I suck at fight scenes. I am sorry. But anyway. Last chapter! Perhaps I should have put more detail in them coming home.

Here ya go.

Mois couldn't turn her head far enough to see Dororo who was tied behind her. Their doubles had decided to dispose of their bodies in a crate of acid and dump them in it.

"And don't worry! I've made sure it will kill an Angol like you!" Alternate Mois reassured.

"Dororo? Dororo? What are we going to do?" Mois asked. She always looked to others to give her commands or instructions. She waited for Dororo to get a good plan.

Instead Dororo was in world of sadness and pity. As his blood dropped into the acid he realized there was nothing he could do. "It's been fun, Mois..." He sadly said, "On this adventure with you I've truly learned to value your company. You're a good friend."

Mois smiled, but that sounded a little bit like a death speech.

Dororo glanced at Koyuki who was happily talking to Zeroro. How could I create a Koyuki like this one? One that disvalues her life so much because she cares about me the most? He was frightened and hurt by what he had done. And most importantly he was worried about Koyuki.

His eyes got teary as he was in a world of self-pity and guilt at the world he had helped create. He couldn't do anything.

Mois grumbled. Dororo was out of commission. I guess it's up to me...I have to think of a way out of this. Swinging didn't help. The acid was still below them as they were slowly levered down by alternate Mois.

Wait...She's a jerk! Mois realized. If there was one type of person that Mois dealt with very well it was jerks. Her honesty and kindness always shined through.

Perhaps instead of hating her other evil self she could embrace her, embrace what she had created and wanted. And have an honest conversation with her. She could get to know her inner desires instead of being frightened by them.

"Mois! I know why you exist. Why I created you!" Mois tried to talk to the other version of herself.

Alternate Mois didn't seem that interested. But Mois kept on talking.

"I...I always wanted to be strong just like you. Like Asami. Asami was my role model. I wanted to cut people off easily, be cold and ruthless. To not get hurt by others." Mois tried explaining.

Alternate Mois tried not to listen. She didn't know who this Asami person was.

"To not care what others thought about me. That was what I wanted more than anything. But you poor thing, you probably only got some of that. You were strong and ruthless but because of that you were disliked." Angol Mois told her.

Alternate Mois looked up at her.

"You were aimless. Because unlike me, you didn't want to be strong and ruthless. You had no reason to. You had always been like that. You could protect yourself from others but you had no reason to want to. You just wanted to be liked. That's probably why you fell for Kululu too, because he was nice and kind and liked you. Am I correct?" Angol Mois tried to decipher.

Alternate Mois pretended she wasn't listening but she gave a small nod at her origin story.

"I wanted certain people in this world to like me, to care about me. Like Tamama, Keroro..." Mois continued.

"He doesn't like me." Alternate Mois pointed out.

Mois ignored her. "And Kululu. I wanted him to be nice to me and to be my friend. That's why they all act that way. Because of me."

"Honesty won't save you now." Alternate Mois told her, "I'm going to seduce your Kululu whether you like it or not."

Mois ignored her and continued, "The world continued changing when I came here. It took on a new life that I never thought it would. Keroro being gay was something I never ever expected in a million, no a billion years..."

"Get to the point!" Dororo said hurriedly, unsure of where she was going with this. Mois looked like she had gotten distracted.

"Anyway, I saw the things I wanted. A Kululu who was nice to me, one that really honestly cared about our friendship, but...It didn't feel right. It wasn't really what I truly desired, what I wanted. But I didn't learn that until I was here." Mois looked apologetic. "What I'm saying is you won't be happy in my world either. You'll learn that what you wanted was here!"

Alternate Mois looked like she wouldn't be deceived. "You could say, don't knock it till you've tried it?"

Mois looked saddened. There was one other thing she could try. She squirmed around feeling her phone in her pocket. She was so glad she had video recorded Kululu's message. You could say, one last stand. One last plea for friendship.

"I'm sorry other me." Mois was apologetic. "After...After learning some things about me...I realized I loved him too. I'm just like you. I'm sorry for my feelings making you miserable."

Alternate Mois seemed annoyed by her apologetic nature. Trying to be like her didn't work to win her over. "You saying sorry annoys me. Careful or I'll kill you myself. Like so many others I've killed." She hissed.

