It was the first day of school after summer break and Sameen Shaw was glad to say that she no longer was in need of the school bus. Her uncle had bought a new car and since his truck was quite old, Sameens mother was able to dissuade it from him.

Parking her 'new' black truck in the lot, Sameen made her way into the school building, bumping into Cole, they both silently made their way to their first class.

"Seriously though, I really like the new truck!" Cole said, while unpacking his backpack.

Sameen looked at him with raised eyebrows, a smirk appearing on her lips.

"Yea, im not giving you rides!"

Cole sulked at her, dropping his book noisily on the desk.

"Come on Shaw.. I only live 4 houses away from you."

"I prefer not to listen to your whiny ass before I even had my first coffee." Shaw answered also dropping her books onto the desk.

Cole let out an indignant huff, lightly pushing Shaw and shaking his head. "Always hurting my feelings!"

"Be glad that I only hurt your feelings."

Shaw and Cole had kind of become friends since their first day of freshman year and had been ever since. He was nice, easy and for some reason Shaw didn't hate him as much as she hated the other kids going to her school. Cole was a huge anxiety filled nerd, very smart and like Shaw kind of antisocial. Their personalties synced and that Shaw told herself was the only reason she let him stick around.

On her first day of freshman year, Shaw had went to the bathroom during 2nd period, she came across a couple of football players who were bullying a boy, who was crying and already lying on the floor, protectively trying to shield his head from the punches they threw at him.

Shaw had not been scared to walk up to them and tell them to stop, which back then the football players had found hilarious. Well after she had broken the arm of the first attacker and had knocked the other one out cold with a punch to his temples, they had made a big circle around her when ever they crossed paths again.

Shaw had looked the boy up and down, as he was rolled into a fetal position on the floor, trying to hold in tears that were already falling down his face, next to him were his shattered glasses. Shaw had walked up, frightened he had looked up at her, he winced when she had grabbed his arm and pulled him up to his feet. She handed him his glasses back, before inspecting the cut on this left eyebrow. She had told him to better go see a nurse and then left. Ever since then he had started following her around like a puppy. Shaw never understood why, she had guessed he saw her as a someone who could protect him, they had a mutual understanding of each other, Cole knew when not to push Shaw and Shaw well Shaw did whatever she wanted to do. He helped her out in maths, and she protected him.

Now they were juniors and they had been through some shit together. Shaw actually considered him a friend.

When school was over Sameen walked back to her locker. She put her books inside, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a conversation, between two boys. Their shoulders leaning against the locker, eyes on Cole.

"Look at the nerd, you should have seen him this morning in the bus", in their line of sight, Cole had gathered to much book from his locker and someone bumped into him from behind, making him loose his footing and the books clatter to the floor. Again someone slammed into his back and he fell face forward to the ground. "I know… God he is so pathetic." the boys started snorting.

Shaw rolled her eyes, slamming the door of her locker close, she walked up to Cole, when she passed the snorting seniors, she pushed Lamberts face with a flat hand roughly into the locker that he was leaning against, making him cry out in pain and to her satisfaction his nose started bleeding.

Shaw pulled Cole back on his feet, helping him pick up his book.

"Come on…", Shaw pushed him outside the school, while angrily making her way towards her truck, "I cant believe you still let those assholes assault you on the bus."

He shook his head, hiding his face from her, following her to the parking lot.

"Its nothing Sam… really."

"Its been almost 3 years and you still let them push you around, what do you expect Cole!" Shaw argued angrily.

They both climbed into the truck, before Cole faced Shaw again.

"You shouldn't have done that to Lambert, you're lucky if you only get detention!"

"Well he deserved it!..." Shaw answered, as the truck roared to life.

And yes Shaw had ended up getting detention for the little stunt she had pulled. It hadn't been her first time in detention, but the first time she was signed for it over a period of 3 weeks.

Annoyed she entered the detention room, she looked into the familiar faces, before walking over to her usual spot by the window. She dropped down on the chair, pulled out her book and papers and started to do her homework.

After probably 15 minutes into detention, the door opened again and someone entered.

"You are late Ms. Groves!" Mr. Adams the teacher said.

Shaw hated that teacher, he always wore a suit to work and thought he was better then everyone else. His subjects were maths and physics, so when it wasn't Mr. Finch who was babysitting the people in detention, Mr. Adams was there. He especially enjoyed it if people finished their assignment earlier to look it over, he always found something wrong with it and if it was only the handwriting he didn't like. He then proceeded to hand out more work for everyone. Most people in detention knew about him and knew best to stay seated, because everything else meant more work.

The girl didn't answer, she just walked to the back of class and sat down on her chair, also starting to work on her homework.

Shaw looked up, as the teachers voice said a bit louder now, "Don't let it happen again!"

The girl stayed quiet, not even bothering to look at the teacher. Shaw shifted her attention back to the paper in front of her. After not even half an hour, the same girl got up again, swinging her backpack over her shoulders and walked back to the teacher. She dropped the papers onto his desk and made her way to the door. All eyes looked up already frowning... must be her first time in detention.

"Young lady, where do you think your going?" The teacher asked annoyed, looking the new girl over.

"I finished my work.. so Im leaving." The girl said shrugging.

This time also Shaw looked up, only now she actually looked the girl over. She must be new to the school because Shaw was sure she had never seen this girl before. Shaw eyes started to travel from the her legs that seemed to go on for days, over her torso that was mostly hidden by the leather jacket she wore, to brunette long, wavy hair, framing her face and her dark brown eyes coldly directed at the teacher. Shaw swallowed unconsciously, this girl was hot.

