hand to grab Billy by the nose, squeezing the dodgeball sized appendage to get a good grip before chucking Billy away from him as such.

Grim could sense the presence of the soul outside. There was no doubt about it. It was him.

"Hell, hell, hell, hell!" Grim repeatedly cursed to himself. Junior and Mandy were both out there with him. There was no way this was going to end in any way but badly.

Boogie, by contrast, felt the hope reignite within his eyes. Though Grim's power kept him bound in place by the very souls he'd stolen to make himself stronger, there was still one part of his body he was free to move: his mouth.

"MASTER! PLEASE! HELP ME!" He begged to the heavens, as loud as he could.

Having almost forgotten his old bully was even still there, Grim's reaction was instant. "SHUT UP!" He yelled as he swung his scythe down at Boogie's neck.

The blade was stopped just short, a pair of fingers having caught it by its edge.

"Hey, Grim. How've you been doing?" The Boogieman's savior asked the Reaper so casually.

"Timmy Turner." Grim growled the god's name.

Timmy smirked, not even an ounce of strain showing from him holding back the Grim Reaper's ancient weapon. "Oh, so you do remember me? I'm glad. I'd hate to think Mandy was the only one I left an impression on, and I've fantasized almost as much about getting revenge on you as I have with her."

Swiftly, Grim yanked his scythe back, out of Timmy's hold, then slashing it forward for a direct attack at him this time. But before the blade could even reach him, the back of Timmy's hand got to him first, and with just a tap of the knuckles of his fingers Grim was sent flying down the hall, tumbling harshly against the floor.

Grim was quick to stand back up, with any bones that'd been knocked loose rolling back to rejoin the body under his robe. His mind was going a mile minute, trying to think whether he'd have any advantage in this fight at close or long range. Apparently Timmy was going to give him plenty of time to come up with a conclusion, as he just stayed standing where he was.

Though Boogie knew he still wouldn't be able to move, his bowing head and eyes still did their best to look upon his master. "Master, please, give me another chance! I know I've failed you but I can still win this!" He pleaded desperately.

Arms crossed, Timmy shook his head. "Don't worry, Boogie, I'm not angry with you. After all, the main plan still worked. I still got to be here, so it all worked out in the end. But the fact still remains, you don't have the power to win against him."

"Then give me the power!" Boogie begged, his entire body trembling so much as it fought so hard to move. "I'll do anything! I'll do whatever it takes, no matter the cost! Just please, master! Give me the power I need to finally be better than him!"

Slowly, Timmy's lip twisted into a dark smile, like he'd been hoping to hear that request for a long time.

"So you have wished it…" He spoke pointing his finger at Boogie's groveling form. "And so shall it be."

Sparkling white energy shot from his fingertip, striking Boogie's body and radiating its power throughout him, jerking the dream demon right up to his knees.

With a look back at Grim, his expression worryingly satisfied to the Reaper, Timmy faded away as light started to pour out from Boogie's switches and his non-covered eye.

"Yes…! Yes, I see it now!" Boogie gasped so breathlessly, his spacey eye looking off into nowhere in particular.

"What? What did he do?!" Grim demanded to know, keeping his scythe held up to guard him, defensive despite the great distance between the two of them. He could feel the souls of all the slaughtered Underworld children still binding the Franken-body. Boogie still couldn't possibly move and he wasn't, stayed knelt where he was. But there was something within him. Something different from before that Grim couldn't control. "Boogie!"

It was hard to say whether the Boogieman could even hear him anymore. "I couldn't see it before. My goal is the same as it's ever been, I just wasn't going far enough! You knew I'd fail. You let me fail, master, so that I could finally see it for myself! Thank you, master!"

The stitches that held his chest together split apart, opening up a wide dark cavern within the Boogieman's torso.

From out of the blackness, streams of bandages, much like those covering the mummified parts of his body, lashed out, clearing the length of hallway in a near instant to bind Grim's arm.

"What in the-?!" Grim yelled before quickly cutting the line with the scythe. The bandages fell back a bit before then striking at him again, refusing to stop coming even as he hacked one after another of them apart.

Seams tore open across the Boogieman's arms and thighs, making way for more endless binding cloths to swarm forth. As more and more caught his arms, Grim became too entrapped to even swing the scythe anymore. And as the bandages wrapped themselves around his legs and chest, Grim felt himself starting to get dragged forward.

