
"What are you doing here?" AJ asked, turning to her father who stood at the door. She passed Cara back to Punk who scooped the baby girl back into his arms and stood watching AJ's father come in closer.

"I came to visit. When you weren't at your address you gave me, and you never answered your phone I didn't know what to do but I met a man who came out of your house just as I was about to leave. I told him who I was… Enzo I think his name was." Jose shook his head, "He told me you were here." He said.

"It's been six months." AJ shook her head, "I'd given up."

"I just needed some time to think, and I figured maybe you needed some time." He said.

"No. What I wanted was my father, and I told you that." She said as Punk looked from Jose to AJ.

"I'm gonna get a coffee, leave you two alone." He said. As much as he wasn't fond of Jose, he trusted him. He placed Cara down in her bassinet, giving her a sweet kiss before leaving, "Keep your voices down, yeah?" He asked them as AJ nodded along with Jose.

"You never told me you were pregnant." Jose said.

"I was only a few weeks gone. I hadn't even told Punk yet." AJ said, "Why did you decide to come now?" AJ asked with confusion.

"I just wanted to see you, April. I know the wait made it seem otherwise but I just wanted some time to think about things and how I'm going to go about this." He said, "I've decided I'm going to move out there."

"What?" AJ said in disbelief.

"Your mother would want me to do this. The only reason I never got involved in finding you was because I thought you'd be better off not finding me. I didn't want to mess with you but having you come to me, it gave me that assurance that I could be your father, and I will be, I'll work at it." He said, "There's nothing left for me in Puerto Rico anymore besides my huge, cold house and my failed garage." He said, "I want to know my daughter, and my grandchildren." He said.

"How do I know you're being real?" AJ asked.

"Because I'm moving here, and I'm facing this all head on. Your mother would have longed to meet you and your family, and if she knew I ignored you she would have been so mad with me." He shook his head.

"So you're doing it because you feel you have to? Not because you want to?" AJ asked.

"No. Not at all. I want to. I want to know you, and be a family." He said, "If that means slow steps then so be it." He said.

"I don't want you to change your mind and mess me around." AJ shook her head, "Quite frankly I don't have the time for it." AJ said, turning to Cara who was fast asleep in her bassinet.

"I know." Jose said, "But I am one hundred percent serious about this." Jose said.

"Well… we can take one step at a time." AJ said freely. She wasn't in the mood to question or fight. If her father said he needed some time then she believed it and was willing to accept his reasons for staying away for so long, especially when he said he was now moving here to form a better relationship with her.

"Do you mind if I have a look?" Jose nodded towards Cara who slept peacefully.

"You can have a hold if you like." AJ smiled, "She won't bite. Not yet anyway." She smiled as Jose walked over slowly, scooping up Cara from the bassinet and cradling her in his arms.

"She's beautiful." Jose smiled, "What's her name?" He asked as he looked down at the tiny baby girl.

"Cara." AJ said, "I was sure it was gonna be another boy." AJ said, still amazed, "I'm really happy." She said with a tired smile.

"You should be. You're doing extremely well for yourself." Jose said, "She is just… drop dead beautiful." Jose said, "Can't take my eyes from her." He admitted as AJ smiled.

"Yeah, I understand the feeling." AJ nodded, "I'm happy to let you into my life, as long as you promise to commit to it. Don't… don't mug me off when you start getting fed up."

"I'm not going to." Jose said, "I understand that you'd think that but I promise, this is what I want. I want to be your father and be there for you." He said as AJ just nodded.

"Ok." AJ smiled, "One step at a time, yeah?" She said as he nodded.

"Yeah. One step at a time."

Later that night after Jose had left, Punk returned back to the room along with their friends and family who were eventually getting to meet Cara. Punk's mother was swelling with pride. She'd never witnessed her grandchild being born and it was a wonderful moment for her. However, there was one unhappy person in the room that stuck out.

"What's up, Jo?" Punk asked his eldest daughter who sat on the armchair uninterested. She hadn't even looked at Cara yet. Bradley was saying hello to his mother, cuddling into her tiredly, unaware of what was even going on, but Joni knew, and she wasn't happy.

"Nothing." Joni said simply, swinging her legs back and forth casually.

"You wanna hold the baby?" He asked her as she shook her head.

