This is a Laxus x Lucy fanfic. (One of my many favorite pairings), don't like, then please do not read. Also, this story will be a work in progress for a while, merely because I will be participating in CoLu week! So, I will be dividing my time and effort after a while between this story and June 19th-26th. Thank you for your understand.

On a side note; I have no claim to Fairy Tail or its characters. Please enjoy.


Chapter 1

She couldn't recall anything! She didn't know where she was. Why she was there. Why she was chained to the wall. Or even who she was. All that she did know, was that she didn't feel safe, nor comfortable in her situation.

However, she seemed to know not to call out. She could hear noise coming from above her, but something told her that she wouldn't like it if whoever it was figured out she was awake. Looking around, she took in the rock cell, rusted cell door, and thick rusted chain that kept her prisoner. Biting her bottom lip, she moved closer to the wall where a large metal slate, and two bolts kept her shackled.

It looked almost like it was ready to fall off, and she hoped that if she pulled hard enough it just might. Or at least give enough so she could slip the chain off of the loop. Looking up, she listened to make sure that the steps were still above her, and then placed both of her bare feet against the cell wall, took hold of the chain in her hands, and pushed against the wall while keeping a strong hold on the chain.

She froze as the metal groaned before giving off a loud snap as the chain broke apart. It seemed that it was far worse than she had first thought, and was thankful for that. Standing, she moved to the cell bars, and looked out into a dimly lit corridor. Relieved to find that no one was around, and glanced at the walls on either side of the cell, disappointed to see no keys. Giving a sigh, she stepped back and stared at the door, a crazy thought entering her mind.

"Surely they wouldn't." She muttered, stepping up to the door and pulled on it. Biting her bottom lip when it didn't budge, before pushing slightly. Blinking in surprise when it opened forward, giving a smile, she carefully opened it all the way and stepped out into the corridor. It seemed that whoever had..kidnapped her maybe? Wasn't all that smart.

Looking one way, and then another, she chose to head right and stayed as close to the wall as she could. While straining her senses for any kind of danger that she could meet. Although, from her luck so far, she felt confident that she would be able to make it out of...from wherever she was at.

"Get the prisoner! They wont dare attack if we use her as a shield!" A voice sounded, making her tense and quickly duck into a smaller corridor and blinked as a few men rushed past, heading in the direction that she had come from. Gnawing on her lower lip, she carefully slid farther into the separate corridor, and froze for a moment as she came to some steps leading up. Glancing back at the way she had come, she quickly started up the steps as she heard shouts of confusion and rage. Apparently her would be kidnappers had found out that she had escaped.

Taking two steps at a time, she soon found herself at a door that was slightly open. Leaning forward, she peered through the crack, before slowly opening the door wider once she deemed it safe to continue. Carefully closing the door again, she stared around at her new surroundings. The floor was covered with an expensive looking carpet that was royal blue, the walls were painted a sky blue, and artistic statues lined both sides of the walls in between paintings.

Glancing one way, then the other, she shifted her weight as she debated which way to go. One way, there was nothing but a line of doors, leading to who knew where. The other, she saw curtains that seemed to open onto a platform that looked down at the floor below, where it sounded like some sort of fight was happening.

She gave a small whine as her curiosity got the better of her, and she began a careful trek toward the curtains. Thinking that she would just peek out, see what the fight was about, and then quickly head the other way to see if she could find a way out of this place. Easing the curtain to the side, she stepped out onto the platform, and felt her eyes widen as she saw a battle raging below her. However, that wasn't what surprised her the most. No, what had her staring in awe, was that fact that it was a good hundred something men, against four people. And the four people were winning!

There was a woman who was in all green, turning people into stone left and right. Not far beside her was a man wearing weird clothes and a visor, who was controlling a few wooden totems to attack their enemies. Next was another man, dressed in an almost elegant fashion and long green hair. He was wielding a thin sword, making ruins appear around him and the others. The last was a large man with blonde hair, a lightening scar crossing over his eye, and using what seemed like lightening to attack.

"Who are they?" She whispered, drawn out of her hiding place as she watched them fight.

"Good thing you don't remember." A voice drawled behind her, causing her to tense and spin around. Swallowing, she stepped back as she saw a tall, thin man standing behind her. His face wearing a mask of indifference, but something was telling her that he was furious about something, and from the way his ice blue eyes flashed, she knew that she would most likely suffer his wrath if she didn't get away.

"Lucy!" The shout caused her to blink and look over her shoulder, blinking again in confusion as she saw that the four people were now staring up at her. Looking both relieved and frightened. Was she Lucy?

"You should go back to your cell." The words were barely a whisper from the man, and yet a fearful chill shot through her as if he had yelled at her in a frightful voice. However, it seemed that another part of her wasn't afraid of him.

"I don't want to." She muttered, stepping back again, placing a hand on the railing and watching as he seemed to blink in surprise before scowling at her.