Mois gulped. "This version of Kululu is very different though than my Kululu!" She smiled continuing talking, "Since this was based on what I wanted, my fantasy world basically, I can be confident in saying that he does love you!" Mois cried, hoping that would win Alternate Mois over. "Kululu would be so lonely if you left this world!"

Alternate Mois stepped back for a moment, caught by her words. Her eyes widened in hope.

Mois quickly wiggled around so the message could play that Kululu had said. She knew it would have served a purpose eventually.

"No offense, I mean you're kind and all. But I prefer the Mois who loves me. My Mois is the best Mois. She's the one I like." Kululu's voice played on the recording.

Zeroro glanced at Alternate Mois. "Focus..." He tried to contain her.

But she squealed in delight. "Kululu likes me? Me? He chose me!" She just jumped up and down in joy. Quickly as Mois had planned she pressed a button, to bring Mois and Dororo down to ground level.

Before Zeroro could stop her, she freed them.

"Give me that recording! I must have it!" Alternate Mois reached over to Mois.

Mois grinned. Her plan to be freed had gone perfectly. And unlike Zeroro she knew she could beat other Mois. She doesn't fight with her full planetary destruction capabilities. She changed her phone into a lucifer spear.

I've destroyed more planets than her. I'm the lord of Terror. I can beat her. Mois smiled.

The two Angols lucifer spears clashed. The building exploded into rubble, everything shaking.

"Mois! The planet can't take two Angols fighting!" Dororo cried.

Mois didn't listen, instead she continued fighting, things breaking every time the two of them clashed.

"I will get your spear and download that message!" Alternate Mois hissed.

Dororo was still on the ground.

Koyuki glanced at Zeroro desperately. The giant vat of acid was cracking. "ZERORO!" She yelled, jumping over and grabbing him so she could take him out of the way while the acid flooded everywhere. Her legs got splashed and she screamed, falling to the ground.

"Koyuki." Zeroro's eyes widened with concern, as he looked around and everything around him was falling apart. "Why did you do that? I could have gotten out of the way."

"All I wanted to do was protect you. My most important person..." Koyuki admitted. Zeroro gently leaned her onto a rock, hoping the shaking would seize soon. His eyes had a sort of heartbreak and worry for the young girl.

She had been hurt because of his plans. I was going to take you with me, you know. He thought to himself. He pulled some bandages out of a bag and wrapped it around her legs. A small tear was shed by him.

Dororo however in the background was shaking with anger at how Koyuki had been hurt. Any Koyuki at all shouldn't be hurt. And that was a Koyuki.

He broke free out of his chains of self-pity to fight. Zeroro would die for hurting Koyuki. He was the cause of all of this.

Tears covered Dororo's face. "I...I loved her! I should have never made her this way!" He cried. He was ready to kill. His sword was out.

"So it's a battle to the death." Zeroro jumped away from Koyuki so she wouldn't be hurt. "I can accept this."

Dororo nodded, and the two fought on equal terms. Neither of them were close to winning. But none of them cared.

The planet was reaching it's breaking point.

"Please...Just don't go." Mois begged, "Stay with your Kululu. I'll send you an email with the recorded file." She offered. She took a gamble and put down her lucifer spear to show the other Alternate Mois she wasn't afraid.

Alternate Mois looked at her for a brief moment. Her other self was good, pure and kind and accepted her even as evil. "Okay." She agreed finally. "I...I wouldn't want to make Kululu sad after all."

Mois smiled. "Yay! Friendship won out!" She quickly sent Alternate Mois the email. And both of them were quite pleased and stepped away from the battle.

Dororo and Zeroro were still fighting. Dororo wasn't quite as lucky. Zeroro was pure evil after all. Alternate Mois wouldn't let Mois help too.

Every time Dororo though he wounded Zeroro, Zeroro would give him the same wound. If someone tried a killing blow, they'd both die. And they wanted to survive.

Damage was happening to the surrounding area. Dororo knew Zeroro was much more evil than Alternate Mois.

"I read your mind. All your memories...I know your weakness. And I was saving this for later, but I need it now." Zeroro grinned. He pulled out a music box.

Dororo's old music box. It hadn't broken in this world. Dororo stopped fighting for a moment.