"I had too much of an ego to see it before." Boogie ranted as the bandages were receding back into his body, his skeleton prey struggling with as his might against their pull, his bone feet scraping against the floor. "I never would have accepted it. But the truth is the truth. Everyone was right. You are better than me, Grim. I never had a chance of beating you."

The souls of the children trapped with the Boogieman's body. Grim could feel their fear screaming out to him. What was happening now, it wasn't Boogie's doing. The children had no power to stop it. These binding cloths? This was the demon's gift from his master. A wish fueled by his pure desire and greed.

Once he was finally close enough, Grim tried to swing the scythe at Boogie's head but the bandages prevented him from even starting the push. Twisting his arms around within their hold, the bandages forced him to drop the weapon, creating its large clatter against the ground.

"The solution to my problem was so obvious that I never saw it!" Boogie cackled as Grim started to get dragged into the darkness within his body. He went in feet first, allowing Grim to grip the sides of the demon's open chest and hold on for dear afterlife, but the pull was so great his arms felt like they were going to snap from the struggle. "If I can't beat you, THEN I'LL BE YOU!"

His arms wobbling and very soon about to give away, Grim used his last-ditch effort and thrust his hand out, commanding his scythe back to him. At its master's call, the weapon floated up and flew through the air right to him.

But Boogie's hand reached out and caught its staff first, the Grim Reaper's immobilizing hold over him finally broken.

Unable to hold on anymore, Grim was yanked deep to within the Boogieman's chest with a echoing scream, all the seams and stitches sealing themselves back up behind him.

All patched back up, blinding purple light erupted out from Boogie's eye and from within his body.

"Yes! YES!" He howled to the heavens themselves, feeling the immeasurable power rippling through him at long last.

The path from where Jack started to where he was now was quite easy to see. The blood of his temporary Nergal body was bright neon green, lighting up even brighter with each shadow of the rocks that hung over it. Any normal man would have long succumbed to shock from his injuries, if not outright death. Even a demon-based body could only survive for so long while ripped in half. But Jack just continued to crawl his way forward; a single consuming objective driving him.

He had to stretch, but Jack finally reach his objective; his hand grabbing at the ankle of the green-clad woman he'd known since she was a child.

"Buttercup…! You have to fight it…! Please!" Jack begged desperately to her from the ground, with the Powerpuff and her sister doing nothing to acknowledge his presence. They were like statues. Even the rumbles of the two clashing gods did nothing to spark a blink from the two ragdolls. "I know it's hard. They controlled me too, but I was able to break free, thanks to Mimi! You remember her, don't you? Mimi, your niece! Blossom's daughter! She's still alive!"

Nothing. Not a twitch of a finger. Not even the flicker of an eye. Buttercup and Bubbles stayed right where they were, like good little tin soldiers just waiting to be wound up again.

Jack's ears perked at the sound to pounding metal.

"Stooopid! Worthless! Waste of wires!"

It was Drax, his back turned to the Powerpuffs and completely oblivious to Jack's presence as he continued kicking Empheles, the heavily damaged cyborg apparently having lost all will to even sit up. The beating was purely for Drax to vent his frustrations. He'd built Empheles' armor too strong to be even dented by something as simple as the scientist's leather boots.

"You almost ruined everything!" Drax screaming bitterly as he moved on to stomping on Empheles' head. "If killing you weren't a mercy I'd activate your self-destruct and blow you to kingdom come right now!"

"Is it really a self-destruct if someone else is activating it?" Empheles asked drolly.


Jack's teeth couldn't help but bear themselves as his body inched forward across the ground. "You…! You're the one who did this to them…!"

The samurai's voice finally having reached his ears, Drax turned and looked down. "Oh hey, it's the prototype." He commented with only half-interest, his mind more occupied on what kind of crushed berry Jack's body reminded him of than any fear for his safety. "Feeling jealous? Don't be. You should be proud! It's thanks to making you first that we were able to work out a lot of the kinks when making these babies." He chuckled as his gestured at Bubbles and Buttercup.

"Release them!" Jack ordered, greatly in vain as he longer even had a weapon in hand to threaten him with.

