
Three Days Later

The next three days were absolutely miserable for Jack. The third day though would be the worst of them all.

It was early in the morning when Jack received the newspaper.

His father had been sending him newspapers from the city every once in a while just to keep him caught up in happenings. This time though, Jack wished that he had never started doing that.

The front page read simply:

Ferry Goes Down During Storm

Normally, Jack would have ignored the piece and skipped to the sports section, but the fact that there had been a storm during the day that Karen had left worried Jack.

In a terrible storm, a ferry leading from the small island named Flowerbud was capsized and the boat was ripped apart by the waves. The captain has already been found and pronounced dead, but the ferry's single passenger, thought to be a woman named Karen Roberts has yet to be found.

Jack could read no more. His head was light and he nearly fainted right there and then.

"Karen? Gone? No! This can't be happening again! God, please! Don't let this… this… this atrocity happen!" Jack cried loudly. For a few seconds, bitterness began to enter his mind just like six years before, but he held it back knowing that it would do him no good. "She hasn't been found yet. She could still be alive, right?" There was no answer…


HAHAHA! Ahh… cliffhangers… and this one is the WORST of them ALL (and that's saying a lot)! Why? Because this was the end of the story! HA! Anyway, I haven't started writing book two yet, but it'll be up sometime. I'm also working on another story so I don't know exactly when.

Anyway, thanks for all the great reviews! I don't remember getting many if any at all flames and it feels really great!

Thanks to those who prayed for me and thanks to those who gave me advise. Thanks to the people who e-mailed me congratulations instead of just reviewing. That means a lot to me. More than you know. But, most of all, thanks to God.

God has been my motivation all along. He put this idea in my head. He gave me the courage to write it. And He made it a success! He gave me whatever skills I have in the area of writing and I praise Him for it. All in all, I don't take credit for this story. I know that I said it was my masterpiece, but you know, it's not. I was just then pen, or keyboard in this case, and God was the writer.

I do not deserve credit for this story. God does. Don't give it to me. Give it to God.

God Bless.
