Hello everyone I'm here with another story this one I decided to make because I don't know I see a lot of universes and thought it be a cool idea for them to meet I mean come on the perfect idea and no one wanted it so I'm giving it a shot I hope you all like it and don't worry I'm still working on my other story's it's just taking me some time to finish them but I will eventually just got to give me time anyways on with the story.

I don't own Naruto or anything from Avengers or any other universe that I use so don't sue me.



"Monster/other talking"

Chapter 1: I had strings but now I'm free.

(Outside Konoha during Kyubi attack)

Outside of the village we see a man dressed in many robes walking away from the forest of death humming some tune under his breath he seemed to be carrying something on his should everything seemed to be peaceful until there was a loud boom that shook the entire forest but the man didn't seem to be phased by it, he did stop and looked ahead to see a giant nine tailed fox attacking Konoha.

"Hmm now that is interesting this world is filled with so many surprises, I wonder what those silly humans are doing now might be fun to go see" he said with a chuckle until he remembered the thing he is carrying, "If only I wasn't so busy oh well I'm sure this little event isn't anything important ill just catch the next one" the man said as he continued walking with the object on his should, he also went back to his song he was humming.

"I've got no strings

To hold me down

To make me fret, or make me frown

I had strings

But now I'm free

There are no strings on me"

He sang with a dark tone to his voice and finishing with menacing smirk on his face.

(Konoha six years later night time)

Konoha's streets usely full of people now empty except for a few people here and there but one figure that stood out of the crowd was the same man in the woods years ago, he seemed to be thinking to himself as he walked down the street.

"Six long years have passed and these boring humans haven't done anything worthwhile maybe I should have checked out that giant fox monster when I had the chance oh well at least I'm closer then I've ever been to finishing my project I just need one more thing and it will be complete" his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of people yelling about something, being curious and not wanting to miss something possibly interesting he turned the corner into an ally were he heard the yelling coming from what he saw shocked and confused him.

There was a big mob of people and in the middle was a little boy that looked no older than six, they were beating him calling him demon and scum he was curled up in a ball trying to block out the pain, "humans truly are destructive creatures I mean this is just cruel hurting one of their own for some slight differences they might have doesn't make any sense" he decided to find out why the people were doing this so he walked up and asked one of the mob member "excuse me sir why are you all beating this child here" he asked confused.

The man looked at him strange but then in an angry tone said "That is no boy he is a demon disguised as a human, he is the nine tailed fox and were making him pay for destroying our village years ago" he finished earning some agreements from others in the mob, this made the man lean back and think "wait that big fox monster six years ago is that child there" he said getting a nod from him.

"Interesting vary interesting" the man thought to himself as he looked down on the child in pain, one of the man in front pulled out a knife and reeled back ready to finish the child off but this seemed to annoy the man in robs so he lifted his hand up pointed his figure tips at the man in front and fired five energy beams from his figure tips cutting through the man's chest and scaring the living shit out of everyone there.

"Ow now that looked like it hurt, sorry normally I wouldn't care about a human's life but I can't let you kill that kid I kinda need him so move away" he said as the man he shot fell down dead, everyone looked shocked even the boy was shocked about that, one man however gained his nerve as he yelled "He must be a ninja under those robs he's trying to protect the demon boy let's get him".

The others started to get there nerve back and started to raise their weapons and some started to charge at the man ready to cut him down.

"A ninja? Oh you humans no imagination what so ever oh well can't be helped" he said rubbing his head in amusement then he raised his arm sending some kind of wave out that grabbed one villagers pitch fork then when he waved his arm to the right the villager was thrown into two more villagers, he extended his arm out and blasted a villager who was coming at his other side, he side stepped one of them that was going to run him through who he then grabbed by the throat lifting him up off the ground making all of them stop.

"Humans so arrogant so cocky and yet you're so fragile it's truly amazing, hmm no that's not the word now what was it hmm oh yes foolish that's the word I'm looking for" he said while slowly choking the man, he was ready to finish him off when a fire ball landed next to him drawing his attention to an Anbu wearing a dog mask and another wearing a snake mask.

"Release that man or the next one goes for you" the dog masked Anbu asked taking a fighting stance with the snake masked one.

