Gods and Legends
Chapter 14: The Finals
The day of the finals finally arrived. Naruto knew as well he did the best he could. Not only did he master the summoning jutsu, but he learns to tap into the Kyūbi chakra without him going on a rampage.
Naruto walks into the Arena where he could see the other contestants already waiting to participate. His teammates were also present. Naruto says nothing as he walks forward and stands beside his teammates. The only person who wasn't present was Uchiha Sasuke. He was the only one that wasn't present.
A Jōnin was standing before them wearing a bandana with a toothpick in his mouth. He pulls out a watch to check the time.
"Alright listen up. First, I want you to look at this." He said as he pulls out a sheet of paper that contains the matches. "There has been a change in the order." He said.
1. Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyūga Neji
2. Gaara vs. Uchiha Sasuke
3. Uchiha Kyoko vs. Hiei
4. Hōzuki Kasumi vs. Kuchiki Byakuya
5. Aburame Shino vs. Kankurō
6. Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru
'Did Dosu quit?' several of them were thinking. He hasn't been seen since the preliminaries.
"Now that you all know the matchup. There is a designated waiting room for you. There is no fighting allowed while other than when I start the match and it only stops when I end the match. The rules are simple. They are the same as they were in the preliminaries. Understand." The genins said nothing as the jōnin puts the piece of paper back in his pocket. "Then the first two participants please stay while everyone else waits in the waiting room.
Naruto stood where he was while everyone turns to walk up the stairs to the
waiting room. Neji stayed behind and looks at Naruto.
Naruto looks at Neji with a cold hard look on his face.
"You look like you want to say something," Neji said with confidence.
Naruto holds his fist out and looks at Neji with a strong stern look.
"I already told you. I will win." Naruto stated with confidence.
Neji looks at him and could see he wasn't bluffing, if anything, he looks very confident as he looks at Neji.
'You have unbelievable speed, Naruto, however, that won't be enough to beat him. His eyes can track you in an instant. It's going to take more than just speed to beat him. Do you understand that Naruto?' Kiba thought as he looks on at the match with Hinata beside him.
"Then, let the first match, Hyūga Neji vs. Uzumaki Naruto… begin." Genma said as he brings his arm down to start the match.
Naruto didn't even hesitate, he charges headfirst at Neji and throws a punch at him with high speed. Neji moves to the side and brings his arm up to parry the punch. However, Naruto stayed on top of him and punches Neji again. Neji was backing up to avoid Naruto's punches and kicks.
Finally, Naruto scores a hit and Neji skids back from the punch. Neji quickly adjusts and takes the gentle fist stance.
Naruto looks at Neji and stares at him with a hard look in his eyes.
Neji could see Naruto has speed on his side. Not to mention his punches hurt like hell. Neji knew he couldn't risk another punch.
"You look like you can't believe that you're being overpowered," Naruto stated.
Neji looks at him in surprise.
"I heard you were good Neji. However, you've proven to be a disappointment. If this is your strength then there is no need for me to go to full power." Naruto stated calmly.
"Wait a minute? Full power?! You mean he's not at full strength already?" Kurenai stated.
"Don't ask me. I have no idea what's he talking about." Asuma stated.
'He's not at full strength. Genkai always had an eye for talent and making certain shinobi's excel at a level few thought they could. She made the Sandaime Hokage the strongest of the GoKage after nearly ten years of solid training. She helped the Yondaime Hokage perfect and improve the Nidaime Hokage's technique and further help him with one of his signature techniques. She chose to train Uzumaki Naruto for a reason.' Hiashi thought. He thought for a moment Neji would have the upper hand but the brief scuffle showed Uzumaki Naruto had the advantage.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," Naruto said as he forms the seal to perform it. Five clones appeared around Naruto.
"Kage Bunshin? That's a Jōnin technique." A chūnin said in the stands.
The clone suddenly charged forward at Neji with high speed. Neji quickly took a step back and quickly parries the first clone. He couldn't attack it as another clone appeared to attack him. Neji soon was dancing around to avoid the clones who started to surround him and attack him from all angles.
