Back in Time Final Chapter.

Hey Guys, this is the last chapter in this fanfic. Would love it if you could please give it a review.

"Enter" Came Dumbledore's booming voice as the four young students came into view as they walked into the office.

"You wanted to see us sir."

"Indeed, know I know you are all aware of Miss Granger's situation." He commented.

"You mean that she's a time travelling werewolf sir?" Said Sirius as both the older and younger arched their eyebrows, surprised that he had talked to Dumbledore

The 4 boys looked each other and nodded as Dumbledore began to explain what had been decided and what was going to happen come Friday. Thought began to run through their heads, everything from this completely nuts, absolute barmy to curiosity and a desperate need to be a part of what was going to happen

The young Remus was the first one to speak as he broke the silence surrounding the room. "You said you'd protect her and now you're just letting her wander straight in the dragons den!"

"We both know her well enough that once she's decided her mind to something there is not changing it."He smiled softly. "I also entirely support her, completely and whole heartedly and I wouldn't do that unless there was a chance for us to succeed."

"You're absolutely bonkers, both of you, completely off your lid." Said Remus as he strode angrily out of the room

"You know that's yourself you're talking about they're mate." Joked Sirius as he tried to ease the obvious tension and anger within the room as Remus was stopped at the door by a returning Hermione and Severus.

"Ah Miss Granger, Severus, we were not expecting you back so soon." Said Dumbledore

"What's going on? Is everything alright?" She asked and she surveyed the room.

"Well considering your giving yourself to a madman on Friday, no not really." Quipped Sirius.

The young Remus looked down at Hermione as he towered over her. "You, I could you do this Hermione."

"Do you think I want to do this Remus...

Before she could finish her sentence he jumped in.

"Then don't, don't do it, we can leave right now, go into hiding."

"What about my mum?" Whispered Peter

Remus saw red and charged over to him, grabbing him by the throat and pinning him up against the wall as portraits yelled at being pushed out of the way. "Mum, you're mum! You were willing to give us up, give Hermione up, so you could save them!" He snarled. "I would have died for you, for any of you! And all you can think of is yourself! Pathetic rat!" He growled as his eyes were completely amber now and Mooney was in full control.

"Mooney, this isn't about him, okay, it's about securing our future." She leaned up to caress his face as his fast breathing began to normalise and his eyes faded back to chocolate brown as the others watched on.

Hermione smiled softly with her hand still rested upon his cheek "I have to do this Remus, its only chance I have to change everything, to make everything different, they way it should be."

"What do you need us to do?" Asked James, as he was the first one that came forward, followed quickly by Sirius.

Hermione smiled as a single tear ran down her face.

"You saved my son Hermione, numerous times. Come on did you really think we were all just going to come here and not help you? He smiled as her mind faded to Harry, it was hard not to when it was almost like his twin was standing across from him. "Now Moody don't get all...well...moody." He said as he pulled her into a hug.

As they heard a soft chuckle come from behind him.

"So come on then, tell us what we can do."

"Alright, first I want you and Severus to make peace. Not just with you James, with all of you. I know what differences you have had in the past, but that his where this needs to end."

James paused as he looked at Sirius and Remus as they took steps forward and extended their hands and Severus merely nodded acknowledging their acceptance.

"The least you could have done was shook their hands you know." She said as she slinked up next to him as Dumbledore and Remus were speaking to the boys about things.

"I care not for that Hermione as I expect you well know."

"Yes you did seem to be quite a cold fish." She mumbled as Severus raised his eyebrow in a fashion that Hermione was certain would have rivalled McGonagall's on a good day.

Severus looked at Hermione and grabbed her arm rather suddenly. "I need to talk to you, preferably without the prying ears."

"Severus I thought we put that..."

"We did, I meant Pettigrew, and you never know who or what is listening." He said as they headed towards the door.

"Going somewhere Hermione?" Called the older Remus.

"Uh yes, just taking a walk with Severus. I'll see you all later." She smiled back at them as they heading down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere private" He said as they walked in most silence until they came upon a blank wall.

"The Room of Requirement?" She queried.

"You know of the Room of Requirement?"

She smiled softly. "It had certain uses." She said not expanding on what uses and Severus got the impression she didn't want to share.

He closes his eyes and a small wooden door appeared and he opened it and stepped to the side to let her in first as she took in the sight before, it looked like an almost perfect replica of the Hogwarts library.

"Your favorite place? The Hogwarts library?" He commented.

Hermione smiled. "I imagine it was one of your favorites as well."

Severus smiled a little as they sat down at one of the tables as Severus pulled something out of his robes and laid it down in front of her. It was a small bracelet with a long black crystal attached to it.

"Severus? What is this?" She asked.

"You thought I would leave you to go unprotected?"

Hermione held the bracelet up examining it closely.

"It has a strong shield charm within it and will also act as an emergency port key with a sticking solution, all you have to do is wrap it the crystal in your hand and it will take you some place safe, somewhere of your choosing."

