I'm having a really lousy day, so decided to dig through my works in progress and publish the most light hearted one I had a little sooner than planned. This was inspired by the anime Yamada-Kun and the Seven Witches, but you don't need to watch it to understand. Essentially, in the anime certain characters can activate powers with a kiss, and one of them can swap bodies. That's all it has in common.

Don't Kiss and Tell

Chapter 1

Sawada Tsunayoshi was five years old, and already tired with life. He wasn't fast, or strong, or smart or funny. Nobody ever wanted him on their team, and when he was, he was always the first one out. Tsuna was the one person on the planet nobody wanted around, not even Tsuna.

He sighed and climbed up the steps of the jungle gym and sat at the top of the slide. He'd become very fond of the slide, since unlike the swings and the monkey bars, it was very difficult to fall off...but very boring after the first five times. A few seconds later, he slumped the bottom and glanced over at the edge of the park, where a hoard of kids were playing tag. He'd tried to join in, only to get laughed away.

"I wish I was someone else. Anyone else…."

"You there! Can you play a dragon to the extreme?"


Tsuna jerked off the slide and into the dirt. A much taller boy with a shock of white hair was pointing at him, grinning like a crazy man. Apparently oblivious to Tsuna's shock, the boy crouched by his side.

"Kyoko wants to play Rescue the Princess!" said the boy. "But we extremely need another player!"


As he stumbled to his feet, he noticed a smaller figure hiding behind the boy. His eyes widened as he took in the young girl with strawberry blonde hair and gentle eyes.

"Um…hello" she said, giving a small bow. "Sorry, my brother is a little…enthusiastic. You don't have to play if you don't want to."

"But Kyoko! We extremely need a dragon! If we don't, who else can the extreme knight save you from?"

Tsuna swallowed, and as he piped up, both children shut up and focused on him.

"How do you play?"

The manic boy grinned, while the girl gave a smile that dimmed the sun.

After a whirlwind five minutes, Tsuna found himself on top of the jungle gym, sitting next to Kyoko and squeaking out the odd roar while Kyoko's brother – Ryohei – runs around the gym hollering…knighty things.

"Thank you Tsuna" Kyoko giggles, while Ryohei yells about "slaying the evil beast to the extreme!" "Most people are a little put off by my brother."

To be honest, had Ryohei approached him on his own, Tsuna would probably have run in the other direction. But Kyoko had looked so hopeful, and so sweet, Tsuna couldn't even think about saying no.

"Do you live near here?"

Tsuna nodded. "Just a few streets away. You?"

Kyoko smiled. "We're a little further away, closer to the shopping centre. It's a bit far to walk, but brother takes care of me."

Her face dims a little as Ryohei starts clambering up the net. "Other kids invite me to play all the time, but only if brother stays home. Lots of people don't like brother, he's really enthusiastic and people don't want to be around him. He says he doesn't mind, but he's my brother, I don't want to be around people who are mean to him."

She smiles. "Sometimes I wish I could be as cool as my brother. He never lets anyone tell him what to do."

"Y-You're pretty cool Kyoko" Tsuna piped up. "You're the coolest princess on the jungle gym."

That made Kyoko laugh, and she stood up.

"Really? Is that why you captured me?"

Tsuna bit his lip and nodded, and stood up with her. "Sure. I don't capture any old princess. Just the very best."

Kyoko was grinning now, and Tsuna began to relax, just as Ryohei announced his arrival to the top.


The next few moments changed everything.

Ryohei's yell jolted Tsuna, causing his natural klutziness to take into effect. He tripped into Kyoko, and the two stumbled back. Kyoko leaned back, hoping to hit the wall, only to find them both flying downwards on the slide. Her back hit the metal, Tsuna crashed into her, and as they slipped down the slide, Tsuna's lips crashed against Kyoko's.

Even at five years old, this would have been a terrifyingly humiliating moment for both of them had it not been in the middle of a panic, and what happened next.

