Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Beta-ed thanks to WelcomeToTheAnimeParade~!
Recommendation: I don't usually do this but seriously guys, to get the right feel just try to listening to the 'All In' track by Monsta X.
~12th January XX20; 14:00 hrs.~
~Location Unknown~
"Guys look carefully! He must be around somewhere!"
The snow fell from the dreary skies like pillows of soft feathers.
The decaying ruins were covered with a light blanket of the white snow, more falling to join it.
Four guys were running around, searching for their lost member.
The once lazily falling snow was now picking up speed.
"Let's split, we will be able to find him faster this way," Jellal suggested. He had a rag pressed onto his forehead, trying to staunch the bleeding. The other three were in no better shape too.
"That's good, so Natsu and I will head towards the broken go-downs, Lyon can search the rusting shacks while Jellal can search in this area," Loke suggested, looking at others for confirmation which came in the form of simultaneous nods, "Alright, let's head out!"
The snow fall was gradually turning into a blizzard.
Lyon was skimming through the rubble when his eyes spotted a familiar necklace. His eyes widened in shock as the body fully came into his sight.
The wind picked up speed.
But the body didn't seem to be breathing at all.
Oookkkaaayyy, I just watched Monsta X's 'All In' MV and just…WOW! Minhyuk and Hyungwon's acting completely rendered me speechless and that where this baby started developing! I have been watching this MV and listening to the song continuously for 10 hours now and I can still go another 10~ XD
The next 2 chappies for this are ready~ Inside Me's next chappie is halfway done too~
Comments are appreciated! Don't forget to pitch in something for the lovely beta too~!