Okay, since so many people are excited for season 2, here it is! The first episode of Ben 10 Guardians Season 2! Some familiar faces return here and I'll introduce the designs from Season 2 onward for Ben and his team. (The old outfits got damaged badly against Khyber's forces :P). Anyway, enjoy!

Happy Reunions

(Bellwood USA. March 5th, 11:03 Midtown.)

It has been a few months since the events with Khyber and his hunting party and Ben and his friends haven't heard from him in awhile. So they spent the last few months on their usual routine; go to school, hanging out, a few dates here and there for Ben and Julie, and training. But of course, in between all of that, they saved lives in Bellwood or anywhere that needed their help.

For example, in Midtown Bellwood, a fire had broken out at an apartment complex. Many people were led out as a man coughed a bit, but stopped. "Madison? Madison!" He said as he looked to the building as he heard a small voice yell out 'Daddy!' as his eyes widen in horror. "My daughter is in there!"

"Sir, calm down! We'll get her out! There are others still inside as well." said a fireman as he tried to keep the father at bay, until they saw a cream and orange ship come in.

"That's one of Ben 10's ships!" said one of the people in the crowd as Ben jumped out, along with Julie and Rook; Ben had replaced his ruined jacket with one that was white and black with a stylized '10' written on the back in green and black with a hood, and a small Omnitrix-styled hourglass on his right side. Next t him Julie had a new hoodie as well; it was pink as her old one but with orange bolt-like symbols coming from her pockets and now wore sport shorts instead of her skirt and a button on her zipper with an Omnitrix hourglass on it. And finally Rook's armor had been updated, outfitted with a stylized Omnitrix insignia o his belt

"Don't worry sir, we'll get them out in no time." said Ben as he slammed down on the Omnitrix, turning into Rath, who roared out. "Rath? Okay Omnitrix, this is a FIRE. Ugh...whatever. You, stop worryin'. We'll get the little girl out."

Ship went around Julie as Rook put on a air mask and nods as they ran inside under the crumbling building, the smoke effecting vision as Rook says, "Young girl! Where are you?" He looked around as Ship beeped a bit.

"You find the others, boy?" Julie asked as Ship beeped as they nodded, going up stairs; Rook by the stairs themselves, Julie with a little lift from her feet and Rath by climbing up the flight before they came across others on higher floors. "This way!" Julie said as Rath heard screaming.

"I got her!" Rath said as he smashed through an apartment complex as he heard screaming from a bed room, unaware of a figure trying to hide under something as he opened the door, revealing a scared child. She looked up at the ceiling and screamed as a beam was about to it her, but was caught by Rath, who roared out and tossed it aside.

"Kitty!" the little girl said, running up and hugging him as Rath just looked surprised as he gave a flat look.

"Okay, okay. Don't get emotional, scared little girl." Rath said as he picked her up as he ran out of the apartment, unaware of a pink glow coming from near by.

"I may like the brain crab, but you work." The little girl said, keeping close as Rath just groaned a bit as he met up with the others downstairs.

"Madison!" said the father as the little girl jumped off and hugged him, but then the little girl looked around.

"Where's Dollie?" asked the little girl as Julie looked confused.

"Who's Dollie? You're toy?" asked Julie as she shook her head.

"No, my kitty! She's still in there!" said Madison as Rath looked at the inferno as he just groaned a bit.

"OF course..." He muttered as he ran back inside. "Be right back! I'll get the cat!" He then jumped up, going into the window that led to the floor they got her from. Inside, the fire had gotten worse as Rath listened around as he growled a bit."Show yourself, Dollie! Rath doesn't have all day!"

The ground under him almost gave way, but a pink aura went over him as he looked surprised as he was lifted over to the source, where he saw two people, one of which petting a scared brown and white cat. One was Kevin, now wearing gray-and-dark-gray sweat shirt under his black t-shirt and a necklace around his neck, which had a familiar bike lock on it along with a few stray keys, likely from cars no one wanted. Next to him was Gwen, now wearing a blue jacket with a large cat-like mark on it's chest area in between the zipper and a pair of jeans.

"Did you miss us?" Gwen said, giving a smirk as Kevin just gave a casual wave.

"S'up Tennyson? Hot enough for ya? Come on." Kevin said as Rath gave a faint growl but followed them out as they saw the fire was getting worse. "Okay, we need to snuff this out."

