A powerful love

Hello, this is a new story I have been working on. It involves the pairing of. Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman and an OC of mine. This story takes place within The justice league movie: Flashpoint Paradox. If you have not watched the movie then this fiction might contain spoilers, so I suggest you watch or read a synopsis of the movie before reading this. If you are not bothered with the movie then, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman, she belongs to DC comics and the guy who invented the lie detector.


Diana was holding what looked to be a dead Arthur in her arms as she waited for the nuclear wave to hit them. Around her she heard various screams of her sisters and other unfortunates who were caught in the wave. She waited.

Nothing. Nothing. She felt nothing, when she should be feeling agonising pain. She turned around expecting to see a blinding light, followed by an intense burning feeling. But, there was only a black hole in front of her.

This was not the shocking part of this ordeal. It was the fact that from that hole came a little girl. No more than what looked to be six years old. A little six-year-old year girl who, though she never knew it at that time, would change Diana's life into something she never though would happen to her.