**I don't own Fairy Tail or the characters. I just write stuff about it

Alright, before I even start this, I'll come right out and say that I don't think Ankhseram in this story follows canon at all. For anyone interested in my theory of who canon Ankhseram will be, I'll post it at the end of this chapter.**

'What's going on. Where am I?'

Natsu Dragneel was watching the new world unfold beneath him. A world without Zeref. A world without Acnologia. Fairy Tail had done it. They'd conquered the strongest enemies!

There was a coldness in him. Something he'd never felt before as a fire mage. He couldn't move. Couldn't close his eyes. Couldn't even feel his body.

What exactly had happened?

Suddenly it came flooding back. Natsu Dragneel. E.N.D. The strongest demon in the books of Zeref, made from the body of the black mage's younger brother himself.

And Zeref…


"Happy! Nooo!" Natsu held the body of the exceed, tears streaming from his face. Happy was gone. Killed by the man who called himself his brother. Mavis, her body revived by some plan she'd concocted with Cana, lay unconscious nearby. Acnologia was dead, but the battle had so weakened Natsu that he had no strength left.

Until Happy had flown in front of him, blocking Zeref's death bolt.

At that moment something awakened inside of him. Something triggered by his grief. By seeing his comrades laying around him, some dead, most unconscious, taken down by the hand of the black wizard who called himself a brother.

'A brother would never do these things.' Natsu clenched his fists. He felt a rage building inside him, a rage that gave him strength. That gave him power.

He faced Zeref, his now glowing eyes locking on his 'brother's' in a death glare. "I should've killed you before."

Zeref just laughed. "It's too late for that, Natsu. Nothing can kill me now. You failed." He said simply. "Now die."

A black wave fired at him, but when it hit him he didn't die. Instead, the power inside him swelled, almost as if it were released – strengthened by the black wave.

Natsu Dragneel always acted on instinct, and now his instinct was telling him only one thing. His eyes glowed a fiery orange as he gathered more magic power than he thought he could possibly have.

"Fire that divides body and spirit, consume the evil that stands in my way. As the heart of the fairy I invoke you. As the strongest of demons I command you. As the king of the fire dragons I compel you. Come forth, immortal flames, and destroy that which is indestructible. FAIRY DEMON DRAGON'S IMMORTAL DESTROYING BLADE!"

A fiery, sulfurous cloud formed overhead, flashing with brilliant white light, and a sword began to descend from the heavens. The sword was made of three fires, swirling and sparking together. The white fire of the fairies. The black fire of the demons. And the crimson fire of the fire dragon kings, all combined into a single, impossibly powerful attack. All around them, people scrambled to get away, carrying the wounded and injured far from the scene. Darkness fell all around, with a great, fiery light encompassing the two brothers, each standing their ground, unwilling to give in. Tall and fierce they stood as the blade picked up speed, plummeting to the ground before either had time to dodge.