"There is no way that you finished all the pro… " he started, looking at the papers the brunette girl had dropped on his desk. Both his eyebrows started to raise, his mouth slightly hanging open.

"May I go now?" the girl asked annoyed, her arms were crossed and she started to impatiently tap her fingers on her arm.

The teacher composed himself again, before sitting up straighter. "No, you may not! And after what you have done, you are lucky you only got detention young girl. So go back to your desk and be silent."

What could that girl possible have done to deserve something worse than detention Shaw wondered.

The brunette starred him down in disbelieve, before a sudden smirk appeared on her lips. Shaws eyes narrowed at her as the girl did not go back to her seat, but walked closer to the teacher, she leaned over to him and said something that Shaw wasn't able to catch.

Mr. Adams eyes widened in utter shock, as he slowly looked back at the girl. Shaw wasn't sure if he was about to punch her, but before Shaw even knew what was happening he had gotten up and towered over the new girl, looking angrily down at her.

"How dare you!" He said outraged, but the girl was still smiling up at him unfazed, slowly shaking her head at him.

"Id be careful if I was you …," the girl stated, looking at the rest of the people in the room, before looking back at him.

He looked at his students, before dropping down on his chair, defeated he gave her a curt nod.

It was dead silent, everybody's eyes turned to the new girl, who was smirking, and with a quick glance over the classroom just walked out of detention. The silence stretched on for what seemed like a century, everyones eyes now that the girl was gone turned to Mr. Adams. The way he sat in his chair, made Shaw think that the girl had just broken him. He was sitting in his chair completely defeated and also horrified, like he had wanted to die at the spot.

The sight in front of her was almost worth being in detention for.

Slowly people started whispering again, when the talking became louder again, Mr Adams fist crashed down on the desk, he was standing now, fury in his eyes, as they swiped over every student in the room.

"Shut up! Don't you all have work to do?" he yelled, walking outside the classroom, slamming the door shut.

Only after a couple hours, everybody in school knew Samantha Groves and what she had done. Even tho nobody knew for sure what she had said to Mr Adams to make him act the way he did, wild stories were going around as of what it might have been.

Zoe, one of the popular girls who always had the juicy stories and knew everything about everyone, had already gathered all the information about "new girl" and it was going around like wildfire.

Samantha Groves, aka Root, why ever that was... new girl, straight A student, only child moved with her mother from Bishop Texas, very smart. Zoe had even found out why she had gotten detention, apparently she had broken into the school and tried to steal parts of off the school computers. She had knocked one of the security guys out who according to her didn't leave the computer room and deserved nothing less, she even had almost succeeded and gotten away with it, if the other security guy hadn't went on his shift 10 minutes earlier than usual.

"Already heard the news, Mr Adam is going to transfer schools." Cole said grinning widely.

Shaw just shrugged;" About time!"

"I really wonder what that Groves girl said to him, I mean he can only be transferring because of what she said… maybe I should..." Cole talking was cut off, by Shaw who entered the detention room, slamming the door in his face.

Doing a quick sweep of the room with her eyes, she stopped at Lambert, who was trying to escape Sameens gaze, by looking at the floor. But it was to late Shaw had already spotted the blue, reddish bruise on the side of his right eye and nose. Smiling she walked to her spot, sat down and pulled her stuff out of her bag.

After another 10 minutes, the door opened again, revealing a tall brunette girl, she closed the door behind her, walking inside.

looked up; "Your late Ms. Groves." he exclaimed.

The girl smiled sweetly at him, "Wont happen again, Harry!"

Everyones eyes shot up at the two in front again, and Shaw wondered for a second time who the hell that girl was.

starred at her with raised eyebrows, he licked his lips pushing the glasses back up his nose.

"Ms. Groves, I must insist you call me ."

The brunette tilted her head to the side still smiling, "And you can call me Root … Mr. Finch." She put emphasis on the last to words and then she proceeded to walk past Harold and sat down, somewhere behind Shaw. She dropped her book on the desk and started fiddling with her pen.

Shaw teared her eyes away from the brunette, trying to focus back on her homework. After the first hours was over Shaw had finished everything besides math. Ugh maths Shaw most hated subject. Behind her someone started to drum their fingers rhythmically against the desk. Shaw glared over her shoulder, her eyes stopping at the new girl who supported her head with one hand, the other creating the very, very annoying drumming noise. When the girl didn't stop, Shaw pushed her chair back and twisted towards the annoying girl.

"For Christ's sake would you stop?" she hissed out, eyes furiously on Root.

But the woman did not even do as much as look at her.

"EY! NERD?" Shaw tried again, and for some good measurement she threw her pen at the brunette.

The pen flew through the air, hitting the brunette square on the chest, who jumped at the sudden impact. She looked startled for a second, slowly coming back to the real world the girl picked up the pen in her lap before looking straight into Shaws dark raged filled eyes.

"Sorry Sweety, what was that?" the girl asked interested, straightening her back. There was a something in that girls eyes that made Shaw uncomfortable and that smile was just off-putting.

"I am not your sweety… And if you keep drumming your damn fingers on the desk I hope you like them facing the other way!"

"Yea.. some of us still have homework to do." Lionel, one of the other students interjected now probably feeling superior with Shaw being on his side.

But the brunette ignored the boy, still smiling at Shaw she nodded and stopped with the finger drumming.

"Anything for you sweety." the girl flirted and tried to wink at Shaw, which looked more like a blink with one eye closing slightly faster than the other. If Shaw hadn't been so angry she might have laughed at the girls inability to wink. She shook her head annoyed and turned back to her homework. For some reason she had a feeling that this wasn't the last interaction between her and the new girl.