The Feeling Halfling
Chapter Three: I'M A BIRD
Chapter Key
"Pokemon Speech" (if only people who can understand Pokémon are in the scene, it will be classed spoken in regular but still have italics)
"Regular Speech"
'Thoughts' (can be with italics, which means a Pokemon's thoughts)
"Vic tini tini victini (this is how translated Pokemon speech works)"
[*Somewhere along the path out of Pallet Town*]
At an unseeable signal Fearow took the first move, her wings turned metallic and she went swooping at amazing speeds towards Milotic, who realized that on land she was rather useless at dodging, and decided to tank the hit. As she did so a ring of water snaked its way around her in preparation.
Fearow struck true, dealing a large chunk of damage which was enough to make her opponent flinch in pain, yet most of her work vanished as the ring of water gripped loosely around Milotic's wounds, soothing them while healing them a little.
Milotic took the moment of Fearow staring in annoyance at her Aqua Ring as a moment to strike herself, sending an ice beam from her mouth aiming at the bird Pokémon, who quickly dodged out the way leaving the tops of tree's encased in ice as she moved.
"I see you are using, zee ice type moves non? Type effectiveness is only one part of zee battle. For example..." the air was easily cut through as a now glowing Fearow dove at Milotic again, Milotic tried to dodge this time but even so her opponent still nicked her, an excruciating pain strummed against her being from the miniscule hit.
"Abilities alzo should be taken into consideration, take my own. I have zee ability Sniper, it lets me find weak points in my opponent's body, pair it up with a move which purposefully goes for this zort of zing like Aerial Ace which iz perfect for zis purpose and you get zomezing zpecial. How do you feel now, Madam?" the Ferocious Fearow finished, chuckling at Milotic's squirming.
Milotic growled at the opponent's quip, letting loose a Hydro Pump at the chuckling bird, who barely dodged the move in time.
"Cannot take it, Oui? Not to worry, I shall finish zis now." A familiar glow of Aerial Ace appeared once more, the Fearow's dive going directly at Milotic to hit the final blow.
Milotic, now on her last legs, used a move she picked up during her and Ashley's training. Her eyes began to glow with psychic power and she stared at her opponent who had her eyes open, as their eyes met Fearow's speed wavered as she felt a feeling of peace entrance her mind, Milotic took that chance to curl up like a spring and jump into the air at the now slowing Pokémon, her tail was filled with enraged draconic fury as she swung it in an overhead arc the move hit the Pokémon and sent her flying into the ground, it seems that Fearow was rather weak on defence and used dodging skills to survive, since the single blow was enough to take her out.
'Exzellent work Madam, I got too cocky and you punished me for it.' were Fearow's last thoughts as unconsciousness met her.
Milotic smirked as she fell to the ground also as her momentum slowed; she took that cocky bird down. She too fell from the bird's final blow.
Ashley and Pikachu went over to the two fainted Pokémon; the girl quickly returned Milotic to her ball for recovery and then stared at the fainted Fearow.
"You are thinking of catching her aren't you? I think you should." Pikachu told her, she accepted her partner's suggestion and pulled out a Luxury Ball, she received a set of twelve as a gift from one of her mother's co-workers in the lab, and tapped the Pokémon with it. The ball quivered slightly, but the unconscious Pokémon still was unable to escape as the ball stopped moving.
"I-I caught Fearow..." She said quietly, looking at the ball with happiness.
At this moment a squawk of "Oh my god she caught boss! Retreat!" came from the now waking up spearows, who shook of the chill from their bodies and flapped away in fear.
"We should b-be going now," Ashley mumbled.
"True. They both probably need medical attention, that battle did seem rather harsh."
Ashley nodded, picking up Pikachu and placing her on the familiar spot of her shoulder.
As she walked the weather started to pick up as heavy rain started to fall, Ashley quickly took out her umbrella and coat from her bag, which is designed with minor pokéball-like qualities to carry a lot more things than it appears to, and quickly slipped it on.
"I should probably get out from under this thing, I attract electricity and I can feel that these are storm clouds." Pikachu spoke idly.
"You have the Lightning Rod ability? That is quite r-rare." Ashley said with quiet excitement.
"Something like th-" A bolt of electricity hitting way too close for comfort made Ashley squeak in fright, and caused Pikachu to quickly get out from under her umbrella.
"Maybe I should put you in a pokéball? It'll conserve your energy, get you out of the rain and stop you being a lightning rod?" Ashley asked after Pikachu was pelted with raindrops for quite a while.
"Oh alright... but only because I want you safe." Pikachu accepted begrudgingly.
Ashley smiled with the answer, and quickly pulled out the plain pokéball, and returned Pikachu. Afterwards she got another Luxury ball and tapped the two front buttons together.
[*another info dump sorta thing here*]
What Ashley has just done was activate a rather secret function to the pokéball, which changes the pokéball a Pokémon is inside.
The reason it is so secret is due to no-one using it as people usually just use the same pokéball the Pokémon comes with, but the function was created for those who want to swap out the pokéball used for capture to another design.
It's lucky that most people don't know of the function, due to the fact you could easily swap a pokéball which was more expensive and made for easier captures with a plain red and white one after catching a Pokémon with the more expensive one.
Luckily the creators of pokéballs, Silph Co, removed the use of this function for the legendary master ball, in order to prevent major problems if one of them were to be stolen. The only reason Ashley even knows about the ability is being a Professor's child.