"The clones are attacking, yet he's hanging back. Is he overconfident?" Kurenai wondered out loud.
"It's not that," Asuma stated. "He's being cautious and careful. He's risking his clones in battle first to get an accurate readout of Neji's abilities. He's watching carefully, while at the same time, letting his clones risk dispersing while Neji wastes his time fighting them off. Neji needs to break off the fight with the clones and engage Naruto directly or the clone will wear him down."
A bunshin pulls out a kunai attempts to slice Neji open. Neji slaps the clones hand away and the clone went by him.
Neji saw something heading towards him.
Naruto released a barrage of shurikens and quickly forms several hand seals.
"Kage Shuriken no Jutsu," Naruto said as the dozen of shurikens suddenly turn into a hundred.
'This isn't good. I have to use kaiten!' Neji realized as he starts to swirl. This was a shocking move as Hiashi couldn't believe Neji was able to use and master a head family technique.
Kaiten spins and a couple of clones couldn't escape the rotation and were hit and blasted off their feet before they disperse. The shurikens hit the rotation and bounce off; most of them breaking upon impact.
'It's not just a spinning ball of chakra. Now I see, he releases tenketsu from his body that acts like blades. So it's like a spinning giant shuriken with the body as the center.' Naruto thought.
The remaining two clones pull out a kunai and hold it steady. Once the rotation slowed down they jump with intent to attack Neji when he was coming out of his spin. Neji saw them and quickly hits them causing them to fly back. One clone disperses before Neji turn to the original, who charges at Neji. Neji, however, slips into another stance as Naruto closes the distance.
"Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!" Neji shouted as he charges forward. Because Naruto was charging forward, Neji was able to strike quickly and hits Naruto's tenketsu and repeatedly hit all sixty-four tenketsu.
Naruto flew back and hits the ground; as soon as he hits the ground he disperses in a puff of smoke.
"Nani! A Kage Bunshin!" Neji said. He turns back to see where the one clone who hadn't disperse forming hand seals.
"Did you really believe I would stay back and simply watch?" Naruto said with a grin. "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!" Naruto shouted as he ejects water from his mouth. The water quickly spins around in a circle in front of him and it was spinning faster.
"That's an A-Rank technique!" Several Chūnin said in shock. Even the Jōnins were in shock. As for this technique, you generally needed a source of water to perform. Yet he performs form it without a source of water.
"He's too close, it's going to hit!" A Chūnin shouted.
The jutsu exploded forward as Neji spins in his kaiten to minimize the damage.
High winds erupted all over the stadium from the jutsu that was being released.
The jutsu died down as water splash all around the arena before slowly disappearing. Neji appeared on the ground and he started coughing as he attempts to get up.
Naruto walks up to him and before him.
"You actually mixed yourself in with your clone," Neji stated.
"I'm not the type to take a backseat in a fight. I knew your attention would be focusing on the clone I had left behind if I had attacked you with other clones. Once you were confident that you could attack my clone, you would divert all your attention to that clone allowing me to attacking you from behind. You showed me too much during your battle with Hinata." Naruto stated.
"Why do you even care about what happened? This is a personal matter." Neji stated.
"You don't remember? I'm not surprised it happens nearly four years ago, just outside the Academy. Even back then, I remember how people said you were amazing. Don't you remember, in the winter of her first year, Hinata got into trouble with some bullies?" Naruto said as Neji open his eyes as he looks at Naruto.
"I was always in trouble. This fight was no different. Only, I had gotten way over my head. The numbers against me were simply too much. Hinata who had passed by, saw what was happening didn't even hesitated; she jumps in between the bullies and shields me from further harm. She was one of the few people… to ever show me kindness. I swore to her, that one day I would repay her for her kindness." Naruto stated.
Neji looks at him in surprise.
Then Neji leaps himself at Naruto and strikes his heart.
"It doesn't matter if you wish to repay a debt, I cannot lose," Neji said.
Naruto then disperses into a puff of smoke.