It was a strange feeling, a tugging at their heads, before their vision shifted and positions swapped.

As Ryohei yelled from the top of the slide, Tsuna and Kyoko stood up, and found themselves staring at a mirror replica of each.



Both children jerked back, staring in horror at what stood in front of them. Tsuna was the first to drop his gaze, only to shriek as he spotted a pink sundress he was currently wearing. The whimper from nearby suggested Kyoko had spotted the dungarees, and when he looked up, Kyoko-Tsuna was pulling at her hair.

"Tsuna, what just happened?" she asked, a little frantic. Tsuna-Kyoko could only shake his head.

"I…I don't know."


They both jerked as Ryohei slid down the slide, and Tsuna-Kyoko's eyes widened as the older boy clapped his hands around his…her? Shoulders.

"I'm extremely sorry I scared you!" Ryohei blustered. "Are you okay?"

Tsuna-Kyoko could only stare at him in horror, and the worried expression became panicked.

"Kyoko? Kyoko are you broken?"

He turned around and loomed over his actual sister, unbeknownst to him.

"Oi! Tsuna! What did you do to my sister?"

Much to both boy's astonishment, Kyoko-Tsuna just burst into tears, and Ryohei stepped back in confusion while Tsuna-Kyoko panicked.

"Kyoko!" he yelped, running towards her. "It's okay! Don't cry!"

Ryohei blinked as his sister started comforting the sobbing boy. "Eh? Kyoko?"

Kyoko-Tsuna looked up from the sniffling. "B-Big brother" she choked out.

The older boy looked back and forth between them.

"Is this a new game?"

Kyoko-Tsuna shook his head. "No! Something happened when we fell down the slide. We swapped bodies but we don't know how."

Ryohei's jaw dropped, and he screamed in horror before lunging forward and clamping his arms around Kyoko-Tsuna.

"I'm extremely sorry for yelling at you Kyoko! Please don't cry!"

Thankfully, Ryohei had absolutely no trouble accepting both Kyoko and Tsuna's word as truth, but he had no more idea how to fix the problem than they did. They tried going down the slide again, yelling out magical words, and even an 'extreme hug!" thanks to Ryohei. It didn't work, but the action made Tsuna think back to exactly what happened before the incident…and blushed bright red when he realised what they hadn't yet tried.

"Uh…K-Kyoko?" he started. "When we fell down the slide, we crashed into each other and…and…andwekindofkissedeachother!"

Kyoko-Tsuna thought back, and immediately blushed. Ryohei was automatically furious.

"You took Kyoko's extreme first kiss!" he roared, only to calm down as Kyoko-Tsuna tugged on his arm, still blushing furiously.

"Maybe it's like the magic kiss in the storybooks?" she said, catching on to what Tsuna had been suggesting. "M-Maybe if we do it again?"

It was hard to say which of them was redder by the end of that sentence. Ryohei seemed torn between outrage that his little sister had to perform such an act, and eagerness to try and fix the problem. Tsuna was refusing to look up, while Kyoko was biting her…his? Lip. Finally, she sighed, and marched over the boy currently possessing her body, and quickly pressed her lips to his.

The same jerking feeling occurred, and when they both pulled away, they had swapped positions. Kyoko lit up.

"It worked!"

Tsuna grinned, wrapping his arms around his chest. "I'm me again!"

"Extreme!" Ryohei roared.

That night, when they get home, all three of them tell their parents what had occurred.

The Sasagawa's are a little upset that their daughter has been kissing random boys, but with her brother's 'extreme explanation' assume that it's all part of the make believe game they'd been playing, and brush it off with good humour. It's actually quite sweet that their children have such vivid imaginations.

Sawada Nana on the other hand…

"Oh Tsuna, you activated the curse already?" she says. "You're such a fast learner!"

Tsuna's eyes widen. "C-curse?"

