A/N: So this is my ridiculous attempt at a s8 fic. Basically a dream scenario that I know will never happen but this is why we have fics, right? Anyways, this for that anon on my Tumblr bonniexenzo where we talked about this idea. Also just a little bit M for an absolutely terrible explanation of something. You've been warned. Anyways, enjoy!
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell
~Hurts Like Hell by Fleurie
Eleven days. It had been eleven agonizing days since Bonnie had heard from Enzo. Four days since she walked into the empty cave of nothingness. Two days since she reluctantly realized that her magic wasn't coming back, meaning she couldn't do a locator spell to find him and Damon. Six days since she started to get sick.
After throwing up for the third time that day, Caroline forced Bonnie into resting in Damon's bed.
J"I'm fine, Caroline." She tried to protest as the blonde gently nudged her into the room.
"No, Bonnie you are absolutely not fine. On top of loosing the two most important men in your life, you are nonstop sick. I don't think I've ever seen you this bad before. The truth is we have no idea if destroying that last shaman would have any effects on you. So you need to take it easy."
"I need to keep on finding Enzo."
Caroline gave her a sympathetic look. "I know, but there's nothing you can do right at this moment except rest. Enzo would want you to."
Bonnie sighed. "You had to use the Enzo card. Fine." The truth was that the bed did look really good right about now, but she couldn't help the ache of wanting to be on her own bed with Enzo next to her, cuddling against each other without any worry. At that thought she sank into the bed of her lost best friend, trying not to let the traitorous tears that had become a constant companion in the past couple of weeks from falling yet again.
Enzo was gone. After him and everyone else did everything they could to save Bonnie, after thinking she was going to die yet again and almost killing Enzo, he was gone. They had barely anytime together after Damon burnt the shaman aand the more he was gone the more at lost she herself felt without him. Bonnie was convinced that the universe really must've hated her.
She fell asleep, tears still falling on her face. Her dream was similar to the one she had been having since Enzo and Damon had gone missing. They were in their cabin, writing music together, being extremely happy without any care in the world. Then suddenly everything went black until a small light came from Enzo, making his face shine in the darkness. But that wasn't his face. Well it was, but it looked disjointed, worse than a vampire's. He smiled a humorless smile. She turned to see Damon with the same smile.
"Bonnie, my love, save us."
Bonnie turned back to see Enzo, her Enzo, his face softening with pleading eyes. He continued, "Please."
Suddenly, everything went black and all she heard was a faint crying.
Her eyes flew open before she jolted up in bed. Before she could think straight, her stomach flipped and Bonnie ran toward the bathroom, vomiting yet again. After a few moments she felt soft hands at her side, rubbing calming circles on her back. After she was done, she sank into Caroline's arms. Bonnie rested her head against her best friend's shoulder.
After several moments she looked up at her and said weakly, "I don't know what's wrong with me."
Caroline looked at her for moment before saying, "Bon, I know this seems incredibly impossible, but given that we basically live in a world where impossibility is practically the norm, I don't think it's that strange."
"What do you think it is?" Bonnie asked, letting of Caroline get a good look at her.
The blonde was hesitant for moment before saying, "Bonnie have you considered...that maybe...you're pregnant?"
Bonnie blinked at her best friend, "Pregnant?"
She nodded. "I know it seems ridiculous since you've only been with Enzo in the past year. Wait you have only been with Enzo right?"
"Yes Care, but Enzo's a vampire, they can't conceive children."
"I know, but you've been sick for almost a week now and nothing we've given you has helped."
"That doesn't make me pregnant." As she said the worried, Bonnie couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe Caroline was right. After all, it wouldn't be the craziest thing that happened to them, but it just didn't make sense to her. Enzo was a vampire and couldn't have a baby, how could she be pregnant? Besides she didn't know if she could handle having Enzo's baby when he was gone Lord knows where.
Caroline sighed, "I know, but it wouldn't hurt to try right?"
Bonnie also sighed, "Right."
Bonnie paced back and forth across the big bathroom floor, waiting for the timer to go off and tell her, her fate. On one hand, the logical side of her knew the laws of nature and that it was impossible to be pregnant with Enzo's baby. However, another part of her knew that she lived in the world of loopholes and that there could be a tiny chance that she was pregnant, she just didn't know how yet. However Bonnie tried to convince herself that she wasn't pregnant and that they were just doing this to rule out the possibility. Because, if she did play with the idea that could be having Enzo's baby, she didn't know if she could control herself from breaking down.
After what seemed like years, the timer went off and Bonnie stopped pacing. She turned to Caroline who was sitting on the edge of the grand bathtub.
