Everyone who knew Sui Feng would all agree that she was one person you would not want to get on the bad side of. This was something that she preferred, as it helped her when commanding the 2nd Division. After all, with a no nonsense attitude, all her subordinates knew better than to question her authority.

However, over the past four years she had been especially temperamental. Even the Captain Commander, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, and her close friend and fellow captain, Retsu Unohana, were warry of her. This was quite a shock to everyone who knew the Feng heiress, as the two were closest to her outside of Yoruichi Shihōin, who was currently on the run from the Soul Society.

There was a good reason for this, and only an incredibly small handful knew the truth as to why she had been this way for almost four years now. In reality, the anger was only a disguise to hide the great sorrow that had been torturing her heart. This was because of one very important reason, one that literally a handful of people were privileged to have known.

She had a son.

Sui Feng had always been one to sneak out to the human world on countless occasions, whether it had been with Yoruichi or by herself. Seven years ago, she began starting to visit the world of the living far more often than she had been. This was because she had fallen in love.

His name was James Potter, a wizard from the world of the living. They had literally bumped into each other when she had decided to visit England. After apologizing, the two began meeting more and more. The only reason she hadn't simply stayed with him was because that in spite of the fact that they were in love, her duty came first before personal agendas.

That didn't stop them from marrying in secret, though. For three years, they were able to keep their relationship working while most were unawares.

This ended a little over four years ago when Sui Feng discovered she was pregnant.

At first, the couple were thrilled at the thought of becoming parents. However, as time went on, Sui Feng realized that if their child's identity was revealed, its safety could not be guaranteed. After all, it was forbidden for a Shinigami and a living to be together in the first place. A child from that kind of union was unheard of, and many would possibly be asking for its death.

With this threat looming over them, Sui Feng was forced to make the hardest choice a mother should never have to make after Harry was born: She had to leave her family behind.

As Harry needed a mother figure, Sui Feng and James' good friend Lily took up the job, pretending to be James' wife and Harry's birth mother. Sui Feng had met Lily not long after she met James, and the two hit it off fairly quickly. They got along so well together, that the human witch was chosen to be one of the handful of individuals to know about the couple's relationship, and was even their maid of honor at their wedding.

It tore Sui Feng apart to leave her husband and her then only two month old son, but her duty came first. This was the first time she hated her job, as it had robbed her of the one thing she loved most: her family. And it wouldn't be the last time either.

James and Lily made sure to write to the captain of the 2nd Division, and made sure to keep her updated on Harry's growth. Sometimes, they even sent her pictures so that she could see her precious little boy that she so dearly missed.

Then came the war.

When Lord Voldemort had begun his attacks upon the wizarding society, James and Lily became unable to use any form of contact with Sui Feng. They had told her this in their last letter, so she did not worry when she learned that they went into hiding, as she knew they would be safe from harm.

Little did she know how wrong she was to assume that, for that would be the last letter they would ever send anyone again.

Then came October the 31st, a day that would go down in history. The Halloween night that Voldemort would be defeated by her baby boy. How, though, remained a mystery.

It was also the day James and Lily died, and Sui Feng's son Harry seemingly disappeared without a trace.

When word finally reached the Shinigami captain two weeks later, she rushed to Godric's Hollow as fast as she could. When she got there, though, she saw her husband and best friend's bodies. That wasn't even the worst either, for when went into the nursery and saw Lily, she almost tore the room apart to try and find her son. All she had found, though, was the baby blue blanket she saw Harry with in the pictures she had received. In anguish, she ran into her office, locked the door, and broke down, clutching the small blanket to her chest as she sobbed for two whole days. It had felt as if her heart had been utterly destroyed, leaving her an emotionless husk. The only reason she had yet to commit suicide was for one reason and one reason only: Harry.

For the first time ever in history, Sui Feng would be choosing family over duty.

As soon as she finished mourning her husband and best friend's deaths, she began to search for her missing son. This time, not even her duties would stand in the way between her and her child, consequences be damned. If it weren't for her stupid duties, she would've been there and have been able to see her precious child grow.