Natsu saw Zeref's eyes go wide, then his body disintegrated in the destructive flames, leaving only Natsu standing amid the raging inferno of white, dark, and crimson flames. For a moment his orange eyes glowed brighter than light itself in victory. Then the light faded from them as he slumped to the ground, and everything faded to black.

~~~End Flashback~~~

Oh. That's right. Natsu Dragneel was dead. So this is what happens when you die? You watch the world go on without you? Fucking great.

He was buried with Happy right next to him in the grave. On one side of him was Lisanna. He felt sorry for the Strauss family. This was the second time they'd gone through the death of their youngest member. And this time he wouldn't be there to support them. On the other side was Macao. Near him were other graves. Gildarts. Freed. Droy. Reedus. Watching Romeo cry in front of his and Macao's grave would've brought tears to his eyes, if he'd had a body.

And Mavis was there too, kneeling between his grave and Zeref's, which was behind his. There hadn't been a body to bury for Zeref, but they'd still given him a headstone. There were tears in her eyes as well. Natsu couldn't help being surprised. It didn't seem like the first master would be that attached to anyone, except maybe Zeref from their history. Yet she seemed to be equally looking to his grave and Zeref's.

Not far away were some other grave stones. Jellal, who had foolishly challenged Zeref, believing his power as a wizard saint was sufficient to take the black wizard down. Yukino from Sabertooth, and Rufus next to her.

The war had taken its toll alright. Fiore had come out victorious. Fairy Tail had come out victorious. But not by much.

The council showed up. Given his great feat of killing Zeref, they decided to give him the number one rank among wizard saints, honorary of course.

Slowly the scene faded out. He saw Mavis's curse beginning to affect her again. The first to die from it was Jet. The first master was inconsolable after that. When Lucy tried to comfort her and got her back into the guild, she was the next to go. After that Mavis withdrew from the guild, watching her friends from a distance through her tears.

Natsu sighed. How long was he going to be watching this? He didn't really understand much about death, but if this was the afterlife, it sucked.

"Hello Natsu," Natsu looked up at the sound of the voice. There was a man before him, tall, with long black hair. He looked well built, but his eyes glowed with a golden color.

"Who are you?" He found himself suddenly able to speak. "Where am I?"

"You are in Purgatorium, the place between life and death." The person answered, saying nothing of his first question.

"Wait. So I'm not really dead?"

"Yes, you are. But your body is still in perfect condition," the man replied.

"Who are you?" Natsu asked again.

"I'm Ankhseram," the man replied, and Natsu flared up visibly. "Relax," the man replied. "I'm not here to harm you. In fact, I want to give you your life back."

Natsu couldn't see or feel any kind of body, but he still felt like he was gaping. "Say what?"

Ankhseram laughed. "I said I want to give you your life back. On one condition."

"What's that?" Natsu said, suddenly suspicious.

"I plan to give you my favor," the god of life and death replied. "And I need you to accept it."

"Your favor?" Natsu was confused.

Ankhseram laughed again. "Ah Natsu. Everything has to be spelled out for you, ne? Well, a god's favor means that you get special abilities related to the god. For instance, Dimaria was able to stop time because she had the favor of the god Chronos. She also had the ability to do a god takeover because of that."


"Look, names aren't important. The important thing is understanding what it means to have a god's favor."

"Oh. Ok." Natsu didn't fully understand, but he pretended he did anyway.

"One thing I don't get though," he said after a minute.

"What's that?" Ankhseram asked him.

"Why would you want to give me your favor? I mean, you cursed my brother and the first guild master of the guild I belong to. So why would you give me your favor?"

Ankhseram sighed. "I didn't exactly curse them," he said. "Actually, they came under a curse themselves when they started believing in it."

"Ok…" Natsu said, not sure how that worked.

"It's true," Ankhersam said. "You don't need to understand all the details, but what you do need to know is that I can give you the power to break the curse, if you will be my chosen vessel."

"Break the curse?"

"Yes. If you accept my favor and become my vessel, I'll give you the power to break the curse on your first master. Of course, I'll have to come up with the details. These things always require some kind of ritual action and all that kind of thing. But first things first. Do you accept?"

"Yes, of course." Natsu said. "Anything to save first master."

"Very well," Ankhseram said. "Now, all we need to decide is the actions…."

"I think," he suddenly got a smile that Natsu wasn't sure that he liked on his face. "I think it should be a kiss."

"A kiss?" Natsu balked.

"Oh yes," the god replied, getting somewhat excited now. "I know it sounds trite, but it will be rather amusing to see. And once you kiss her, you'll both be the same age." He smiled. "Oh yes, that should do nicely."

"Does it have to be a kiss?" Natsu whined. "I don't even know her."

"Yep. A kiss." Ankhseram declared, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Now that the contract is sealed, it's time to come back to life. Return to your body!"

Before he could protest, Natsu suddenly felt the almost foreign, yet nostalgic sensation of being in an actual body again. He opened his eyes to discover everything was pitch black. He was in a tight confined space that hugged his body almost like a…