Drax ignored his words, choosing instead to admire his handiwork on the Powerpuffs. "Funny thing, Jack. You probably resemble these models more now than when you were a ragdoll yourself." He commented as he checked the stitching along Buttercup's face, not even slightly stretched or worn from her battle with Junior. "You think we'd go out of our way to kidnap General Nergal just to brew up some cannon fodder super-zombies? No, no, we use every part of the buffalo in my laboratory. How else do you think these ragdoll bodies are able to take the strain of transhuman super strength?"

Drax then felt the tight grip of a strong hand on the back of his skull, while a curved blade touched his throat from the front.

"So that's what it is." Mandy said from behind his ear, keeping Scythe 2.0's edge pressed so close to Drax's Adam's Apple that even the slightest movement from either of them would slice open his throat. "You used Nergal DNA to fill in the gaps you'd normally used human for."

Drax made certain to keep his head perfectly still, but his eyes worked to stretch as far as they could to look at his captor in his peripherals. "Is that blood I see all over your mouth, Mandy? Did you really cut into your own face to get rid of that zipper? Even with immortality, that's quite hardcore."

His words were only meant to serve as a slight distraction. Within the few seconds that he was talking, Bubbles had already closed the short distance between her and them, her hand reaching past Drax's head to grab Mandy's own throat.

"You know that for her it's going to be as easy as crushing a paper cup, right?" Drax smugly asked Mandy as her could hear some of the air being forcibly pushed out of her mouth by Bubbles' grip. "I'd suggest letting me go, lest her default programing to keep me protected deems further action to be necessary."

"My throat will grow back. How about yours?" Mandy retorted with the obvious.

"In case you haven't noticed, I literally have god on my side."

"Yeah? So do I, and mine has a hammer."

"And an IQ in the negatives. What's your point?"

Drax looked over and finally notice Junior knelling down to Jack, the unconscious body of Manny resting on his back. "Hang on, buddy. I'll fix you right up." He said as tentacles spread up from his arm and flowed into Jack's open torso, quickly putting a stop to the bleeding. "It won't be much but you'll at least be able to walk."

The flesh of the appendages and of Jack's borrowed body all came from the same source, and thus it was almost like liquid how seamlessly it all connected back together. Even when Junior had the tentacles finally leave his arm, the flesh was still squirming along and taking shape on its own until two legs and a pelvis to hold them were crafted.

Though he wobbled greatly, as soon as Jack got the feeling back into his new legs he stood up on them. "You have my many thanks." He said with a bow to Junior as he adjusted what was left of his clothing into a makeshift loincloth to protect his modesty. "I take it this is a battle we are no longer fighting?"

Junior nodded, carefully shifting Manny further up on his back so that he had a proper hold of his brother's broken leg, not wanting it to move around too much. "We have injured. We're getting out of here and meeting up with Grimskull's forces in the other realms. We'll have all the reinforcements we need there."

Listening in on the conversation, Drax understood their plan. "I see. So that's why you're holding me captive." He remarked to Mandy. "My ragdolls stopped attacking once they destroyed the Monument, and you've probably figured out it's because they didn't have any further orders to follow except for their default commands. They won't go after away runaways unless they're told to and you can slice my throat the moment I start saying anything of the such. Very clever."

Given Jack's glare, Junior could clearly tell he hated the idea of abandoning his former students. "We'll come back for them." He promised the samurai with a hand on his shoulder.

He could see Jack's fist clenching but eventually it went lax, accepting the situation.

"You will pay for what you've done." Jack declared to Drax with a point of his finger. "Our misdeeds catch up with us all."

"The karma that comes with playing god only applies if god himself disapproves." Drax mocked him, completely unphased by his threat. "I'm surprised you're going along with this, Mandy. You always struck me as too prideful to retreat." He added to her, taking care not to move around too much. "These three on the other hand? I think they could use a bit more."

A sudden pain rippled through the skulls of Junior and Jack, forcing both to take a knee as their mouths uttered numerous groans and cries of agony.

"The two of you, always trying to put others before yourselves. I bet you've got quite the ego to bring to the surface." A voice said; its high-pitched smugness so instantly familiar.

"Pride." Mandy growled, even with Bubbles still squeezing her throat.

At that name, Manny made great effort to force open his tired eyes. He could see the Sin in the shape of a schoolgirl floating above them, beaming ear to ear as a light gold mist drifted off her translucent body to coat the three of them.

