*Week Later*

It has been a week since I left my village..My home. I sigh softly. I wonder if anyone is missing me and is looking for me. I know three people are happy that I'm gone. I started to shiver, so I rub my arms. Just thinking about them just scares me very much. I know it's stupid! I shouldn't be scared of them. They could ruined my life if they wanted to! I wouldn't even be able to stop them. They can be powerful in their own way. Would people believe their lies, if they started to spread rumors about me? Maybe so.. They can sweet talk to anyone to get what they want. I shook my head at the thoughts I'm thinking! I need to stop and think about something else. Like the people down below where I'm sitting at, which of course is in a tree!. I made sure to mask my chakra very well. With all the training I did. No one want notice me here. I look down at them and winced at the red head girl. She's all over Sasuke! I cant believe I was like that once. And let's say I regret everything. But what's done is done though. I shook my head at her. Sasuke want pay attention to her at all. Since his so obsess with his damn revenge. It seems the other two that is with is Sasuke seems to be calm

Narrative P.O.V

A shrill voice called out to one of the guys. "Oh Sasuke-Kun! How did you sleep last night?" Karin whispered in his right ear while hugging his arm. "I had a very naughty wet dream about you! It was amazing. You were fuc-" Karin got off. Sasuke pushed her off before she can finished what she was saying. Sasuke walk away from her, to go to the other side. She puffed out her cheeks and stomp her foot in frustrated. "Sasuke-Kun! Why want you notice me!?" She cried out to him and on the verge of crying. Suigetsu was to busy laughing and pointing at Karin.

"Maybe he doesn't want some slut that would open her legs for any 'hot' guy that she damn sees!" Suigetsu said to her while grinning at her. Knowing that his damn right about hat he said. Karin turn around quickly to look at him. She look lie she about to ready to kill him.

"I am NOT a slut, you asshole! And I do not spread my legs for any hot guy I damn see!" Karin yelled out while crossing her arms under boobs to make them look bigger. Suigetsu just rolled his eyes at her and shook his head at him.

"Are you sure about that? Every time when I saw you, you always flirting with any guys, just for some damn attention! I walk on you a few times with a guy. And believe me its not even the same guy either! Don't even denied it!" Suigetsu said giving her a glare. "Hell you even flirt with me a few times! Then came Sasuke! You couldn't shut up the fuck up about him either!" Suigetsu said with a shake of his head. Karin face started to turn red in embarrassment. Karin started to hell at him

While Karin was to busy yelling at Suigetsu, Sasuke was starring at Karin with a disgusted look on his face. He shook his head. 'Well I know to stay away from her now. Gross, there is no telling what she has.' Sasuke thought to himself.

Jugo is siting up against tree far from them. There is a bird on his shoulder chirping in his. It seems that he understands bird, since his nodding his head at the bird. He frowned his eyebrows in confusing. Then he looked up and started to look around for whatever the bird told him. "Sasuke" Jugo said in a deep his voice. Sasuke turned to look at Jugo with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it Jugo?" Sasuke asked him. If you look closer at him. You could see a snake slithering up his sleeve. Jugo was still looking around at the trees. Sasuke gave him a furious glare. He doesn't like to be kept waiting at all. Jugo finally look at Sasuke.

"There are people here. Four people at the most." Jugo said. Then look at the bird, which the little blue jay nodded its head. The little blue jay flew off, sensing danger soon. Sasuke titled his head back, closed his eyes, and sighed loudly. Sasuke tilt his head forward and reached to pull out his sword from his side. Suigetsu got up from the ground and pulled his sword from his back.

Sakura P.O.V

'Wait, did he just say four people?!' My inner asked. I was confused. How was I found though? My chakra can't be detective! 'Sakura, The guy with the orange he was talking to the bird. It seems that he can understand birds.' Saku said to me. I nodded my head. Huh, very useful indeed! That part made a lot of sense. But Naruto and the others couldn't have found me yet though. I sigh. 'Lets just wait and see what happens next. If he calls out to use, then you'll reveal yourself.' Saku said to me. I nodded my head in agreement. 'Good plan Saku!' I said to her. She did a victory dance. A minute has passed by. Sasuke is looking around in the trees, His Sharigan was active. He might find me eventually. Then his eyes landed on me.