"This is it."
"Whatever happens, know I'm always here for you."
"Thanks Care." Sighing, she picked up the little stick and braced herself before looking at it.
Her whole world stopped.
"Bon?" Caroline asked after several moments of silence.
Bonnie slowly looked up to meet her best friend's gaze. "It's positive."
Caroline's eyes widened. "Okay. Well you should probably try the others because these aren't always accurate, especially dealing with a supernatural baby."
"Okay." She said numbly.
Five pregnancy tests later and they all said the same thing: Bonnie Bennett was pregnant.
"I can go to the store to get more." Caroline said as they sat on the floor, against the bathtub.
Bonnie shook her head. "No it's fine. I'm pretty sure they'll say the same thing."
"Well, we need to take you to see a doctor. I can compel you the earliest appointment and compel the doctor to not freak out if there's any supernatural anomalies."
She gave her best friend a weak smile. "Thanks Care. For everything."
Caroline let out a bright smile back. "What are best friends for?"
Bonnie rested her head on Caroline's shoulder again. "I need him back, Caroline. I'm having his miraculous baby and I have no idea where he is or if he's even himself at all anymore." Tears started to fall down her face.
Caroline kissed her forehead. "I know sweetie. But we'll find him. I promise."
Bonnie looked at her best friend, giving her a soft smile. "Don't make promises you can't keep."
Stefan and Caroline both went with Bonnie to the doctor's appointment. Ever since Enzo and Damon left, all three of them had rarely left each other's sides. They had decided to set base at the Salvatore house. Caroline went back to Dallas to smooth things over with her job, compelling them that she'd be on an indefinite sabbatical and told them to not ask questions. Her and Alaric didn't want to move the girls until at least a month, so he stayed in Dallas and did his own research to find the guys. Bonnie felt bad for taking Caroline away from her girls, but she didn't know what she'd do if her best friend wasn't with her through all this. She still felt bad that Caroline had to comfort both her and Stefan though, but she was still grateful.
Stefan's and Bonnie's relationship was... strange at best. They had differences in the past, but would still do almost anything to help the other. Now, as each day went by without Damon, they slowly and silently became closer and closer. He especially was supportive when Caroline and her told him that Bonnie was pregnant with Enzo's baby. His face turned into one of shock and then into sympathetic all in three seconds.
"How?" Stefan had asked.
Bonnie shrugged, "We're not sure. We were thinking that maybe it's because of the pills."
His eyes shined in realization. "That actually kinda makes sense. When you two were..." he coughed awkwardly, "intimate, you had the pills that had no magic and he his uh..." Poor Stefan looked like he wanted be anywhere but there.
"Basically Enzo's usually dead sperm woke up and worked while he was inside you." Caroline finished for her boyfriend, earn incredibly awkward looks from the other two. After several moments of pure awkwardness, Bonnie couldn't help but laugh.
The next day, Bonnie walked into Mystic Falls' top clinic with her friends by her side. To say she was nervous was an understatement. So many emotions whirled inside of her that she tried to keep at bay until the doctor officially gave her the verdict.
As she sat on the patient's chair, waiting for the doctor to give her the results, Bonnie couldn't help the ache at the fact that Enzo should've been the one to be with her, holding her hand anxiously while waiting to see if the impossible miraculously happened for them.
However Enzo wasn't there. But Bonnie was so grateful for Caroline and Stefan being there for her. She tried to put on a strong face like she usually had, but to be honest Bonnie was slowly unraveling by the seams. Her two friends had become her anchor through all of this.
She sighed, looking at them. Her mind wandered to when her and Enzo had talked about having hypothetical children in a world where he wasn't a vampire and she wasn't a dormant witch hiding from his family's shady organization. They had come home after spending time with Caroline and the twins on Halloween. Bonnie was in her old cheerleading uniform but wearing a red wig as a "disguise". Enzo was her football player date, wearing a letterman jacket and all.
When Caroline saw them she let out an exctatic laugh. "Ric you owe me twenty bucks!" She had yelled. "They're wearing adorkable matching costumes."
Bonnie playfully glared at her best friend, "You bet on us?"
The blonde shrugged, "Our sense of entertainment has changed since the girls were born." She looked at Enzo and laughed again, "You look like Matt."
He grimaced. "Now that was just uncalled for."
Bonnie laughed also, leaning against his arm as they walked in the house. "Don't worry, Babe, you're the sexiest high school football player I've seen."
"And believe me she's seen her fare share of sexy football players." Caroline remarked.