"Sorry I can't give you my special attention too, Mandy, but all your pride is already on the surface. But don't worry. Once I get these two loooosers up and running, I'm sure they'll share some with you." Pride laughed, her giggles sounding more like a hog's squealing to the annoyed queen's ears.

It hurt to even move just his fingers, but still Manny found himself clutching onto the shoulder of Junior's jacket in anger. "You…! You're the reason Charles is dead!"

"Ah, ah, ah! I'm Pride, not Wrath. I'm not really interested in seeing you mad." She wagged her finger at him. "And even I can't repair a broken ego."

Another thundering explosion and blast of wind drowned out her words.

"Excuse me! I'm working here!" Pride shrieked up at the sky, where the true battle continued.

Every bolt of lightning in the sky funneled to a single point, adding their power to Mjölnir's own before Billy thrust the hammer forward, lighting up the entire Domain of Death with the single massive bolt that flew to attack his enemy.

With a simple hold out of his hands, Timmy caught the energy in his palms, none of it even touching the rest of his body.

"Really? Lightning? That's so Magic 101." He mocked Billy, bouncing the electricity back and forth between his hands like a slinky, its light reflecting off his sunglasses so brightly it was almost blinding to look at his face. "Let me show you what we learn in the advanced class."

Within a second and the lightning spread to consume the rest of Timmy's body, transforming him into power of the same kind.

As a living bolt of electricity, Timmy shot forward with the speed of such, blasting through Billy before he could even blink. And it didn't end there. As soon as he was behind Billy's giant green back Timmy turned right around for another strike, his fist of lighting aiming right for his head.

Like a ball bouncing off numerous walls, Timmy was relentless in his attacks, staying in close as he struck Billy over a thousand times in less than a second.

For his final move, Timmy shot himself up into the pink clouds above, gathering up power from them just as Billy had before. It was then that he can back down, a thunderbolt twice as large as his opponent's had been, its end opening up to form the massive jaws of a dragon's. The mouth snapped shut as it swallowed Billy, dragging him down until they both struck the tip of the closest mountain; the resulting explosion of light and force leveling it to the ground.

Once the blackened rocks of the avalanche ceased rolling, a single spark of light could be seen through the settling dust as Timmy Turner became flesh once more.

"Nothing personal, buddy. Though, to be fair, you did attack me first." Timmy called out, curious how much was left of his opponent in the crater around him. "Don't worry, by the way. I aimed us away from the others, so other than maybe some minor's lung, they'll be…they'll uh…uhhh…"

Timmy's words trailed off as he watched a large spring-green shape stand up from the dead-center of the crater.

"That was awesome!" Billy cheered, waving his arms and Mjölnir wildly in the air in his excitement, his thick orange beard heavily fluffed up with all the electricity flowing through it. "Let's do it again!"

Though it couldn't be seen through his shades, Timmy was blinking heavily. "…Okay, yeah, in hindsight: God of Thunder, immune to lightning. Duh."

Surprisingly, it was Billy himself who snapped himself back to seriousness, likely because his attention span finally found something to loop back around on. "Ah! Nice try! But you cannot distract King Spring-Green Squeaker so easily!" He declared as he pointed Mjölnir at Timmy. "You were picking on Mandy. That means you must be the Emperor of giant tiny evil! The most vile villain of all!"

"I can't help but feel I'm missing some context in whatever it is you're talking about, so I'm going to say…yes?"

That was all Billy needed to hear. "Then as the champion of all that is good! The hero of all things hydrogenated and fruity fresh! And member of the Captain Heifer fan club! I will defeat you! In the name of truth! Justice! And yogurt!"

Throwing his arms up, the very substance erupted from his armpits like twin firehoses, aimed straight for Timmy.

Holding his arm up, Timmy snapped his fingers just before the yogurt would have hit him.

It was a blinding flash of light that followed, and even when it ended there were still numerous more that followed. Their source? The shining, glittering disco ball that floated in the air above them. The scorched earth beneath their feet had been replaced by a floor of numerous multi-colored tiles. And there was a catchy beat coming from seemingly nowhere that compelled Billy to point his finger to the sky, spin around, and dance to the music's flow.

Timmy, directly across from him, was making the exact same movements. But given his smile he was much happier about it.

"I can turn lightning into dragons and yogurt into funk. How cool is that?!" Timmy asked as he and Billy spun like mirror images of each other.

"…This guy is a dork." Junior's mind still couldn't help but comment, even as he fought against Pride's influence, looking at the bizarre scene though eyes slowly turning gold.