The ground begins to crack and Naruto appears from under the rumble and hits Neji on the side of the head with a mean right hook.
Neji lands on the floor but didn't get up.
"I made a Kage Bunshin just in case you were hoping for a last attempt to defeat me. As a shinobi, you could never be too careful. Hinata told me about your conflict and struggles with the Main Family. So I know what happens. However, Hinata is blameless. She was not the one who order your father's death. Your problem is you can't accept the person you partly blame for your father's death, and that is yourself." Naruto said.
"What?!" Neji said in anger.
"You are angry at yourself because you lack the power to protect your father. You blame yourself for not having any power to make a difference. You hate the main family for the death of your father as much as you blame yourself for your lack of strength." Naruto stated.
Neji didn't say anything. He merely looks on as Naruto was talking.
"You blame fate and believe people are born with their fates already decided. The truth is, fate isn't something that is just decided. Fate is something you decide it is. How you forge your path, is up to you. You're just blaming the world for your own suffering and misfortune." Naruto said.
"Winner, Uzumaki Naruto!" Genma said as he ends the match.
The crowd cheers as Naruto turns and walks away.
"His abilities and strategy skills are not genin level. For one, he was moving several steps ahead of Neji. Neji shows skills of high genin level, but he's not ready for Chūnin just yet. On the other hand, Naruto uses a small amount of information on Neji to create the perfect strategy against him." Kurenai said.
"Yeah. If this was a mission, and he got some Intel on an objective. In a similar manner in how Naruto saw the intelligence on the enemies' positions and abilities and used it to his advantage. He was even cautious and never got overconfident. Even at the end, he was cautious to not get taken down with Neji. If he was a squad commander, the mission would not only be accomplished, but also everyone would come back alive." Asuma stated.
'I didn't expect him to be this strong. However, what worries me is the fact that he said he's not at full strength. What did Genkai-sama do?' Asuma wonders.
Naruto enters the waiting room and stands by his teammates.
"You overdid it," Kyoko said simply.
"He had it coming," Naruto says with his eyes closed.
"Where is Sasuke?" Byakuya said out loud.
No one has really seen Sasuke since he left with Kakashi in the preliminaries.
Team Seven watch as another Jōnin jumps down and speaks to Genma. Genma nods his head as the other Jōnin disappears.
"The second match has been postponed. We're moving on to the third match. Uchiha Kyoko and Hiei please come down."
Naruto looks out the side of his eyes to see most of the crowd was really paying attention to this match. It would make sense since Kyoko was one of the three remaining survivors of the fame Uchiha Clan. Everyone had high hopes for her.
Kyoko disappears before reappearing near Genma with Hiei choosing to use the stairs to walk down and approach.
When he arrived he stood before Kyoko who stood with confidence.
The two quickly enter a battle at high speeds, hitting each other with fist and kicks.
Hiei watch himself get taken down by Kyoko.
"What is this?" Hiei said.
"Genjutsu. Do you like it?" Kyoko said with a smile on her lips.
"Fooling everyone in a genjutsu match won't change this outcome," Hiei said. He brings up his hands together and forms a ram seal. "Kai," Hiei said as the genjutsu was dispelled.
Everyone looked surprised as Kyoko and Hiei disappeared and reappear in the middle of the stand.
"Genjutsu," Kurenai said.
"But who cast it?" Asuma wondered.
"No more genjutsu. Let's fight to see who is the best." Hiei declared.
Kyoko closed her eyes and smiles. She opens them to reveal her Sharingan. Her two tomoes in each eye look at Hiei.
'Now that Kyoko is looking at Hiei, she is tracking his very movements. He shouldn't have let her use her Sharingan so quickly.' Naruto thought as he watches carefully.
Both disappeared at high speed and hit each other's forearm as they launch their first attack. They back away and both form hand seals.
"Katon: Homuranagase!" Hiei shouted as he releases several large fireballs from his mouth.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Kyoko said as two clones appeared at her side. She quickly forms some more hand seals. "Futon: Toppa!" Kyoko shouted. The wind release hits the fireball and Kyoko shouted " Katon: Gōka Senpū!"
