Chapter One

The Wager

"Draco", yelled an unmistakable voice over the crowds. The tall blonde turned to look at his best friend walking towards him, pushing his way through the first years on the crowded platform.

"Hey mate", Draco grinned. "You grew?" He stared at Blaise as he came eye level with him.

"You've seen me pretty much every day over the summer excepting the last two weeks and you only notice that now? You're not the tallest anymore Drakey boy", smirked Blaise as he clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"We're the same height and don't call me that", said Draco good-humouredly both boys doing the usual sizing each other up after the summer. Blaise was stockier than Draco, wider in the shoulder but now that he had grown it sat better on him. Draco was certainly the leaner of the two with his light seeker's build; he was quick on his feet but by no means skinny.

Both took some pride in their appearance but neither concerned themselves too much with it; that was Nott's job. Draco flicked his hair out of his eyes and turned back to the newspaper he was reading leaning against a column of the cavernous train station.

"Where's Nott?" said Blaise rooting through his school bag.

"He wandered past me a few minutes ago and didn't see me so I'm going to say nothing and see how long it takes him to notice I'm here", said Draco not looking up from his newspaper.

"Don't make life too difficult for him this year", said Blaise taking out his Head Boy badge and fastening it to his jumper.

"He's a peacock", said Draco finally looking at his friend. "Speaking of peacocks, why are you in your school uniform and what the hell is that?" He pointed incredulously at Blaise's chest.

"Yea I was a bit surprised too", Blaise shrugged. "Still can't be all that bad".

"Are you kidding?" Draco folded his newspaper and tossed it into the rubbish bin nearby. "You have to be the example now, that's torture mate I'm so sorry".

"It won't be that bad", said Blaise shuffling uncomfortably under his friend's intense stare.

Draco put a hand on Blaise's shoulder and made a grimace, "Oh mate, I'm just...I can't tell you how sorry I am".

"You weren't this sorry when my dog died", said Blaise shoving Draco away lightly.

"You're dog was like a million years old. This is so much worse than that", said Draco smiling and showing his dazzlingly straight teeth; several girls giggled in their direction.

"Seen Parkinson?" said Blaise watching the girls go back to applying copious amounts of make up in the hopes of attracting the attention of the tall blonde next to him who at this moment was staring off over his shoulder.

"Just now, she's cornered Nott", Draco grinned and motioned with his head to the other end of the platform where Parkinson was clearly interrogating Nott.

"Your parents here?"

"Nope came alone, had to get away from the two of them. They drove me nuts all summer. Dad harping on about how this was my last chance to get my grades up so I can be Minister for Magic or some such shit and he was only saying it to annoy her because she wants me to be a healer. I wish they'd just break up; they make each other so unhappy. I think they were in the same room once all summer".

Draco picked up his trunk and bag, "Come on let's get a compartment before all the newbies get the good ones".

"What about Nott?" said Blaise making to follow Draco anyway.

"He'll follow", said Draco walking in the opposite direction.

After turfing some first years out of a nice compartment near the back of the train, Draco and Blaise settled in and soon enough Theodore followed but he was accompanied by Pansy.

"Pans, how nice to see you", said Draco sardonically shooting Theo a look that told him he wasn't happy. "Shouldn't you be sitting with your other succubus friends?"

"Thanks Draco, it's nice to see you too", she smirked back. It wasn't that Pansy wasn't a pretty-ish girl in Draco's head. It was the fact that his parents approved of her and any attraction that might spawn between them. Thus, her appeal was immediately dampened in Draco's eyes.

That coupled with the fact that she was relentlessly annoying.

"Nice summer? I barely saw you", she pouted and folded her arms.

"We had dinner back in July", he shrugged at the memory which had been arranged by his mother in any case. "I was busy, practising quidditch etc."

They lapsed into silence before Draco turned to his two friends.

"Either of you see McConnells save in the European Quidditch friendlies? Changed everything for the rest of the matches."