His body still moving against its will, Billy's eyes furled in determination as he started to deliberately grind his teeth. Clutching his fists and holding his breath like he was trying to force out an incredibly stubborn fart, a bulge started to inflate underneath the stomach area of his costume, growing bigger and bigger until it finally ripped through the fabric, revealing…!

…A bright pink ballet tutu.

The bright glow that emanated from Billy's body seemed to give him the strength to fight against the disco's influence. Were it not for Timmy's shades he wouldn't have been able to see what was happening, but as Billy waved his arms like wings, shook his butt, clapped his hands, and used them to imitate quacking ducks, in that order, the disco ball exploded and the dance floor was split apart by the earthquake Billy created beneath his feet.

Everything was too bright and shaking too much to tell how long the dance lasted, but once everything finally settled, it was once again just Timmy and Billy amongst a pile of rubble.

"Nice try, evil doing person! But no funky freshness can stand up to the Mabuhay Shuffle!" Billy declared proudly with a point of his squeaking green finger, still wearing the tutu around his waist.

"Mabohai? How do you spell that?" Timmy asked.

Billy didn't give an answer to that (Timmy finding it most likely the man didn't know how to spell in general). Instead he threw his arms up to blast yogurt out once more. But not aimed at Timmy, he couldn't help but notice. It was only once Billy started swinging Mjölnir above his head that Timmy realized what he was doing.

"I see! This is the same attack you used to kill Skarr, huh?!" He called out over the roaring winds that caught the yogurt Billy was creating, swirling it all into a tornado around his body; lightning cracking between the strawberries and scenting the air.

It was only once the ungodly pink vortex had stretched miles up to connect with the clouds did Billy thrust the hammer forward to send the storm on its path. "Hurricane Hydrogenate!"

Almost like a living creature did the hurricane run forward to attack Timmy, wide enough to swallow a city block and leaving nowhere to run away to in time.

Still, at this, Timmy just gave a smirk, wind swirling around in the palms of his own hands.

"Shark Cyclone!" Timmy declared his own attack's name as he threw the winds forward like he was skipping stones across a lake. When the winds crossed each other's path they combined. Within seconds it grew and expanded into a dusty black twister to rival the hurricane. If one were to look closely, they could indeed make out the hundreds of solid, obscured shapes spinning within the tornado. Shapes that looked not unlike a certain type of large, carnivorous fish.

The storms collided with violent force. Redness was sprayed everywhere as the sharks sunk their teeth into strawberries and were in turn ripped apart by the velocity of the yogurt. This had long ceased to be a battle between men. This was a clash of nature itself. Specifically, nature with an odd sense of humor.

When the two countering currents finally cancelled each other out, water, pinkness, and shark bits rained down in a short drizzle. Timmy's magic provided an invisible dome that kept the foul-smelling mixture off of him, while Billy simply held his mouth open to the sky to catch as much of it was he could, apparently finding it quite tasty.

When it finally stopped raining, Timmy did away with his barrier, noting with a chuckle to himself how much yogurt and shark was stuck in Billy's beard.

"You know, I've got to give you credit. You are certainly living up to the expectations I've been given of you." He complimented as Billy flopped his beard up into his mouth so he could suck on it, admittedly making Timmy want to gag a little. "All those villains I gathered together and they all told me the same thing, that YOU, my friend, would be the one to be most afraid of. Here I was thinking I could just throw some giant spider-clown-mailman at you and call it a day but I haven't been given the chance yet. I thought I knew exactly how this battle would go down and that this would be easy as pie, but who could ever predict you?"

Billy excitedly spat out his beard. "I like pie!"

"Fantastic. Seriously, it's a shame you're oblivious to Mandy's abuse. We could have been on the same side. I would have loved to have seen her face when I threw you at her."

At those words, Billy glared a little and shook his head. "Nuh uh. Mandy is my friend. She kept ice cream cone safe for me. And squishes spiders. And reads me stories when I've eaten nineteen cream-filled Atomic Frenzy Cakes and can't sleep. We're best friends forever."

"Yeah? Ask the blonde with the pigtails how much being Mandy's friend is worth." Timmy pointed to Bubbles off in the distance. "You're only good to her as long as she has use for you. Once you're dead, I wonder how long it'll take before she moves on?" Timmy shook his head in pity. "Well, whatever. Come on, let's keep going. You better take me down before I decide to take a bite out of that ice cream cone of yours."

