She couldn't handle it, the caring. He cared and she cared about him but it was to much. Good things don't stay with her, they end up happening and then something chaotic happens. "He's and ass." She muttered to herself as she packed her bags. She looked on her nightstand at the picture of the whole team at the red dress run.
He didn't mean to treat her different but he didn't want anything to happen to her. As much as she hated it he cared for her. His work wife and partner. She was an idiot to think that he wouldn't care, but he was an ass for not telling her sooner. He needs her, you know to keep a smile on his face and to keep him in check.
He ran out his house grabbing the keys on the table and hopped in his truck driving to the airport. The airport was crowded so he climbed on a chair to look.
It was a long week and she needed the time off. She looked at her ticket and then at the boarding board. "Sonja!" Her head snapped up at the sound of her name. She looked around to find out who called it. "Sonja!" She was sure it sounded like LaSalle but she couldn't locate him. She keep looking until her eyes landed on him hands cupped around his mouth. He climbed down and made his way to her.
"Christopher? What are you doing here?" His hands cupped her head and he smashed his lips into hers. She melted into him and let her eyes close until he pulled away.
"Sonja Percy I care about you. I care about you a lot. I would jump in front of a bullet for you without thinking." He took a deep breath and looked into her brown eyes. She looked around at the people who crowded to watch. "You make me laugh and you annoy me but if you didn't I wouldn't be happy?" She shook her head tears slowly making their way down her face.
"My past relationships haven't turned out go-."
"I don't care. This isn't your past relationships. This is here and now." He held up his arms. "So, Sonja Percy will you be my girlfriend?" She nodded a small smile on her face. He smiled. "She said yes! She said yes!" The people around them that crowded around to watch clapped.
"Shush." She laughed as he screamed out to the entire airport. He crushed her in a hug and planted his lips on hers. He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers his smile matching hers. "Hey you." A young women stopped at Sonja's words and pointed to herself. "Here, enjoy your trip." Sonja handed the woman her ticket and hooked her arms around LaSalle's neck. "You know you're still an ass right?"
He laughed and nodded. "Yeah and your still and idiot. My idiot."