Alright guys I give you a Vega X Scarlet Love Story. This a five story so I can challenge myself on how much I can put in this story

Chapter 1:First Look

(Scarlet POV)

I entered Lady Stella office and look at the students that have been called. I saw one that made my heart skip a beat. She has beautiful blue eyes,kissable lips and sky blue hair.

'How come I'm feeling like this I don't even know her'I thought as I took my seat

(Vega POV)

I was reading one of my holo books. Then I heard footsteps and saw someone entered. She took my breath away. Her violet hair,Her violate colored lips and those Violet eyes I can stare at those all day if I want to

'Wait did I just think that. I need to focus on what Lady Stella said'I thought

(Normal POV)

Lady Stella entered the office along with Sage. She then began to talk about the crisis in Star City but Scarlet was thinking about Vega and Vega was thinking about Scarlet

Then they heard their names being called

'So her name is Vega/Scarlet'They thought as they were dismissed as Scarlet decided to talk to Vega

"Hey I'm Scarlet"Scarlet said

"Oh I'm Vega"Vega said as they talked for hours

"So where is this special place you are talking about"Vega asked

"Um I'll take you there soon"Scarlet said as Vega tripped and dropped her holo books

So Scarlet and Vega picked up Vega holobooks and while reaching for one they accidentally touch hands and they quickly let go as they blushed

"I gotta go"Vega said as she left as Scarlet left for her duty in the wish room

"Am I in love"Scarlet asked herself unknown to her Vega asked herself the same question