"It seems like I haven't trained you well enough." He muttered, causing her to blink before frowning. Trying to figure out what he meant, since she couldn't even recall meeting him before now.

"Wait...Could it be that I've erased too much of your memory?" The man muttered, causing her to tilt her head.

"Erased, my memory?" She asked, watching as he blinked before giving a small smile that had fear prickling the back of her neck.

"Now I truly can't let you go." He growled, stepping toward her. Tightening her hold on the railing she backed up again, bending her legs slightly.

"Stay away from me." She stated, shivering as he began to chuckle and shook his head.

"I don't..." His words ended as lightening flashed in between them, and the large man with blond hair and the scar stood between them. She could only stare as he straightened and glared at the man before them.

"Take another step, and it will be your last." He growled, lightening sparking around his body in an intimidating fashion. She watched as the man took a half step back, before giving a shrug and smiling.

"You know what. Go ahead and take her. Her memory is completely gone, and I wish you the best in trying to figure out how to return them to her." He stated, looking at her once more before grabbing the edge of his cape and jerking it forward and around his body. She and the man grunted as a strong, dark wind rushed past them, twisted around all the men and then everything went silent as everyone seemed to disappear. Save for her, and the four people that had been fighting.


"Ms. Lucy!"


The shouts caused her to turn and stepped back as the three other people quickly appeared on the balcony, standing beside the tall blonde man.

"He was joking, right Lucy? You..Still have your memories, right?" The blonde asked, and she bit her bottom lip.

"I...I can't recall anything. You all keep calling me Lucy, is that my name?" She asked, watching as all four of them stared at her in shock for a moment, before the man with the visor and totems stepped forward.

"C..Cosplayer...You're joking right?" He asked, causing her to tilt her head.

"Cosplayer? I thought my name was Lucy?" She asked, watching as his shoulders slumped and he looked over his shoulders at the others.

"Lucy is your name. He calls you 'Cosplayer' as a nickname. You don't recall, do you? Do you...know any of us?" The woman in green asked, and Lucy studied her closely for a moment. Taking in her tied back brown hair, green eyes, and green outfit. Then looked at the others as well, trying to bring forth some form of memory of the people standing before her. Only to wince and give a whimper as pain shot through her head, causing her to grab at her temples before shaking her head.

"S..Sorry, but I can't recall anything." She muttered, staring at the floor. Trying to recall something, anything! Only to feel panic beginning to sit in as she realized she truly didn't recall anything about her life, or anything about the people before her.

"Lucy, calm down. We'll figure this out, with the help of the guild as well." The large man stated, stepping forward and carefully placing his hand on her shoulders. She looked up at him, blinking as she stared into his stormy gray eyes, and tilted her head slightly.

"Guild?" She asked, watching as something akin to pain flashed in his eyes before he gave a nod and slowly reached for her hand. Pulling her hand up, she stared as she saw a pink tattoo on the back of her hand, looking like a fairy in flight, and then stared at the others as they showed the same tattoo in different colors and locations.

"You're a member of the guild, Fairy Tail. You're a Celestial Mage, no worries, your keys are safe with the master." The green haired man stated, and she could only stare at them for a moment before biting her bottom lip.

"Nothing sounds familiar! It..It feels right, but I can't recall..." She whimpered, blinking when the large man tilted her chin up and watched as he stared into her gaze.

"Everything will turn out fine. Until then, lets just get you back to the safety of the guild. Maybe someone else can jog your memories." He stated, causing her to nod, before wiping at the tears that had begun to gather in her eyes.

"Alright, but um...Could you tell me your names?" She asked, watching as they all blinked before the man with green hair gave a small smile.

"Of course, Ms. Lucy. I am Freed. This is Evergreen. Bickslow. And Laxus." Freed explained, causing her to nod as she made sure that she could recall the name to their faces.

"I think I got it." She whispered, watching as they all smiled, albeit a bit forced, but she knew that this must be a strain on them just as much as her. They obviously knew her very well, but she couldn't recall anything about them. It made her a bit afraid to meet the rest of the guild! Who else would be devastated because she couldn't recall anything that had ever happened to her?

"Come on. It's already late. We'll stay in the next town over, and then head to the guild tomorrow." Laxus stated, causing her to look up at him before giving a nod. Only to blink and tense when he stepped closer along with everyone else, and glanced at Evergreen when she placed a soothing hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. He's just going to teleport us closer to the town, so we wont have to walk so far. He would attempt to transport us straight to the guild, but he doesn't have enough energy for that distant." She stated, and Lucy relaxed before giving a nod. Allowing Laxus to pull her close to his chest, but still gasped when lightening surrounded all of them before everything went bright white.