"Come out now! Or I'll kill you!" Sasuke shouted out towards me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Well either way your going to try and kill me anyways. I stand up. I dusted any dirt and leaves off me. I Jump down from the tree landing on the ground on the feet with ease. Sasuke looked at me with a smirk on his damn face. I gave him a glare. "Well hello Sakura. It's been awhile. Now the others can come out now too!" Sasuke said out loud so whoever can hear him. I shook my head at him.

"Sasuke, I came here alone. Nobody could have follow me anyways." I said thinking out loud. Sasuke looked at me with a very evil glare, that would made my skin crawl. Which it did.. It seems that he doesn't believe meat all.

"The who the fuck is it then! Come out now!" Sasuke yelled out.

The suddenly three people came out of nowhere. I was in shocked. The three people are wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them. 'Oh shit! It's the Akatsuki!' Inner yelled out while pointing at them. I shook my head. What the hell! Which ones are they? Well… One of them you can tell that one of them is Zetsu. Since he reminds me of the plant I have back at home. Which is called a Venus Fly Trap. The other two I couldn't tell who it is. I'm pretty sure they'll reveal themselves eventually. The two Akatsuki members are wearing straw hats the cover there faces. I shook my head in disbelief. 'Well things just got a whole lot complicated!' I said to Saku . She nodded her head at that. Then I heard a voice that I haven't heard in awhile…

"Hello little brother." One of the Akatsuki said I gasp out loud. Then he took off his straw hat and so did the other Akatsuki member. Zetsu didn't need a straw hat to hide him.. Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, and Zetsu are here! Standing right in front of me! What the hell do they want! I have a feeling that Itachi isn't here to fight him. I was going to question them, but of course Sasuke beat me to it.

"Itachi! What the hell You came here to fight me?! Well good!" Sasuke shouted at him! He pointed his sword at him. "I will finally kill! I'll finally get my revenge! You bastard!" Sasuke shouted even louder. Itachi jut stand there and shook his head at him. Kisame was just grinning. Wait, is Kisame staring at me. So I just stared right back him. Then suddenly he just wink at me! My face started to turn red. 'What the hell was that about!?' I shouted at Saku. Even my Inner is shocked what he just did.

"Now, Now little brother. I'm not here to fight you. I'm came here for something else." Itachi said to Sasuke. Then Itachi bend his down and started to cough. I could see blood from where I was standing. Well I am medic. I frowned at this. What is going on with him? Is he sick or something. I shook my head. I cant be thinking about that! He is my enemy!

"Then what the fuck do you want then? Doesn't mattered anyways! I'll kill you anyways!" Sasuke shouted to Itachi. Then he started to ran towards him. But then Kisame blocked Sasuke sword with his giant sword thing. I started to inch to the left and to see if Itachi I behind Kisame. Which he isn't! Shit where could he be! So I stayed alert. Then I felt someone behind.

I was about to turn around and attack him, but he wrap his arm around my chest area, then he pulled me close to him. My back was pressed up against his chest. 'It's a very nice chest, if I do say so myself!' I heard my Inner say. I gasped out loud, not what my inner had said. But that he holding me gently in a way. I was just to in shock to move. I looked over where Sasuke and Kisame was. Kisame was just grinning, showing off his shark like teeth! I'm pretty sure Sasuke has a pissed off look on his face at the moment. I looked for the other Akatsuki member, Zetsu was leaning against a tree. 'Why did he come if he isn't going to try anything.' I wonder in my thoughts. 'Maybe his making sure that nothing gets to bad or whatever.' Saku said to me. I mentally nodded my head. 'True.' I said to her.

"Sorry Sasuke, like Itachi said we're not here to fight you and your crew, we came for something else. Well more like we came here fr someone." Kisame said still grinning. Sasuke just glared at him some more and scowled at him. Kisame gave a deep laugh. "Wow you and Itachi really are brothers! Got the same glare and scowl looks!" Kisame said just to taunt him and it work.