"I thought it was epic", said Nott nodding. "They bought him for way too much money though".

"No they didn't", replied Blaise. "He was worth every penny for Ireland, they are the greatest team in the world right now and besides it was no more than England spent on Morris and he turned out to be useless".

"If you're going to talk Quidditch then I'll leave", said Pansy shoving Draco in the shoulder.

"See you later then", he replied turning to her briefly before turning back to Blaise and agreeing with his point.

"Fine", huffed Pansy practically flinging herself out of the carriage.

Once the door clicked shut the boys began roaring with laughter.

"Works every time", said Blaise chuckling and wiping his eyes.

"I know", said Draco smirking and sitting back in his chair. "Well, I am a genius what can I say".

"Granger is Head Girl", said Nott suddenly turning to Blaise and pointing at his badge.

"Oh you've got to be joking", groaned Blaise. "I'm never going to hear the end of this now".

"She's the biggest pain", said Draco taking out his book; the latest copy of Quidditch Through the Ages.

"Yes but we've never had much to do with her", said Blaise running a hand through his hair and looking troubled. "Aside from the odd bit of bullying" he said fixing his friend with a hard look.

"How many times do I have to tell you it wasn't bullying. It was..." he thought for a moment. "Survival of the fittest like Darwin says. I was just evening out the playing field. She can be anally retentive about school but when it comes to taking a bit of light banter, she is useless".

"Mate, Mudblood is not light banter. It's racist and you know it", said Blaise sternly.

"Oh shut up, you sound like my Mother and that was in second year. I was an idiot back then you should know that. It isn't my fault that she hangs out with two bumbling oafs that can just about tell one end of the broomstick from the other; they clearly haven't schooled her in the art of developing thick skin".

Draco shifted in his seat, in truth the use of that comment didn't sit well with him now that he was of age. He knew it had been a step too far but he had been so filled of his own deluded self importance; something his father had instilled in him. But it had taken a small but secret relationship with a muggle that had made him see how hurtful it must have been. The relationship hadn't lasted, indeed it had barely started but given the fact that he had come to be fond of the girl it had meant wakening up slightly.

Not that he had told his father about his relationship, he would definitely be two testicles lighter if he had. He was more open-minded now but he wasn't about to expect the same of his father. However, girls were a distraction as far as Draco was concerned but Granger? She wasn't a blip on his radar.

"I have to go anyway, heads meeting", said Blaise.

"Try not to fall in love with her will you?" said Draco not looking up from his book. "That just wouldn't work for me".

Nott chuckled softly but Blaise said nothing, just shook his head and left.

Nott and Draco sat in companionable silence, offering the odd comment about Quidditch or the school year ahead. The truth was, they saw each other so regularly there wasn't much to say.

"Would you care if he fell in love with Granger?" said Nott suddenly after about an hour.

"What?" said Draco lowering his book and staring at his friend completely baffled.

"You told Blaise not to fall in love with Granger, would you care if he did? I've always got the impression that he actually does like her".

"You're not known for being observant Nott, no offence meant", said Draco laughing.

"I'm serious", said Theo crossing his ankles and stretching out in the seat. "I think he enjoys the banter with her and he really hates it when you make comments at her; which you still do occasionally, you made her cry on the last day of school and Blaise was really annoyed at you".

"I thought he was just being all noble and moral and shit", said Draco putting his book down a look of worry on his face. "You don't he wouldn't...dammit Nott I was perfectly happy before you opened your big mouth. You were easier to be friends with when you didn't think at all".

"Well ask him when he comes back then", said Nott shrugging and yawning before closing his eyes.

"As if he'd admit it", said Draco frowning and staring out the window moodily.

This worried Draco. A girl had never come between him and Blaise but if Blaise suddenly started dating Granger, there was no way Draco would be able to stand being in her company. She was a bossy, frizzy little know-it-all and that was more than Draco could stand. She beat him at everything, surely she couldn't take his friend away too?

Now he was getting angry, he clenched his fists. How dare she take his friend away?!