"I got this!" Gwen said as her eyes shined bright violet. "Super Theca!" Suddenly the flames around them went down as she nods. The three then ran out as Kevin and Rath smashed through the weakened wall, all three jumping out

"Dollie!" said Madison as Gwen gave her the cat, which calmed down when returned to her owner. Kevin gave a smirk as Ben turned back to normal, as Julie came over with an excited Ship, who hopped around the two.

"When did you two show up?" Julie asked as Gwen gave a shrug, amused as she looked around the area.

"We arrived a few minutes ago. We saw the fire and came to help." Gwen explained as Julie gave an 'Aah' as Rook walked up, giving a nod.

"Hello there. I am Rook Blonco, I work with Ben and Julie." Rook said as he gave them a nod. Kevin nods as he pressed a button on his keys, as a green and black car came up.

"Come on, lets head to Mr. Smoothies. The one where the college is stinks." Kevin said as the group nods, unaware of a figure watching from above, a sneer on her face.

(Mr. Smoothies. 11:31)

The five were at a table inside of Mr. Smoothie as Julie saw the newer building in Bellwood. "Why do we have 22 of these things in Bellwood again?" Julie asked as she took a sip of her strawberry and chocolate smoothie.

"No idea. That popular maybe?" Kevin said as he took a sip of a mango smoothie. "But unlike some of us, we like the NORMAL stuff." as he gave Rook an odd look.

"...what? This savory blend tastes good to me. Not as good as Amberogia, but it is at least top 5." Rook said with a shrug as Ben chuckled a bit.

"So, how's college treating you, cous?" Ben asked Gwen, who took a sip of her kiwi and peach smoothie as she thought it over.

"Hmm...about the same as saving the world, but add in a pompous Art history professor and a kinda goofy world history professor." Gwen said with a shrug. "We just started Spring break, but I had been asking Grandpa Max to get Kevin and I back into the fray. We got a routine there now, but I am getting kinda bored just doing school stuff. Heck, Kevin has a job now." Ben choked on his smoothie at this.

"A JOB!? As in..a job-job!?" Ben asked as Kevin just shrugs at this, smirking a bit.

"At a garage. It's a sweet gig." Kevin shrugs at this as he adds, "Though I wouldn't mind busting heads again. Heard you were working at Baumann's store though." Ben had a sour look at that.

"It'd be cool if you guys came back into the Plumbers. You'll like some of the new faces." Julie said with a smile as Kevin looked around cautiously as he got up.

"Hey Tennyson, I need a refill. Come on." Kevin said as Ben shrugs as he followed him, as he watched Kevin look around. "Look, we need to get Gwen somewhere safe."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked Ben in confusion as he heard a ship coming in as he glared at this. "Who's that?"

"That's the thing we need to keep away from Gwen and I. Trust me on this." Kevin said as a rocket flew out of the ship, aiming for Gwen but Ship turned into a turret and fired a laser, creating a shock wave that shattered Kevin's windows. "OH COME ON! REALLY!?"

"What's going on?" Gwen asked as she saw a yellow and black ship aiming at them. "Uh-Oh..." The ship fired down as the three moved quickly, with Ben slamming down on the Omnitrix, turning into...

"Ceremander." said the reptilian-looking alien as his three eyes shined a bit as he threw the ship off balance, slamming it into the ground but it quickly used its turbos to rise to the air, making him grunt at this. "Go...now." he said as the group nod as they went into the Proto-Truk and took off with Ceremander flying behind them to keep the ship at bay, firing lasers out of his eyes.

"Who's chasing us!?" Julie asked Kevin and Gwen, as Rook grunts as he tried to get faster, avoiding any attacks or buildings as he flew.

"No idea. Kevin?" Gwen asked as Kevin looked back at it, frowning a bit.

"Lets just say something I tried to cut when I first joined up with you guys. Guess they can't take a hint..." Kevin muttered, asking Gwen look at him suspiciously before Ceremander appeared on top of the Proto-Truk.

"Julie, may I suggest...Ship-Boost?" Rook asked as Julie nods, Ship melting off out to the outside and become the engines for his spaceship form and powered up.