This wasn't the thing that infuriated her most, however. No, what made her heart boil in rage was the fact that the snake faced murderer was somehow still alive, his soul wandering the lands of England unhindered by anyone. How he survived, well, there were one or two incredibly rare ways to both do that and avoid the Shinigami race. It was a wonder to her how he had yet to become a Hallow, as being just a wandering soul for that long had to have some kind of effect on him.

She didn't overly focus on that though. No, what mattered the most was the safety of her missing child, and Sui Feng was willing to move heaven and earth to find him. Even if it killed her in the process, as long as she got to hold him in her arms once again, it would be worth it. And nothing would stop her from finding him, be it Shinigami or living.


Sui Feng was currently nervously sitting in a private waiting room at Gringotts in Diagon Alley. Believe it or not, the Shinigami also have the goblin race for bankers in their society. In fact, they are one of the incredible few of the living to be allowed to live in the Soul Society. There were even a few goblin Shinigami amongst the Division ranks. Her own Division had one or to goblins as well, and they were as strong as any other Shinigami, if not a little bit more

That wasn't the reason she was there, however. No, she was there on business. Very important business.

Every month, she would have a meeting with King Ragnok to discuss the progress on locating her son. As by principle, the goblins had kept the search under lock and key to ensure that no one would find out the truth. After all, no one was to know about the captain and the late James Potter's relationship, as it would have caused problems from both the Soul Society and the wizarding world at large.

Each month the goblins would say that they were getting closer to finding the young Potter's location, but were never had fully been able to find his whereabouts. They had to rely solely on resources outside the wizarding world for this. This of course only slowed the process down a bit too much to Sui Feng's liking, as she somehow felt that with each year they were running out of time.

"Heiress Feng," a voice brought Sui Feng out of her worried thoughts. She looked up to see Griphook, the goblin who was the Potter family's secretary and treasurer, standing there before her. "King Ragnok will see you now."

As soon as the goblin said that, the Shinigami captain stood up and followed him down the hall. The Goblin King has sent a summons to her, saying that he had very imperative news for her. For what, he did not say, but she was hoping beyond hope that it concerned her Harry.

All too soon, they reached the giant doors made of a vibrant redwood with beautiful golden trimmings. As Griphook announced them, Sui Feng was getting more and more anxious by the second. Was her son finally found? Or… were they too late. She prayed with all her might that it was the former.

As the great doors opened, her heart almost stopped as she saw Ragnok. On the elaborately golden armored Goblin King's face was a grave look that was frightening to see even on his face. She was now begging whatever god was out there that her son was alive, as it now seemed that they might have indeed been too late to find him before... She couldn't even bring herself to think of it.

She took a deep and slightly shaky breath, then said, "I am here Ragnok. Why did you ask to meet? And a week before our usual meeting might I add."

The Great Goblin looked at her with sorrow in his eyes as all he said was, "We found him, Sui Feng."

Her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped, trying to keep the tears threatening to fall at bay. "W-where Ragnok? Please tell me he's not-" She stopped before she could even finish her sentence, fearing the worst.

"No," the goblin ruler said quickly to stop that train of thought. "He's alive. But…. You remember Lily's relatives the Dursleys?"

Sui Feng's eyes widened in horror at the question. Lily's sister Petunia and her husband Vernon were the most despicable people on the face of the planet. In addition, they absolutely hated anything that wasn't what they considered "normal" by their standards and theirs alone. But why was Ragnok asking that? Unless…

"N-no…. Don't tell me…. My baby boy's with those BARBARIONS?! WHO PUT HIM THERE?!" she was screaming by the end of her small tirade.

Ragnok scowled in anger as he replied in a voice that promised death, "As Dumbledore was unaware of your existence, and Sirius had been accused of betraying James and Lily, they were the only ones Harry could have possibly gone to. Despite how against it he actually was, he thought that it would be the safest place for him." "However," here his voice lowered to growl, "The old fool placed Blood Wards on the house, not realizing the consequences of that decision."

It was silent for a moment. That silence was shattered by Sui Feng's roar of fury. "HE DID WHAT?!" she practically screamed in rage. "DIDN'T HE KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF HE PUT UP A BLOOD WOULD WARD WITH HIM LIVING WITH THOSE ABOMINATIONS WHO LAUGHABLY CALL THEMSELVES HUMANS?!"

