A/N: This is my first fanfiction so I would really like to see some reviews, constructive criticism also works so just keep in mind that I'm new. Also I know the Mortal Instruments is an old book series...apparently but I just love the characters and the plot so much. Anyways I should shut up.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Mortal Instruments series nor do I own the characters, they belong to the sweet Cassandra Clare. I'm just that kind of fangirl.

It's been 3 years since I left the New York Institute but here I am again, this place brings back memories good and bad. I remember all the times Izzy cooking for us, those were one of the more good memories that I've have had here in the Institute now that I think about it. It's Jace that brings the sorrow and pain now but all I keep whispering to myself is … I'm back.

Flashback (3 years ago)-

I just came back from Idris a few hours ago, Clave meeting were driving me nuts. The Clave kept on asking what had happened the night at Lake Lyn but I kept certain things like how Jace died and how the Angel brought him back. And the first thing that came to mind when I came back home was Jace. I darted across the institute hall reaching for Jace's door I push it open.

I didn't know what I expected his reaction would be but I never expected mine to be this hurt. On the bed I see Jace sleeping but not just sleeping but sleeping with someone else, that's not me. I feel tears in my eyes as I see a blonde girl who seems to be wearing Jace's shirt.

Her eyes fix on me and she walks towards me with a confused look on her face, now that I look at her eyes, I see the prettiest shade of blue ever. "Who are you?" she asks in a slightly annoyed voice.

"I could as you the same thing." I spit.

She looks back at Jace, who is still sleeping calmly and then turns back to me with a smirk then looks down at her.

I get what she's trying to tell me but before I can get angry, I make a run for it turning to a wall I take out my stele and start drawing a portal and think about a place but all I can hear in my head is Jace's voice in my head saying, think about England and I do. I jump into the portal and just think about England.

I appear in front of what looks like a broken church but once I look at it closer I see the glamour. It's not a broken church anymore instead it looks something similar to Hogwarts...never mind it's the fangirl in me. It's an institute. I walk up the stairs towards the gold doors and there engraved in a coppery silver says...England Institute.

I gasp at the letters and suddenly the door opened and standing behind it is a girl with brown hair and silver eyes, she looks up at me and smiles.

"Are your parents here?" I ask with a frown. She looks confused and then I notice that she's deaf. After staring at her for what seems like hours a woman walks behind her and tells the girl something in sign language, the girl's smiles brighter and runs off. The woman then turns to me and smiles warmly gesturing me to come inside.

That's the day I found a new family, I've been living with for the past 3 years and the funny thing is I don't regret anything.

Today I'm standing in front of my old home for a stupid Clave meeting about my psycho brother, Sebastian. Shuffling through memories in my head I smile and think...this is going to be fun.

A/N: Please let me know what you think I'll try to update tomorrow. I will write more about this new family but right now I have to go back to reality. I know boring. :)