"Shut the hell up!" Sasuke said while jumping back from Kisame and attack him by swinging his sword down at Kisame again. Kisame of course easily blocked his sword with his giant sword. Kisame gave a deep chuckle at Sasuke. "I'm nothing like him! Don't compare me to that asshole! I will never be like him!" Sasuke shouted some more. Sasuke seems to be even more pissed off. Then another arm wrap around my waist.

'Oh shit! Almost forgot about that!' I was about to struggle some more, but his arm tighten up around me. I bent my head down. Why is Itachi holding me?! I can't out run the Akatsuki! That's definitely asking for a death wish or something. I sigh softly. I hear a bunch of shouting still. I look up and see Sasuke back still facing me. His still shouting at Kisame. That won't get him anywhere at all. I shook my head at him. I just realized something: Does Sasuke not know that Itachi moved behind me? Maa, he'll find out eventually! I tried to pull away from Itachi, but he held me tighter. I growled at him. "Let me go damn it!" I shouted out loud. I started to struggle even more. I saw Sasuke turn around to look at me, then looked at Itachi. He made a nasty face at me.

"Damn it Itachi! Let her go now! She isn't worth the time to deal with! Sasuke shouted out to Itachi. "She means nothing to me! She is too weak and just useless to everything and to everyone! Go ahead and kill her, I don't care for her at all!" Sasuke shouted some more words at them.

That's when I stop struggling, I stood still. My eyes widened in shocked. Sasuke doesn't really care for me..He doesn't see me as a friend, but an enemy! Something to just to throw away. I didn't see Kisame and Zetsu disappear and reappeared next to Itachi. I only hear at the moment is Weak, useless, worthless! My eyes started to blur, I feel like I couldn't breathe. What is happening to me! I can feel myself trembling, the pain in my chest is tighten up! No, no, no! don't listen to him! You know you're strong. Be strong, fight this! But I couldn't! Why do I hear laughter?! I feel someone hurting me, calling me all sorts of names. And yet, I don't stop them! "MAKE IT STOP!" I shouted out, I don't know If I really did shouted to everyone. I could feel myself sweating. I choked on the sob that came out of my mouth. 'Come on Sakura snap out of it!' I heard someone called out inside my head. I felt the arm that was holding let me go and past me over another pair of arms. These arms are more bigger and more muscles. I squeezed my eyes shut. Then my face was buried into a very strong chest. I felt hands rubbing the back of my head. Trying to sooth me from whatever is happening to me. I made a tiny whimpered noise, the arms around me pulled me closer to him. Then I heard someone chuckled.

"That's were you're wrong little brother" Itachi said. My eyes shot open and I turn around quickly to look at Itachi with wide eyes. I heard a different chuckle that is much deeper behind me. I turn around and look up at Kisame. He was grinning ear to ear. Kisame Hoshigaki was the one to comfort me. And wrap his arms back around my waist. I turn back to look at Itachi. "So you think Haruno-san is weak. Well let me tell you something little brother. She isn't weak at all! She is by the strongest Kunoichi there is. She still has some ways to go. I think she better the other Kunoichi that are in the Leaf Village. Her strength is absolutely amazing. Her medical knowledge is outstanding. She had created poison antidotes that no one could figure out. But I bet you didn't know any of that since you been with Orochimaru." Itachi said with a amused look. Complete silence for a minute. My mouth opening and closing, like a fish out of water. 'Did Uchiha Itachi..Just compliment me?' I shouted out to my Inner. Even my Inner is speechless. "And that's why we're taking her with us' Itachi finished. Then suddenly my mind just went blank.

"Huh?" I said out loud with a confused look on my face. Itachi turn around to look at me with a stern face. Now I got a very good look Itachi, and lets say he doesn't look so good. He looks even paler then usually, his eyes look dead to the world, they look like there going blind. He looks tired.. What the hell is going on? He turn back to look at Sasuke. Sasuke is about ready to kill Itachi for many reason. I have a feeling that Sasuke want be able to defeat Itachi yet. I'm getting really light headed at the moment. I'm confused, lost, and most of all hurt. Then all of sudden, everything just went dark.

*Akatsuki Base*

Narrative POV

All three Akatsuki members (plus Sakura) arrived at the entrance of the cave. There is a giant boulder the is blocking the entrance. Zetsu step up to the boulder and did some hand signs to open up the entrance. Everyone walk towards the meeting room. With Sakura in Kisame arms. They had to go to many left and right turn to get where they want to be, but lucky for them, they know where they're going.

