I have decided to do one last short chapter.
"Okay so we are back with a few more truths and dares. Sorry, I hink everyone thought this was over, and actually I did too. Anyway, hi, and welcome back to Lab Rats Truth or Dare!" I exclaim. "First one is for Chase from Dirtkid123. Chase take out your chip and recite the digits of pi!" Chase smiles proudly. "Well that is easy." Mr. Davenport gets a chip extractor and extracts Chase's chip.
"The digits of pi are... 141592653589793238... Um 62...?" "Wrong! You missed one!" I yell. The croud laughs. Of course I was looking off of a cheat sheet, but then who can remember all those numbers? "Chase has all that information on his chip. When he doesn't have it, he's like Adam. Well, Adam couldn't even remember those digits. Okay next one is for Marcus. Marcus you have to be Leo's slave for the rest of the show!" Marcus pouts.
"But that's not fair! I am too awesome to be a slave!" he complains. I smile. "You're right, You are too awesome..." He sighs with relief. "But rules are rules, so you have to anyway!" He groans, and in the background you here, Leo shouting orders at Marcus. I snicker. "Okay, now for Chase. Chase kiss the floor," I say. Chase sighs. He sits down on the floor and kisses it. I start laughing. I take a picture of it. "Ha ha! That's my new profile picture for Fanfiction!" I exclaim. He groans. "Okay next is for Bree." I whisper into Bree's ear, "Bree, go prank Douglas." She nods and super speeds to where Douglas is. Then we hear a screech, and thump, and a splat, and Douglas yelling, "What the heck was that for?!" Everyone starts laughing including me. Once Bree came back I said, "Okay Bree, if you could unlock another hidden ability what would it be?" I ask. She thinks about it for a moment.
"Probably mind wiping. And that includes for the person who has it," she says gesturing to herself. "So I can zero in, on all of, this," she says pointing at Adam and Chase. I nod. "Okay a dare for Marcus. Marcus I dare you to call a truce with Leo," I say. I gasps, Leo gasps. Marcus walks up to Leo. "Truce?" He hold out his hand. Leo takes it and shakes it. (lol that rhymed) "Truce," Leo answered. Everyone cheers.
"Okay one for Leo now. Leo do you sometimes wish you were fully bionic?" I ask. He throws his hands in the air. "Of course I do! Why have just a bionic arm and leg when I could be fully bionic?" I says. I nod. "Yeah, it would be hard."
"Chase what does it take to be mission leader?" I ask him. "Well it takes brains, and skill. You gotta know how to lead," he says. "Yeah, I guess it has to take brains," I answer.
"Adam, I dare you to through everyone across the room," I say. Adam rubs his hands together. "Dare accepted." Everyone starts backing away, and Adam starts with Chase, ending with Marcus, and it all ends with everyone piled on the floor. It sure was a sight to see.
"Okay truth for Mr. Davenport. Mr. Davenport if you became bionic what abilities would you want?" I ask. "Heat vision, blast wave, and sonic clap," he said. Wow, what smart choices.
"Douglas I dare you to eat another rat's eyeball for Mr. Davenport," I say. Douglas gulps. "Do I have to?" he asks. I nod. "Yes you do," I say. He grabs an eyeball and eats it. "These have been the worst few days of my life," he says.
The End