The fireball turns into a vortex of high winds with flames that causes the wind to howl as if it was in pain. The audience in the stands had to cover their faces from the intense wind that was blowing.
Sakura was covering her face the wind that giving off intense heat. She couldn't believe the amount of power Kyoko was showing. She was starting to realize just how outclassed she really was. Top kunoichi she was not. It was clear it was Kyoko. She was the only kunoichi of her year to make it to finals. Sakura vowed that one day she would close the gap and become stronger than Kyoko.
The winds finally die down, as the jutsu disappears, yet Hiei was nowhere to be seen.
Kyoko was standing in the middle of the arena looking confident. Then a sword pierces through her chest from her back. Kyoko looks momentary shock from this outcome. Hiei was standing behind her with a sword in his hands.
Hiei had a smile on his face believing he won. He avoids the vital spot, but it would leave Kyoko a nasty scar. Hiei believed he won.
A crow suddenly pops out from Kyoko's chest and gives a caw. It separates itself from Kyoko and takes flight. More crows began to emerge from Kyoko's body and cawing as they leave Kyoko. Kyoko slowly disappeared as the crows took flight and began to circle Hiei.
"Genjutsu?! She's very good," said Kurenai as she watches the match unfold. Uchiha Kyoko's genjutsu skills were very high indeed. She times her genjutsu well.
Hiei was trying to look around for Kyoko. The crows were circling around him never missing a beat.
Hiei pauses as he sees a pair of Sharingan eyes with two tomoes looking at him. A shadow suddenly appeared and grabs him. Hiei found himself unable to move. The shadow began to cover Hiei as the shadow looks down at him with menacing Sharingan eyes.
'Genjutsu? It's strong. I can't break free.' Hiei thought as the shadow was now covering his entire body. He could feel the shadow began to crawl up his neck. 'Only one way to break this genjutsu.' thought Hiei as he bites down on the side of his lips. Blood began to trickle down his mouth.
Kyoko looks at him in surprise.
She smiled as she watches Hiei stand there recovering from her genjutsu.
'Not many can break my genjutsu.' thought Kyoko as she looks at Hiei. She smiles as she looks at him. 'However, it has taken a toll on him.'
Kyoko knew genjutsu may be looked down upon by many ninjas, yet that overconfidence would be their downfall. Genjutsu attacks mentally, and nothing was worse than mental exhaustion. It was nearly five times worse than physical exhaustion.
Kyoko smiles as she watches Hiei breathe heavily as he attempts to recover and shake off her genjutsu attack.
Not giving him a chance to recover, Kyoko attacks at high speed, hitting Hiei in the face. Hiei brings up his hand to block Kyoko's punch.
Hiei leaps away, trying to get away from Kyoko. Kyoko wasn't foolish, she stays on him and attacks at high speeds.
They continue to exchange blows for nearly a minute before Kyoko jumps back to catch her breath.
Hiei, however, skids back and quickly falls back on his knee. It was clear he still hasn't recovered from Kyoko's genjutsu attack.
'My body still feels numb. I can barely keep up with her.' thought Hiei as he looks at Kyoko.
"You could give up. You know your no match for me," said Kyoko with a smile on her face.
'She's right. I can't keep fighting her. Her genjutsu are scary. Hard to believe we're only ten years old. Yet she's fighting like she's a Jōnin. I can't use ninjutsu. With her genjutsu effects still on me, I would just be throwing away chakra.' thought Hiei as he tries to weigh his opinion.
Both Hiei and Kyoko knew if one was under a genjutsu effect, then using ninjutsu was unwise. Do to the fact you couldn't control your chakra properly. You would either be using more than intended or use too little. That meant he had to rely on Taijutsu. Yet because he was under a genjutsu effect, his reaction time has been greatly reducing. He took several hits. Her punches didn't seriously hurt, but they did do damage.