"Bon voyage." Ceremander said with a small wave as the ship took off like a shot, making the other ship lose course as the salamander-like alien went into the ship, turning back into Ben. "Rook, get us to Undertown. We need to get Kevin and Gwen somewhere safe."

"Right away." Rook said with a nod as they flew down towards a near-by subway, turning into the van form as it drove quickly. The truck went behind something as they went outside, the group panting a bit.

"Gotta say...this ride is awesome. Who made it?" Kevin said as Rook only smirked. "Wait, YOU made this thing?"

"I do some mechanics when I am free." Rook admitted as Kevin gave an approving smirk at this as Ship came back inside.

"Come on, lets go find a safe house to figure out what's going on." Julie said as the group went out of the truck, looking around.

"SO, you going to explain what's going on, Kevin?" Gwen asked as Kevin gave a 'one sec' motion as he saw a near by stand.

"Hmm, Anti-matter transmitters on Earth? NICE." Kevin said as he looked around and nods, motioning them to a near by building as they went inside. "Okay...we should be good here..."

"From WHAT?!" Gwen asked in frustration as Ben gave a 'calm down' motion to his cousin. Then there was a shock wave with the patrons running from a space ship with Argit being thrown at them as they looked up.

"UH...HEY Kev, what's up?" He asked sheepishly as Kevin gave him a glare before they saw someone walking over, a glare on her face. It was a female Tetramand who was surprisingly lean for a usually super strong alien, but was still fairly muscular and wearing black and gold battle armor with a cape, which had an insignia akin to a four eyed beast's face on it, her dark orange eyes narrowed darkly

"Hello...Kevin Levin. I have come for what you had promised me; your hand." She said with a glare as Kevin only glared back.

"I broke that off, Looma." Kevin said as Gwen gave him a look. "Long story, tell you guys later."

"Okay, who the heck are you?" Ben asked as Julie got ready for anything as the large woman glared darkly at them.

"You, interloper, are in the presence of Looma Red Wind, the heiress of Warlord Garlan Red Wind. Kevin was my betrothed...but the man had the gall to break the engagement. So I have come to break him...and the one who caused it." She said, glaring towards Kevin and Gwen.

"Okay, you seriously need to learn to let a guy go..." Julie muttered at this as Ship went over her to armor up, as Ben slammed down on the Omnitrix, glowing brightly as he turned into Terraspin.

"Terraspin? Okay...guess I'll turtle her..." Terraspin muttered as Kevin gripped a near by lamp post, getting armor but, to Ben's shock, also absorbed the electricity in it.

"Don't worry, I helped Kevin train to control his energy powers while we were gone." Gwen explained as Kevin smirked a bit as his hands turned into hammers coated with electrical energy. HE then ran at Looma, who grunts from the shocks before she grabs his neck and threw him into a wall before she got hit by a flying Terraspin.

Looma growled at this as she grabs the turtle and threw him into a wall, making Terraspin grunt a bit as Rook got a signal out for the Plumbers as Julie fired her lasers at the princess, making the Tetramand growled as she slammed her foot down, making her go flying from a shock wave.

"Ow..." Julie groaned at this as she shook her head to get the dizziness off as she looked in shock as Kevin was thrown into her, sending her back. Julie and Kevin both groaned a bit as Terraspin yelled out as he was thrown into a wall.

Looma glowered at Gwen as she was about to strike her down when a flurry of shards flew her way, making her yell out. Rook looked up to see Tetrax, Manny and Helen driving a small car towards them. Ship turned into his smaller form as Helen quickly moved them all into the car. Ben turned back to normal and hopped on.

"Thanks guys." said Ben as Tetrax nods as he gave Gwen and Kevin a small smile.

"Should have told me you two were visiting. I would have gotten cleaned up." Tetrax said, rubbing the 'goatee' he had grown as Kevin gave him a smirk.

"Nice. I didn't know Petrosapiens had facial hair." Kevin said as Gwen was giving him a small look.

"And WHO Was that?" Gwen asked, motioning behind them as Kevin gave a sheepish look.

"Okay..that was Looma Redwind, she was kinda after us...I broke a deal with her and, well...yeah...she now wants us either captured or dead...I think. She kinda sent that signal." Kevin said as Gwen groaned at this.

"I kinda expected you to owe someone money, but engaged?" Ben asked SA Manny did a double take at all of this.