"It's not as important to me!" Zeroro laughed, smashing it on the ground. Dororo's eyes widened at the gesture.

He couldn't stop himself. His trauma switch was triggered for the first time in this world. "My...My music box..." He cried, pulling himself into a sad hug.

Zeroro got his sword ready, about to plunge it into Dororo's chest.

"STOP! ZERORO!" Keroro ran into the fray and pushed Dororo out of the way of the blow.

"K-keroro?" Zeroro looked surprised. All his old platoon members were behind Keroro, Giroro, Tamama and Kululu. His natural enemies.

"I need to stand up to my old bully. I won't let you hurt an innocent." Keroro crossed his arms.

"I'm...An innocent?" Dororo asked hopeful.

"We're not letting you hurt Keroro." Giroro got his guns ready, "And if Keroro wants to stand up to your evil plans, we as a platoon will support him. We're here to defend Pekopon after all."

Zeroro was cornered. "You can't beat me! Even if it's four against one, I'll just allude your grasp."

"It's not four against one." Keroro said. He offered a hand to Dororo, "Kululu analyzed dna from you guys...He says your from another universe. So you're another Zeroro?" Keroro was confused.

Dororo nodded.

"Fight with us. As a platoon." Keroro smiled.

Dororo's eyes shined. This was what he wanted. "Okay." He agreed.

"Actually...Uhhh...I know we have a battle to do, but I have other things to do." Kululu admitted, "Hey, other Mois, switch with me."

"Um...?" Mois from Dororo's world looked confused. But she high-fived Kululu and switched so she could help Keroro and Dororo instead.

"This is a miserable time to tap out, Kululu." Tamama pointed out.

Kululu ignored him. Instead he walked up to Alternate Mois who he hadn't seen for a while. He pulled her down in a quick kiss.

Alternate Mois squealed and melted in happiness as Kululu kissed her. She pulled him into her arms and happily embraced him back, but she really did turn into a puppy from kisses.

I can see what he was talking about...She really does start melting. Mois thought to herself in distress.

"I missed you so much! I love you so much, Kululu. I was almost going to run off to another world because I didn't think you liked me back. You always think I'm going to make you awful." Alternate Mois cried.

Kululu soothed her worries by giving her more kisses. She seemed to calm down. "I'm sorry. I...I really do care about you. I should have realized that when you were around. I should have been more wise towards a maiden's heart."

Alternate Mois giggled, "It's all right! Just give me a lot of love and attention later, mmkay?"

"Mmkay." Kululu agreed, covering the other Mois's face with a ton of romantic kisses over her nose, her cheek, her lips, any part of her body he could find.

It made everyone feel incredibly uncomfortable. But none more so than Angol Mois.

"I guess she completely ditched that plan to destroy the universe. He really does make her happy." Dororo thought to himself.

"Dororo! This is an opportunity!" Mois reminded.

Zeroro was caught off guard by the disgusting loving display of Kululu and Angol Mois, who were now on the ground heavily making out and telling each other how much they loved each other.

"A resonates will increase our power!" Keroro decided, "Kerokerokero"

"Tamatamatama..." Tamama continued.

"Girogirogiro..." Giroro resonated.

And feeling like he belonged and truly was appreciated, Dororo finished the resonance even though he wasn't the fifth member. For once he was the fourth. "DoroDoroDoro!"

Angol Mois looked awkward. "Uhhh...Kurukurukuru?" She knew Kululu's mouth was occupied so she was going to have to try this part. It wasn't perfect but it helped lift the frogs spirits.

Zeroro turned pale as both Mois and Dororo stood together.

"You've been beaten." Mois smiled, "Our world isn't your plaything."

"You will never harm another Koyuki." Dororo told him. And together the two of them bopped him on the head with their weapons. Dororo with the end of his sword so that Zeroro wasn't bleeding like him and Mois with her lucifer spear.

Zeroro was knocked out cold.

"We'll watch over him." Keroro told them. "Giroro, Tamama, tie him up!"

The two nodded and did so.

Dororo smiled. The threat of his other self was finally gone. Other Mois was controlled and embarrassed thanks to the power of kisses and Koyuki was on the ground, breathing steadily and healing.

All their problems were solved. Except one.

"We're still here." Dororo looked at his hands. "We haven't gotten home."

