Hey everyone, I'm sorry this isn't a new chapter, but I thought that I'd give you all a reason why. This morning I recieved a review that...I'm sorry to say but it was quite a blow to me. The 'guest' review stated that the norm at first (asking for an update and such). I wouldn't have minded it...were it not for the next words that came from their keyboard "you know I used to think you were a great writer...but the INCONSISTENT updates are starting to make me lose interest". Now, I know that a lot of you don't read my profile, so let me spell this out. I am a college student. Everyone knows that college likes to take time away from writers. Now, the reason why I've been updating other stories instead of this one is because I'm not blocked on them and I have more to work with. Overwatch is still fairly new and the lore is spotty in some places. To be honest, I'm actually stuck on Shadow and Light. That's why I moved to other stories. No, I'm not dead...as the almost non-stop updating on other stories is stating...Just busy.

I'm sorry that I can't update everything at once...you have no idea how much I wish I could...but with school and me getting stuck in another fandom, it's hard. If you think I'm a good writer, I thank you (because I certainly don't think so...there are so many better than me!) If not, that's ok (I agree with you there). But if the only reason you think I'm a good writer is because I have a quick update time for some stories...then I highly recommend you rethink what it means to be a good writer. After all, would you rather have a quick but (pardon me) crappy chapter...or a slower but really good chapter? Shadow and Light's chapter has a good chunk of it written, but I'm stuck in a few places on it. I know where eventually I want to go...and I have an ending in mind, but other than that...I'm not quite sure.

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.