"No thank you." Joni said.

"Why not?" Punk frowned, "You loved holding Bradley when he was born." He stated.

"I liked Bradley." Joni defended.

"So you don't like your sister?" He asked.

"I thought I was the only girl." She looked up at him, "I liked being the only girl." She said, folding her arms.

"Hey, you're still my girl." Punk crouched down in front of her, "You know that." He said. He didn't want her to feel threatened by the new baby just because she was a girl. He had equal unconditional amounts of love for both of them.

"But you're gonna like her better." She said.

"No I won't." Punk shook his head, "I love you both, and I guarantee you'll both be best friends." He said, "She's gonna love you, and look up to you." He told her.

"How do you know that?" Joni asked, arching a brow at him as he laughed.

"I just know." Punk said, "Trust me." He said, leaning forward and kissing her head softly, "You sure you don't want to hold her?" He asked.

"Ok." Joni whispered, giving in as Punk collected Cara from Dean who was saying his hello's, taking the baby girl over to Joni who held out her arms for the baby girl to be placed in.

Punk watched as Joni smiled, looking down at Cara as she wriggled around in her arms, "See, she likes you." Punk smiled as Joni giggled, turning to AJ who smiled up at him, having been listening into his conversation with her.

Five days later both AJ and Carmella were home from hospital with the babies. Since it was double the celebration, they decided to have a small get together in AJ and Punk's house. AJ was still sore from her C-section and was taking it slow, whilst Carmella was feeling pretty great, still getting back to normal life but feeling good health wise.

AJ got to have her first hold of Dominic whilst Carmella got her hold of Cara. It was all very weird to have two new babies at the same time, but it was about time some good things started happening for them.

"Punk, why don't you put her in her crib upstairs?" AJ suggested, handing over Cara to Punk. As much as she enjoyed all her friends having cuddles with Cara, she wanted her baby girl to get some rest and peace, so Punk headed away upstairs to put her down in her crib in their bedroom at his side of the bed.

Meanwhile downstairs AJ had answered the door to see her father standing with flowers and a gift bag in his hand.

"I wanted to give you this." Jose said, "I won't intrude on anything-"

"No, you should come in." AJ smiled, "Come on." She said, opening the door wider for him as he walked in, hearing the door close behind him, "Everyone is in the living room." She smiled, "You didn't have to get me anything." She said, taking the flowers and gift bag from him.

"I did." Jose nodded, walking into the living room as AJ followed.

"Everyone, this is my father, Jose. Dad, this is… everyone." She giggled nervously. This was what she wanted. It proved so much in her opinion that her father was moving here now. It proved he was serious about having a relationship with her and it meant the world.

The group introduced themselves to AJ's father. Carmella and Seth who sat in the corner with Dominic fast asleep, aweing over their new son and feeling closer than ever. Paige and Dean whose relationship was growing every day, along with Paige's son Corey who was very fond of Dean. Enzo who was just happy to be here with the people who meant the most to him and Punk's mother who was so glad she decided to come into her son's life. It was the greatest decision she'd ever made. Her son was such a wonderful man as was his family and friends, and she felt so welcomed.

It wasn't a long get together. Seth and Carmella headed off to get Dominic home and settled. Paige and Dean headed after with Corey who had fallen asleep. He was just three years old. Punk's mother left to give Punk and AJ some space, along with Enzo who stayed to help AJ and Punk clear up, which left only AJ's father.

"Is Bradley sleeping?" AJ asked her husband who walked into the living room with a monitor in his hand that helped pick up any sound or movement from Cara whilst she slept upstairs in her crib.

"Yeah. I just put him down. Joni is in the kitchen finishing off her dinner." Punk said as AJ smiled, "Maybe you should get to bed." He suggested, not trying to interrupt her and her father, but she'd had a long day, and she really shouldn't have been moving around much. As soon as AJ told him that her father had moved her and was wanting to build a relationship with her, he was very happy for her, he just wanted to make sure Jose wasn't messing around.

"I should." AJ agreed with her husband.

"I'll head off." Jose said, standing up.

"You get to bed." Punk turned to AJ, "I'll walk your dad out." He said as AJ nodded.

"I'm really glad you came." AJ said, embracing her father with a warm hug as he nodded.