They finally arrive at the door that goes into the meeting room. Zetsu was the one to pen the door, and hold it open for Kisame to get through first. Itachi hold the door for himself. Not all Akatsuki members where there at he meeting table. Tobi was the only one sitting with the leader. The leader was there at the end of the table, where a leader should be. They all give him a deep bow to show him some respect. Kisame couldn't really do much, since he had someone in his arms at the moment.

Pein sigh loudly, he looked up from doing some paperwork. Even villains do paperwork too. "I see that you guys are finally back and that you brought the girl with you" Pein said while looking at the girl that was in Kisame arms. Then he turn to his right to look at the guy with the swirly mask. "Tobi, carry the girl to the room that I had set up for her. And make sure you talk to him when he is done with ever his doing and to wait for the girl to wake up." Pein said while shaking his head and sighing.

"Hai! Tobi is a good boy!" Tobi shouted out loud. Which Pein gave him a silence glare. Tobi got up from where he was sitting at and almost ran over to Kisame, but he was walking slightly faster towards Kisame. When he was right front of him, that is stilling holding Sakura. Which of course he didn't want to let go of her. When Tobi reached for her, Kisame gave him the scariest glare. Tobi jumped backwards, putting up his arms in front of his face. "Ah! Don't hurt Tobi!" Tobi shouted out loud. Which cause Sakura to stir in Kisame arms, and then she went still. Kisame gave him another scary look. And then he sigh and shook his head.

"Here Tobi. Don't drop and don't be so damn loud!" Kisame said to the child like man. Tobi nodded his head really fast. Kisame just gave him a pointed look. Tobi held out his arms for him to put her into his arms. Kisame slowly and very gently put Sakura into his arms. Tobi held her close to his chest and then turn around and walk out the door slowly. Kisame watch till he couldn't see him anymore or hear him. He turned to look at his leader. "What happens now?" He ask his leader.

I have bad news, whatever causing Konan to be badly sick, Deidara has it now.. We need to-"Pein stop talking cause Zetsu bend forward and started to cough hard into his hand. If you look closely you could see that he was coughing up blood . then all of sudden he just passed out onto the ground. Pein stood up quickly, giving out orders. "SHIT! Kisame take Zetsu to the medical room quickly! Itachi, you go back to your room and rest up! I will call Hidan and Kakuzu to come back. We shall wait for Haruno to wake up!" Pein shouted out loud. Kisame grab Zetsu and went to the medical room and Itachi went straight to his room, to get much needed rest.

Pein fell back into his chair and put his face into his hand , then shook his head. He lift his head up and grab the picture from his cloak pocket and look at it. "Haruno you better us!" He said to the picture that Tobi gave to him. Most don't know it, but The leader of the Akatsuki does care for all his members. Pein would do what he can to help his members. Pein stood up and tuck the picture back into his pocket. He decided to visit his members that are sick with whatever they have.

*Sasuke Crew*

"Son of a bitch!" Sasuke yelled out. Which cause many birds that were in the trees to fly away from the danger. Everyone just look at him with wide eyes. They never seen him yelled like that before. Nobody wanted to bother him cause how pissed off he is. Suigetsu decided to be the brave one here.

"Um Sasuke, What's wrong with you? I'm guessing you know cherry then?" Suigetsu ask him, slowly walk up to him. Sasuke stiffen at the nickname that Suigetsu gave to Sakura. He growled lowly at the thought of her and anything to do with her. He tsk at him.

"When we were kids, we were on the same damn team. I never did like her at all. All she did was whine and act like brat all the time. She was and still is weak. She needed to be save all the time. Which got annoying at the time." Sasuke said with a growled, which cause Suigetsu to back away from him. "Now she ruined everything! This time I'll make sure to kill that bitch! Along with Itachi! I'll make everyone suffer! Now let's go, so I can fine them quickly and have my revenge!" Sasuke called out while walking away from everyone. Karin squealed out to Sasuke.

"Coming my love! I'll help with you killing that bitch for you! And I'll make sure she doesn't get anywhere near you with whatever filth she has on her!" Karin called out to him while running after him.

