
Chapter One: 'Till Eighteen

Lucy's PoV

I was almost done drawing the girl's picture viewed from the cameral roll of my ipad. Moving me eyes upward, I checked if all the details were accurate and precise. There wasn't any difference between the shape of the face. The eyes, nose, lips, cheeks and dimples looked like a duplicate of the figure I was drawing. I looked on the whole drawing I made and smiled after telling myself that I've made another wonderful job.

But wait.

The drawing wasn't finished yet. My eyes caught sight of the part of the girl's bangs that seemed to lack on shine. Dropping the 2H pencil I was holding, I reached for the eraser and slid it against that part of the hair. My hands quickly took hold of the pencil with the darkest shade on my collection and added few extra details.

Done! My work's finished.

I slid the large paper inside an envelope and gave it to the dark-haired guy

"Here you go sir! All done." I smiled cheekily.

"Thanks." He reached for the insides of his pocket and took a small envelope out which I think was the payment, and handed it over to me and said, "Ten dollars, right?"

"Yes, sir."

" Thank you."

"Thank you too, sir. Come again." I gave out another smile before I saw him giving a polite nod to my mom before he egressed the house.

I stood off my chair, cracked my knuckles, raised my arms and stretched my back to hear my backbones cracking in comfort.

"Nice job, Lucy." My mom said.

"Thanks mom." I shortly retorted.

After the handful job, I yawned, which my mom laughed at and I don't know why.

It was three days ago when class ended because of Christmas break. I, since nothing is left to be done, assisted my parents on earning money even though they alone can earn a loan enough for the whole family. And so, my mom opened a new job just right after the last day of classes before the break. The job was to draw—and just draw, because my parents think that I have to use my talent wisely sometimes. I can say that I draw nicely, but I don't make full use of it. I prefer photography and writing better.

"Here, mom." I handed her the payment that I received from the previous customer.

Another yawn escaped from me, which my hand was able to cover.

There's nothing I really like with Christmas break, really, except for Christmas and New Year itself of course. But other than that, all I do throughout the day was draw, eat, argue with my little sister, and sleep. Nothing interesting right?

"Mom." I neared the payment even more when she didn't take it. "I'm gonna go to sleep and no one would disturb me. Tell Stella about that too."

One... Two... Three...

"You earned it."

My eyes widen and my mind was replaying the best words my mom had told me

'You earned it.'

I replayed it again.

'You earned it.'

I averted my gaze towards her and felt my mouth agape.

"How much is your savings?" Mom asked.

"Forty dollars." I quickly answered.

"How much is that?" She pointed on the envelope I was still holding.

"Ten dollars."

"How much is the duo fold Parker Pen that you had been saying and repeating about since last week?"

"I love you mom."

With the feeling of surprise intensifying inside me, I launched a reckless hug to my mom., which caused her to be pulled back a bit.

"Calm down, sweetie. Don't forget how old you are to hug me as if you're like your fourth grader sister."

I didn't let go. My arms were wrapped around her while I rested my head over her shoulders.

I clung tighter, which she mimicked.

"But please Lucy, ask us a permission first and bring your guy before you have him as your boyfriend." My mom told me with a soothing motherly tone.

Woah, were did that came from?

"Mom, I don't have one."

"Lucy's not allowed to have a boyfriend until she reaches eighteen!" I heard someone say from somewhere.

Then there it was. My mom and I bursted out with laughter. That was dad repeating his favorite advice. He's so protective to me that he scares all the previous guys who courted me. I wasn't affected by what dad did since I think he's right. No boyfriend 'till eighteen.

I just got inside the mall and even though I'm not rushing anything, I dashed quickly, going to the extravagant pen's section of the mall. As I saw the section getting nearer and nearer, and the logo of the Parker brand getting bigger and wider, excitement and amazement both rushed inside me. This is it! After a long last, I could finally buy it.

When I reached the spot, I saw one large glass cabinet containing ball pens inside that are divided into four sections, two for the Zebra and the rest for the Parker.

Albeit I wanted to buy the pen so badly, I decided to take time first and chill down. I looked at the Zebra section. First, I saw the blue duo fold pen that I bought six months ago. It still looks beautiful to me even though I get to see it every time at the mall. Next I saw was the golden fountain pen from the Parker section. I had one already that I bought two months ago, but for fuck's sake, I still want another one. Lastly, my eyes started to get filled with sparkles as bright as the store's lights when I saw the white and gold duo fold Parker Pen that I was longing for a week. I can't find the words to describe how gorgeous it was but I'm certain that I would be up all night, staring at that pen until dawn.

"Sorry for the interruption miss but, can you move a little for a while. A customer wants to buy one and we can't seem to open it if you're there." A saleslady with a low cold voice said. Quickly, I stepped to the side and hoped that I wasn't staring at the collection for a long while.

"S-sure. Sorry." I scratched my head in shame.

As I watch the saleslady twist open the lock, my eyes landed on a guy with a dark hair that seemed to turn raven when illuminated. His skin was pale white and he was gazing somewhere with a look of disinterest and acrimony. The eyes he was bearing has the same shade of blue similar to his hair, except for it was lighter in color.

"Here, sir." The saleslady handed him the box with the Parker logo in it. The guy took it then proceeded to the cashier straightforwardly without a word.

Still staring at the guy, I talked to the saleslady. "Miss, can you get me the white duo fold Parker pen please."

I could see the saleslady reaching for the box of the pen form the corner of my eyes but my focus was on the guy earlier. His figure was built and he's inches taller than me, but there's something else. There's something catchy about him. He's cold. Rare people have that attitude. If you stare on him for a while and watch his movements, you would get what I'm talking about.

He's too cold.

"Thanks." I took the box from the girl right even before she spoke, and proceeded on following the guy to the cashier. I thought I was going to lose track of him but good thing that I overtook some people who were also going to the same place.

I got in line and woah, he's just in front of me.

The cashier had finished with the others and as I step forward, the raven-haired guy gave the box and paid for it. He moved to the side, giving me a view of his face. His face seemed so smooth and I can see no pimples or acnes or anything. The color of his eyes that appealed darker was in perfect contrast with his skin. Maybe the catchy thing about him was his looks, I guess. But hey, I'm still uncertain about that.

I saw his eyes gaze upon me. That moment was so quick that his stare returned to the cashier before I even realized it.

Damn, I feel like a stalker right now.

While his item was being transferred to the paper bag, I started hearing shocking noises that gave me goose bumps. The sound of glasses cracking and bullets being fired out of the entrance of the mall startled me, making my heart pound as if it's going to jump out of my ribcage. When I looked at where it was coming from, I saw a gang of criminals wearing all black. They're number was around I-can't-tell-how-many and all of them were wearing black masks that only revealed their mouth and eyes. Nothing more, nothing less.

Holy fuck. We're being attacked!

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