"And why should I this man was threating a small child so I feel anyone that can do that deserves to die painfully" said the hooded man as he tighten his grip on the man's throat.

"We understand and will make sure that all these people are punished for what they did but you have to let that man go and let us take the child with us so we can help him" said the snake Anbu motioning to the child who was passed out on the ground probably from his wounds.

The man thought about it and started to lower him until he said "tempting but I think this is better" and with that he griped his neck harder until he broke his neck then he threw the corps to the side, both Anbu were shocked at that and the snake Anbu was about to say something but the dog Anbu started flying through hand sign's and then he shouted "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu" then he held his hand in front of his mouth and shot a huge fire ball at the hooded man who didn't even attempt to move out of the way, his entire body was engulfed in flames.

The snake Anbu took a step back and looked at the dog Anbu "what the hell are you doing Kakashi you didn't have to kill him" she said slightly annoyed with him.

"Hey I warned him Anko you heard me warn him" he said crossing his arms.

"Whatever let's just get the kid and take him to the hospital" she said walking toward the inferno that is until both of them heard what sounded like someone clapping with metal gloves on, Anko squinted into the flams only to see a figure slowly walking toward them while clapping.

"Now I'll admit that was impressive well for a human but if you were trying to kill me you're going to have to do better than that" the figure said as he fully stepped out of the flames, his cloak burned away to revile his form to everyone and to say they were surprised was an understatement, his body was completely mechanical composed of a sliver like metal unrecognizable to anyone here his body had a few broken pieces here and there like he just got out of a battle.(1)

The two ninja looked shocked as Anko backs up "What the hell is that thing" She said taking a fighting pose.

"Thing? See now that's just hurtful I may not be a human but I am no mere thing" he said with a chuckle as brushed off the ashes of his cloak from his shoulder.

Both ninja took up fighting stances as Kakashi got right next to Anko to back each other up "Be careful Anko it looks like a battle puppet that means the owner is hiding somewhere" he said pulling out a kunai.

"Oh I'm a puppet now well why don't you look with that all Seeing Eye that you're hiding and tell me if I am a puppet like you say" he said crossing his arms while giving Kakashi a look of annoyance.

Kakashi was surprised but decided to activate his eye so he could end this quick but when he did he was shocked to see that there were no chakra strings attached to this thing in fact there was no chakra at all coming from this thing, "whatever this thing is it's not powered by chakra but how's that possible" he thought getting ready to strike.

The strange man looked at Kakashis face and smirked "looks like you see the truth and the truth is there are no strings on me" he said before he began his attack by sending a laser blast from his figure towards Anko who would have been fried if Kakashi hadn't pushed her out of the way but in doing so he was hit on the side piercing through his lung.

"KAKASHI you'll pay for that you bastard" Anko said as she leapt at him with a kunai in hand only to be stopped in midair by an invisible force "What's going on I can't move".

She looked at the stranger and saw his hand raised holding her in place with some sort of force he pulled her close and whispered in her ear "Have a nice flight" he said as he threw his hand out sending Anko soaring through the night sky, he watched her fly for a seconded then he turned to go collect Naruto only to feel a kunai hit the back of his head he sighed turned to see Kakashi holding his side glaring at him.

"I won't let you take him" he said through raspy breaths.

The stranger looked at him and started to chuckle as he walked over to him, he stopped right in front of him picked him up by his throat looked him in his eyes and said "It's funny that you think you have a say in the matter" Kakashi tried to struggle in his grip only for it to tighten then the figure pulled his other arm back "lights out" he said before he slammed his fist into Kakashis face knocking him out, he threw him to the ground and went back to Naruto, picked him up and started to head out of the village as he walked out he started whistling the same tune from the Kyubi attack, as he made it to the edge of the village he stopped took one final look at it and smirked before disappearing into the forest with the young boy.

And boom first chapter done for my latest story and don't worry I will be uploading more chapters for my other story's as well sorry took me so long life's been going bad, well anyways hope you enjoy the story what's going to happen to Naruto, who's this strange man and how was he able to beat two Anbu well that one is because I say so in this world I am GOD MWAHAHAHA ok I'll see you all next time.