Reality. Such a hard thing to change day by day.

A harlequin said it best once, "Reality is there day to day. If you cannot cope with it, reality will certainly crush you, and life will go on, leaving your crushed body behind." A hideous parallel to the forces of that world which the story took place.

Everyone has a story within reality, a story which would span time and space to be told to people who would hear and listen and learn. A story is told by the person who experiences, and rather, being out of control of it, can control it with their Will.

What is Will? Is it a mystical force of some kind? Or rather, the strength of the human spirit, and all living things that live day to day?

Squall turned around at the familiar tapping of cowboy boots on the hard marble flooring of Balamb Garden. The sound was light, most definitely not Irvine, for he rarely ran, unless it was an emergency. He preferred to walk, or at the very least, jog to keep in shape.

The footsteps belonged to a girl, clad in the familiar yellow cowgirl styled dress, a dark hued pair of nunchucks strapped to her back. She wore a cowboy hat that seemed a size too large for her. Skidding to a halt, she panted for a moment before giving a cheerful greeting. "Hi Squall!"

"Selphie," Squall said, nodding in greeting. "What's going on?"

"Squall," she said, standing up straight, "Can I borrow your GF's?"

Squall blinked curiously. "I suppose so," he said, withdrawing the silver orbs that contained the GF. "But we all agreed to never junction again, so we won't forget our past ever again."

"I know that," Selphie said, eyeing the GF's in his hand. "I just want to try something. Please?"

Squall sighed as he handed the GF's over to her. "Bring them back," he said.

Selphie nodded as she stuck the GF's into her pocket. "Thanks!" She then dashed off, Squall shaking his head.

"Ball of energy," he remarked, wandering off towards the cafeteria, his stomach rumbling in hunger.

"You sure this'll work?" Zell asked as Selphie took out the silver orbs one by one, Junctioning her mind to them, the balls vanishing without a trace. "I mean, we've never met them really save for a little while. Even some of the ones who we spoke to didn't hang around us."

"I'm sure," Selphie replied. The pair were standing in the open aired Quad. She finished Junctioning to Eden as she held out her hand. Zell sighed as he relinquished Ifrit, Quetzcoatl and Bahamut. She then junctioned to them as well and grinned. "Trippy," she remarked, basking in the power that flowed through her body. She mentally ran through the magic junction exercise to be safe, double checking her stock of magic.

"Don't get carried away," Zell said as the girl nodded. "I'll stand over here, in case it doesn't work."

Selphie nodded as she concentrated.

The sea was calm, quiet. Then, the water began to rise.

Birds shrieked and flew away, beasts of the sea steered clear of the ball of aqua. And when people saw it, it was their last gaze upon the earth.

Garden shook violently as an impact shuddered the side. Zell grabbed the wall as he cursed. "The hell is going on!"

Selphie stopped abruptly in mid chant as a huge ball of liquid rose into the air. "I... didn't summon that, right?" she asked nervously.

"Don't know, but it looks NASTY!" Zell exclaimed in shock as things began to fly towards it.

Selphie grabbed onto the ground as she was caught within the pull. "Zell, help me!" she screamed.

Zell grabbed her legs as he was hauled towards the swirling hole within the ball of liquid. Then, he felt slender fingers grab onto his bare legs as Quistis grabbed him, followed shortly by Squall, Irvine and Rinoa, and even Rinoa's dog, Angelo grabbed onto the tail of her dress. But it was to no avail.

Final Fantasy 8 to the power of 10

Written by Shaun Garin

Chapter 1 : Girl Out Of Water

Selphie awoke abruptly as she coughed out some water. She sat up, spitting out a mouthful of the salty ocean water. She coughed and choked for a good half minute as she stood up, wiping water from her face. A voice called out to her in a strange accent. "Hey! You okay?"

Wiping wet brown hair from her face, she called back, "Yeah, I'm fine!" A ball floated by as she picked it up and knocked it back towards the beach where a man caught it.

Selphie waded towards the waters edge. Upon coming closer to the beach, she noticed the man before her. Tall and dark skinned with red hair sticking up in a great spike. He wore a open half shirt that just encircled his stomach and baggy yellow pants. His hair was held up by a band of blue. As she reached the beach, he walked over and said, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," Selphie repeated, squeezing water out of her dress. A hand went to her head and then back, mentally thanking whatever was out there that Irvine's hat and her nunchucks had accompanied her to.. where ever this was. "Um, can you direct me to the nearest city?"

The man blinked curiously. "City? Like with Machina?" At her nod, he shook his head. "Nope. Nothing like that around here."

"Um, what continent am I on?" Selphie then asked.

"Continent?" The man barked a short laugh. "This is no continent. This is the island of Besaid. I'm Wakka, Captain of the Besaid Aurochs."

"Um, Selphie Timlett, SeeD from Balamb Garden," she said. A hushed quiet was heard as Wakka looked at her curiously.

"Seed? Ain't no seeds around here," he said, shaking his head.

"But everyone knows about SeeD," Selphie protested. "Where's Balamb Garden?"

"Destroyed, 1000 years ago." Wakka replied.