Suigetsu and Jugo looked at each other. "Jugo, I don't like this at all! The girl seems to be nice from what I see. She just wanted to bring back an old friend. But something broke her." Suigetsu said to Jugo with a thoughtful look. Jugo nod his head at this. He got up from where he was sitting at.

"I don't like it either. And you're right about that. I was watching her the whole time. Something cause her to have some sort of panic attack." Jugo said. The both started to walk towards where Sasuke went off to. Suigetsu sigh out loud.

"For now we'll just go with it. I just have a guy feeling that I shouldn't hurt her or anything. I seem to like the girl, even though I haven't really talk to the girl or anything. "Let's hope Sasuke doesn't hurt her. But anything gets out of hand, I'll send a message to the Leaf Hokage" Suigetsu said to Jugo. Jugo nodded his head in agreement.

*Leaf Village*

In front of the Leaf Village gate was Tsunade with Yamato on the right and Kakashi on the left. In front of them are about 20-25 ANBU members. Including; Kakashi, Yamato, Genma, Hayate, Sai, Neji, Shikamaru, Shino, Ibiki and Asuma. Every ANBU wear their gears and a animal masks to represent who they are. Kakashi and Yamato being the Team Leaders. Naruto was to the side of everyone with a frown on his face, since he isn't allowed to go with them. Tsunade gave everyone a hard glare. Which cause everyone to straighten their backs up and held their heads up high, waiting for their Hokage and Team Leaders to give them orders. Tsunade step forward to give them orders first.

"I want everyone to listen and listen very clearly. Haruno Sakura seems to be missing!" Some ANBU members gasp in shock, and others clenched their fist, so not to how their emotions. They all turned completely serious, knowing that someone very dear to them is missing. Naruto fist clench tightly in sadness an anger. Tsunade then continue on. From what I heard from Team 7, that they were having a team meeting for a team training, but Sakura didn't show up. So they all went to go look for at her house, but wasn't home. So they went looking for her in the Village, but still couldn't find her. When they couldn't, they came to me. Tsunade stop to take a deep breathe and continue.

"Hatake Kakashi told me that it might be possible that Sakura went after Uchiha Sasuke by herself. Which Sasuke is after Uchiha Itachi, for revenge. Search for Sakura only, don't worry about that Uchiha brat. If he tries anything, which I'm pretty sure he wont hesitate to…kill her." Tsunade said hesitating at the end. Tsunade cleared her throat, then she took another deep breathe. "If whatever reason that she is kidnapped. Find her! Don't let anyone get in your way! Kill whoever gets in your way. Bring my daughter back!" Tsunade yelled at everyone at the end of her speech.

"Hai!" Everyone shouted out back to their Hokage. Kakashi step up from Tsunade left side. He is wearing his ANBU Gear and his ANBU mask(of course still has his mask that cover his nose and mouth). Which resembles a dog, that was pushed to the side of his face. "You heard the Hokage! We will bring her back. We shall not fail everyone! She brings happiness to everyone. She makes everyone day better. She will do whatever it takes to keep everyone from being sad. She makes everyone feel safe. We wont stop till she is home!" Kakashi said to group of ANBU members with a hard glare, that will make anyone weak to the knees. Then Yamato step up from Tsunade right. Dress the same as Kakashi, but his mask resembles a cat. His mask is pushed to the side of his face. He took a deep breathe. He give everyone a soft look.

"Like Kakashi said. We shall not fail everyone that cares for Sakura. We will do our best to find her. We'll keep pushing forward. No one will get in our way! Lets get our Cherry Blossom back!" Yamato shouted out loud.

"Hai!" this time everyone shouted out even louder. Tsunade gave a soft smile to everyone. 'Sakura is truly love here. This village and I'm sure other villages truly do care for her! Someone must of hurt her really bad. And I didn't see it. I should pay attention to it. I will find out who did it!' Tsunade thought to herself. Then her smile turned into a hard glare. "MOVE OUT!" Tsunade yelled out to everyone. Kakashi and Yamato quickly put on their mask. Then everyone ran passed their Hokage and disappeared into the woods. Tsunade turned around to look beyond the Village gate. "Don't worry Sakura. They'll bring you back home. I'll make sure that you feel love and wanted. I'll make sure to put a stop of this bulling towards you. We'll make everything right again. No more pain!" Tsunade said out loud. Then she look towards the sky. Slowly a tear sliding down her face and then more tears started to slid down her face. Naruto came up beside her, then he put his hand on her shoulder. Tsunade look to the side and could see Naruto crying silently next to her. Agreeing to what Tsunade said.