"That's amazing Severus, how did you...Thank you." She said as she lunged forward and hugged him much to his surprise as he smiled.

"I'm sorry; I know you don't like to be hugged." She said as she withdrew herself from his embrace.

"That's quiet alright, I believe for you I will make an exception." He replied. "Just don't tell the others."

"I won't." She smiled as they continued to sit and talk.

Friday had come too fast for everybody's liking and Hermione who had been given a weaker version potion that Voldemort had given to them at Breakfast this morning was now reminiscent of Luna, seemingly dreamlike and highly suggestible. She sat in Dumbeldore's office as the clock neared 3pm.

"Are you ready?" Do you both know the plan?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Yes. I promise I won't let go." Said Hermione. We'll get you and your mum out, we'll make things right I promise." She said to Peter and she tried to reassure him.

Hermione turned to the older Remus who was the first one to speak. "I'll love you Hermione, with everything that I have. I'll be right here for you. This ends today." He said as he kissed her deeply as they embraced each other.

Hermione turned to Severus. "Remember to use it at the right moment and if something goes wrong use it to bring yourself home. You come back safe."

"I will Severus." She smiled as she hugged him before withdrawing from him

Severus looked up at Remus. "I'm sorry Lupin and you may hex me later." He said as he pulled Hermione close and kissed her deeply.

"I think he'll be getting double, no make that a triple hexing later." Said Sirius as the two broke the kiss.

"It's time." Said Dumbledore as Hermione stood up and looped her arm around Peter's and in no time she had disappeared.

"Are the other's on their way?" Asked Remus

"Yes." Replied Dumbledore as they stood with their wands extended in preparation for what was to come.

Hermione and Peter landed with a thud in the middle of a cold dimly light room.

"Ah Mr Pettigrew so glad you decided to keep your end of the bargain and deliver the Mudblood." Said Voldemort as he moved slowly towards them.

"I've brought her to you now I want my mother." He demanded.

"Hmmm, such strong demands from a weak wizard. Never the less you did bring me what I asked for." He said as he lazily waved his hand and his mother appeared, dishevelled, thin and dirty. She quickly rushed over to him, hugging her only son.

Voldemort reached for his wand as he spoke. "Now I think it's time for you and I to chat Mudblood." He said almost politely.

"I don't think so." She said as she smiled as she reached out for Voldemort's leg and she felt the pull of apparition pull them all away as Voldemort starting to say the killing curse.

The foursome landed hard on the floor of the Office of Dumbledore. Hermione quickly threw herself on the bodies of Peter and his mother as shades of green lit up the room. She closed her eyes not wanting to know what was happening. Voldemort was severely outnumbered and had no time to react as his body hit the floor hard. He was dead.

Voldemort was dead.

"Hermione can you open your eyes for me love..." Called Remus as she slowly opened her eyes.

"We weren't expecting you back that fast what happened? How did you get back?"

"Severus." She said simply. "He gave me a bracelet; it was an emergency port key." She said as all eyes in the room went to him.

"Thank you." Nodded Remus.

"Severus Snape I could kiss you right now." Said Sirius as he made a move to walk over to him

"Let's not get to carried away Black." He said stiffly taking a step back

"Is he really gone?" Asked Peter who was still clinging to his mother?

Hermione nodded slowly.

"Peter would you kindly escort your mother to the hospital wing." Asked Dumbledore as he nodded. Peter hugged Hermione so tight she thought the air was going to suffocate.'

"Thank you." He said softly as Hermione smiled.

"You saved me, us, all of us..." Said young Remus

"The entire wizarding world." Commented Sirius

"And my son." Said James.

"Well he's part of the wizarding world isn't he?"

"Not yet, Harry isn't born yet. You can't tell anyone what happened here today. You can't tell them it was me that stopped him. All they need to know is that he is dead."

"We won't say anything Hermione." Said Severus

"You have our word." Said James.

"Good." She smiled as she felt a wild wind start to form around both her and Remus.

"Remus!" She called as she rushed over to him as their hands interlocked and a golden light enveloped around them as the other watched on in amazement.

"Remember what I told you and what you promised."

"We won't." Said Sirius.

"I love you Hermione" Whispered young Remus as he watched as she disappeared in front of him.

Sirius wrapped his around Remus. "Well atleast we know thing get better for you in the future." Quipped Sirius. "Yeah." Smiled Remus softly as they walked out with James and Severus following behind.

"We made a promise." Said James

"Indeed." Said Severus.

"I'm just curious what Lily's going to think about all this. Us two being friends." He said.

"Probably think it's another one of your practical jokes Potter." Quipped Severus as James smirked as Albus watched them pass through the door, smiling softly with a twinkle in his eye, knowing now the future was safe

Hey Guys, hope you enjoyed this story, this was the last chapter, remember as always I'd love it if you could give it a review!