Keroro looked at Dororo, "If...If what Zeroro said was true and this world was created by you guys...Will we all die when you leave? Disappear? I like being myself." Keroro looked fearful.

Dororo didn't know. He didn't know what to say.

Kululu was slightly listening, although he was busy at the same time. He took his lips off of Mois's for a moment as she melted underneath him. "We'll be fine. Since this universe was created it now works on multi-verse theory. It's as real as any parallel dimension." He shrugged. "Although we didn't use to exist, I suppose we do now. And I am happy with that."

"Didn't use to exist?" Giroro asked, "Does that mean all our memories are false?"

"No. It means that a universe was created through billions and billions of years in the span of their seconds." Kululu explained. "Now can I go back to making out now, please?"

"We...We created a universe..." Dororo was in shock. But he still wasn't sure how they were getting home.

Mois looked at him concerned. "I..I don't want to be stuck here."

Dororo closed his eyes and tried to mediate. He wanted to get home. "Maybe you were right all along, Angol Mois. Our wishes created this universe. Our desires. So accepting our innermost desires might send us back. Accepting that what we really want is in our true home."

Dororo and Angol Mois looked at each other for a good moment.

"I think the underling theme to this world was the same for both of us." Mois pointed out, "What we wanted was attention. What we yearned for was to be remembered. But here we were remembered out of fear."

Dororo nodded, "We weren't getting it before, constantly being forgotten and shoved aside by others by our friends." Dororo agreed, "So we created this universe to run away. So we could have that attention we so desperately yearned for. To be remembered. To be cared about."

"But I'd rather have the real thing than this fake universe!" Mois gave a bittersweet smile, "I want my home! I'm happy with the little bits of attention I get there verses here."

Dororo nodded, "Even if Lady Koyuki doesn't love me there, I'm happy because I'm with her and by her side. I'm sure it's the same for you and Kululu."

"Honestly I'd rather see him as a jerk. It's kind of giving me the hebe-jeebies seeing him as a gentleman." Mois tried not to look over at Kululu on the floor. He sure wasn't acting like a gentleman passionately making out with her other self on the floor. It made her extremely embarrassed.

Dororo smiled. He could feel a light as if the wish granting bird had accepted their answer. They wanted to go home.

He took Mois's hand.

"Let's go home then. I can feel our spirits lifting." Dororo smiled.

Mois could feel it a little bit. She smiled, "Okay!" She wanted to go home too.

They materialized in the park sitting on the soft dirt.

"Are...Are we back?" Mois was confused. She didn't know how much time had gone by.

Dororo looked around. He meditated for a moment using some sort of ninja trick. "I think we might be. I don't know how much time has passed though."

"Doesn't matter! We're back!" Mois jumped up and down, "I never thought we'd get home!"

Dororo nodded, he also thought their trip might last a lifetime. He was glad to finally be home. He looked at Mois for a moment. "There's something I think we must do."

"What?" Mois looked confused.

"Well, something I must do. I never thought I would return here. And there's definitely something I need to tell my other platoon mates. If you feel a need to talk to them too, come with me. I'm sure you have some things to tell some people that you've realized from our trip..." Dororo tried to be philosophical.

"If Uncle's gay, I suspect he already knows." Angol Mois didn't know what Dororo was talking about.

Dororo face palmed. He was talking about her affection for Kululu! But if she didn't want to talk about that he could understand. If he had a crush on Kululu he wouldn't want to talk about it either.

"Come on." He beckoned to Mois.

Mois nodded. She knew Dororo probably had a lot of important things to do.

The two of them threw open the doors to the Hinata House.

Keroro, Momoka, Natsumi, Fuyuki, Natsumi, Giroro, Kululu, Tamama, Saburo, and Koyuki were sitting around some tables looking at maps.

"They weren't there, according to Kululu's satellites." Keroro sounded worried, "Augh! Where did Dororo and Mois go?"

"They've been gone for days. And Dororo usually tells me about these things." Koyuki was jittery and worried.

"I miss Dororo!" Tamama cried.

"And Mois?" Momoka asked.

"I miss Dororo!" Tamama repeated. He didn't miss Mois at all. "Momocchi! Hold me! What if something ate him?"

Momoka held him.