Coffin. Right. He was dead. So apparently everything he saw while in that purgatorium place really happened.

Which also meant…

Yep, he could feel the presence of Ankhseram. Now he just had to get to Mavis.

He sucked in what little air was available to him and let out a fire dragon's roar, blasting up through the ground and opening his grave wide open. Then he proceeded to jump out of his grave and head toward the guild.


It was approaching evening and Erza and Mirajane were getting ready to go to the grave site. This marked the 1 year anniversary of the death of Natsu Dragneel, the heart of Fairy Tail, and Lisanna Strauss. Mirajane still hadn't recovered from attending her sister's funeral a second time. Elfman was taking it really hard too.

Erza felt tears come unbidden to her eyes, and not just because of the memory of Natsu. Mavis, the exuberant childlike first master, had isolated herself in the forest after two of the guild members had died. Nobody even tried to go out there after her, all afraid of being the next victims of the curse. With no Mavis and no Natsu, the guild was a shadow of what it once was.

"Let's go Erza," Mirajane said. The two headed out the door to the guild, going out to the grave site to visit Natsu and Lisanna. They would also spend some time at the other graves, but those were the two that were the most visited, by everybody.

As they headed out the door, they suddenly saw a huge blast of fire shoot into the air from the direction of the graveyard.

"Oh no," said Mira. "Don't tell me…"

"Why can't they leave them in peace, even after they're dead?" Erza said, tears in her eyes. This wouldn't be the first time that a dark guild member had come to desecrate the grave site of Natsu Dragneel, who was unanimously hated by the dark guilds.

The two took off at a run toward the graveyard. They were a little more than halfway there when they were met by a familiar figure, dressed in a vest, black pants, and the white scarf that he was buried in.

The girls stopped dead in their tracks, their mouths hanging opened as he approached. Erza was the first to speak, stuttering as her tongue tripped over itself trying to get the name out.


"Yo Erza," he said in his cheerful voice.

She ran to him, tackling him to the ground. She was quickly joined by Mirajane. "Natsu. Where were you for so long?" Erza asked. "We were so sad. We thought you were d…." she stopped, not wanting to say the word. A small part of her feared that this was a dream, and that speaking the harsh reality would snap her out of it.

"Dead?" Natsu replied, almost casually. "I was. But… Well, let's just say I've been given another chance at life."

"But you were dead for a whole year!" Mirajane exclaimed, her tears flowing freely. "How can you be alive again? Your body should be nothing but bones and dirt by this time."

Natsu rubbed the back of his head. "I don't really get all of it, honestly. I was in some place between life and death, and then Ankhseram appeared and told me that he could restore me to life if I agreed to be his vessel."

"Wait, what?" Mira and Erza were both staring at the dragon slayer in shock.

"Umm… Well, basically, I'm alive again, and I'm Ankhseram's vessel. Oh. That reminds me. I have to find Mavis!"

"Natsu…" Erza said sadly. He apparently didn't know about the first master. "Mavis is cursed. You can't go near her without dying."

Natsu stood, pulling both girls up with him. "I still have to find her," he said.

"But why Natsu?" Mirajane asked in a pleading voice. "We just got you back, you can't go off and die again!"

"You'll see," Natsu said with a grin. "But let's go to the guild first. I'll invite anyone who wants to come to come with me."

"Most people are gone from the guild Natsu," Mirajane said. "Erza and I are always among the last to leave."

"That's fine." Natsu said. "It's probably better that way anyway, now that I think about it. We'll just go out and find Mavis."

"Look Natsu," Erza said. She was getting tired of his determination to go out and die again when they'd just gotten him back. "Even if it were a good idea to find Mavis, I don't think you'll be able to locate her easily. She doesn't want to be found, you know."

"It's actually going to be easy," Natsu said. "For two reasons. One, my dragon slayer powers are still undiminished, which means I'll be able to sniff her out when she gets close. Two, for some reason I can sense the magic of her curse now."

"Oh, and stop assuming I'm gonna' die. Both of you." He added as he turned to head off.

"Natsu, we can't let you go." Erza said blocking his path.

Natsu sighed. "Erza, this isn't up for debate. I'm a lot more powerful than I was before, and as much fun as it would be to go a couple rounds of sparring, I need to find Mavis as soon as possible."

Erza hesitated. She hadn't considered the fact that Natsu was now not just a powerful dragon slayer, but also the vessel of the god of life and death. She could probably still beat him, though.

"Erza, do you trust me?" Natsu asked quietly.

That threw Erza for a loop. She was ready, almost excited actually, for a fight – to test his newfound strength. But did she trust him? She trusted him to be reckless. To throw himself into danger and have no concern for his own well-being. That's how he died in the first place, right?

She sighed. No, she wasn't being entirely fair to him. After all, he'd proven to be the only one on the battlefield capable of killing Zeref. Many others who were considered more powerful than him had tried and died in the attempt without so much as putting a scratch on the black wizard.