'She's not using ninjutsu either. She is preserving her chakra for the next round. That means she is sticking with taijutsu. Her taijutsu skills are superb. She barely was even winded from that high-speed exchange we had.' thought Hiei as he looks at her.
"If you're not going to give up then I'm going to come to you." said Kyoko.
Then something happen.
To anyone who was watching, watch in amazement, as a third tomoe appears in her sharingan.
Kyoko blinks as she watches Hiei move in slow motion.
'What is going on? He's moving… slowly? No… I'm merely seeing things… I can see!' thought Kyoko as she charges forward.
Hiei attacks and attempts to defend himself from Kyoko but Kyoko slips past his attack and punches him with ease.
Hiei grabs a kunai and thrusts at Kyoko only for Kyoko to disappear.
'Where did she…'
Hiei answer was quickly answered by a swift kick under her chin. Hiei was launch in the air. Kyoko quickly follows up and appears behind Hiei in the shadow leaf stance. She grabs Hiei and quickly begins to spin as they began to drop to the ground at high speed.
'This is…' Asuma thought as he watches the move.
"Lee's move," said Sakura as she watches in amazement.
Hiei knew this move would take him out. He couldn't substitute and he was in real trouble. He knew his only hope was to soften the blow. Because he wasn't bound like Gaara was, he could still use jutsu, even thought he knew under a genjutsu effect, it wasn't a smart idea. He quickly forms hand seals.
"Doton: Doryū Taiga," said Hiei as he spits mud from his mouth. The mud hits the ground and turns the grounds into a muddy puddle.
Kyoko slams into the ground and quickly appears skidding back.
'He softens the landing. This will reduce the damage we'll both receive.' thought Kyoko as she quickly stands back on her feet. Yet her body was a bit shaky and she realizes it wasn't a move she would use again.
Hiei struggles to get up. Even though they both receive damage; Kyoko for casting it, which cause her body to be straining from using a high-risk move, receive less damage. He receive the worse. Yet the landing reduce the damage.
Hiei falls down and once again attempts to get back on his feet.
'Stay down. I can't fight right now.' thought Kyoko as she watches Hiei continue to climb back to his feet. Her body serious was in pain and she didn't know if she could fight in her current condition.
He falls down again and lies there in the mud.
"Winner, Uchiha Kyoko," said Gemna as he declares Uchiha Kyoko the winner.
Kyoko looks at him and nearly forgot that there was a judge.
"I can still fight!" shouted Hiei as he attempts to stand up. He falls down again.
"Forget it. You can barely move. Learn to quit when you can. There is no shame in admitting defeat. If you didn't cast that jutsu you would be out of commission right now." said Genma.
Medics rush over to collect Hiei as Kyoko walks back to the waiting room. A medic came to her but she waves him off.
Naruto looks at Kyoko who returns to the waiting room. Even though she wasn't showing it, she was breathing heavily. That lotus move took a lot of out her. It would take some time for her to recover.
"Her skills at not genin level. Her speed and thinking abilities are clearly advance," said Kurenai.
"Yeah, not to mention her genjutsu skills. She might rival you or the Kurama clan," said Asuma.
'Indeed. The moment she uses her Sharingan, she cast a genjutsu on Hiei. His mistake was looking into her eyes from the very start. That's why she was able to win. She had him beat from the very start. If her skills with genjutsu were at a high jōnin level, she would have the match won instantly when she places that genjutsu on Hiei. Her genjutsu skills are maybe at high chūnin or low jōnin level. That is remarkable for someone her age.' though Kurenai.
"We're moving on to the fourth match, Hōzuki Kasumi, Kuchiki Byakuya, please come down," said Genma.
They both walk down.
Naruto watches in amazement.
Kasumi was highly skilled. Immediately, she cast the kirigakure no jutsu to prevent Byakuya from using his genjutsu. It wasn't a thick mist so people were still able to see the participants. Yet Kasumi quickly disappears into the mist. Byakuya stood there trying to sense Kasumi.