"I mean I guess I didn't notice them missing for the first few days..." Fuyuki admitted, "But it really is odd that the both of them are gone."

"I did some reality jumping and they aren't in any of the realities I travel in regularly." Saburo looked very concerned.

"You sure Mois just didn't forget to tell us that she went home?" Natsumi asked.

"And took Dororo with her? That doesn't sound possible." Giroro disagreed, "Since they're both missing something must have happened to them."

"Shut up. I'm still searching." Kululu was desperately on his computer. He didn't look like he had gotten much sleep. Koyuki looked over his shoulder.

"A hit! It says they're near!" Koyuki pointed.

"You were worried about us?" Dororo asked shocked. He cried tears of joy.

Everybody turned around.

"This always happens. They're always right behind us. Ku, ku, ku." Kululu seemed annoyed, "So where were you hiding this time? You two were gone for days. I wasn't worried, but I mean...I thought I might have gone a bit too far with some of my comments, and...Well it's my job to look for you! I didn't want to lose a co-worker."

"Aww...You remembered I was your co-worker?" Dororo was touched.

"Your my co-worker?" Kululu asked shocked. He had only really been worried about Mois.

Mois giggled. "Thanks for looking for me, Kululu."

Kululu seemed a little shocked that she thanked him. "N-no problem."

"Where were you, Dororo?" Keroro asked, "We were all really worried. I couldn't remember if you told us that you went on vacation."

"I keep telling you he didn't go on vacation." Koyuki frowned.

Dororo frowned. Keroro still couldn't really remember things about him. He was happy Keroro had been worried but still slightly annoyed. "I want to be remembered." He confessed, "But I won't go evil for it." He promised.

It was so out-of-context that everyone was confused.

"That's good?" Giroro wasn't sure what to say. "But seriously, where were you?"

Dororo didn't answer. He had to many things to do. His first task was done, he had made sure his platoon had been worried about him and had remembered. That made him happy.

He looked at Koyuki. His gaze softened and he smiled. He went up to her, knowing that if he procrastinated on this it would only hurt him.

It's better to be honest than risk never seeing her again. Dororo nodded, "Lady Koyuki." He grabbed her hand, "I have feelings for you. Romantic ones. I'm in love with you and to be completely honest I wish I could be more important to you than Natsumi. I just wanted to tell you while I had the chance."

Koyuki blushed as he held her hand.

D-did I really say that? Dororo was shocked. He felt his face heating up. So this was what Giroro felt like when he exploded. I should have thought this out. Shouldn't have just gone into the room and confessed! I did it in front of everyone!

"R-really?" Koyuki seemed a little surprised. "I...I like you too, Dororo! You're special to me!"

Dororo felt himself smiling, and being dizzy from the bravery he had just displayed. For once all eyes were on him and he wished that he could be forgotten.

I'm going to get teased. Dororo realized.

Keroro smiled and pat him on the back. "Wait a go!"

"That sort of bravery to confess to your crush...I wish I could have it!" Tamama smiled.

"M-me...Me too!" Momoka admitted.

"Wow! You get to date an alien!" Fuyuki's eyes shined.

"Hahaha. I thought you two were already a thing?" Saburo was out of the loop. Nobody had told him that they weren't dating.

"Good luck." Giroro smiled, "They'll tease you eventually. A word of advice; run. Make sure none of your dates have a Kululu or Keroro around."

Dororo paled.

"Ku, ku, ku. Took ya long enough." Kululu teased, "But I knew it would happen eventually. You owe me some cash, Mois."

Mois paid up.

"You bet on me?" Dororo felt betrayed.

"We bet on everyone." Mois hoped that made it better.

"I was always rooting for the two of you!" Natsumi was happy for her best friend. "Now you two can date and kiss and all sorts of things!"

Koyuki giggled a bit and nervously looked at Dororo. Kissing Dororo? She could imagine it? "Well...Are we supposed to do it as a signal of being a couple?"

Dororo fainted in embarrassment. "N-not...Not right here Lady Koyuki..." Those were his last words.

He was gone.

Everybody kind of laughed.

Mois meanwhile felt that everything was right. Tamama was picking on her once again and although she didn't like it, it did feel right.

"Are you going to stare at Giroro all day long?" Mois teased Natsumi, already feeling herself confused by the two worlds.