"Whoa, whoa! Time out! That crazy chick was a RED WIND!?" Manny asked in shock as he grabbed Kevin. "Are you tired of breathing or something!? Why would you tick one of them off!?"

Tetrax stopped the hover car as he turned to Kevin as Ben says, "You may want to clue us in..."

"Okay...back when Argit and I were in our old...business days, we ended up on Khoros. It was for some tech I needed for a project. I met with the head of the Red Winds, and he said he wouldn't give it to me...but apparently they thought I'd be a good husband for his daughter, so I ended up getting engaged for the tech...but that was WAY before I met up with you guys again. After the Highbreed invasion, I cut it off. Guess Looma didn't take rejection well..." Kevin said with a sigh. "Not proud of it, but it did happen."

"Why not give the tech back, dude?" asked a voice as Argit came in, shaking his head at this. "...I snuck away before the crazy princess decided to skin me for losing you guys. I just had to follow your scents."

"I'm not giving them my car's engine just cause some crazy princess is after me. Sides, that wouldn't work." Kevin said as the others just stared. "...whoops."

"YOU MEAN I'M TARGETED BECAUSE OF YOUR CAR!?" Gwen asked, showing a lot of annoyance as her eyes turned bright pink in annoyance.

"Easy there, Gwen! Look, I made the engine for a ship awhile back. I just reused it for the car. Why else would it survive so much?" Kevin explained sheepishly. "Argit and I ended up stranded on Khoros back then, so we needed a new one."

"Hmm...that does make sense. Tetramands may not be as technologically advanced as the Galvan, but they make some of the best vehicles in the galaxy." Rook said with a nod. "I use a similar engine for the Proto-Truk. In fact, some of the most advanced non-Galvan made ships have a Khoros engine or some component from that planet."

Gwen sighed a bit, having calmed herself down a bit as she says, "Still, why did you take advantage of some poor girl's feelings?"

"'Some Poor girl'? Gwen, I know you're sympathetic and all...but trust me on this; Tetramand girls aren't exactly ones to just be watching sad movies an eating ice cream when they're sad. They would want to crush someone's skull." Manny said as he got back into the car. "SO I'm getting out of here before that nut wants a piece of me."

"Wait, you want to NOT fight her?" Helen asked in shock. "But you're usually all over the bad guy."

"Most bad guys aren't Red Winds. I don't want to get on her dad's bad side." Manny said as the group heard the sound of crushing stone as they all turned nervously to see Looma smashing a wall with what looked like a mix between a bo staff and a sledgehammer, with two large hammer heads on both ends as she swing them around, glaring.

"Ah man..." Ben said nervously as Kevin grabbed onto the car and got metal armor to protect himself.

"Alright beloved...time for you to repay me in full." said Looma with a glare at Kevin as Ben slammed own, turning into XLR8.

"Helen, Manny, Julie: Get Gwen out of here. This place is too enclosed for a lot of fighters." XLR8 said as Julie nods, as Ship turned into a large motorcycle-like vehicle, beeping a bit. Julie and Gwen got on it with Helen and Manny as it took off. Tetrax and Kevin then charged, but Tetrax was sent back by a blow from a hammer as Argit nervously fired out spikes at Looma, but it bounced off of her hammer.

"I have you now, Kevin." Looma said as she grabbed him by the neck with her lower arm and jumped up, smashing through the ceiling as Ben and Rook nod to the other. Tetrax got up, rubbing his head as he jumped up, getting his hoover board out as he flew up the hole Looma made, XLR8 running after with Rook firing a grappling hook up.

On the upper grounds, Julie looked around a construction site near the sewers' opening. "Okay, we need to get to the Plumber HQ." Helen said, getting off as she looked around, Manny frowning.

Suddenly the ground flew up as they saw Kevin being thrown into the air as Looma glared at his, her orange eyes narrowed. Suddenly diamond shards and rapid punches came her way as XLR8 and Tetrax continued their onslaught against her.

"Kevin!" Gwen said as she went to her boyfriend, but cried out as XLR8 hit her, making the two cousins fall to the ground as Looma glared, walking over to her. "Ow...look, I get why you're upset, but we don't need to fight. It's all a big misunderstanding."

