Un-expecting love

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything about Harry

Pairing: Theo Nott/ Harry Potter

Warning: slash, un-beta, apologizes in advance for my poor writing style

Summary: A trip to Gringotts shook up Harry's world. He never thought that there would ever be someone that would love him and then he discovered a betrothal that would knock him for a loop. He reaches out to his betrothed and one of his only true friends. Will Harry end up with love or will someone else betray the trust that he is willing to give?

He was blind-sided. Sitting there, in front of Griphook, whom he had employed after discovering his old account manager let Albus Dumbledore illegally steal from his vaults and kept his inheritance from him. But this, this was too much for him. A betrothal, he was engaged back when he was a little over ten months old. To Theodore Nott, a sixth year slytherin in his class, he was engaged to Theo Nott. He sat there dumb-founded for a little while before starting to discuss what he should do.

Once that business had been concluded and a copy of the contract in hand, Harry left the bank with a note to Griphook to continue their business investments and to get rid of the ones losing their money. He had much to think about. Heading towards a dark unseen corner, he pulled on a necklace laced with six rings, taking a hold of the white gold with sparkling emeralds he tapped it releasing a small bit of magic he activated the portkey talking him to the manor.

"Welcome master," a small house-elf greeted him as he walked in.

Harry grinned, "Hello mipsy. I'll be having dinner in the study."

Mipsy bowed and nodded in understanding before popping away. Harry sighed tiredly before making his way to the study. Gathering all of his parchments, he settled down to read all of them thoroughly. Once he was finished, harry sat back deep in thought.

It seemed that Nott was already aware of the contract but wasn't allowed to contact him before harry approached Theodore. So that explained why Theo hadn't been angry with him yet. Harry set his jaw into his hand, leaning on his elbow. He pondered the thought of sending an apology-slash-invitation to Theo so that they could discuss this.

Sighing, Harry closed his eyes before opening them back up and preparing his formal parchment, which had the house insignia on the corners as well as his fountain pen and began his letters.


It had been three weeks since Harry had sent the letter off to Theodore Nott, who had accepted the invitation although Harry would be meeting him at the Black manor. It was what Harry felt would be neutral for them. "Them" being the fact that Theo was bring two friends and Harry would have Luna with him.

Entrapped in his Ancient Runes book, Harry didn't hear his quest until a throat cleared starting. A loud 'thud' was the result of that with Harry's startling emerald eyes searching for whatever interrupted him. A tinkering laugh drew his attention to the four standing in his libraries doorway.

"Oh, Harrison darling, what are we going to do with you?"

Harry smiled gently when he saw Luna. The Slytherin guests stood off to the side, distancing themselves from her craziness. He raised leaving his book behind on the table and quickly wrapped his arms around her leaving the three boys stunned at his speed.

"You could always just love me, Luna Ballona." His voice was airy. Looking over at the boys standing in the doorway fidgeting, Harry coughed slightly.

"Come sit. I thought that the Black Manor would be more appropriate than the Potter one."

Draco Malfoy looked up sharply, "the Black Manor?! This place is supposed to be a myth. Even my mother doesn't know about it."

"Um, well the goblins like me. And Sirius was the lord because his grandfather, the previous lord, never disowned him though his parents did. And he made me his heir which was accepted due to my paternal grandmother being a born black." Harry's eyes fleeted over all of them before he started walking back to his seat.

He picked up the blanket he had been using and folded it, trying to keep himself preoccupied and not think about the man that was his betrothed, who was also standing there simply staring and watching him.