Her fury was not unfounded. Blood Wards are a magic that died out years ago for very good reasons. When cast over a house, it would protect the house as long as it kept feeding over a witch or wizard's magic, who in this case was Harry. This was what Dumbledore knew when he put up the ward. However, what he didn't know was the consequences that came with Blood Wards. Overtime, if left unchecked, the wards would start to warp the minds within its barriers, making them far more violent than they would normally be. The magic would naturally make them target the reason for the wards in the first place. If this was the case, then Harry…

"Ragnok," Sui Feng asked, dreading the answer to her next question, "What is the status of the Blood Wards? How weak are they now?" The other problem with Blood Wards was that they were only as strong as long as the wizard or witch was healthy. If they were weak, then that would mean that the magic wielder's life would be in danger. If the wards were weak, then Harry was…

The sorrowful look returned to the Goblin King's face, confirming her fears. "They're close to breaking I'm afraid," he sighed. "That's not all though," he added when he saw her horrified expression, "Our agents have witnessed seeing the boy being abused by his relatives, and is an outcast both at the house and at school. What's more, there are no hospital records saying that he's been treated, or that he even exists in general."

He looked at the Feng Heiress, trying to gouge her reaction to this discovery concerning her son. Her head was down, with her eyes hidden under her bangs; but he could feel the Shinigami's aura increase by tenfold, frightening him for a brief moment, which was incredibly rare for it to happen.

"…Did the agents make a diagnosis?" she asked in silent fury. Sensing his nod, she held out her hand, where a scroll was placed. She spent several minutes silently reading the incredibly long list of injuries, sicknesses, and other health issues. Every second her aura became stronger and stronger, till Ragnok was fighting to not wet himself and die of fear. Not even Unohana, Yamamoto, Dumbledore, or even Voldemort's greatest rage held a candle to the malice the mother Shinigami was giving off.

"I'll kill them," she snarled once she finished reading the scroll. Her head finally rose up high, revealing the untold and almost hellish fury within her tear filled eyes. Not even a basilisk could look her in the eye without losing its power and dying of fear. Ragnok was barely holding on to what little courage he had left by now. The aura even seeped out of Gringotts, reaching to almost every corner of the world.

Somewhere in the English countryside, a bizarre wraith-like soul shuddered, feeling fear for the first time in its seemingly immortal life. With this fear came the feeling that it had made the biggest mistake of its life targeting the boy. A mistake that could actually cost it its life it so highly valued and guarded.

"I'LL KILL THEM ALL! EVEN THAT LITTLE BEACH BALL OF THEIRS THEY STUPIDLY CALL THEIR CHILD!" she roared as her tears continued to fall in abundance, her fury reaching even the Soul Society by now. Even a certain fat walrus stopped beating the "freak" and fainted out of fear, landing on the ground with a loud thud.


After her explosive rant, she breathed heavily as her aura slowly died down until she fell to her knees, tears still falling down to the floor. Ragnok just sat there, looking at her sadly. He knew James well, and was one of the few people that were given the honor of the title Friend of Goblins. The fact that his young child was being tormented and hurt infuriated him to the point where he had already had his war armor ready to use on those tiny brained idiots who give all humans a bad name.

"I'm going to get my son out of there," Sui Feng's statement brought the Goblin King out of his lamentation. He looked to see the heiress standing before him with a determined look on her face, the tears having finally ended for now. "I don't care if I have to fight all of England or even Europe. I'm going to bring him home where he belongs."

"Well then," Ragnok said with a sadistic smirk, "I think it's about high time I visited the muggle world anyway. What better way to do that than to join you along with about twenty of our strongest elite warriors?"

The Captain of the 2nd Division just gave him a relieved smile. "Thank you Ragnok," she said with a sigh. "I appreciate all that you've done to help me get here all these years. So I once again thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"It is nothing Heiress Feng," the Great Goblin said with a wave of his hand. "You and James have always been good customers and company to this old goblin. This is honestly the least I can do for you and to help honor the memory of James Potter. Now let's go get your son out of that pit."