Gasping at such a horrible thing happening, Billy put on her serious face, then taking a long, defiant lick up the hammer's side. "I SCREAM!" Billy yelled as he twirled Mjölnir above his head, lightning streaming down from the sky to give the hammer its power. "FOR ICE CR-!"

It happened in a blink.

One second Timmy was standing across from Billy.

The next he was the same distance behind him, their backs to each other.

"Billy and Mandy." Timmy spoke as Billy was as quiet as he'd been all day. "Two names almost inseparable from each other. One's the brains and the other's the heart, mostly because you're both so lacking in what the other has."

The lightning had stopped flashing, and Mjölnir's spin slowly came to a halt as Billy's hands were no longer moving it. Once it finally was at a full stop, the hammer slipped from his grip and fell to the ground with a hard smash, partly burying its head into the dirt.

"BEMJ seemed to forget which one you were earlier. It was a 50/50 shot. At least that meant I knew for sure what to go for."

Timmy didn't even turn around. He simply held his hand out to his side, showing off to everyone else present what he held in it.

A shiny red heart with the last of its beats finally dying out.

There were no injuries on Billy's body. Not a single wound dripping with blood or even a cut that showed evidence of penetration.

And yet, just like his hammer, Billy fell to the ground, completely motionless.

"…BILLY!" Mandy screamed from across the battlefield. Her eyes, normally so cold and controlled, couldn't have been wider. The sight before her…it was impossible. There was no way it could be real.

Within his hand, the heart Timmy carried became consumed by an unearthly sapphire flame. "Amazing what you can do with a simple sleight of hand." He commented to himself as he turned around, throwing the heart down at his fallen foe. When the burning organ touched upon it, the fire spread out across Billy's body, eating away at him as well. "No more resurrections."

Even from the distance away, the blue flames reflected heavily off Mandy's eyes. She couldn't look away from the pyre. It seemed like she was just waiting for something to happen. Like any minute now Billy would stand back up, completely oblivious to the flames around him and say something so stupid she'd want to punch his nose in.

But that never came.

"Hey, cameraman! You better have caught that! This is my big day!"

At first it was not clear who or what Timmy was yelling up to at. But with just the slightest bit of focus and Junior was able to sense the creature's soul, even before it turned off its invisibility.

"Appatu…?" Junior grimaced through the fog Pride was putting his mind through. Indeed, the ghost was the same Observant he'd met back at Danny's castle. After everything that'd happened, between the fight with Dan and Daniela's injuries, Junior hadn't given any thought about what'd happened to him. He knew ghosts didn't have to eat yet somehow Appatu looked even thinner then when he'd last seen him just hours ago, and his arms were bound together by a pair of thick iron shackles attached to a large weight. As was immediately obvious, he was now the slave of the God of Magic.

"I-I was watching, master. I promise I was." Appatu whimpered as he nodded to him, his chains jingling with of his body's twitches.

"Ah, thatta boy. See? You can make yourself useful." Timmy applauded him, though doing nothing to hid any of the cruelty in his voice. He chuckled to himself as he walked away from the ashes that were former Billy. Appatu stayed where he was, very clearly not wanting to get in his way.

In contrast to the ghost, however, Pride flew up to Timmy once he was close enough to the victims she was keeping bound. "See? I told you I could do it. As if there ever was any doubt. I was clearly the most important player in this plan. This wouldn't have gone nearly as well if I hadn't called you using that looooooser Pain and told you I infiltrated the castle. Your plan would have been completely screwed up thanks to those two loooooosers Pandora and Jack. Naturally that means I should get the biggest share of the rewards. I'll start with first pick of whoever is left alive in Grimskull. There's got to be a lot looooooser servants with buried pride to bring out. After all, they were working for an unpopular looooooooooooooooser like Mandy. No self-respect has got to be a job requirement. And then after that, I think I'm entitled to a-"

"Wow, you are super annoying." Timmy said with remarkable casualty.

As Pride blinked at him in confusion, her brain needing a moment to process what he'd just said, Timmy conjured up a simple plastic straw into his hand, before then jabbing it into the Sin's forehead.

Before she even had a second to scream or protest, Timmy sucked Pride up in her entirety with a single slurp.

