Author's note: I only wanna say, one thing- Please don't kill me guys, after reading this!

Never Say Goodbye

"Percy!" squealed Annabeth, "Stop tickling me!"

"And why should I do that, Wise Girl?" asked Percy, the same old demigod mischief, in his voice.

"Stop it right now" shouted Annabeth, her voice full of mirth, but her shouts were in vain, the tickling just got more intense.

"Do I get a kiss for it?" asked Percy.

"No, you moron!" cried Annabeth.

"Then I will not"

"That's bribery Percy!"

"Ah, is it now?" asked Percy, in a wondering voice. But Percy's act was going to stop soon as... Annabeth had found enough strength to judo- flip Percy.

"There's no need to be rough!" grunted Percy, "I was only playing with you"

"This is the reminder, Seaweed Brain" said Annabeth, smirking, "That, I am much more powerful than you are."

This was replied by one of Percy's grunts.

The couple were sitting under a tree, a picnic basket lay beside them. The spot the couple had chosen for picnic was perfect, it had greenery everywhere with trees for shade and a brook flowing by.

They had been there all day, eating and joking. Percy had been making various shapes out of the water to please Annabeth. But as the sun was setting, they had been sitting under a tree, Annabeth's head on Percy's lap, until Percy had started tickling her.

Now, they were resuming back to their positions, but this time Percy's head was in Annabeth's lap.

"It isn't that bad, is it?" asked Percy "In Elysium?"

"No" said Annabeth with a deep a sigh, "But I miss Camp and Chiron"

"Yeah" said Percy, looking into Annabeth's eyes. "As long as we are together, though"

Annabeth leaned in towards Percy and Percy sitting up a little, shared a long and intense kiss that spoke volumes. There was no need of words, it was enough for the young couple.

The War with Gaia was over. Gaia had won and all the seven demigods had died opposed to the prophecy. Needless to say, all the demigods were rewarded with Elysium in after life.

Author's note: It was not that good I know, but my friend forced me to post it. No need to say, I know that you all think I am cruel, but I am not. I assure you, I myself was crying while writing this one fanfiction.