Killian Jones didn't open his eyes as soon as he awoke. No he was going to bask in every last moment of rest he could get his hands on. He was tired. So tired. He hadn't actually thought it was possible to be so tired. And he wasn't exactly a stranger to lack of sleep. After spending centuries sailing the seas, always having to keep at least one step ahead of the law. That's not mentioning the demons that had frequently come to visit him under the dark cloak of night; both figuratively speaking and in the most real sense. However none of this had prepared him for his new-born daughter. It wasn't just the fact had he had barely gotten a wink of sleep while both her and his love were in the hospital. It was also that this sleep deprecation had continued on since they returned home. Killian knew that this was to be expected. Had read it in all of the parenting books, not to mention hearing it from the Charming's on many an occasion. He'd kind of just hoped that they were overreacting. Or that his life had prepared him for this particular discomfort. He grimaced at how naïve he had been.

This isn't to say that Killian Jones didn't love his daughter. Oh he loved her more than words could say. He wasn't sure that even love was a strong enough emotion for what he felt towards his baby girl. He would gladly never sleep again if it ensured that she would be happy and safe. That being said it would be nice once in a while to be able to get more than a few hours' sleep at a time.

He also knew that his situation bared nothing in comparison to Emma's. Christ that woman was bloody amazing. After going through such a traumatic birth, her body was still recovering. He knew that she was still in pain but she didn't let that impact on her motherly duties. No, not his strong Swan. She was breastfeeding Hope, which was proving at this stage to add to her pain and fatigue. No matter how many times he insisted that she should take it easy, allow her body the time to heal, she shooed his concerns away.

Killian turned over, intending to curl up against the woman that consumed his thoughts. His eyes shot open as his outstretched arm landed on the cold sheets next to him. He sighed laying back down on his side of the bed. For a millisecond he entertained the idea of closing his eyes and allowing the tempting call of sleep to pull him under. However he knew he couldn't sleep without Emma by his side. So, reluctantly, he raised himself into a sitting position and allowed his eyes to become accustomed to his surroundings. It was still quite dark, with the early morning light hardly making it through the curtains at all. Not bothering to throw on a shirt, he padded in his tartan pyjama bottoms towards the door. Even in his sleep-zombie-like state he knew where she would be. Killian gently pushed open the door to the nursery and his breath caught at the sight in front of him. Lighted by the faint pink glow of the nightlight was his love cradling their baby girl, both asleep in the rocking chair. Taking a few moments in the doorway, Killian looked at his beautiful little family with awe. Then, being extremely careful of his steps, he made his way over to them. They both looked so peaceful, he really didn't want to disturb them; but he knew from experience that falling asleep in that chair meant waking up with aches all over. Killian silently leaned over and laid a kiss on Emma's lips, caressing the back of her head with his hand. He felt her start to stir, so he pulled back and was met by pair of gorgeous green eyes. Those eyes that stole his breath away every time.

"Hey." Emma whispered, mindful of the sleeping infant laying on her chest.

"Hey love." Killian smiled sweetly, stroking her cheek. His gaze fell on the precious treasure in her arms. How he longed to pick her up, to see her eyes, to hear her sweet gurgles. However he also wanted to share this moment of quiet with his true love. Not to mention even pirates knew that one never woke a baby from its slumber. "How are the two most beautiful creatures in any realm?" Emma rolled her eyes at his comment, even as she felt the blush reach her cheeks. She sure as hell didn't feel beautiful. She hadn't washed her hair in days, she still carried some of the baby weight, she has deep rings under her eyes from lack of sleep and she was wearing a shirt covered in numerous stains; not all of which she could 100% identify. With the amount of times her daughter was feeding, she felt more like a bloated sore cow only good for milking. In short she felt pretty disgusting. Though Emma couldn't deny that the little girl currently clasping to her shirt was the most beautiful creature she'd ever seen.

"Well as you can see this one seems quite content at the moment." Emma rubbed soothing circles on her daughter's back.

"And I would loath to disturb that. However, I think you need to go sleep in an actual bed." Killian placed a finger to her lips as she made to object. "Please, Emma, you need this." She opened her mouth once more, but he raised an eyebrow at her. "Hope needs you, yes. She needs a mother who is taking care of herself so she can take care of her." Emma stared in her pirate's pleading eyes, before moving her gaze to the child in her arms. The innocent being who relies on them to keep her safe. To keep her alive. Deep down she knew Killian was right, as frustrating as that was.

