Steve/Reader – On your left

Main Characters:

Reader, Steve/Cap, Sam/Falcon

IMAGINE: You meet up with your jogging buddy Sam Wilson. When he finds out who your boyfriend is he tells you invite Steve along, thinking he could give him a bit of competition. What happens when Captain America and Falcon go against each other? (Winter Soldier)

"Hi Sam," I called out as I made my way over to a tree at the side of the Potomac River, our usual meeting spot.

"Hi (Y/N)," he greeted back whilst stretching in the shade.

I'd first met Sam Wilson a couple of months ago, just after Steve and I had moved out to DC from New York. At first he was just another early morning jogger. He was someone other than me who loved watching the sun rise as they ran, the orange hue reflecting off the pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Before long it started to get awkward. We turned up roughly at the same time every day, would run the same route, at more or less the same pace. It was hard to avoid each other. On one occasion Sam took it upon himself to break the ice and introduced himself, we got chatting, and eventually we became jogging buddies.

"So, have you been up to much in the last 24 hours?" I laughed with a tired smile. It was 6.30 in the morning and I was exhausted. A certain Captain had kept me up pretty late the night before, if you know what I mean.

"I ran a session at the VA in the morning but other than that not too much. How about you?" I thought it was amazing the work that Sam was doing at the VA. He ran talks and counselling sessions for army veterans. Sometimes I felt like drafting him in to talk to the Avengers. God knows, they needed it after some of the sights they'd seen. I remember after the battle of New York, Steve just shut himself off. He couldn't sleep, wouldn't talk about it. He was never at home. Once I eventually got him to open up to me it was like the barriers had broken down and he got so much better.

"Steve and I had meetings at work all day. They're still going through all the paperwork and statements from what happened in New York. I just want to move on from it to be honest."

"I get ya (Y/N). When something like that happens the last thing you want is to have it brought up every day. Maybe you and Steve could come down to the VA sometime. You could meet some of the veterans, share your experiences."

"I don't know Sam. It took long enough to get him to talk to me," I voiced with a shaky breath. We'd been running for over an hour now and were only just passing the Jefferson Monument.

"Well the offers there if you wanna take it."


After another half an hour we finally decided to call it a day. It was already boiling hot outside and was only 8am.

"Well, I better head to the gym. Steve will be wondering where I've got to." I always met Steve after my morning run to do some more training. I loved training with him, I just didn't love running with him. He used to hold back so we were in time with each other but I could see it in his eyes, the want to just pick up the pace and push himself. I'd eventually give in, tell him to go for it and he'd launch off in a flash. I may as well have been on my own. In the end we decided that I'd go jogging in one place, he'd go somewhere else and then we'd meet up at the gym.

"You should get him to join us for a run one morning," Sam pondered, cooling down and taking a seat on the grass beside me.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. There's a reason that I don't go jogging with him. I don't want him to embarrass you."

"Embarrass me? Are you serious? I bet I could wipe the floor with the old guy?" Sam laughed. He really had no clue.

"You really think you can beat him, huh?"

"I don't think. I know."

"Fine. Tomorrow, I'll bring Steve. You beat him on the route then we'll buy you breakfast. He beats you, you buy it for us. What do you say?" This should be interesting.

"You're on."

The next morning, Steve and I made our way over to the Capitol Building, mine and Sam's normal starting point. Once I'd told Steve the bet and the way Sam had reacted he didn't hesitate in taking up the offer for a competitive run. Let's be honest though, there was no competition. Steve had won already.

"I can't wait to see the look on his face when you blitz past him," I giggled as we waited on Sam to get there, me sitting in between Steve's legs on the grass as the minutes ticked by.

"All I'll say is I hope he's got a full wallet. I'm going to be pretty hungry once this is done."

Less than ten minutes later Sam arrived, a determined and confident look crossing his features.

"Hi (Y/N)."

"Sam I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Steve Rogers," I smiled with pride. I never got sick of calling him that.

"I know who he is (Y/N)," Sam laughed, reaching out to shake hands with the brick built muscle man at my side.

"Nice to meet you Captain Rogers, I'm Sam Wilson."

"Please call me Steve. It's nice to finally meet the guy who's been spending so much time with my girlfriend." The way Sam's eyes widened at that statement was like something out of a comedy sketch. If they grew any bigger they'd fall out of his head.

"You know it's not like that with me and Sam baby," I moaned, wrapping my arms around his torso and leaning in as close as I possibly could.

"I know (Y/N), I trust you. Just having a mess with my competitor here," he grinned, kissing the tip of my nose and then breaking out into a laugh.

"So that's how it's going to be then Rogers, huh? I think it's about time we got started."

We'd been running for about 20 minutes and so far Sam was in the lead, he had a huge grin on his face, certain that he'd got one up on the famous American hero. Little did he know, Steve had just given him a false sense of security. He wasn't even warming up yet.

