It's a Friday in October and a very annoyed 15 year old Peter Parker swings over New York City's skyscrapers. We cannot be certain for the exact reason that Peter was so very annoyed but it may have something to do with his four tests next Monday, his eternal grounding for getting home at 2 a.m last night or his stubborn determination to protect all of New York City at once. And of course the whole business with Tony and the rest of the Avengers. As the freezing rain hit against the thin spandex of Peter's suit, and the frigid gusts of wind blew him back, he resorted to his usual time passing technique of narrating his life inside his own head.

'This is boring. I'm bored….I have literally been out, swinging, on top of buildings, for 2 and a half hours. And nothing has happened... I mean, this is New York City right, why is nothing is happening here. I risk my life every night trying to help people and all I ask in return is a straightforward fight with a petty thief. And possibly some warm weather, like, for once, cause this suit was not made for the cold, and honestly neither was I.'

Peter had been out almost every night that week looking for something to do. Last Thursday, however, his aunt happened to have heard him crash through his window after he came home. May usually isn't a very suspicious and controlling person but seeing her nephew covered in dirt, sweat and rain at 2 a.m in the morning is usually something to get worried about. Of course like any rational person she grounded Peter until further notice. Since then he had to sneak out to the protect the city after she went to sleep, so he had to start staying out much later than even he was used to.

Just as he was about to go home, Peter heard sirens going off in the distance. Buy the looks of it, they were going to a robbery at the 7- Eleven. Peter, eyed the two robbers; one was small but thickly set, the other was pretty tall and well built but he seemed unarmed. They looked like amateurs too, just two guys in ski masks. Peter could tell from here how awkwardly the small one was holding the gun, the other started to get antsy after hearing the siren. 'Finally' he though, 'This will be a piece of cake'. Just as he dropped onto a lamppost to eye his future adversaries, Peter's web shooters buzzed, signaling a distress call from Tony Stark.

"Damn" Peter near yelled. This was the third time this week that Tony had called Peter in just before a fight. Reluctantly he turned from the crime scene and made his way to Stark Towers. Peter didn't necessarily want to run from such an easy fight but he did owe Tony. About four months ago Tony revealed that he had been tracking Peter's powers, and his progress. He presented Peter with a brand new suit and technology, in return Peter would let Tony track his movement, and of course, he would come when Tony called. At the time it seemed like a sweet deal. Peter's old suit was a near pathetic, and while his web fluid was impressive, it was way too expensive for Peter to keep manufacturing on his own.

For the next few months things went pretty well for Peter. Tony was good at making up excuses for Aunt May and Peter's teachers. And Peter was ecstatic to work in the big leagues with someone like Iron Man. Usually Tony let Peter do whatever he wanted; Peter was responsible and Tony could see that he had morals and values.

To Tony, Peter was the perfect non-lethal weapon, and to Peter, Tony was the perfect way for "Spider-Man" to become a legitimate superhero.

Peter wasn't entirely sure, however, why things had started to go so bad. He heard Tony and some of the other Avengers arguing over something called the "F-S-319" but he had no idea what it meant. Peter pressed Tony about it the next day, but Tony wouldn't budge. Eventually Peter let it go until about a week later when Tony decided it was time to come clean. He revealed to Peter that the F-S-319 was a weapon that Tony had made before he became Iron Man. Its power was immense and Tony felt that it was only safe under his custody, where it would never be used. Tony then admitted that S.H.I.E.L.D, who were, as a matter of fact, backed by the other Avengers, and found out about the ultimate weapon, wanted instead to be able to manufacture it in case it was needed.

Peter thought at first that this was probably a good idea until Tony explained what this really meant. He told Peter that when the Chitauri invaded New York, S.H.I.E.L.D was ready to nuke the city, they would kill millions of people for the greater good. Tony was afraid that they would use his weapon to kill innocent people in the face a big threat.

When he heard this, Peter knew that he and Tony couldn't let the other Avengers find the weapon. He too thought that the "greater good" could never be used as an excuse when trying to solve a problem and dealing with human lives. Standing with Tony and Peter was Bruce Banner, a fellow scientists (who understood the power of the weapon), and Clint Barton, who had a family and couldn't imagine hurting innocents like his children. Working with S.H.I.E.L.D, however, was Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov. They trusted S.H.I.E.L.D and the system and believed that even a weapon as powerful as the F-S-319 could only be safe under Fury's direction. Naturally Sam Wilson sided with Steve and decided to help him and Natasha track down the weapon and bring it to S.H.I.E.L.D…No matter what it took.


Soaked completely through his spandex, Peter swung onto roof of the Stark Industries building. He climbed into a vent and made his way down onto the proper floor. Busting through the vent and landing on the expensive carpet, he was met by a very serious looking Tony, Banner, and Clint. They had already called him in multiple times that week to update Peter on situation, but never before had the atmosphere felt quite like this.

"We have a problem" Tony declared "Things are much more serious than we thought"

"What do you mean" Peter asked, starting to get worried at the imminent sounding sentence.

"You're in danger" Tony replied "And you're not at all prepared."

To Be Continued...