They went trick or treating with the girls and Bonnie couldn't help but feel blissfully normal. If it wasn't for her noticing Enzo cautiously looking around every now and then, she probably could convince herself that this was her life. Taking her nieces trick or treating with her boyfriend, without any supernatural worries in the world. Which is why she found herself wondering about a world where her and Enzo could have kids.
Enzo apparently had the same train of thought since when they came home, sitting on the couch, him playing some guitar, he asked, "Hypothetically, if I wasn't a vampire and we were just some random normal couple living together, would you maybe consider having a life with me? Kids and all?"
Bonnie smiled brightly at him. "Actually, I was just doing that."
He raised his brow in shock, "Really?"
She nodded. "I would love to have children with you. Who knows, maybe when all this Amory stuff is over we find a little orphan that needs us."
"Wait, you wouldn't mind raising a child with a vampire like me?"
Bonnie looked at the man who she loved more than anything. "Enzo, you're much more than a vampire to me. You're the love of my life."
He stopped his strumming, eyes filled with so much love. Enzo smiled at her. "As you are mine, Bonnie Bennett." He then gave her a short but earth crushing kiss. After they parted, he continued, "So what would you name this hypothetical child of ours?"
"Well, I was thinking since we're dreaming here, we'd have two kids. A boy and a girl. We'll name the girl Sheila after my Grams and you can name the boy, under my supervision of course."
"Hmm about Byron. After Lord Byron since the first poem I ever recited to you was one of his."
"I like the sentiment but nope. In no universe will we be naming our kid Byron. Next."
"What about Felix? After that goldfish I got you that lasted a whole week."
Bonnie smiled, "Awe, our first pet together. I named him after Grams' old cat. I loved that fluffy fur ball and that tiny little gold fish. But we are not naming our son Felix."
"I happen to quite like that name."
She snorted. "You do not."
"Fine we'll agree to disagree. But can we at least put it as an option?"
"Fine, only because I'm planning on adopting a girl just so we don't have Felix as an option for a name."
Enzo chuckled. "We'll see about that." He then looked her up and down. "Have I mentioned how incredible you look in that uniform?"
She smiled. "At least ten times, but I like all the compliments."
He wrapped his arms around her, "What do you say we go and try to make those hypothetical children?"
Bonnie wrapped her arms around his neck, "I thought you'd never ask."
Finally the doctor came, breaking Bonnie out of her thoughts.
She smiled at Bonnie. "Congratulations Ms. Bennett, you're pregnant."
Bonnie's entire world froze.
She really was pregnant. She was having the love of her life's miracle baby. And he wasn't here to witness it.
The doctor looked at Stefan. "Are you the father?"
This woke Bonnie from her haze. She snorted. "No, that's Stefan. He and Caroline are just here for support. The father is...missing."
She gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay."
"Well, from the results it looks like you're almost around three months along. I'm surprised you haven't come here sooner."
Caroline looked like she was about to compel the doctor but Bonnie stopped her before she could. "Well, I had something else wrong with me that I thought the side effects were from that and not being pregnant."
"Understandable. Although I would recommend if we do some more tests just in case to see if your baby was effected at all. Would you mind telling me what you had?"
Bonnie shook her. "It was nothing, I just had the flu."
The doctor looked uncertain. "Miss Bennett-"
Caroline cut her off, standing in front of her. "There's nothing to worry about, Bonnie was mildly sick but it's all better now."
"It's all better." The doctor repeated.
"Other than that, do we know if the baby's healthy?" Bonnie asked.
"We do, although I would like to do a sonagram, if that's okay with you?"
Bonnie blinked, trying not let her emotions get the best of her. "S-so soon?"
"Yes, but don't worry it's just a precaution."
She nodded, "Okay."
The Doctor then proceeded do the sonagram. The goo was cool on her bare stomach as well was the tool the doctor was using to find the baby. Bonnie's nerves were on overdrive as she waited anxiously to see her baby.
Then, suddenly, she saw a head.
And then a little body.
It was so tiny yet so big at the same time. It suddenly moved and Bonnie felt her breath hitch. Tears began to fall down her face.
"Bonnie Bennett meet your baby."
Her heart clenched. This was her baby. Her and Enzo's baby. And he or she was perfect.
"It's beautiful." She said softly. "Do we know what it is yet?"
The doctor shook her head. "Not yet. But I would like to make an appointment for next month, and you'll find out then."
Bonnie slowly nodded. "Okay." As she continued to look at her baby, smiling bright at her or him, Bonnie made a silent promise. She was going to find Enzo. This baby and her needed him in their life, and she was going to do whatever it took to reunite their family.