The Kirigakure was an excellent jutsu to use against genjutsu users. As well as fighting a sharingan user. The mist was cover with chakra making it difficult to see with a dōjutsu. Even the Byakugan would be rendered useless against the Hidden Mist Technique.
Water suddenly appears and hits the ground. Tearing up the ground as Byakuya leaps in the air.
'Suiton: Mizurappa?' Naruto realizes as this was one of his techniques.
Another set of water emerges as Byakuya was getting set to land.
'Oh, she's a sensor type.' Naruto thought as he watches the match.
Byakuya quickly forms hand seals and said "Doton: Doryūheki"
The mud wall forms up and quickly shields him from the water technique.
"Earth techniques are good against water," said Kyoko as she watches closely.
Indeed they were. Kasumi, being a water user, would know this better. So the question was, how would she overcome this barrier.
Another water attack came from the side.
Byakuya leaps to the side and lands in some mud.
Byakuya looks up to see four Kasumi's in the air heading towards him.
"Mizu Bunshin." said Kyoko.
Byakuya form some hand seals and said "Raiton: Kangekiha"
Lightning erupted all around his body. As soon as the water clones hit the lightning, they burst into water that surrounds Byakuya. Then the water quickly got bigger and formed a bubble around him. Kasumi appears with her hands in the bubble.
"Suirō no Jutsu," said Kasumi.
Byakuya was a trap in a water prison. He looks at Kasumi who stood triumph over him.
Byakuya wasn't done yet. He quickly forms some hands. He takes a deep breath and releases his jutsu.
"Fūton: Toppa,"
The wind in the water causes the prison to break apart. Kasumi was taken back and she clearly didn't expect him to break it apart.
Byakuya lands on the ground and quickly forms some seals. He slams his hands on the ground "Fūinjutsu: Isshi Tōjin"
The seal erupts in the ground as Kasumi points a finger at Byakuya.
"Mizudeppō no Jutsu," said Kasumi as water drips to her fingertip. No sound was heard, but the little drop of water fire forward with blinding speed. It hits Byakuya in his chest who was shocked from the attack. His seal disappears as he drops to the ground.
Kasumi was breathing heavily.
'A jutsu… without hand seals. Either she's master that jutsu… or this is a specialty of hers.' thought Naruto.
Medics came over to collect Byakuya.
"Winner, Hōzuki Kasumi!" said Genma.
The crowd cheers as the mist disappear.
Kasumi returns to the waiting room. Naruto eyes her carefully.
'She's going to be a tough opponent.' Naruto realizes. Hōzuki Kasumi chakra level was already at Jōnin's level. She was strong enough to hold her own against Byakuya, who wasn't an easy opponent to fight. He was always calm and collective. Tends to think three steps ahead of his opponents. Her battle prowlers were very good indeed.
"Aburame Shino, Kankurō, come down. It's your turn," said Genma.
Shino grabs the rail and looks ready to jump down.
"Protector! I quit!" shouted Kankurō.
Everyone turns to look at him in surprise.
'He gives up? So quickly. Is it because he's afraid of Shino's bugs?' wonders Naruto as he looks at Kankurō who slips back in the background. He looks frustrated and… concern. Was something going on they didn't know?
"Kankurō has given up. Aburame Shino wins by default. We'll move to the last match of the Qualify Rounds. Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru." said Genma.
Temari grabs her fan and glides down towards the arena floor. She lands gently.
Naruto turns to Shikamaru who was leaning on the rail and it looks like he didn't want to go down.
"Nara Shikamaru, come down." said Genma.
"I think it's best I give up too…" said Shikamaru.
Naruto slaps Shikamaru back causing him to fall over and land on the arena floor. He just lays there looking at Naruto.
"That was cruel, Naruto," said Kyoko with a smile on her lips.
"If he gives up, then I'm going to glue a dunce hat on him," said Naruto.
Shikamaru looks up to see Naruto and Kyoko talking.
'Damn you Naruto.' curse Shikamaru.
Temari however, wasted no time and she charges forward at Shikamaru who saw her coming from upside down. She had that smug look on her lips as she grabs her fan and slams it into the ground.