Laxus could only stare at Lucy as she slept peacefully on the bed beside Evergreen. He couldn't wrap his mind around it. She didn't have any memory. None of her coming to Fairy Tail, not her name or any of theirs, that she was a mage. Nothing. Not even telling her the name of her beloved spirits had helped in any way. He just prayed that didn't effect her contracts with them in anyway.

Giving a sigh, he slipped out of the bedroom, and sat down on the couch in the living room. Looking around at the suite that they had been given for tonight, and felt a scowl pull at his lips. Why the hell had this happened to her of all people? One of the most forgiving, caring, and purest of hearts people out there. She had already had a rough past, so why was things like this still happening to her? To forget about who she was, and everything that she cared for? It just didn't make any sense!

"Laxus. You know fretting over it when we know nothing wont help." The familiar voice caused him to look over at the door to the bedrooms, and give a grunt as Bickslow walked over and dropped down into the chair across from him.

"I just don't understand. What the hell did that man gain by taking away her memories. If it was to use her keys, then why leave them behind where he kidnapped her at? And if he was looking for weaknesses of Fairy Tail, why not attack the moment he learned them? She's been gone for four months, he has bound to know everything if that was the case." He stated, rubbing his hands over his face, stilling when he heard Bickslow sigh.

"Fuck if I know. The dude isn't apart of a guild or anything, nor were any of his...what would you call them? Minions? He seemed to be doing it for shits and giggles." Bickslow muttered, causing Laxus to raise his head and frown.

"Then why target Lucy?" He asked, watching as his best friend raised an eyebrow.

"Well, she is known as the 'Light of Fairy Tail'. She's admired by many, she's a babe. Maybe the dude's just a crazy stalker and figured that he could erase her memory and then try to get her to think that she had some sort of life with him." He suggested, and Laxus thought about it for a moment. Only to give a sigh and shake his head.

"While it sounds valid, I don't think that's the entire story here. Before I got between them, he seemed surprised that she had forgotten so much as well. He said something about not 'trained' her well enough." He stated, watching as Bickslow frown and ran a hand through his hair.

"Shit, I don't know." He muttered, and Laxus stared down at the coffee table between them before giving a low growl and raking his fingers through his hair.

"We have to figure this out. Her having no memories...So many people at the guild will be wanting questions, and we wont have any answers. Not to mention, it'll be damn stressful on her." He growled, surging to his feet and beginning to pace the room.

"We'll, then we're just going to have to ease her into it. I suggest that we contact the guild tomorrow before we leave, tell them what is going on and tell them that they can't just throw questions at her or crowd her. Not until Ms. Wendy or Porly looks at her." Freed stated, causing Laxus to look over his shoulder as the man carefully closed the bedroom door and eased into the last chair. Laxus gave a sigh and stared at the two men before him, scowling when they both gave him pitying looks.

"Laxus, you know you shouldn't hold these feelings in." Freed stated, causing him to growl before shaking his head.

"I'm not throwing something like that at her just yet. When, and if, she regains her memory, then it will work out better." He muttered, looking away when Bickslow surged to his feet and pointed at him.

"The hell with that! How are you going to explain to..."

"Enough! I've made my decision." He growled, blinking when Bickslow was suddenly before him. His eyes glowing in warning.

"The hell you have. You have a family Laxus. A family with her! You can't just keep that from her! She needs to be told that you are her mate, that she is yours, and that you two have a daughter!" Bickslow growled, causing him to cross his arms.

"Why make her feel worse at the moment. You saw how she is acting at the thought of forgetting about friends, imagine what will happen if I told her she's forgotten her family." He growled, watching as Bickslow crossed his arms as well.

"Imagine what she will think when she realizes that you never thought to remind her that she had a family! That is not something to keep from her." He stated, and Laxus shook his head.

"Right now, I'm more concerned about her mental health. Once given the clear that there is no permanent damage because of him erasing her memories, I might mention a thing about us being a family. Until then, I am saying nothing, and you better not either." He growled, watching as Bickslow gave a sigh and stepped back. Never once saying that he agreed, but Laxus could tell that he wasn't going to say anything. So, with that, he turned away from them and started for the bedroom.

"Get some rest. We'll have a busy day tomorrow." He muttered, stepping into the room and heading toward the bed he had chosen. Looking at Lucy in passing, before giving a mental sigh and pushing the pain he was feeling away. There was nothing that he could do at the moment, he would just hope that their healers could figure something out. Until then, he just had to help his mate anyway that he could. Even though, she didn't remember that she was his mate.

Stars above he knew that this was going to confuse their daughter, Hikari. He just hoped that whoever told the girl tomorrow about her mother, would explain it well enough that she could understand most of it. Giving a sigh, he looked over at the sleeping women once more, before rolling over onto his side and forcing his body to relax. It was going to be a tough road for all of them, he just hoped that they could make it through somehow.

First chapter up and running. Hope you enjoy and don't feel afraid to tell me what you think! Until next chapter!