"Peh, pitiful insect." Looma said as she swung the hammer down, as Gwen grunts at this, getting a barrier around her. "...So you're an Anodite, hmm? Peh...one of the most pathetic beings to ever live. Nothing more than glowbugs who can't fight like true warriors, they just hide behind nonsense words and cowardly hexes."

"...WHAT was that?" Gwen asked, her eyes narrowed as she says, "...I wanted to be nice, but now I'm mad; MAGUS RENATA!" Suddenly her body glowed bright violet as her appearance changed; she became a humanoid with dark violet skin and shining pink energy for hair, but her eyes were glowing bright blue with energy and having a new attire over her body; a dark red uniform with a stylized blue cat head with pink eyes on her chest and belt, a pair of blue gloves and a cat-styled mask over her face.

"What is that?" asked XLR8 in confusion as Gwen continued to glare at this, her body radiating with mana as she stood her ground against Looma.

"It's a compromise I made with Grandma Verdona...this is the Magus Anodite, a sort of in-between of full Anodite and my human form. It's sort of my new 'Lucky Girl' form." Gwen said to Ben as she glared at this. "TURBO!" Suddenly a large tornado-force wind flew at Looma, sending her flying as she glared. "Badickinis Metalalurca!" Metal objects flew at Looma next, wrapping around her and into a near-by wall.

"Nice one, cous!" said XLR8 with a smirk as Looma roared in rage as she ripped out of the metal, glaring at this. She walked over, angry as Gwen glared. The other Plumbers got up, getting into a ready position before energy flew down from above.

"Ah nuts..." Manny said nervously as he looked up, seeing a large yellow ship flew down. On a floating machine coming down was a towering, 14-foot Tetramand with a missing lower right arm and wearing dark red armor and a scar on his lower left eye, closing it.

"I am Garland Red Wind, the ruler of the Red Wind Providence and a Warlord of the planet Khoros. Give Kevin Levin and Gwen Tennyson over to Looma...or the Earth perishes for their crime." He said calmly, glaring at them.

"I am afraid I can't let you do that, Lord Red Wind. Kevin and Gwen are members of the Plumbers now. I cannot just give them to you." Tetrax said, trying to be civil as Gar just sneered.

"Then how about this; we commence with the wedding then, and I will spare them both." Garland said as Gwen only looked mad, but Kevin only looked concerned. Ben turned back to normal, a frown on his face.

"How about something else?" Ben said, coming up at this. "I'll take your daughter on. I win, you leave them alone."

"And if you lose...I shall do with them as I wish. Alright then. Looma? Are you alright with this?" Gar said as Looma only smirked at this.

"To fight Ben Tennyson, the savior of the universe, in proper combat? What warrior doesn't wish for that." She said with a smirk as the group backed up.

"We have to help." Rook said as Manny stopped him and Julie, shaking his head.

"Ya can't. With Tetramands, if someone asks for one-on-one, you can't back either out until one is out cold or dead." Manny said as Julie looked concerned.

"Ah man...Ben..." Julie said in concern as Ben slammed down on the Omnitrix, turning into Crashhopper.

"Begin!" said Gar as Looma ran at Crashhopper, grabbing him by the head and throwing him into a near-by wall. Gar then stood by the Plumbers, watching the fight go out as Crashhopper jumped and kicked her, making her grunt. "So...is Tennyson a trained fighter?"

"Not really..." Tetrax said with a frown. "He has standardized training from the Plumbers, along with wrestling experience from something called...Underground fighting?"

"Yeah...and I thought him some martial arts, but he's no where near my level." Gwen said as Crashhopper landed near by. He slams down on the Omnitrix symbol, turning into Clockwork.

"Clockwork? Okay...I can work with this...hopefully." He saw Looma charging at him. The key on his head began to spin, slowing down time to a near halt. He chuckled a bit as he says, "Heh...now..." He looked around and nods. He quickly went over and placed a cloth over Looma's frozen body, putting it over her face and then began to move several things, but to the outside world, he seemed to have vanished from sight.

"And...done." said Clockwork, appearing at the side as Looma suddenly cried out at the sheet over her body, making her grab at it in shock, tripping over something that caused several steel beams that were stacked near her to fall on top of her, making her cry out.

"Whoa..." Said Julie, surprised and impressed at the same time for Ben as Rook clapped a bit at the clever thinking. Looma moved the steel beams off of her before being tackled by a flying Sandbox, who glared at her.