"Ok." Emma agreed and she saw the surprise in Killian's eyes that she'd given in so easy. To be honest she wasn't expecting to either. Maybe being the mother to a new-born had made her soft, or it was just simply how good their bed sounded to her tired body. Nonetheless she stood up, with Killian's help as to not jog Hope too much, and slowly carried her to her crib. Killian gently untangled the little fingers from Emma's shirt, immediately slipping his daughter's baby blanket in its place. The baby blanket that Granny had made was perfect, almost an exact replica of Emma's; apart from the ribbon and the thread that spelled out 'Hope', was of a golden yellow colour. Emma gently laid the babe down in the crib, pulling back just as the child started to stir. The parents both held their breath, staring with wide eyes down at the infant. As the little eyelashes began to flutter, Emma was ready to tell her love that she told him so. However as quickly as the movements had started, they ceased, and Hope once again seemed overcome by a deep sleep. The couple stared at the girl lying in front of them, of the life they had created together. Neither knew how long they stood there, until finally Killian placed his hand in Emma's and lead her back to their room.

Lying in bed Killian continued to hold his love's hand, rubbing gentle patterns in the skin to try to aid her journey into sleep. He couldn't resist the urge to play special attention to one finger in particular, toying with the ring that resided there. At this Emma let out a contented sigh, the small smile that graced her lips indicating to him that she too was thinking back to that moment just a few days ago.

Killian rushed around the kitchen in an attempt to make sure everything was perfect. He finally had the chance to put his plan into action, and he didn't want to blow it. After how hard it had been to convince Emma to go spend time with her mother, he knew that she wouldn't stay away for long. He just wanted this to be everything that she deserved. He placed the last bouquet of flowers into a vase, lilies as they were his swan's favourite. He checked that all the flowers were placed exactly to his liking, and that all of the candles had been lit. Once he was satisfied, the pirate moved to where his daughter was gurgling happily in her bassinet. Killian picked her into his arms, enjoying the way his eyes seemed to light up with recognition for her father; although he knew at this stage that wasn't entirely likely. He carried her into the kitchen, being somewhat overly careful off the location of the candles in relation to Hope.

"Hey little love." His heart swelled as the babe lifted her hands to his face, she always seemed fascinated with the texture of his scruff against her fingers. "What do you think, ay? D'you think mommy will like it?" Hope reached out a hand towards the petals that Killian had placed all over the house. Her father picked a couple up for her and placed them in her hand. The child regarded them for a few seconds before squeezing them tightly in her fist. "Well then, Hope, I shall take that as a yes. Now we just need your mother to say the same." Killian chuckled nervously as he made his way over to the lounge with his daughter. Setting her down on the play-mat beside him, he began to entertain her with the various objects hanging from the mobile above her head. Now we wait, he thought to himself. He hadn't expected himself to be this nervous. He knows his swan will say yes. Well, he's pretty sure that she accept his offer. They were confirmed, Zeus-approved true love. They lived together and they had a child together. It wasn't as if either of them weren't in this for the long haul. He knew Emma was committed to this relationship and to their family. His doubts probably had more to do with how he didn't see why she had chosen him. Why she continued to choose him every single day. Somewhere in his mind he still worried that one day she would wake and realise how much better she was than him, that she'd pack up and leave his life forever. Granted that fear had been less present since Hope had come into their lives, but right now, in the face of this momentous step, it was back with force.

The little girl below made a whimper and Killian looked down to see his daughter pouting up at him. "Oh sorry, little love, was daddy ignoring you?" He reached down and tickled her belly, until the pout made way for happy gurgles once more. It was amazing how just looking at this tiny person made his worries melt away. If their love could create something as beautiful as Hope, then there was nothing it couldn't do. He got so lost in the sound of his child, of the look on her face, in her bright eyes that he almost forgot why tonight was important. The sound of a car pulling up outside snapped him out of his trance. Quickly, Killian pulled the little black box from his pocket and placed it in the front pocket of Hope's onesie. Luckily the baby seemed too distracted by the colours and lights above her to notice. Smiling he checked the red bow that he had placed on his daughter's head earlier. His daughter seemed completely content to play a part, probably the most important part, in this moment. At the sound of Emma's keys in the lock, Killian picked up Hope and went into the foyer to greet his love.