"…BUUUUUUUUUUURP! Blegh. Sour." Timmy shook his head in mild disgust.

He then noticed everyone was staring at him. Even the emotionless ragdolls.

"…What? She's from the box. She's magic. I was hungry." Timmy said as he tossed the straw over his shoulder, it disappearing into sparkles before it ever touched the ground.

"You do know that was our last Sin, right sir?" Drax asked, still being careful not to move too much, lest Scythe 2.0 slice his throat.

"Ah, their gimmick's worn off. It's fine." Timmy waved the problem away as he resumed walking to them.

Jack likely felt it too. It was far easier for Junior to think again. Pride's influence over them was gone, meaning it wasn't a trick. Timmy had destroyed the last of the Seven Deadly Sins, and done it so easily.

"No. No time to think about that right now." Junior's mind regained focus as he could hear the God of Magic's boots crunching the ground as he approached. He forced himself to stand back up, feeling the weight of Manny's body against his back. Buttercup was still making no moves against him and Jack but Bubbles still had Mandy caught by the throat. "I need to think of a way to get us all out of here. This God of Magic guy is powerful, yeah… But maybe if I can keep him distracted long enough I'll be able to open a scythe portal and at least get us out of the Domain of Death. If I bring out the Rider's power for just a few seconds, maybe I can create a fireblast bright enough to blind him and-!"

Junior's thought interrupted themselves, as once again Timmy suddenly closed the distance in an instant to appear right in front of him.

Eyes wide, Junior just reacted, throwing forth a volley of hellfire to attack.

With such simple movement, Timmy pushed Junior's hand aside, deflecting his aim and sending the flames shooting harmlessly past his head.

"That's enough of that." Timmy said so casually as he reached past Junior's own head, it being unclear what he was doing until Junior realized, to his horror, that he was going for Manny.


"Boop." Timmy said as the back of his fingers lightly bopped Manny's forehead.

A shockwave blasted out, scattering everyone. Like some unseen force was pushing them away, everyone was made to release those in their hold. Mandy released Drax. Bubbles released Mandy. And through no will of his own, Junior released Manny. It was five thuds total Junior heard against the hard ground, and as the Powerpuffs were the only ones strong enough to remain standing, he was able to guess that Manny was one of them.

"Manny! Are you-…?"

Junior cut his question short. He'd turned in fear worry over his little brother's already terrible condition. But when he saw him, his eyes went straight to what Manny's were already looking at.

His arm and his leg. Both so horribly mangled from the battles he'd been through today. The makeshift casts and splints that'd been covering them were gone, but in their absence was nothing noteworthy. No blood, gashes, or broken bones. His arm and leg…they were exactly how they should be.

"You… You healed me?" The teen uttered in complete bewilderment as he looked up from where he sat to Timmy.

"Yeah. Didn't see any reason why not to." Timmy replied with a shrug. "You're Dan's kid right? Nice to meet you. I'm Timmy Turner, though my friends…or at least my former friend…call me Tim. God of Magic. Mastermind behind this whole terrorist attack. Enjoyer of pink shirts. And most importantly…" He turned to Junior.

"Turner-!" Mandy got up but as soon as she did Timmy blasted another zipper over her mouth.

"Okay, I know it's petty, but I really enjoy doing that." He chuckled to himself. "Now then, I-"

Junior jumped up to his feet, arms out and Nergal flesh stretching, ready to fight.

"…Okay, you just saw me insta-kill another god, right?" Timmy asked him, holding his hands up just like before to ease him down. "And the fact that I could do that so easily means it's very likely I could kill everyone else here too, right? Mandy and Jack are tough but they're still human, as is your little brother when he's not in his ghost form. So the fact that I haven't done that yet means that I don't want to fight you. Dig?"

Junior didn't lower his arms or his gaze. Despite not really believing what the God of Magic was saying, Junior still didn't attack, as he still didn't yet have a plan for how to get them all to safety.

"Okay… So what is it you do want?" Junior asked, stalling for time as he tried to think of something.

Junior was thrown off a little as Timmy seemed to smile in relief. "Thank you. Like I was trying to say before, the reason I'm doing all of this is because-"


Everyone's attention was directed towards the castle, where the sudden laughter had come from. It was quite easy to spot its owner. Not only was he standing on the very tip of one of the horns the castle stood atop of, but his lumbering, bright blue and patchwork body was bulky enough he could have been instantly spotted were he climbing up one of Grimskull's walls.