*Akatsuki Base*

I was dreaming, dreaming about my friends. Everyone was there in front of me, smiling at me, reaching their hands out towards me. I smile at them, I miss them so much. I need them more then anything. So I ran towards them, reaching my hand towards them. I'm almost close to grabbing Naruto hand. Then I suddenly I started to fall into darkness. "NO!" I screamed out into the darkness. I was so scared, I don't know where I was going. Then suddenly I hit the ground really hard. I made a loud groan out in pain. I was laying there in pain. Don't know where I am. All there is darkness surrounding me. Chains started to pop pout of the ground and started to wrap around me. I was so shocked that it took me minute to realize what was going on.

I started to struggle to get out, but slowly the chains were wrapping around me tighter. Then I saw four shadows walking towards me. My eyes widen in fear when I got a good look at the shadows. I struggle more to get away from them. I felt my eyes started to sting, tears were about to fall. I didn't want to let them fall. The chains wouldn't stop tighten around me, till I stop struggling.

The I heard laughter. "Awh what's wrong Sakura? To weak to get out!" The first shadow said to me. I shook my head them. No, I'm not weak! I ant be weak right now. I need to be strong! I felt myself shaking and for some reason, I can't stop!

"Look who's shaking! Someone must be scared. Your shaking! Poor Sakura, you really are a cry baby." The second shadow said to me. I could see the shadow face just grinning at me. With a evil look in their eyes.

"Its all your fault! They don't need you at all! They never did need you! All they need is us and only us!" The third shadow yelled at me! I started the shake my head really fast. This cant be real! But I feels so real! Everything hurts so much.

"Sakura, Nobody wants you. No one wants to deal with your bullshit, all you do is cry, you ruined relationships, no one wants a know it all, and no one wants you in this world! You should just stay away from everyone, or just die already! Everyone is happy that you're gone " The fourth shadow said to me with a look in their eyes. They all have the same look. They want me dead.

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, so I just let them fall. I shook my head at them. "No, it.. It cant be true!" I kept saying to myself. But maybe it is true.. I'm better off dead! They were all laughing at me. Seeing me in pain makes them happy. They started to grin and having a glint in their eyes. My eyes widen I fear. Knowing what is to come. "please! No! Don't, I'm sorry!" I screamed out loud and gearing it echo. Then suddenly I feel pain, so much pain! They wouldn't stop kicking me, and punching me. Then here comes the words I hear from them.

"Useless! Worthless! Slut! Weak! Bitch! Whore! Fake! Not wanted!" So many hurtful words still coming out! They just won't stop! I can't even move away from them, since I'm still wrap up in chains. I just want this pain to end. I just want to woke up from this nightmare.

'Stop! Please!" I kept crying out to them, but still, they won't stop hurting me even more. Then all of sudden they stop. I look up wonder if they went left. But no their still there looking at me with evil smiles on their faces. The I look at what they got in their hands, my eyes look in horror. What they have in their hands are kunai.

"STOP!" I woke up screaming out loud. Someone must have heard me scream. I sat up in a bed which I'm laying on. I put my face into my hands. I couldn't stop shaking, my body aches so much. The dream felt so real. I once thought they were my friends.. but I was very wrong. I let out a whimpered and shaky sobs wouldn't stop coming out of my mouth.

"Had a nightmare little girl? I tried to calm you down, but wouldn't stop thrashing around and yelling out words. So I just let you be." I heard someone said across the room. I just stared at him in shock. Knowing my mouth is hanging open and I know I still have tears falling.

"Huh?" That's all I could say. He got from where he was sitting and came up to the bed that I'm laying on bed. He tilt his head at me and smirk at me.

"Hello Sakura, oh my have you grown up." He said to me with a smile. What is going on?