Okay, wait you moron. Nothing has happened yet. It's just Nott usual.

He nodded and tried to relax but now the idea had taken root and was growing. When Blaise put his head through the compartment door 45 minutes later, Draco was imagining having to talk Blaise out of marrying her.

"Hey", said Blaise. "How long has he been out?" He said motioning to Nott who was now drooling.

"Nearly an hour. That took a long time?" Draco sat up and helped himself to another chocolate frog having raided the cart when he'd thought his friend was marrying Granger.

"Lots to go through and mate...Granger is looking fit", said Blaise leaning over and taking a strawberry swirl from Draco's pile. "You went a bit to town on the sweets no?"

Draco shrugged. "Fit...Granger? Sorry the two words don't go together". He sounded angry and Blaise noticed.

"What's up with you?"

"Nott said you might fancy Granger", said Draco through clenched teeth.

"So what if I did? I don't by the way, I've got my eye on Greengrass this year", said Blaise smirking.

Draco's brow cleared, "Greengrass? She's alright I guess, Astoria would be more my type though".

"Why would it matter if I liked Granger?" Blaise was watching him suspiciously.

"No reason", said Draco a little too quickly. "She's just a pain in the arse and I could never be around her. It would be like sticking needles in my eyes".

"Mate who I like isn't up to you anyway, you possessive git", Blaise laughed and leaned back popping another sweet into his mouth.

"I'm not being possessive. I'm being a good friend, she would be all wrong for you", said Draco nodding solemnly. "How do you mean fit?"

"I don't know, she's put on a bit of weight thank God. She was looking dreadfully thin before summer. She has a nice curve now, great arse and tanned from the holidays and I guess her hair wasn't as bushy as usual today".

"So that's it", said Draco laughing. "I thought you were going to say she'd turned into some model or something".

"Mate it's been one summer, that's impossible and no, she was never bad looking. She's just...growing into herself a bit that's all. Anyone would think you liked her the way you just behaved".

"Don't be stupid. I mean I could have her if I wanted her but still don't be stupid. She actively hates me and the feeling is oh so mutual", Draco shrugged and lay back.

"Could you indeed have her if you wanted her? What a Malfoy thing to say you smug bollocks. I smell a wager though", Blaise grinned. "I bet you fifty galleons you can't get Granger to go to the Halloween ball with you and she has to kiss you at the end of the night in public not outside in the courtyard where it's all private and where I know you were snogging Parkinson after the Yule Ball even if you do deny it".

"That sounds like bullying Blaise, using Granger for a bet", said Draco wagging his finger at his friend and ignoring the Parkinson comment. He had been snogging her after the Yule Ball but that was because there was nothing else to do, that night had been so boring. Plus, she'd let him fumble under her top so who was he to complain?

"Then make it clear to her that you don't want a relationship and then you're not hurting anyone", said Blaise shrugging. "If you're frightened of picking on Granger say no".

"That's unfair because you know I'm too proud and stubborn to say no", said Draco rubbing a hand across his face.

"Well say yes then", he countered.

"Fine, fifty galleons it is", said Draco putting out his hand and shaking Blaise's.

"This will be all too easy", said Draco grinning and crossing his ankles.

"Then perhaps I should have mentioned that she already agreed to go to the next Hogsmeade weekend with me", said Blaise laughing.

"You...what?" said Draco sitting back up and shoving his friend. "You lying bastard, you do like her and now you've just walked me into this".

"It's not like that, I just thought why the hell not? Plus with my putting her on the map as a good date to have, lads will be lining up for her. This makes your job all the more difficult don't you see?"

"You planned this?" Draco said sitting back down but still impressed.

"Well, I am a genius", Blaise smirked. "You want to give me the fifty galleons now?"

"Shut up, we have exactly two months. Just you wait, I'll prove that mutual hatred stops nothing", said Draco leaning back and putting his hands behind his head a confident smirk gracing his lips. "Just you wait".