"Huh? Why would I do that?" Natsumi was confused.

Mois covered her mouth. Oops. I forgot that Natsumi doesn't have a crush on Giroro! Not yet at least.

I hope they get together. They'd be a cute couple.

She finished Keroro's chores, still being nice to him even though she knew that the two of them would never happen. She kept the information she knew about him a secret, knowing it would just make him embarrassed.

She knew that after raking the lawn she had other things to do. She had something she reminded herself she had to do. But it wasn't anything like a confession.

She headed over to Kululu's lab. He woke up quickly when she heard she was knocking.

"Come in." He told her. "Mois. It's nice to see you. I wanted to um...You don't still remember what I said two week ago?" He hoped she didn't remember about him saying that they weren't friends. It looked like it had really hurt her.

Mois didn't respond. Instead she leaned down and gave him a tight hug.

"Huh...?" Kululu was confused.

He could hear Mois sniffle a little bit as if she was crying.

"I'm so glad to see you again! I missed you so much!" She confessed, she nuzzled her face against his.

Although Kululu had to agree with her that he missed her, this much attention was too much for him and he tried to desperately squirm away. One of his hands did shoot up to stroke her hair as if to comfort her. He didn't know where she had been, but he knew he could get it out of her later.

"Mois! Let me go! You're...You're killing me with your attention!" Kululu cried.

Mois held him tighter. "Never change, Kululu. Never stop being a jerk." She begged, "I prefer you this way instead of any way else. I like that you're a jerk and I don't think you're dislikable at all."

Kululu froze for a moment and relaxed in her arms a bit. "I...I know that." He looked away embarrassed, but Mois could tell he was visibly pleased.

Okay! Got that out of the way! One more thing for me to do then! There was more wrong to right. She smiled to herself, stopping her tears.

She kissed Kululu on the lips, quickly. A sweet, short kiss, that was just filled with innocent purity. Kululu expected her to pull away, but as she pulled herself away she went back for another, that was slightly longer.

Kululu froze in confusion. When she finally took her hands and lips off him she was just smiling teasingly.

"I knew it! I knew I didn't get embarrassed and melty from kisses! I love them. They don't destroy me at all!" She was reassured about herself. "Thank you, Kululu!" She skipped off happily.

Kululu was just speechless as he watched her go. He reached out as if his hands could ask why or for some context, but he got nothing. He was just speechless.

That girl will be the death of me. Kululu finally decided, spinning around in his chair to go back to his work. He couldn't really focus though, instead he smiled to himself and his insides melted from the sweetness.

If there was one person who melted from kisses it was Kululu, and although he wouldn't admit it to anyone he was very happy with that kiss.

"Ku, ku, ku...I'll have to work up the courage to ask her about that later. I guess she's not mad at me anymore." And he was glad of that. He was happy to have her back.

He just smiled to himself and stared at his blank computer screen. None of his work was done for the rest of the day.

The next day, Mois met saw Dororo at the park, swinging on a swing set where she had met him after the party. That was where they had disappeared into the other world.

She sat down next to him. "Do...Do you think it will all return to normal soon and they'll ignore and forget about us again?"

Dororo nodded, "But it's better than being remembered in a negative way like that other world."

Mois nodded in agreement. She reached out and grabbed Dororo's hand to hold it. If there was one thing the other world had done it had made her realize that she and Dororo, despite having different goals, could be friends.

Dororo smiled too, tightly holding Mois's hand. He swung a little bit with her.

"I have to be honest with my soul and myself. I'm quite happy in this world." Mois agreed.

"I am too. I have people like Lady Koyuki and you." Dororo smiled, "I'm glad we formed a friendship, Mois. Although I didn't much like our journey in the other world it taught us a lesson. And lessons have their own merit."

Mois nodded, "You could say, shocking teaching method?"

Dororo laughed. The two were quiet as they smiled to themselves. And they held hands. They knew nothing could stop them after they had realized that the most important thing was to be true to themselves, and accept what they wanted.

Their wishes could be corrupted. So it was better to be the best self they could be instead of wishing for others to change.

And they were finally satisfied with their lives.

I need to work on my kissing scenes. Lost in a Haze took all the kissing scenes right out of me. =(

Please review.