Alright guys here it is the final chapter of the story. Thank you so much for your support on the series.

Chapter 5:Epilogue

(Few Years Later)

It's been a few years since Vega and Scarlet confessed their feelings. Currently they are happily married and are living in New Prism. They adopted two kids. One boy and girl. The blonde boy's name Ed. The black haired girl name is Lucy. Right now they were currently waiting for their friends because today is the kids birthday

Sage and Vega looks changed along with their clothes. Vega hair grew longer and now reaches her back. Her clothes didn't change that much except she decided to ditch the coat. Scarlet let her hair grew longer and now reaches to her neck. She now wore dark pink jeans and a adult version of her shirt and jacket

"Where could they be"Vega asked worried

"Don't worry I'm sure they'll be here soon"Scarlet said as the door bell rings. Scarlet opens it and saw Kendall

Kendall changed as he is now a few inches taller and stood at 5'6. His hair grew longer to his upper neck. He had two wrapped presents with him and is currently marries to Sage and Clover

"Hey girls"Kendall said as he hugged them as the kids came running

"Uncle Kendall"They shouted as Kendall opened his arms as he hugged them

"Happy Birthday Kiddos"Kendall said "Ready for your gift."

"Yes"They shouted as Kendall chuckled as the girls giggled at their kids

"Alright then here"Kendall said handing them their presents as they saw their own guitars. Ed had a version like his uncle except it was smaller and different. His uncle may have a silver guitar with a black and gold dragon on the guitar. He had a black version White Dragon on his (Imagine Stardust Dragon) and a star on top of the dragon in violet and sky blue

"Wow"Lucy said as her guitar was a dark pink with a shooting star in purple and sky blue. It also had Starland City on it

"Thanks uncle"Ed said

"No problem. After all I thought you kids all on how to play it so go"Kendall said as they left to practice their new guitar

"So the others haven't arrived yet"He asked

"Not yet"Vega said as her Star Zap rings as she pressed play on a Holo Message

"Hey Scarlet,Vega. It's Libby. Me and Ganymede are gonna be there in 5 minutes see you soon"Libby said as it ended

(Couple Of Minutes Later)

The party was in full swing. As Everyone was here even Professor Ursa came

"Man this is some party"Ganymede said as Kendall chuckled as music began to play as Kendall came up on Stage

"Alright this is one more present for the kids. So what song do you want to play"Kendall asked as the kids ran forwards

"Midnight Memories"Lucy shouted as Ed nodded

"Ganymede get up here"Kendall said as Ganymede came up as he grabbed a mic as music began to play

Midnight Memories

1, 2, 3

Straight off the plane to a new hotel
Just touched down, you could never tell
A big house party with a crowded kitchen
People talk shh but we don't listen

Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please
Way too many people in the Addison Lee
Now I'm at the age when I know what I need, oh, whoa

Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Baby you and me
Stumbling in the street
Singing, singing, singing, singing
Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Anywhere we go never say no
Just do it, do it, do it, do it

5 foot something with the skinny jeans
Don't look back, baby follow me
I don't know where I'm going but I'm finding my way
Same old shh but a different day

Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please
Way too many people in the Addison Lee
Now I'm at the age when I know what I need, oh, whoa

Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Baby you and me
Stumbling in the street
Singing, singing, singing, singing
Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Anywhere we go never say no
Just do it, do it, do it

You and me and all our friends
I don't care how much we spend
Baby, this is what the night is for, oh, oh, oh

I know nothing's making sense
For tonight let's just pretend
I don't wanna stop so give me more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Baby you and me
Stumbling in the street
Singing, singing, singing, singing
Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Anywhere we go never say no
Just do it, do it, do it, do it

The guests were having fun as the kids were dancing. Kendall decided to open up his phone and record a live video

"Alright guys Kendall here. Currently with my niece and nephew"Kendall said as they began to have fun through out the night

(Later That Night)

"Scarlet this past few years have been great"Vega said as she cuddled up to Scarlet

"Yeah it sure has"Scarlet said as she wrapped an arm around Vega as they fall asleep


One more series has ended. Check out my other fanfics