Hi Everyone

I hope you didn't get too excited if you saw the notification in your emails that Transcendence had updated, but if you did I'm sorry to disappoint you with this (sort of) update. Because it is an update of sorts, just not the fun fiction kind.

If you haven't noticed, I've deleted the first chapter of Transcendence from my fanfiction account, and will not be reposting it anywhere. This is because, after much careful thought, I have decided to convert Transcendence from a Teen Wolf Fanfiction, into it's own original story with Sage Warren as the main character. I really hope you will support me in this decision, and of course if anyone is interested in Sage and the new direction that Transcendence is headed, then please feel free to come chat to me on tumblr (username: chlobenet) and i'll be more than happy to divulge spoilers.

Thank you to everyone that supported Transcendence in it's original form. Thank you for the kind words, the reviews and the follows. I hope you're not disappointed with whats to come for Sage.