"MASTER! I DID IT!" The Boogieman cheered, holding his long desire prize above his head. The scythe of the Grim Reaper, its blade brimming with a supernatural purple glow, just as he was willing it to do so. "I SURPASSED GRIM! I FINALLY BEAT HIM! I'VE FINALLY BECOME WHAT I'VE ALWAYS BEEN MEANT TO BE! LONG LIVE…THE BOOGIE REAPER!"

Given the distance, it took a minute before his voice reached down to the group. And when it did, Timmy's face sunk into his hand, the man giving a heavy sigh.

"Timing, Boogie. For fuck's sake."

Slowly but surely, Junior's pupils shrank in his shook. The scythe had not been what he'd noticed first, but rather what flapped behind the Boogieman's back.

A long black robe, its sleeves tied around Boogie's neck so that he could wear it as a cape.

"…Dad?" Junior whimpered out with a single breath, not wanting to believe what his eyes were seeing.

Like she knew exactly what was about to happen, Mandy grabbed Manny by the collar and pulled him back with her as she ran.

The world went red barely a second later.

All that was left where Junior had been standing was molten glass, rippling from its center like the tides of the ocean. Boogie was not given even the chance to blink and the burning Demon Reaper was already upon him; a trail of fire showing his path through the sky.

With a scream of fury unlike anything Boogie had ever heard, Junior grabbed the dream demon by his face. The instant the scalding hot bones touched upon him, Boogie felt his skin boil and melt until it felt like liquid.

Within the next second and Timmy instantly appeared between the two, backhanding Junior with his fist and sending him flying back down to the ground far below.

The flames had been too fast and too intense for Boogie to feel anything while it was happening. But now, with Junior's hand removed and the demon's face exposed to the air, he started screaming. The pain…! It was blinding! It was the worst Boogie had ever felt in his life! Like his very bones had been made of candle wax and that Reaper's fingers had carved right into it.

"Boogie, I suggest you go somewhere else." Timmy told him, not an ounce of sympathy in his voice for his injuries as he kept his gaze squarely focused on Junior.

Forcing himself eventually to stop screaming, Boogie looked up with great effort at his master. He could see his own skin melting over his eye. It'd been his right side that'd taken the worst of it.

"Master-! My face…!"

Suddenly, Boogie felt very cold. The burning sensation was still there but this feeling completely overwhelmed it. It felt as though his very internal organs had been dumped in ice water.

"Do. NOT. Test me right now."

Timmy's warning was all the clarification Boogie needed. His master hadn't even turned to look at him and yet he could still feel his intent. If he was even the slightest bit difficult, he would be destroyed without a second thought.

"I-…_ h-hear and obey, master." Boogie bowed his head as it took all the strength he could muster to swing his scythe against the empty air. A portal was ripped open and Boogie more let himself fall into it rather than any sort of walk.

Junior could sense it the moment the portal closed. The Boogieman's soul was no longer in the Domain of Death.

He got away.

His father's murderer got away!


The air itself around Junior was exploding from the heat of his flames. His body outright refused to contain its anger and fire that coated it lashed out wildly as he screamed at the sky.

Once more, Timmy sighed. "And now I have to fight my son, because none of you assholes could make this easy for me, could you?"

Bending down, Junior's powerful limbs shot him upwards like a rocket, scorching a black line all up his path alongside Grimskull, aiming directly for Timmy.

Within his hand, Timmy caught Junior's thrown fist, his other hand catching the next. The air from the impact blasted past Timmy's jacket but he remained unmoved from where he floated, and he showed not a single sign that Junior's flames were burning his palms.

"I don't suppose there's any chance of you calming down and us being able to talk this out?" Timmy asked hopefully.

Junior gave his answer by having his body explode in the man's face like a napalm bomb.


Author's notes: Let's see, last update was back in January… Yeah, that sadly seems about right. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up the speed on the output of chapters again now that I mercifully have some free time again. Though I did take a small break to write that Overlord fanfic, which is an anime I highly recommend and a light novel series I recommend even more so.

QTP: What was special about that box Mandy tried to trap Timmy in? Why hasn't Timmy tried to absorb Mjölnir's magic yet? Why did Timmy heal Manny? And can the Burning Demon Reaper defeat the God of Magic?