*Pivot Drive*

To those who were unaware of magic, Pivot Drive looked like it did every day: normal and boring beyond belief. To those who were aware, however, they would have been running in fear. And who wouldn't when you see a battalion of heavily armored goblins lead by a very angry mother?

Vernon was unaware of this as he continued to slam his "nephew" into the wall. As he was giving the boy his daily beating, he felt this terrifying presence that had knocked him out. When he came too, he instantly unleashed his full wrath upon the lad, believing him to be the cause to try to fight back.

"AND YOU BETTER NOT TRY THAT AGAIN YOU LITTLE FREAK!" he roared, not knowing that the battalion had just made it to the door and could hear him clear as a bell. "WE TOOK YOU IN OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF OUR HEARTS, AND THIS-" He never got a chance to finish his sentence as the door was obliterated, showing the dark outline of a furious woman.

Being the stubborn idiotic man he was, Vernon marched up to her, red faced and furious as another "freak" had just torn down his beautiful door they just had installed last Tuesday. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU TRA-" His threat was cut short as he felt a familiar killing intent from the woman before him. It was the same one that had caused him to feel like he was going to die!

At that very moment, Vernon knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was royally screwed.

"Vernon Dursley," the woman said as three of the twenty goblins before him in his hallway began to approach him, "You are hereby under arrest for harming an innocent child, as well as harming the heir to both the lines of Potter and Feng."

"H-h-heir?!" the walrus-like man sputtered out in disbelief. "How can a little freak be an heir?! He's the spawn of my wife's sister and that troublemaker James Potter!" As soon as he said this, he felt a sword pressed up to his massive, bulging neck. His face paled as he saw Sui Feng holding the very sword that was inches away from decapitating him.

Don't you dare speak about my husband or son like that, human," she snarled in fury as she glared at him, nearly turning his blood to ice in fear. Then he realized something that she had said.

"Y-your husband and son?!" he gasped in shock. "B-but Lily was James' wife, not you! Who're you trying to fool here?!" By then he was beginning to shriek in a very unmanly tone. There was no way this monster clothed in the flesh of a woman was the wife of James and Harry's mother right.

The Shinigami gave a dark chuckle as she brought the blade closer to his jugular. "Oh how wrong you are Vernon," she said with an evil grin on her face. "Harry is not Lily's son. He's mine! The only reason you thought that she was his mother was because we wanted you to think that, pig."

She pressed the tip of her blade harder on Vernon's neck, drawing just a small drop of blood. She stopped her advance, however, when she heard a tiny, pained whimper. She spun to the side to see Harry curled up on the ground next to the wall in a pool of blood, unconscious. Her hands flew to her mouth as she shot over to him.

"Harry," she whispered in horror at his condition. His body was covered with injuries of all sorts, with scars covering most of the four year old's tiny body. The only probable reason he would still be alive would have to be thanks to his magic, as he is a child of a wizard. The only clothing he was wearing was just an old and raggedy shirt that was far too large for his incredibly tiny frame. Most likely a hand-me-down from the walking bowling balled spoiled brat Dudley.

Ever so carefully she lifted her son into her arms, making sure not to agonize his wounds any more than they already were. She turned to the Goblin King in concern. "King Ragnok," she said in hurried respect, "Is it alright if I…"

"You don't need to finish that sentence Sui Feng," the goblin ruler said, using her name instead of her title. Doing so showed how concerned he was for the boy's safety as well. "You take him to your friend Captain Unohana. Right now, I think she's the only one who can help the boy right now. And judging by his injuries by these "creatures", I'd suggest you make all do haste."

As soon as he finished saying that, Sui Feng quickly bowed, then shot out the door and down the street like a rocket. Ragnok just watched as mother and son disappeared over the horizon, reunited once again. And this time, nothing would separate them.

He turned as he heard the sound of several pops as wizards and a witch appeared. They stared at the scene of the goblins having the Dursleys in chains in shock. An elderly wizard with a long beard walked up to the Goblin King in confusion.

"King Ragnok?" Albus Dumbledore asked as he looked at the scene before him. "What has happened here? Where's Harry?"

Ragnok chuckled as he replied with a beaming smile, which was very unlike the ruler of goblins to have on his face, "Don't worry about young Harry, Professor. He's safe with his mother."