His words hit home hard. "Destroyed?" she asked, shock starting to grow.

"Ya." He gestured towards the ruins surrounding the jungle. "A thousand
years ago, there were people and Machina -- Machines -- to run them. People played all day, and let the Machina do the work. Then, Sin came and you can see what happened. Of course, that's why we have to always repent for our Sins, to lead a clean life."

Selphie stumbled, absorbing the information. Wakka couldn't be lying, could he?

Wakka spun the ball on his finger. "You play Blitzball?"

"Blitzball?" Selphie asked, confused.

"Ya," Wakka said, nodding. "It's an under water sport."

"How do you breathe? Air tanks?" Selphie asked.

Wakka made a noise. "Air tanks? Ain't no air tanks. We hold our breath in five minute intervals."

"That's nuts!" Selphie exclaimed. "I can barely hold my breath for more than a minute!"

"Not a player then." Wakka sighed.

"Um, have you seen a few friends of mine?" Selphie asked. "We were sucked up by this big ball of water and must have gotten scattered."

"No one has washed ashore lately," Wakka said, pausing to think. "C'mon, I'll bring you to Besaid Village. We'll get you some food and drink there."

Selphie's stomach growled. "Thanks, that's most appreciated."

Wakka laughed. "No problem, girl. C'mon, it's this way."

Halfway to the entrance of the beach, Wakka turned to Selphie. "You said a big ball of water sucked you all in, ya?"

Selphie nodded. "Yes, it was shining and sounded like a whale."

Wakka paled. "Yevon... that was Sin you encountered. Praise to Yevon you're still alive." He did a funny little bow with his arms. "C'mon, I'll help ya."

Selphie had to admit the place had a tropical, natural beauty to it, like it was somewhere along the equator of the world. The brunette briefly wondered if the whole world was like this, lush with green all over the place. She came up to a sudden stop though as Wakka screeched to a halt, two men, one red haired and the other younger with dark brown hair stood before them. "Ah, hello. You must be the young girl who washed up on shore."

"Be careful," the second one said. "There are many fiends out on the road today."

"We'll keep an eye out for them," Wakka vowed as he wandered towards the gates.

"Who were they?" Selphie asked curiously as the pair of half armored men left.

"Oh them? You forgot that?" At Selphie's blank look, Wakka moaned and rubbed his neck. "I guess so. Those were the local Crusaders, Luzzu and Gatta. They have a tent in town." Wakka looked up and his expression brightened. "Ah, we're here. Besaid Village! Go and present yourself to the temple first. I'm sure that will clear up any questions you may have forgotten from encountering Sin's Toxin. My tent is over there. Come and see me when you're ready to eat."

Selphie nodded absently as she wandered around town. Many things were the same, in a sort of strange way. There were armed men, supposively guards or those Crusaders Wakka told her about, and adorning the way before her was a large temple. Picking up her courage, Selphie headed for the temple.

Inside, the place was adorned with candles and statues. A strange melody was being sung, one that she found strangely familiar. It was a memory... that she had forgotten. She shook her head and unjunctioned a few Guardian Forces.

"Hello child," an elderly man said, walking up to her. "Are you here to visit our temple?"

Selphie shook the thoughts from her head. "Yes. I'd like to know about that statue. Over there." She pointed to a random statue that stood overhead.

"Ah, that is our Lord Braska, the High Summoner. Many years we have waited for a statue of him, and now it is here."

"Summoner? What's that?" Selphie suddenly found herself the target of many people's looks. Thinking fast to something Wakka said, she added hastily, "I got too close to uh, Sin and my head's all fuzzy."

A group of startled gasps and nods came from the residents of the temple as the elderly man nodded. "I see. Well, let Yevon guide you."

Selphie exhaled, having slipped past them for a moment as she looked over the place. There was a door with a high set door at the very back of the temple, stairs leading to it. Curiosity got to her and she stepped up to the first step, only to be called down by the sharp whip like command of, "Halt! No one but the Summoner and her Guardians can go up there."

Selphie flushed as she stepped down. "I'm sorry," she said to the elderly man who's expression softened.

"Sin's toxin works in mysterious ways. I am sure you will remember all things soon. Do you remember the prayer?"

At her blank look, the man demonstrated, and Selphie copied it shakily. "Good, good," the man said, smiling. "All things will come back with Yevon's blessing."

Selphie's stomach growled as she blushed. "I.. gotta go, Wakka is waiting for me."

The elderly man chuckled. "Go child."

Selphie laid down, full and tired. It had been quite a full day. Aimlessly, she wandered in a light sleep, dreams of her friends keeping her company. Rinoa looked over to her in her dreams as she said, "It's been almost a day now..."

"I'm sure she's fine," Squall replied in Wakka's voice.

Selphie cracked an eye open, her dreams disturbed as Wakka wandered out of the tent with the elderly man who had helped her before. "Where are they going? The temple?" Grabbing her hat and Strange Vision, she dashed after them.

Pushing the great doors open, she found a few people standing around the middle of the room, Wakka and the elderly man standing there, conversing in low tones. Selphie wandered up and tapped Wakka on the shoulder. "Wakka, what's going on?"

