A/N: So, the prologue is a little.. different than what I'd normally write. This is where the implied homophobia comes in, too. I don't mean to offend anyone with this, I just want to provide some people with some background to the main characters and get them both equal sympathy... I also acknowledge the fact that their screen names are not their real names in here. HOWEVER, for purposes of the story, everyone referred to by their screen name, except AJ who will occasionally be called Allen. Why? Because I can't look at Roman Reigns and see Joe Anoi'a. I can't look at Dean Ambrose and see Jon Good. I hope this doesn't cause any confusion.
Well, here I am with another fic. After finishing my matches and promos for my roleplay, I decided to give this ship a shot.. It's really started to grow on me, which is so weird. I'm not used to this.
For anyone on Tumblr, this is stylingcoalition's fault for making me really like the ship through our first short encounter with them, and liionhevrt's (sorry if I spelled that wrong) fault for further feeding my obsession. If you would like to roleplay with me, feel free to slide in my messages or comment on the bottom here. Please read the people I play in my bio and the people I ship them with. Much appreciated :)
Anyways, without further ado...
If you were a real fan of wrestling, AJ Styles wasn't an uncommon name to you. He was basically running the independent scene, and he wasn't a main eventer all that often. AJ Styles has been regarded to, on many occasions, as one of the best wrestlers today.
Of course, none of those people had ever stepped into the ring with AJ Styles to know that he is, truly, the best, even though his time left in the ring is limited.
On screen, he's beloved by the masses. There's probably only a select from of fans from around the world that have not formed some deep respect or admiration for the spectacle that is AJ Styles. Whether it be you admire his growing moveset, his versatility, his anti-fear mindset, his genuine likability, or his adorable accent and baby blue eyes - AJ Styles is a complete package for everyone of all ages, no matter what you were into.
That's probably why most of the people that frequented the Impact Zone liked him so much. His appearance hiked up Spike's TV Ratings and kept the place really moving for a while. However, these fans were mostly those who are from the South and hold the lessons they were taught growing up, and wouldn't like the person they admire through their TV screens if they knew the real him. He comes off as your stereotypical Christian boy from Georgia, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Allen Jones's faith in God doesn't extend beyond the private prayer session he has every night. That means he doesn't go to church or heavily read the Bible. He doesn't preach the word of God every where he goes or attend gatherings with church goers.
Their religious views are similar to those of a southern upbringing, and Allen's "lifestyle choices" wouldn't be accepted in their community.
But he's lived his life in secret. Going between secret lover to secret lover in hopes of, one day, meeting Mr. Right and finally settling down. After years of doing this, it seemed that was, probably, never going to happen. One failed long time relationship after the next, each ending in one sided heartbreak and tears, he found himself losing hope...
Roman Reigns is the opposite. He's a character despised on screen because he's been picked to be the next Chosen One, the one John Cena will pass the torch to when the time comes. He's already a three time World Heavyweight Champion because management didn't want his moment to be spoiled by the unrelenting boos he receives from the fans for reasons out of his control. Or, maybe they still had the foolish hope of him getting over with the crowd by feuding with the likes of Sheamus and Triple H, one who is truly disliked and one who was supposed to get heat every night.
Neither of these attempts worked as he continued playing the underdog, just as Daniel Bryan and CM Punk did before him which gained them instant love and support, despite his large size and obvious power. One versus All, he said for countless months, even though he had his family right behind him at every step.
Roman Reigns pretended it didn't matter, that he didn't care, but Joe Anoaʻi did. Roman Reigns didn't have to explain to his baby girl why daddy had to keep getting his title taken away, why the people kept booing him everywhere he went. Why he was clearly so hated.
Roman Reigns didn't have to tell his daughter why a virtual stranger, who hasn't stepped foot into a WWE ring in over ten years, and even that was unbeknownst to most, was cheered so loudly the roof nearly came off while her dad was booed out of the building.. again.
Leati Anoaʻi was the one who lied and said he didn't know, that they might've been just excited to see a new face, when he knew exactly why.
AJ Styles is better than him. AJ Styles is everything he's not and, realistically, never would be if Vince didn't have unwavering support in him, if he wasn't a former football player with a long line of wrestling Samoan blood running through his veins, if he still wasn't remembered for his dominance in the Shield.
And it hurt, it really did. Not the level of Galina leaving him kind of hurt, or calling Joelle moments after he lost the World title the first time and having to tell her it'll be okay, he'll get another chance, while holding off tears of his own.
No, not that bad, but it still stung to know the WWE Universe loved someone who had just gotten there so much more than they do him. And he can't blame them. AJ Styles is a one of a kind talent with an endless moveset than will never be imitated.
But, Roman Reigns will never be another John Cena. Sure, he hustles every day of his life and is loyal to his family, sometimes to a fault, and he gives respect wherever it's earned. But Roman Reigns can be seen, and he will be heard.
Not even AJ Styles can stand in his way.
However, Leati Anoa'i isn't much different than Allen Jones. He keeps his sexuality a secret, far away from the prying eyes of the public.
Galina Becker is the only woman he will ever love, after all.
Still, Leati hasn't found his own soulmate, either. He hasn't necessarily given up hope, not like Allen has, but he doubts it'll ever happen.
Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, who have found their life partners within each other, aren't going to just let that fly.