I own Nero, but I don't own Nisa. Erin Hunter does.

Nisa's POV

"Hei acolo, frumos. Care e numele tău?" A male bear said to me.

"I'm Nisa."

"Sunt Nero. V-ya știu că ai ochii albastri cel mai bun aspect ", l-am luat vreodată un gânsac la?"

I liked the way this Nero spoke. "You've also got pretty blue eyes, too."

"Oh, eu fac?" He said. "Cred că suntem făcuți unul pentru altul, atunci."

"See you soon," I said.

The next day, He brought me a fox. "Pentru tine, draga mea."

He just called me the wrong thing! "What did you just say?" I growled at him.

"Am spus," pentru tine, draga mea. "

"Oh! You like me then!" I said. I knew it!

But Nero still seemed unhappy. "Nu-ți place de mine?"

I didn't hurt his feelings, did I? "No, I do like you," I said.

"Nu ai de gând ..."

"Yes, I'm gonna eat the fox." I started eating the fox. It was delicious!

And the day after that, he gave me more prey. And, many days later..."Nisa, va fii partenerul meu?"

"Yes, Nero. I will be your mate!" I was so happy I finally had a mate, and I kissed him.