When I saw this prompt on Tumblr, I had to make a Malec story. The prompt is from .com so check them out.


*Wow um when I told you your shirt was inside out I didn't expect you to take it off and fix it right here in front of me excuse me while I pass out because of your hotness AU*

"Why do you have to go now?" Magnus whined, jutting out his bottom lip in mock sadness. He leaned against the sideboard, elegantly covered in various liquors, golden and bronze in the morning sun.

Alec raised an eyebrow, looking around for his phone. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt and black jeans which clung to his legs, giving his ass a great shape. Once he found his phone, Alec walked to where Magnus was standing. "I don't like that I have to go, but" Alec went behind Magnus, circling his arms around the warlock's waist "I have a duty to people" he placed a kiss on Magnus' cheekbone.

Magnus turned in Alec's arms. "And to think I got dressed up for you!" Gesturing to his purple and gold silk kimono, something which probably cost an arm and a leg, plus a few favours. Magnus smiled and wrapped his caramel arms around Alec's neck. "You're lucky you're cute" Alec winked and leaned in to kiss Magnus.

Their lips caressed over each others, chaste but tender. Magnus loved how Alec's lips tasted of coffee and sugar. Magnus' tongue was about to push forward but Alec pulled away.

"Sorry, I'm going up be late" he smirked but there was longing in his eyes. Magnus jutted his lip out again. Alec let go of Magnus and went to put on his jacket. Magnus noticed the tag of Alec's shirt was hanging out.

"Alexander, sweetie" Alec raised his eyebrows and Magnus, glancing back with bright blue eyes. "Your..um..shirt is inside out"

Alec looked down at his shirt, seeing the seams and the labels sticking out from the fabric. "Oh, thanks". Alec then grabbed the ends of his shirt and took it off. Magnus just stared, opened mouthed.

Alec's body was always impeccable. Pale skin was smooth and taut over toned and carved abs. Broad chest with dashes of hair, and pectoral muscles that were bigger than Magnus' hand. The runes that marked his skin stood out over the flat planes of his ribs. Dark red against pale white. The designed swirled up his body, going up to his neck, shaping his torso. The tops of swirls could be seen poking out from under the waistband of his jeans.

Before Magnus could revel in his beauty of his boyfriend, Alec had turned his shirt the correct way round and had put it back on. Magnus was still staring for a few send m seconds then snapped back into reality, in which Alec was regarding him with a raised eyebrow.

Magnus smiled sweetly as Alec finally turned to leave. "Alec?" Alec stopped "totally random question but, are you free later?" He leaned, nonchalantly on the sideboard.

Alec smiled. "Magnus, of course I am." He opened the door, then stopped and looked back at Magnus, smiling. "And, you should know, just black boxers is my favourite look on you" the Shadowhunter winked then left.

Magnus stood there in shock of what Alec had just said. He then walked back to the bathroom for a shower, stopped in front of one of the various mirrors that were scattered around the attic, and gave himself a wink. He managed to find a hot shadowhunter who is simultaneously awkward, and a sex god with a stamina rune. He knew that being with Alec was one of the best choices he had ever made.

Ugh, I need me a man like Alec. Lucky Magnus

If you guys like these prompt-based fics, then tell me. I might make them into a mini-series of One-shots