Along with their Parents

Miss Brielle Murray


Mr. Samuel Evans

Request the pleasure of your attendance at their wedding

Saturday December 12h

At 4 o clock in the afternoon

The Pinnacle: Maumee Ohio

Reception Immediately to follow

From the Archives of Kurt Hummel's Text Messages

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

8:42 am

Kurt: Of all the people to get married before us…

Rachel: What!? Who!?

Kurt: You didn't get an invitation?

Rachel: Kurt, I haven't been home for more than 5 minutes in DAYS. Do you think I have time for mail?

Kurt: Your utilities providers may think so

Rachel: Don't worry, mama's payin' the bills. So who's getting hitched!?

Kurt: "Mr. Samuel Evans"

Rachel: WHAT!?

Rachel: Sam Trouty Mouth Evans!?

Kurt: One in the same lol

Rachel: That fool found someone to settle down with before ME!?

Kurt: Before BOTH of us.

Rachel: Right…. Sorry.

Kurt: I'm sure you got an invitation too. I text Tina and she did as well. He must be treating it as an opportunity for a little New Directions reunion.

Rachel: How sweet! Where is it? When!?

Kurt: Back in Ohio. December 12th.

Rachel: Ohmygosh we HAVE to go. I need to meet the crazy woman who would say yes to Sam Evans.

Kurt: I'm not sure how wedding-y I'm feeling right now

Rachel: Kurt you have to go. You have 3 months to get over yourself before it happens

Kurt: Wow. Way to put it bluntly, Rach.

Rachel: Sorry. I'm tired, and you know how bitchy my texts get when I'm tired.

Kurt: Yeah yeah. You're lucky opening night's coming up, or I'd put you through the ringer for that one.

Kurt: Would you decline the plus one so I'm not the only single one there?

Rachel: Kurt, most people our age ARE still single.

Rachel: And technically, you're not.

Rachel: And just because I don't bring him doesn't change the fact that I'm dating Vince.

Kurt: Rachel, please.

Rachel: Fine. Only because I love you more. And because if V doesn't land a stable job by Novmeber we're through.

Kurt: I thought you told him he had until October :P It's September 29th

Rachel: Hush. I changed my mind. Gotta get back to rehearsal. Kisses.

Kurt sighed and put his phone down. He took his bowl of oatmeal with apple slices over to the bay window overlooking the city streets. He sat there nearly every Saturday morning – curled up with a blanket and breakfast, watching the city move below him. Usually his breakfast was a bit more substantial. Usually his apartment was lit up and smelling of bacon by now. But instead of hearing happy humming to oldies radio and the crackling of grease in a pan, all Kurt could hear was his own heartbeat.

It had been a month since James moved out of the apartment, and Kurt still hadn't quite figured out how to coupe. He slept in the guest bedroom because no matter how many times he washed the sheets, they still smelled liked him. And he couldn't listen to the old fashioned wood radio without crying. It had been a gift from James on their first anniversary – an antique, but in beautiful shape.

Kurt still wasn't sure what he wanted. He and James were at very different places in their lives. It still hurt though. Kurt had every intention of marrying James. They were planning the wedding when things started to slip, and the couple were just preparing to settle on a date and a venue when they called it off. Luckily, James convinced Kurt they didn't need to send out elaborate engagement announcements, and it would be better to just send a 'save the date' card when the details were hashed out. Kurt was glad it saved them the embarrassment. But even now, the man kept finding himself in stationary stores, browsing cardstock with gold and silver trim.

Kurt met James 4 years prior. Kurt just landed a full time position at Vouge and James worked as a valet in the front of the building Kurt's office was in. Kurt took notice to the man instantly – tall, poised, and perfectly styled honey blonde hair. His eyes were a beautiful shade of slate blue, and there was a birthmark on his jawline that was only just visible through his close-shaved beard. Kurt found himself dressing special on days he knew James would be working, and James certainly took notice.

Sparks started flying when James went out of his way to make sure his lunch hour aligned with Kurt's, and eventually started taking him out for lunch almost daily. They got to know each other extremely well, and it wasn't long until they were facebook official. Every aspects of their lives started to revolve around the other. Kurt helped James find a job in advertisement like he'd always wanted. James flew with Kurt out to Ohio when Kurt's dad had his second heart attack. Kurt went with James as a plus-one to his father's military banquet. Things were easy. Blissful, even.

After two years of dating happily, the men moved into an apartment together. Less than a year after that, Kurt found his heart flying when James proposed in the middle of Times Square – a love note to Kurt projected on one of the many giant screens. Kurt was expecting to see one of his boyfriend's ads debuting in the tourist hub, and would have never imagined leaving there with a fiancé.

He also didn't think that it'd all be over in under a years' time. It started going downhill when James started talking about kids. Kurt knew his fiancé wanted a family, but Kurt wasn't so sure he was ready. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready. It crushed James to hear this, because at 34, the older man was more than willing to take a step back from his career for more domestic pursuits. 28 year old Kurt, on the other hand, was steadily climbing Vogue's corporate ladder with no signs of slowing down. It was a tough conversation.

"I'm just not ready for kids, James… I already spend a majority of my free time working. I won't be able to do it! Between the magazine and trying to launch my design career…"

"Have you thought about taking a step back for once, Kurt? You're only young once… you have your whole life to work."

"Yeah, and we'll have our whole lives to become parents."

"I don't want to wait, Kurt. I want to start a family…"

"Well I guess you're going to have to find someone else to do it with."

The words had spilled out of Kurt's mouth before he could even think about what he was saying. It had been the millionth time Kurt had this conversation with James. Sometimes it was about Kurt's spending, and how it would have to be cut back if they decided to add a child to the family. Sometimes it was about converting Kurt's workroom into a nursery. Sometimes it was about how they should think about moving to an area with better schools. But every conversation left a pit in Kurt's stomach that told him he wasn't ready, and James was unwilling to accept that. This conversation was simply the one that made Kurt snap. And he supposed there was always some truth to a statement that falls out of your mouth so easily.

The two fought about it some more. And again the next night. Two weeks later, and James was gone – apparently to live with a college friend in Queens for the time being. It had been four weeks since then, and Kurt was still wearing his engagement ring. But suffice to say, everything was on hold. He and James both had some serious thinking to do before even considering staying together. Sources told him James hadn't taken his ring off yet either.

They still talked nearly every day. It was hard letting go of someone you were so sure you'd spend forever with. Kurt had even considered just giving in and asking James to come back – agreeing to start the family James so desperately wanted. Kurt knew better, though, and Rachel kept reminding him how unhealthy that kind of pressure was. Kurt didn't want to end up resenting James, or worse his own child. Rach kept reminding him he'd said 'no' for a reason, and going back on that 'no' meant going back on a lot of things he'd been working so hard for. His career. His lifestyle. His hopeful future in fashion – still not even in its infancy.

Kurt watched as raindrops raced each other down the window pane. He finished off his oatmeal and set the down on the ground beside the bench. Leaning back on the wall, he stared over at a picture of him and James at Coney Island that he didn't have the heart to take down yet. As tears formed in his eyes, Kurt tore his gaze away, and reached over to the end table and picked his phone up again.

From the Archives of Kurt Hummel's Text Messages

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

9:12 am

Kurt: Can we go out tonight?

Rachel: I have rehearsal until 5. After that, I'm all yours!

Kurt: Thanks. I really need a distraction