"Hey guys." Emma smiled brightly as she came face to face with the love of her life, holding their beautiful child. Hope's head immediately turned towards the voice of her mother, her eyes blown wide as she took her in. Emma leaned in to give Killian a sweet kiss before taking her little girl into her arms. "Hi princess, how are you, huh? Did you have a good time with daddy?" She nuzzled her nose into the child's neck, breathing it that unique scent that babies had. She had enjoy spending time with her mother, but she'd missed Hope more than she would admit. She was happy to have her safe in her arms once more. "I like this ribbon in your hair. It's very pretty." Walking her towards the lounge, Emma made to sit down on the couch, but stopped when she felt something hard against her chest. "What've you got in there, baby?" She cooed as she reached into grab out the object. Her breath left her body when she saw a little black box engraved in silver with 'For My Beautiful Mommy'. With shaky hands she opened the box and her eyes fell on an elegant engagement ring. "Killian…" Emma's voice came out breathy as she turned towards her true love. She let a gasp as her eyes fell on the kitchen for the first time. The room was lit solely by candlelight, with purple flowers strewn everywhere. Tears came to her eyes as she landed on her pirate, down on knee in the foyer with a single lily in his hand.

"May I?" Killian could feel his heart beating faster than ever in his chest, as he held out his hand. It took Emma a moment to break through her love-fuelled daze to pass him the ring. Once she had done so she smiled down at him, waiting for those words that she hadn't realised how desperately she wanted. "Emma… I…" Suddenly Killian was lost for words, the speech he had been rehearsing in his head all day failing to appear.

"Hey, it's just us." Emma felt a tear slip done her cheek as she leant her head on top of her daughters. "No walls, no secrets."

"Right you are, love." Killian spoke with a little more confidence now, but his voice was still thick with emotion. "Emma, I know for the most part your life has been uncertain, as has mine. That is until I met you. And although back then I was uncertain about how, I knew that I had to have a life with you in it. Swan, there's one thing I want you to be certain of, that I will always always be by your side. So, Emma Swan, what d'you say? Will you marry me?"

"Yes." Emma voiced her answer before he'd even finished the question. Killian's face lit up into a bright smile as he slipped the ring onto her dainty finger. "Yes." Holding out her hand she helped him up of the floor and he wrapped his arms around her as quick as he could. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, Emma only pulling away when Hope started tugging on her hair. She giggled as she lay a kiss on her little girl's cheek. "So daddy roped you in on this too, huh?"

"Oh I can assure you, love, she's the mastermind behind this. Aren't you, little love?" Killian leant down and blew a raspberry on his daughter's stomach, sending her squirming in her mother's arms. When he straightened up, chuckling at the child's reaction, he noticed the tears streaming down his love's face. Cupping her face with his hand, he used his thumb to wipe away the tear tracks. "What is it?"

"I'm just… happy." Emma leant into her pirate's touch, bring her free hand up to intertwine with his.

"Aye, love, me too." Killian breathed as he titled his head to once again kiss his new fiancée.

Killian watched as Emma's features started to soften and her lips parted ever so slightly; sure fire signs that she was falling asleep. He watched her for a few moments longer and then decided to give into sleep himself. Feeling himself sinking into the mattress he closed his eyes, the memory of that day still playing through his mind.

Suddenly an insistent wail broke through the calm serenity that they had achieved. Killian's opened his eyes once more, hearing his fiancée sigh loudly next to him.

"Ugh really?" Emma grumbled as she made to sit up, but Killian's arm on hers halted her movement.

"Let me get the little one, love, you need to rest." Killian whispered in her ear as he eased her back down against her pillows. She knows she should have protested a little, or at least made sure that he was alright. However sleep was already claiming her once again. Before she drifted off completely, she heard him begin to shush their daughter. The first few lines of an old lullaby, that never failed to soothe the infant, made their way down the hall. Emma listened for along as her exhausted mind and body would allow. All the while thinking about how lucky she was. She knew that would whatever the future brought their family would get through it. Because they had Hope. And hope is a very powerful thing.

The End

So that's it, the end of the story. I just realised that I started writing this a year ago, so thanks to all of you guys for sticking with it. I didn't really expect anyone to read it, I just posted it because I enjoy writing. To get the response I did is amazing; every review, follow, favourite and view means so much to me. I hope you enjoyed this last chapter and thought it did it justice. It is by far the fluffiest thing I have ever written; but I thought they deserved after what I put them through.

I am currently writing the next chapter of 'Happy Endings Aren't Always What We Expect' and hope to have it up soon. Seeing as I've just finished university for the year and haven't started my summer job yet I have loads of time to write.

Please feel free to send me any prompts; either ideas for where my stories could go or brand new plots. I'm happy to receive them on here or through my tumblr: oncedreamerhere.

Once again thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story. I love each and every one of you.