"You're loving this aren't you?" I asked, bumping shoulders with Steve and rolling my eyes.

"I'm just letting him enjoy himself for a minute. I don't want to completely embarrass him."

"Well times getting on a bit honey and I'm going to get hungry soon, I think you can pick up the speed now."

Steve didn't need to hear another word. Without warning he suddenly bolted, just a streak of his blonde hair catching my eye as he shot forward.

In front of me Sam stopped in his tracks, his hands now rested on his hips and his mouth hung open so low it was not far from touching the floor.

"You've got to be kidding me?" He shouted in my direction in disbelief, struggling to catch his breath as he waited for me to catch up.

"I did say there was a reason I don't go jogging with him."

I couldn't contain my laughter as we started moving forward once more, Steve no longer in sight. It was just a matter of time.

"ON YOUR LEFT," I heard a familiar voice call, only five minutes later. Yep Steve just lapped us.

"There is no way that guy is human."

"He's Captain America, Sam."

"Don't remind me."

In the next 30 minutes Steve had overtaken us another 6 times, happily calling out the words "on your left" every single time. He was just showing off now. Oh, here he is again.

"Don't say it? Don't you say it?" Sam bellowed just behind him with gritted teeth. It was safe to say he'd given up on winning a long time ago.



A few minutes later I was beat, my legs felt like literal jelly and I was overjoyed at seeing the finishing point of the Capitol Building not too far up ahead.

"Thank god for that," I breathed heavily alongside Sam, both of us collapsing on to the grass at our feet. I think I might just take some time off of the whole running thing for the next couple of days.

"Need a medic?" Steve joked with a smile, coming to a stop at our side. He hadn't even broken a sweat. Damn super soldier.

"I need a new set of lungs. You just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes." Talk about stating the obvious Sam.

"Yeah it took me a while to warm up. I can do 15 on a good day." Rub it in baby why don't you?

"(Y/N), is your guy for real?"

"Afraid so, Sammy."

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Take another lap?" Sam blinked before continuing.

"Did you take it? I'm assuming you just took it?"

It was clear with these two that it was just joking around between them. Sam had accepted that he'd been beaten, and Steve was impressed with how well he'd taken it. It was nice to see Steve making friends with a guy finally. He was always so guarded, accept with me. It was about time.

"Right, I'm gonna go grab us some water. Why don't you two get to know each other a bit better?" I smiled, getting to my feet and giving Steve a quick peck before walking off, looking back at the new friends with nothing but pride.

"What unit were you with?" I heard Steve asking as I returned. I see it didn't take long for them to get on with the army talk.

"58th para-rescue, but now I'm working down at the VA."

"Oh yes, (Y/N) mentioned it."

"It must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing?" Sam questioned in genuine interest, Steve not fazed by the turn in questioning.

"It took some getting used to, didn't it baby?" I answered for him, making my presence known before he proceeded to wrap a strong arm around my shoulders.

"It did. Having certain people around made it a lot easier though," Steve responded, looking at Sam and then turning his attention to me.

"What about your bed?" Where was Sam going with this?

"What's that?" Steve asked, just as confused as I was.

"Your bed is too soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rocks for pillows like a caveman. Then I'm home and I'm lying in my bed and it's like..."

"...lying on a marshmallow. You feel like you're going to sink straight through to the floor," Steve interrupted. Wow, they really did have a lot in common.

"How long were you over there Sam?" I wondered.

"Two tours."

"Must have been tough?" Steve asked after me.

"You know how it is Steve? Do you miss the good old days?"

"Well things aren't so bad. The foods a lot better. We used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I've been reading that a lot trying to catch up..."

"...Hey? What about me? Aren't I included on that list?" I butted in.

"Of course not honey. You've got a list all to yourself," Steve saved himself by being all old school romantic, pulling me into a love felt kiss and not making any attempt to let go.

"Good answer baby," I grinned as we finally let go.

"Right, before you two get started up again and I turn into a third wheel, let me make a suggestion," Sam joked whilst rolling his eyes.

"And what would that be? Steve grinned, pulling me into his side but placing all his attention on the fellow soldier in front of us.

"Marvin Gaye, 1972, Troubleman soundtrack. Everything you missed jammed into one album."

"Not according to (Y/N) it isn't," Steve noted, looking down at a piece of paper he'd pulled from his pocket, listing all the things he had to catch up on.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, crossing his arms and raising an eye at me.

"Michael Jackson, 1979, Off the Wall. Enough said."

"Good suggestion, good suggestion. Not better than Troubleman though."

"Are you serious? Have you even listened to Off the Wall? It's like Michael travelled through every decade, picked out the best of music from each one and then put it into one album. Troubleman doesn't even compare." Don't get me started on music Sam.

I could feel another competition coming on.

If you have any imagine requests then please PM me with a brief outline of what you want and I'll get working on it. Also if you are a wattpad user please follow me on there by searching my username LondonaLozzy (same as on here) x