"Give up?" He asked before he was thrown into a wall. "Guess not..." He then sent forth a large blast of sand towards her, as she just laughed at this before clapping her hands, creating a sonic boom to send him flying.

"I am from a desert planet. You truly think sand will stop me?" She asked, amused by this as he groaned a bit as some of the building came down on top of him. She smirked at this as she says, "And that shall do it."

"Ah man..." Kevin said in shock as he saw his best friend go down as Gwen and Julie look on in horror.

"Ben!" said Rook as Argit bit his fingernails, concerned as Tetrax sneered at this, angry at this. Manny looked at Helen, who was equally concerned.

"Guess we should get on with the ceremony then?" Garland said as Kevin got nervous, before a bright green flash filled the air, making them all look in shock.

"I'm not done yet, Looma. Wanna know why I always win?" Asked a familiar voice as a familiar red alien came out at this, glaring with his four yellow-green eyes. "Cause I don't give up." Four-Arms stood proudly, cracking his knuckles as he glared at Looma.

"Four-Arms!" said Kevin with a smirk as the two Tetramands charged and sent a punch at each other, creating a shock wave. "Finally, a fair fight!"

"Female Tetramands are slightly stronger than males, but who knows...Looma still has an advantage, but Ben has dealt with worse." Rook said, unsure on this situation as the fight continued. The two continued to trade blows, creating shock waves as the two were sent back from the other, Four-Arms glaring.

Four-Arms kicked her way, breaking her helmet and sending her flying back as she growls before Ben looked around and smirked. He then jumps up and grabs a near by ship and throws it down, making Looma cry out as she got hit by it. He then landed, panting a bit as he looks at Garland.

"Alright Ben!" Said Helen, as Manny only looked concerned, face palming a bit.

"Well, that's that. A man worthy to marry my daughter." Said Garland...as the others got dead silent at that, as Four-arms only stared.

"...Say what now?" asked Four-Arms as Looma groaned a bit, rubbing her head. "Uh...look, I Was trying to save my friend and cousin, I am not interested!"

"Why?" Garland asked, as Four-Arms motioned to Julie.

"Well, for one, I already got a girlfriend. And two...an arranged marriage isn't exactly my thing." Four-Arms said as he adds, "Plus you came here to attack Earth."

"Yeah, I doubt that's a good thing to bring up wedding plans when you did that." Tetrax said, scowling at Garland as he just nods at this.

"Hmm...alright then. Looma, come. We shall return within 3 earth years. Save the date. We shall see how things turn out then." Garland said as Looma nods, giving Ben a wink on her way out, making him very nervous as Julie was giving Kevin a death glare as the ship with the Tetramands took off.

"So...why didn't you tell us you got that engine block because you beat Looma in a fight?" asked Julie, annoyed.

"Uh...never asked for one?" Kevin said sheepishly. "Look, they'll be gone for awhile. Thanks for saving my butt, man."

"Eyeah...sure. But if she shows up...you're helping me get rid of her." Ben said as Kevin just gave a sheepish grin at that.

"Hm...you know, you two could rejoin the plumbers." Tetrax said, looking at Gwen at this. "Given this insanity, I'm gonna need to keep a better eye on Kevin."

"Trust me...I already agreed to that stupid chip thing when we had to go to Plumber Academy...and get a replacement when it got fried after the whole 'Ultimate Kevin' thing." Kevin said, looking annoyed as he scratched his neck at this.

"But yeah...if you guys do need any help, don't be afraid to call." Gwen said as Ben just nods, still kinda annoyed about the whole situation. Unknown to them however, a figure was watching. Khyber had a pair of binoculars out as he nods.

"Have you got a visual?" Psychobos asked, as Khyber nods as he smirked a bit.

"Indeed I have. How is my pet and the Nemetrix?" Khyber asked as Psychobos just chuckled at this.

"Oh please, it was easy to get it to work...at least enough for the next plan to get the Omnitrix off of that boy. It is quite a shame, and I use the term loosely, that your mongrel almost perished." Psychobos as Khyber just scowled at this but left, looking back with a scowl before moving on.

End of Episode 1

Welp, Season 2 has started for Ben 10 Guardians. I Hope you guys sustained the wait and please let me know what you think. Please Read, Review and Suggest away!