His mother nods, and sits him down in the living room. "My family have a very big secret Tsu-kun" she whispers. "Hundreds of years ago, one of my ancestors broke the heart of a woman well loved by a guardian spirit. The spirit in turn, cursed my ancestor. Now, whenever a man of my family kisses another person, he swaps bodies with that person."

"But why?" Tsuna asks. It's a rather terrifying feeling to swap, but why would the spirit do it?

Nana smiles. "Because if you swap bodies with someone, there's no guarantee they'll swap back. My ancestor was very wealthy, and when the next woman he seduced kissed him, she found herself in the body of a rich and powerful man. She refused to give it back, and nobody believed him. He ended up living in the street, hungry and dying because everyone thought he was mad."

She claps her hands. "But don't worry, there's a happy ending. A man took pity on my ancestor and nursed him back to health. My ancestor fell in love with the man's kindness, and even when he had a chance to take his body for his own, he gave it back. They stayed together and swapped regularly, even having children together."

Nana places her hands on her son's shoulders. "Every man in my line has been blessed with this curse Tsu-kun" she says. "Some find someone who loves them and is happy to share their body with them, others swap lives with others completely, and some choose to never kiss the one they love. But they have always found a way to be happy."

"…Really?" Tsuna asks.

"Oh yes!" Nana insists. "My parents used to swap bodies all the time. I think my Dad actually carried me the whole nine months! And my Great, Great Grandfather wasn't actually my Great, Great Grandfather at all! He was the son from a wealthy family, and they refused to let him marry my Great, Great Grandmother, so he swapped with a friend so he could marry her, and his friend could have money!"

"What about never kissing?" Tsuna replies, and Nana waves her hand.

"Your uncle insists he's never swapped with your Aunt" she says. "And they're very happy together. There are lots of things you can do with the one you love that don't require kissing on the lips."

"Really?" Tsuna asks, and Nana freezes, suddenly realising what she's saying to her five-year-old son.

"Ah, hah hah, don't you worry about that" she insists. "Let's have dinner now, okay Tsu-kun?"

In another life, perhaps that would have been the end of it. The Sasagawa siblings would have decided to believe it was just a made up game, and Tsuna would have sworn never to kiss anyone again.

However, in this life, Tsuna would return to the park to find Kyoko waiting there for him.

"Hi Tsuna! Were you okay last night?"

Tsuna nodded. "Um, y-yes. I-I told my mother what happened and she said that my family is cursed. All the men in my family can do it."

Kyoko's eyes widened. "Really? That's amazing. You're like a superhero!"

Tsuna blushed heavily. "N-not really! It's not really useful or anything. It's just scary and weird."

"I don't think so" Kyoko replied. "It's only weird if you let it be."

"Well, it's not like I can use it for anything."

At that, Kyoko faltered, and looked down, wringing her hands.

"Um…actually, I was wondering if we could maybe do it again?"

Tsuna's eyes widened. "E-eh?"

The girl looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes. "Do you want to try it again? I've always wanted to know what it would be like to be a boy!"

"Hiei! Really?"

Kyoko nodded. "Haven't you noticed how different people treat boy and girls. Girls have to be pretty and sweet and the boys don't let them play in the really rough games. But boys aren't allowed to play with dolls and have to do what girls say."

Tsuna pouted. "But I've never really wanted to play with dolls

"You don't have to!" Kyoko insisted. "But people always treat girls nicer…"

She glanced over into the park, where other kids were playing. "I noticed yesterday, other kids don't treat you very well. Wouldn't you like it if people treated you nicer?"

He forced down the instinctive 'yes' but Kyoko was still looking at him with giant bambi eyes…and that will crumbled.

"J-just for an hour?"

Kyoko's face lit up, and she gave a quick bow.

"Thank you Tsuna."

The boy just blushed furiously when she took his shoulders, and pressed a light kiss to his lips.

Since they were prepared for it, the switch went smoother this time, and a moment later, Tsuna looked at his grinning doppelganger and sighed.

"Please don't do anything too dangerous."