[*end info dump*]
The job was done in a few moments as the Luxury Ball released the light signalling capture, she also moved the bolt sticker to the Luxury Ball.
And thus her walk to the next city was no longer in danger of lightning.
She kept a brisk pace as she walked, taking into consideration that she had two quite injured Pokémon in her grasp at the moment, but stopped when she noticed the red bike propped against a tree.
'That m-means someone is nearby in weather like this... I better make sure they are okay.' Ashley thought, before searching for the owner of the bike.
The search didn't last long as Ashley found one possible owner very quickly. A girl in a yellow top, and a pair of shorts held up by red straps that went over her shoulders. She shivered in the heavy rain and seemed to have not expected such a large downpour to happen so quickly.
Ashley ran over to the girl and brought her under the umbrella to stop any more rain from reaching. Afterwards she quickly thought of a plan and decided to take a chance with her abilities then, with a spark of mental force, lessened the weight of the girl and set the umbrella floating slightly overhead to stop the rain.
After that it took very little effort to get the unconscious shivering girl onto her back and with the assistance of her psychic telekinesis went back to the planned route. On her way back to the path she also picked up the bicycle and guided it with one hand while she kept the other holding the orange haired girl on her back
Strangely the rainclouds soon dissipated, revealing the blue skies above, Ashley quickly returned the umbrella to her bag but was unable to take her coat off due to the girl on her back. A gentle call made her look up and let her grasp the sight of a large Pokémon glowing in golden light and producing a rainbow trail as it flew away. Ashley looked in awe at the sight and quickly tried scanning the Pokémon with her dex, only to find that no information for it came up so she quickly took a picture of it with the scanning device for later research, soon the bird had vanished from the sky and Ashley once more returned to walking along the path.
As she saw the next town at the horizon in front her she felt the shifting of the girl on her back signalling the return of consciousness. In reaction she quickly rested her and propped her back up on the bike.
"Ngh..." the girl signalled slight discomfort with her voice, a sound one might make if they woke when they didn't want to, her eyes suddenly leaped wide awake, making Ashley squeak in surprise and make the girl's eyes seek onto her.
"Who are you?!" the girl shouted as she jumped to her feet.
"Ummm, I'm Ashley Juniper... I found you by the side of the lake on the route in the rain and I've been carrying you to Viridian City." Ashley explained, making the girl's eyes widen.
"Oh I remember now, the rain came unnaturally fast and I didn't have any other clothes..."
Silence resonated with the area as not a word was said, what was to be said?
"Maybe we should head to Viridian together?" Ashley said after a while.
"Sounds good I suppose. My name is Misty, Water Master in Training." The girl known as Misty replied.
And so they walked, unknowing about the adventures they would share together.
Ho-oh, legend amongst Pokémon, Arceus' close friend and high up in the ranks of the legendaries themselves, was rather stumped.
The current chosen one's journey was said to start today, Celebi showed the future events long before the child was even born, and yet there was no boy going along route one holding an injured Pikachu who looked up to see her when the rain was cleared.
Instead there was a green haired girl with red hair accessories and carrying a girl called Misty, a possible lover of the chosen one.
Something had changed and she was going to find out.
Ho-oh shifted to a human form, something only the more aged legends could pull off easily, and quickly made her way into Pewter City and quickly made her way into the Pokémon center of the place.
"Welcome, how may I help you today?" the Nurse Joy at the counter chirped, trying to be helpful.
"I would like to use the computer in this establishment." Ho-oh replied in her regal voice, which made people naturally follow her orders and requests.
"It's just over there madam." the nurse replied, pointing to the system nearby.
The Pokémon in disguise nodded and thanked the lady before heading towards the PC and opened up the browser.
Searches were sent out quickly, any hints of where this 'Ash Ketchum' could be were quickly added to the browser's history.
Hours later still nothing was found, until a search for just the name Ketchum brought up a news story from around five years earlier.
'Abuse in the Ketchum family? Oh dear...' Ho-oh quickly read into the story, and found that indeed there was no Ash Ketchum with them, but there was an ASHLEY, and it was indeed the girl on route one with Misty.
Only such a change could happen with divine intervention on a large scale, and there was only one such being with powers capable of doing that.
'Lord Arceus... what on earth did you do.' The phoenix legend thought.
'Look on the bright side, the girl is extremely cute. I wouldn't mind meeting her.' Ho-oh's eyes sparkled with mischief that had only been seen in her first century of creation when she was still a little chick, 'In fact maybe I should.'
A cawing laughter filled the center, which made the Nurse Joy's senses tingle.
Welp... new chapter
So... I suppose I could list harem members we have seen already.
Ho-oh... probably
Also... that guest(s), probably the single but three... four different reviews, let me give you a few things to make you smile.
Dawn in the harem: mostly guaranteed, but you gotta wait till sinnoh for that.
Ashley getting a togepi: that is another mostly guaranteed thing, but it will probably be shared between Misty (like a mom and... another mom sorta thing for that Togepi egg.)
Ashley getting an Eevee: yep probably.
Fearow has a French accent for a reason... it's a hint to her lineage. Being totally 'evil' in battle is also another hint.
If you get the hint and give me WHO FEAROW'S FATHER IS, you can ask me to do something in this story and I will do it... probably.
Good luck.
Going to orbit... wait I can't go into orbit right now, my ship was freaking smashed... I am literally falling down to the planet right now.