Temai looks up to see Shikamaru had thrown two kunais in the wall and was standing on them.
"You know, a man isn't supposed to lose to a woman," said Shikamaru.
This cause Temari to feel a vein grow on her forehead. She opens her fan and swings, using her wind attack to slice him apart. Dust cover the area for a moment and when it clear Temari was surprised to see he was gone. Temari looks around and quickly spots him running to hide behind a tree.
Temari grew a smile as she looks at the situation.
'He wants me to attack him there because there is shadows over there. Giving him an advantage. Once there, I'll be caught. I'll attack at midrange. Depending on how far he can stretch his shadow, I'll switch to long-range mode. I need to stay in the open where there are no shadows.' Temari said as she rushes forward and stands around ten meters from the trees.
'Temari specializes in range attacks than melee. This outcome is clear.' thought Kankuro.
Temari opens her fan and swings again, sending high winds that cut the tree bark and left their scars upon them.
'A man may not lose to a woman. But a man isn't supposed to hit a woman either.' thought Shikamaru. He quickly forms a rat seal and knew he would only have enough chakra for four stretches. He had to time each one perfectly.
The wind dies down and Temari looks carefully. Then she saw it. His shadow was stretching towards her. Temari quickly flips backward quickly to avoid getting caught. She knew her fan was her only weapon, and he had pouches full of shurikens and kunais. Once caught she would mimic his movements and she would be finished.
She quickly leaps back as the shadow got closer.
It nearly caught her and she leaps back in desperation.
To her surprise, the shadow stops. Then it quickly falls back towards Shikamaru.
She measures the distance carefully.
'Fifteen meters and thirty-two centimeters.'
She swings her fan across the dirt marking the place where she should stay behind.
"She measures his distance. She's good. Shikamaru could be in trouble." said Kurenai.
"Not likely. It could be part of his plan," said Asuma.
"Plan?" repeated Kurenai.
"He is super lazy. Shows no interest in hardly anything. He's a lot like an old man who knows how to pass the time. However, if he gets serious then he can plan ahead. He's a real genius. With an IQ over two hundred." said Asuma.
"Two hundred?" reptead Kurenai in surprise. She looks back and was surprised to see Shikamaru doing something unusual. He had his hands together in a strange way and had his eyes closed. "What seal is that?" asks Kurenai.
"That's not a seal, it's a habit," said Asuma.
"Habit?" repeats Kurenai.
"Whenever he is stuck and needs to think, he forms that hand seal. Once he comes up with a strategy, he will win," said Asuma.
"If you're talking about board games, then it won't do him much good here. This is battle." said Kurenai.
"However, some of the greatest generals who ever lived were known to play games like Shogi and Go. It helps them think and plan. This is no different. Every fighting style and tactic is like a piece in a game. You just need to know how to play it. Shikamaru has that covered in spades." said Asuma.
Shikamaru opens his eyes and looks serious.
He gets up and pulls out a kunai.
"He's done thinking, his counter-attack starts now," said Asuma.
Temari, however, didn't care what his plan was. She swings her fan as the high wind gust erupts throughout the stadium once again.
Temari stood looking to see what was going on. Then she saw the shadow heading towards her.
'It's useless. As long as I stay behind the line… no wait…' Temari realized as she quickly leaps back to avoid the shadow that crosses the line. She lands back and the shadow was just inches from touching her shadow.
Temari looks at Shikamaru who was holding his jutsu in place.
'His shadow stretch from its limits. Now I see, he's using the shadows of the arena to increase his range. Meaning the further the shadows stretch outwards, the longer his reach becomes. Given the time that has passed by, I don't have long before I run out of places to run. I have to end this quickly,' thought Temari.
"Temari! Above you!" shouted Kankurō.
Temari looks up and was blinded by the sun glare but she notices something above her.
She looks down and sees another shadow was forming.