Kyoko-Tsuna nodded and grabbed his arm. "I promise. Now let's go play!"

Despite his protests, Kyoko dragged Tsuna towards the children playing tag, and pushed him forward. The group paused as they watched them walk over, and Kyoko-Tsuna turned to them with a smile.

"Hi there! I'm going away for a bit, so can Kyoko play with you?"

The kids were scowling, with seemed to give Kyoko pause, but they faded when they looked at Tsuna-Kyoko, who was more than a little hesitant.

"Sure Dame-Tsuna" said one of the leaders. "She can play if you leave."

Tsuna-Kyoko panicked, but Kyoko-Tsuna just patted him on the shoulder. "I'll be back in an hour, have fun!"

With that Kyoko ran off, taking Tsuna's body with her. Tsuna-Kyoko wanted to follow, only to find one of the kids tugging on his arm.

"Come on Kyoko!" she said. "Hiro's it, he's the one in the red shirt. Just stay away from him okay."

He took one more glance at Kyoko, vanishing out of the park. "Uh…okay."

The game resumed, and Tsuna-Kyoko was a little bit hesitant. In a matter of minutes, he'd trip and fall, or get caught first or cause someone else to be caught.

However, as the game went on, Tsuna, in Kyoko's body, didn't trip, or fall or do anything other than run around and avoid the ones who were it.

It was as if whatever made him Dame-Tsuna didn't follow when he swapped bodies.

(He kind of pitied Kyoko if it remained for her).

Of course, it was too good to last. As he tried to avoid Hiro and the other 'it's,' he stumbled and fell to the ground, ripping Kyoko's dress and scraping her knee.

He winced in pain, and started to panic. He'd ruined Kyoko's dress; he'd ruined Kyoko's knee! She was never going to forgive him.

Just as he started tearing up, he found himself surrounded by concerned children, pulling him up and trying to console him.

"Don't cry Kyoko! It'll be okay!"

"Your dress is only a little dirty, do you want us to take you home. We promise you won't get in trouble!"

He could only try to choke back the hysterics as people crowded him, offering him support and platitudes, something that he'd never really experienced. Before he could really process it, there was a familiar voice coming from the distance.


It was Kyoko, running towards him, and Tsuna could only gape at the sight of his body. All of his clothes were either torn or covered in dirt, while his hair was bedraggled and…was that a bird's nest hiding in it?


Kyoko-Tsuna gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, sorry. I got in a little trouble."

The kids snorted. "Typical Dame-Tsuna. We can take care of Kyoko."

"No!" Tsuna-Kyoko squeaked. "I-I mean, our uh…families! Our families know each other and I need to go home with Tsuna."

Kyoko-Tsuna blinks, but quickly gets on board. "Uh…yes! Yes, so it's okay. I'm sure…Kyoko will be happy to play with you again. But we need to go now!"

She slings an arm around Tsuna's shoulders and the two of them stumble out of the park. Within a few steps, the two of them collapse into giggles.

"W-what did you do to my body?" Tsuna-Kyoko snickers, the pain in his knee fading under the glee.

"S-sorry" Kyoko-Tsuna snickers. "I was climbing a tree when a branch broke and I kind of fell. Then I slipped into the river."


"Just a little! I pulled myself out!" Kyoko-Tsuna insists. "Your body is a little bigger than mine and it's a little clumsy."

Tsuna-Kyoko winced, but nodded in acceptance.

"So…how was it for you?" Kyoko-Tsuna asked.

Tsuna-Kyoko sobered at that. "It was…nice. Everyone was nice to me, and when I tripped they were all nice and comforting. Normally people just laugh."

They both fell silent, and then turned to look at each other, with grins slipping on their faces.

"Want to do this again?"

"Same time next week?"

They shook hands, and after a quick glance for witnesses, kissed back.


I've always found it hard to keep track of whose who with written body swaps, so to keep track I'm putting mind-body. If this is more confusing than helpful let me know.