Disclaimer: I don't own transformers. I am merely using the characters in my stories. To those who follow my stories, I apologize for the long wait. Writer's block and computer issues have been the problem. This has slash - don't like, don't read. This is a sequal to A bee for MEgatron.
Megtron looked at his kingdom. Much had changed since Primus had intervened and changed all the programming. Megatron wasn't sure he liked all of this, but so far, no one had tried to rise against him and dethrone him. Even OPtimus was happy and content with his mate Starscream. MEgatron sighed before returning to his empty chambers.
Bee had left to go visit friends, other former Autobots, adn had left the sparklings elsewhere. MEgatron did not realize until now just how much Bee had really meant to him. Megatron went to lay down, as he had a provessor ache and had no clue he was carrying life within him.
Meanwhile, Bee was visiting Jazz and Prowl, both of whom were now happy to be free and be able to love each other, even if it meant they shared their bond with another bot or two.
"It's good to see you two happy" Bee said.
"Yeah, whatever freed us, I am glad it did" Jazz said, the more outspoken of the two. "I just wish I cold find some of the sparklings we sparked before all of this"
"Nobody kept records, per MEgatron, as he didn't want any uprising" Bee stated, not liking how it sounded.
"Go figure" Prowl said. Bee sighed, same old Prowl.
"Maybe their sparks will lead them to us" Jazz said, hopeful.
"Anything can happen" Bee said, staying a little bit longer before heading home. He knew his mate didn't like being left alone, but Bee needed time to be with friends.
Once home, Bee went to their quarters. Megatron was resting fitfully in their berth. Bee went to join him in hopes that they both would sleep better. Megatron woke upon sensing his mate's presence.
"Where did you go?" Megatron asked.
"To see Prowl and Jazz" Bee said, knowing honesty would keep Megatron from getting angry.
Megatron sighed. "You know I hate being left alone."
"Yeah, but you have to deal with it" Bee said. MEgatron growled a bit at that. "Growling will not help you." Megatron stared at his mate. "Something wrong with you? You are acting strange"
"NO...Nothing is wrong with me" Megatron said defiantly, though Bee knew by that, something was wrong.
"Fine. We can wait for now, but tomorrow I am taking you to Ratchet" Bee said before snuggling with his mate. MEgatron snuggled and nodded. He hoped he was just feeling old.
Meanwhile, Optimus was spoiling his seeker mate. Starscream was in heaven as the former leader spoiled him. OPtimus was seeing a whole new side to his seeker mate, who for as tough as he had portrayed himself to be, really just wanted to submit to a bigger stronger bot. OPtimus knew it too. And with one more large overload, both crashed into a peaceful reachrge.
The next morning, Megatron didn't rouse early like usual and bee had Ratchet come to them. "I am concerned, as Megatron is not acting like himself."
"Well that could be a good thing, Bee" ratchet said earning a glare from bee. "Ok, Ok...I'll check him out." Bee watched as ratchet scanned. "What the pit?"
"What's wrong?" Bee asked, concerned.
"He...He's sparked" Ratchet said.
"HIm? SParked?" Bee asked, stunned but with a slight smirk.
"Yep, with six" Ratchet said, cocky smiled on his face. This was almost too good to be true.
"Well, at least I get a break" Bee said and both chatted a bit before Ratchet left.
And just after the medic left, Megatron roused with a yawn and a stretch. Bee was right there with plenty of energon. Megatron, too weak to refuse, drank the offered energon. "Good, love" Bee said. Soon, Megatron downed all five cubes and felt much better.
"Thank you love. I feel so much more like me, but why did I need 5 large cubes?" MEgatorn asked in his grovelly voice.
"You're sparked" Bee said. Megatron heard the news and passed out in shock. Bee was stunned, but smirked. Same old Megatron.