'This is bad!' Temari realizes as she leaps back quickly just as the shadow nearly grabs her. She quickly dances around but quickly notices he was attempting to lead her where the area was covered in mud. Fearing this Temari took off towards the other direction, but Temari remains determined in avoiding the mud.
Temari skids back as the shadow reach its limit. Shikamaru calls back his shadow as his jacket hits the ground.
Temari opens his fan and quickly hides behind it.
'I clearly underestimated him. It will be another thirty minutes before his shadow will be able to cover the entire arena. I can't afford that. I have to bet everything on the next move. I'll create a bunshin and use it as a distraction. While he is focused on my bunshin I'll close the distance and quickly finishes him off.'
Temari quickly forms the seals for the bunshin but as she forms the snake seal, she suddenly found herself unable to move.
'What is… going on.'
"Heh, kagemane no jutsu… success," said Shikamaru. Everyone was surprised by this.
"Impossible. Your shadow is nowhere near me," said Temari.
"Then I'll let you look to your right," said Shikamaru as he turns his head.
Temari looks and saw to her surprise and horror, the shadow was coming out of a hole. It was connected with her.
"Your shadow... can travel underground?" said Temari in surprise.
"That's correct. That's the hole Naruto made to knock out Neji. My shadow is connected to the one he went into originally. As tunnels have shadows inside of it, it was easy to reach you." said Shikamaru.
'Don't tell me… he led me on that goose chase…. Just to lure me here.' thought Temari as she looks at him in surprise.
Shikamaru begins to walk forward and so does Temari. She was without her fan and she had no other weapons beside her. She couldn't believe she got caught. She thought she took every precaution.
Once they got near enough the shadow quickly merge together to the point they were mere feet from each other. Temari finds herself unable to do anything but mimic his movements.
"Well, looks like I caught you. It was fun while it lasted. Protector, I quit." said Shikamaru.
Everyone was stun with silence.
"He what's?!" someone in the audience shouted.
People began to boo and throw trash at him.
Shikamaru puts a finger in his ears.
"So noisy." he mutters.
He releases his jutsu and Temari could only stare at him. He had her, then he let her go. Was he too soft?
"Baka!" shouted Naruto as he appears and slams his fist into the back of Shikamaru's head. Shikamaru lands face first into the ground.
"Damn you Naruto," mutters Shikamaru from the ground.
Kyoko also appeared and kicks Shikamaru, thought not hard, gently as she turns him over.
"Why did you give up? You had the match won." asks Kyoko.
"I don't have enough chakra to continue. I only have enough chakra for one more Kagemane. Besides, it's too troublesome." said Shikamaru.
A Jōnin with a scarred face appears next to Genma and speaks to him. Genma nods his head.
"The final match, Uchiha Sasuke vs Sabaku no Gaara has been extended for ten minutes. Should Uchiha Sasuke not arrive during this timeframe, he will forfeit by default," said Genma.
"Where is Sasuke?" mutters Kyoko.
Shikamaru stood up and mutters something about troublesome. Temari walks back to her fan grabs it and returns to the waiting room.
As time tick by, someone in the stands said Uchiha Sasuke got himself injured during training. Others showed their disapproval at the thought the last 'true' Uchiha wasn't going to show.
Genma was looking at his watch carefully and was waiting for the time to end. Just as the hand hit the time, Genma looks up to speak to the crowd.
Only for a gust of wind to sweep the arena floor.
When it died down, Uchiha Sasuke was standing there with Hatake Kakashi.
Everyone was stun with silence yet they started to applauding.
Author Notes: Sorry for the long wait. I hope everyone enjoys. I got some pm's for this story to continue. I didn't think people like it. Tell me what you guys think.
Please note the reason why this story is rated M, is because of sex, gore, torture, rape and illegal activities. The sex will mostly be focused on Kyoko/Naruto. Not now. They're freaking ten and don't have hormones yet. It will happen in the time skip. The time skip won't be 2 or 3 years, it will be 7. So Naruto and Kyoko will be 17 when they start having sex. I feel seven years of solid training is more beneficial.
Please tell me what you think, please like and review. suggestions are welcome.