A/N: Okay, so from now on I'm not allowed to make any statements on how long I think it'll take to finish a chapter. There's no real excuse for how long this took. I'm sorry. Since it's been so long, just wanted to let you know that it's probably best to re-read the last two chapters before reading this one if you haven't read since the last time I posted. Don't really need to re-read the entire thing, but those last two chapters are pretty necessary to have fresh in your mind to understand this one.

Scavengers of the Sea

Part 6

Stupid sister. Stupid grandfather. Stupid humans and their stupid 'kissing'. What a stupid idea. Why would anyone want to do something like that? And especially stupid Antonio, for not somehow letting her know it was a stupid human thing.

Lovi just wanted to hide in a cave for the next few years. Maybe she'd stop blushing by then.

"Ahh, young love!" It didn't help that Nonno kept crooning over her, squeezing his hands together as he acted like an overemotional idiot. "If only you'd told me before, Lovi, I would've translated for you! I suppose now we'll have to start lessons in the human languages, though."

She glared down into the water, refusing to show any interest in what he was saying. Maybe he'd shut up if she ignored him.

She knew it wasn't likely, but she could hope.

"Lovi, that's so cute!" Her sister was also being annoying. "He wants to be your mate too!"

"Like I'd want an ugly human for a mate." This was all Antonio's fault. If he hadn't gone out on that stupid dock, then none of this would've happened. She would've found a gift for Feli, gone home, and continued with her normal, human-less life.

Her grandfather started talking to Antonio again in that stupid human language, which just annoyed her even more, since she could only understand a handful of words. One of which was her name, so she knew they were talking about her.

She flicked her tail underwater, almost smacking a fish that was swimming by. That stupid bastard. Why would he try to kiss her? He should've known that she wouldn't know what he was doing. It was perfectly reasonable for a girl to freak out when someone moved his mouth toward her like that. Yes, humans might have weird, useless, flat teeth, but it still would probably hurt if they bit you. And she didn't know what sort of weird things humans did...

She could feel her cheeks heating up even more, as she remembered that moment. It was embarrassing to be seen like that, caught in a net like a careless guppy, but Antonio hadn't laughed or mocked her. He helped free her from the ropes, always very gentle, and he talked to her. She couldn't understand the words, but she knew he was trying to apologize for insulting her before.

She wanted to stay angry with him, but it was annoyingly difficult after that. She could've disappeared once she was free, but instead she decided to stay... For some completely illogical reason.

It was probably just because he looked so pathetic. It wasn't like he could help being a stupid human.

So, she stayed. He was the one who then decided to crawl over her and...maybe she thought in those moments that he really was attractive for a human and that she could forgive him for pushing her away before. He was an idiot, but his eyes were so green and they pleaded with her for another chance.

But, then... The stupid thing happened. And, of course, she realized right after biting him that she made a mistake. She was too embarrassed to stay, so she swam away and promised herself that she'd never see him again.

But then her fucking nonno and sister got involved.

And now Antonio was doing something... She watched, confused, as he sat on the edge of the dock and then pushed himself off and into the water for some reason. Her initial instinct was to swim toward him—since he wasn't wearing the stupid baby thing that helped him stay afloat—but then she remembered that her sister and grandfather were right there. She couldn't do anything stupid and sappy in front of them.

She, instead, watched as Nonno swam toward her stupid human and leaned forward to whisper something in his ear.

Lovi scowled. She didn't trust her grandfather. And she really didn't like that he could understand their stupid language when she couldn't. Nonno could say anything to Antonio and she would have no idea.

Antonio was listening very intently to whatever her nonno was saying. She saw him nod a few times and silently mouth something. Then, he turned toward her with those stupidly green eyes and began to swim in her general direction.

At least, that's what she assumed he was trying to do. She'd seen headless fish swim more efficiently than him.


"Yes." She had to fight the urge to reach out and grab him; just watching him attempt to swim was making her anxious, as much as she tried to ignore the feeling.

He stopped in front of her, legs inefficiently kicking underwater to keep him afloat. He was staring at her, so intently that it actually made her feel a slight tinge of nervousness...

Then, in her own language—or as close as any human vocal cords were going to get—he clearly and rather loudly declared, "I love you, Lovi!"

And her stupid heart did its stupid fluttering and her sister made an obnoxiously high-pitched squealing sound and Lovi knew that her face was currently turning the same shade of red as her now-beloved tomatoes. And she couldn't respond. All she could do was stare at him, her cheeks turning a brighter and brighter shade of red as the moments dragged on like tiny eternities.

Antonio started to look nervous. He turned his head away and said something in the human language to her grandfather, who chuckled and then said, "You're making him think he said it wrong."

Stupid Nonno. She sent him an icy glare. He just laughed at her.

Antonio's eyes were on her again, so green... She could easily forget where they were, about her sister and grandfather's presence, about the fact that he was a human and she had no idea how this could possibly work, when his eyes were focused on her like this.

She took a deep breath, closed her own eyes so she could regain her composure... And then repeated the same words back to him.

She wasn't sure what response she'd expected; humans were unpredictable in general and her human seemed at least doubly as bizarre as all others. She definitely hadn't expected a loud exclamation and sudden movement toward her, almost like he was trying to attack.

Except of course it wasn't an attack and she hurriedly squashed her initial instincts, which were to freeze and/or defend herself. She'd learned from her past mistakes.

He had thrown his arms around her and was now pulling her against his body. Something she instantly knew she appreciated...

Except her grandfather's voice broke through the moment like one of those awful horns that humans put on their largest ships. "Now, this is what humans call a 'hug'. If you want, I can ask Antonio if he'd be willing to show you what a 'kiss' is like... Although, of course, as your grandfather and king, I do have to be strict and say it can't progress any farther than that until he's officially announced his courtship." The wink he sent her made it clear that he was only saying this 'as her grandfather and king'.

God fucking damnit. If that wasn't an instant mood-killer...

"Lovi," but Antonio's voice brought her back to him. He was smiling and, as he lifted his hand to brush against her cheek, he repeated, "I love you."

...And fuck it.

She didn't care if her grandfather knew the human language. She and Antonio had been doing just fine without him, kind of... Not always. But, well enough that she wasn't going to stick around and let him—and her sister—watch her embarrass herself, just in case she needed a translator.

She pulled away from Antonio, grabbed his arm, and began to swim as fast as she could while dragging him behind her.

"Wait, Lov—"

They'd figure it out.

A/N: And done. Again, I'm sorry it took so long... I don't really have any good excuse. Got stuck halfway through and then depression/thesis stuff happened and I've been in an awful writing slump for months. For whatever reason, I actually felt okay today so I was like 'fuck this, I really really need to finish this story. I only have one chapter left.' So, it is done. Unfortunately I'm still working on that thesis and it is legit kicking my ass, so if you follow any of my other stories, I can't say this means any of them are getting updated any time soon... But, I actually have been feeling like I want to continue them, which is more than I can say about how I've felt for a while now. So... Who knows. Thesis is my priority now, but sometimes I can take a break for other writing.

(On that note, though, if you feel so inclined, please send nice thoughts or prayers or whatever my way. I definitely need them. Thesis is not going well and combined with a bunch of other stuff that's happened recently, I could definitely use any positive...anything...sent my way.)

Anyway, I really hope everyone who read this enjoyed the story even with the horrific hiatus. It was a tough one. Definitely stretched myself as a writer with the communication stuff, but that made it end up being kind of a fun little exercise. So yes, I hope everyone enjoyed! And hopefully I can update one of my other stories soon, cuz I really miss you guys.