So did she trust him? Natsu would never lie to her. If he was telling her that he wasn't going to die here, then he honestly believed it. He believed with all his heart that after he found Mavis and did whatever it was he was planning, he would still be alive and well. That would just have to be good enough for her.

She sighed and dropped her guard. "Yes, Natsu. I do trust you."

Natsu came forward and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, Erza…" he said quietly.

Then he headed off into the forest, with Erza and Mirajane both following him.

It wasn't long before they came to a blackened area of the forest. Natsu led them through it till they came into view of the first master. She was sitting with her back to a rock, her eyes filled with tears.

"Stay here," he told them as he began to approach the first master. She looked up at his approach, and her eyes widened.

"Natsu?!" She exclaimed, disbelievingly. Then fear took over. "Stay back Natsu! Don't come any closer!"

Natsu didn't slow his approach. "Mavis," he said quietly. "I can help you."

"No!" She cried out. "Stay back Natsu! You don't understand! I'll kill you! I've already killed Jet. And Lucy. If you don't leave you'll be next!" She started backpedaling.

Natsu moved so quickly even Erza could barely see him. He caught the first master by the wrist and turned her toward him.

"Trust me Mavis," he said, just loud enough that Mira and Erza could hear it where they were standing. Then, as the small first master looked into his eyes with her own fear and guilt-laden orbs, Natsu did something Erza never would've expected. He leaned forward and kissed the first master, directly on the lips.

Mavis's eyes went wide, and there was a sudden flash of light. When it subsided, Mavis was still standing there, her green eyes wide with shock. And there, in a vest that was suddenly down to his knees and pants that were around his ankles, was Natsu Dragneel… as he had been when he was 12. He looked around with his dark orbs wide.

"K-kawaii!" screamed Mira, and Erza was only seconds behind her.

"Dammit Ankhersam," Natsu growled, loud enough for them to hear. "I should've known this is what you meant by you'll both be the same age."

Mavis, on the other hand, was beginning to smile, a smile so wide that they started to believe it would stretch off her face.

"Thanks Natsu!" She said, hugging him tightly. "I don't know how you did it, but the curse is gone!"

Natsu blushed, hugging her back. "I'm glad I could help, Mavis!" His voice was back to the high-pitched tenor he had before hitting puberty.

Erza was surprised when Mirajane stepped forward. "Alright," she said. "Time for you kids to go to bed."

"Hmph." Natsu stuck out his tongue at her. "I may have the body of a 12 year old, but I'm still 400, give or take a few years."

Mavis giggled. "I think it's your body that matters, Natsu-kun," she said.

Natsu blushed at her choice of honorific. Erza just grinned. "Kawaii!" She squealed, feeling a little like Mira. She couldn't help it though, as Mavis hugged a red-faced Natsu, she couldn't help feeling very motherly.

"Hey," Natsu said suddenly. "I want to try something. Fire Dragon King Mode!"

Suddenly they were all engulfed in an intense heat. So intense it melted everyone's clothes right off. Mavis, thinking quickly, gave herself some illusion clothes.

"Alright!" Natsu celebrated. "My magic power's still as strong as it was before!"

"Requip!" Erza requipped to a comfortable dress. "You're paying for that armor, you brat." She said as Mira used transform magic to cover herself. "If you weren't a kid you'd be receiving a severe punishment right now!"

"That reminds me," Mira said. "What are we going to do with them tonight? Natsu shouldn't stay at his house alone now that he's a kid again."

"We'll look after them, of course." Erza said. "Natsu can go home with you, and I'll bring Mavis to Fairy Hills."

"Nuh-huh." Mavis said. "I'm going with Natsu-kun."

Erza and Mira both sweat-dropped. "Natsu-kun?"

Mavis nodded. "Of course. Natsu-kun just came back from the dead and saved me from the curse! It's only natural I should want to get to know him better."

"You can do that during the day…" Erza said. "All you're doing tonight is sleeping."

"Oh please," Mavis said. "I'm in my 20s…"

"Maybe you were in your 20s," Erza said, "but if the curse has been lifted that makes you 12 again, since your body hasn't changed."

"Oh… I guess you're right…" Mavis pouted. Then she grinned. "But still, I bet Mira's house has more space than your room at Fairy Hills."

Erza opened her mouth, then closed it again. She couldn't really argue with that.

"It's settled then." Mira grinned. "Natsu and Mavis, come with me. We'll get you home and in bed."

Natsu's stomach rumbled rather loudly.

"Maybe I should make you some food first," Mira grinned.

Erza sighed as they headed of toward Mirajane's house before making her way back to Fairy Hills. This had been one strange day.


Ok, so my theory on who Ankhseram will actually be is this: I think Ankhseram is basically like the Fairy Heart, except that he is the unlimited source of magic for all earthland. I also believe that the "curse" that Zeref and Mavis are under isn't a real curse, but one created/imagined by Zeref that works because Zeref and Mavis believe in it and not because Ankhseram actually cursed them.

If anyone is interested in my reasonsing, pm me. It's too much to explain here.

Anyway, read and review please. And incidentally, the story will be rated T for the foreseeable future. Perhaps if I carry this story to the point where they're both old enough I'll change the rating to M. Ciao!**