"Me too." He said quietly as she pulled back, smiling to Punk as she walked away and headed upstairs to get to bed, "Thanks for letting me in and letting me see April." Jose said as Punk walked him out.

"Well it was never down to me, all I care about is my wife and if you cross her, if you hurt her or make her upset, you won't be welcomed back here. That's a promise." He said sternly but friendly.

"I know that." Jose said, "It's great to see from my point of view that she has such a good man protecting her." He said, "I like you."

"I'm glad." Punk laughed a little, "You aren't all that bad. Just take it slow with April and you'll have your daughter back." He said, "I got two now and I don't know what I'd do without them." He said.

"I'm deadly serious about all of this. It's why I moved. I want to be April's father, and be there for her. Be there for my grandchildren." He said as Punk nodded.

"That's ok." Punk said, "Just small steps." He said as Jose nodded.

"Yeah. Small steps." He agreed.

Once Jose left, Punk cleared up in the kitchen and got Joni off to bed. Having two daughter's made life wonderful yet incredibly terrifying for the future. Two daughter's meant to sets of boys to come along that he'd have to knock out. It was a shame really. Hopefully he'd have back up with Bradley. He hoped he'd grow up into a protective brother. He needed the help.

He paid all his children a visit before bed. He made sure Bradley was fast asleep in his cot, which he was, tucking his covers over him and pressing a kiss on his head. It was strange considering he was really just a baby himself. It didn't mean Cara would get more attention though, and he made that clear to Joni today.

He said his goodnights to Joni also and then headed into his own bedroom where his wife lay asleep along with his newborn daughter in her crib. She was perfect. Every small inch of her. He was a proud father today. Definitely.

He stripped down to his boxers and slid into bed with his wife, watching as she opened her eyes.

"Did I wake you?" He asked sadly.

"No. I wasn't sleeping." She assured him, "What did you say to my dad?" She asked curiously, both using quiet voices.

"Just that he had to treat you right and that you both had to take small steps if he wanted to form any sort of relationship with you." Punk said, "He seems genuine, and with him moving, I don't see how he can't be serious about it all." He admitted as AJ nodded.

"It's really brightened me up." AJ said, "Not that I'm not already happy, but I'm glad he's come to me this time, and he's really looking for us to build a relationship." She smiled as Punk nodded.

"Yeah, it's good." Punk agreed. He was happy for his wife. Just like she was when he built a close relationship with his mom.

"How does it feel? Three children?" AJ grinned to him, "I don't feel any different." She admitted.

"Me neither." Punk agreed, "You're happy, aren't you?" He asked her as she nodded within half a second.

"Of course I am." AJ said, "You have made me the happiest woman on the planet. Three children, a great home, a good job, great friends and family." She said.

"And to think you were just my probation officer." He laughed a little, "You were only meant to help me get back on my feet." He said as she smiled.

"I helped you out more than I was required, didn't I?" She giggled as he nodded.

"I'm glad." He said, "I'm glad we never held back or parted ways." He told her truthfully, "Don't know where I'd be without you to be honest." He admitted.

"Oh, don't get all soppy on me." She giggled a little.

"It's true." He said, "You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me." He told her, "And you know I don't lie."

"I believe you." AJ nodded as Cara started to cry suddenly, causing Punk to turn around and attend to her immediately, lying back down on his back as Cara lay on his chest comfortably, her cries hushing immediately.

"I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Punk asked as AJ stroked the baby girl's cheek, "We're sorry, baby."

"I think she's gonna cause us some trouble." AJ laughed a little.

"Why do you think that?" Punk asked.

"She's mastered a smirk already." She watched as she looked at her daughter, causing Punk to tilt his head and see for his own eyes his own daughter smirking. It wasn't a cute smile. She was smirking.

"Oh, God." Punk said, "I'm gonna have a heart attack with this one." He said as AJ smiled.

"She's gonna love you." AJ smiled, "Just like I do." She said as Punk smiled.

"I love you." Punk said as AJ leaned up and pressed a kiss on his lips. Everything was perfect.

A/N: The end! Thought I'd leave it on a high note like I always do, but who doesn't love a good happy ending? LOL. Thanks for the reviews and let me know what you thought of the story. Not sure when I'll be back with a new story but you know me… it'll be soon. So stay tuned.