"Yuna, our resident apprentice summoner hasn't emerged from the Trials yet," Wakka replied, concern written over his tone. "She's been in there for almost a day now."

"So, why don't we go get her?" Selphie asked chipperly.

"It's forbidden," Wakka replied simply.

"But she could be ill, or in danger!" Selphie's expression hardened. "I'm going in."

"But... the traditions! It's taboo!"

"I can't stay here, waiting for someone to make a move. Sorry Wakka." With that, Selphie flew up the stairs, taking two at a time, pushing the door open. A hand came down on her shoulder and reflexively, she tossed Wakka down the stairs. Turning red, she went through hurridly.

"The song... its louder in here," Selphie said, after making her way through the Cloister of Trials in record time. "Damnit I KNOW this music from somewhere. Stupid Time Compression and stupid GFs." With a shake of her head, many crystals appeared in her hand and she placed it into a pocket at the front of her dress.

She shivered at the haunting voices, pressing forward. A hand came down on her shoulder. Selphie spun and Wakka found himself on the ground, dazed. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Selphie exclaimed, stunned at her actions.

"Ugh, it's okay," Wakka replied, sitting up. "That was some throw. Mind teaching me that?" At his teasing tone, Selphie relaxed, helping him up.

"I can't believe you went in here," Wakka scolded. "only Summoners and Guardians can come in here. Memory loss or not, it's still a really bad move to do."

"Then why are you in here?" Selphie asked, hoping to turn the tables on the man. He just folded his arms sternly.

"I'm a guardian," he said simply. "It's part of my job description to come in here." He sighed. "Well, as long as we're here, might as well go all the way, ya?" He walked up to a circular platform, Selphie following close behind. With a lurch, the platform began to descend into the depths of the Trials.

As they reached the bottom, two people looked up. One was a gorgeous lady with dark hair done up in braids, wearing a dress with a skirt made up of black leather belts that went to her feet. The other was a large beast man with blue fur, leather armor and sported a horn with half of it cut off. He was also sporting dozens of feathers and beads as well. "What are you doing here, Wakka?" The lady asked. Her voice was smooth and low. Her icy tone sent shivers up Selphie's spine. "Thought we couldn't handle it ourselves?"

"Naw, it wasn't like that at all," Wakka said, embarrassed. "Something came up."

"Well then, mind explaining who the girl is?" the woman asked, eyes narrowing. "She doesn't look like a Guardian, except for her strange weapons."

"I'm Selphie Timlett," Selphie said, having enough of the tension in the room. "I came here because I was worried."

"I tried to stop her," Wakka put in. "But she just barged in and solved the Trials in record time."

The woman let loose a sigh that was part grumble. "All right, she can stay. We'll deal with this later."

Suddenly, the door before them cracked open as a light spilled out from behind the door. Selphie gazed in awe as she hadn't seen anything like it. Then, a girl emerged. She had dark brown hair cut to her neck, dressed in a strange dress that went to her booted feet. Her grace reminded the girl of Matron in the smooth flowing way she moved. But then, without warning, the girl pitched forward and Selphie sprang into action, moving forward. But the blue furry creature had the girl in his hands.

The summoner opened her eyes as she smiled. "I did it," she said, happily. "I have become a summoner."

"Quite a crowd here," Selphie remarked.

"This happens all the time," Wakka replied. "When a new summoner passes the rites, she demonstrates her newfound power."

Selphie paused in thought. "Summoner... I know that word but I can't remember where." She giggled. "Sorry, my history is bad."

Wakka looked at her blankly as the pair stood in the front with the blue creature she had come to know as Kimahri and the woman called Lulu. "Go for it," Wakka called out.

The girl, Selphie was told was named Yuna, nodded, said "Okay" softly and held out her decorative staff. She concentrated and Selphie felt a familiar tingle of energy in the air.

A glyph appeared on the stone center and flared up into the skies. Suddenly, a shape plummeted out of the skies as people oohed and ahhed. The shape expanded it's wings, revealing a decorative red underbelly and an avian form. It landed with a whoosh of air as Yuna came up to pat it's face tentatively. People began to clap in appreciation as Selphie realized with a start, that Summoners summoned Guardian Forces. But she had never seen that Guardian Force before.

With a pat, Yuna dismissed it and it flew up into the air and vanished.

"That was an..." Selphie began but was cut off.

"An Aeon," Lulu said. She turned to look at Selphie. "That was what you were going to say, right?"

Selphie nodded, keeping her thoughts to herself. "Yeah, an Aeon. I've never seen one before." A half truth, she remarked to herself, as Aeons were a bit different than Guardian Forces as far as she could tell. She had never seen the particular Aeon Yuna had summoned out.

Day turned to night as Selphie wandered the center of town. Many people still gathered there since the celebration feast. She noted Wakka was standing with a bunch of guys dressed similarly to him. The quiet Ronso stood, watching her with his keen yellow eyes. The woman in black nodded at her but didn't say anything. Finding herself pressed to talk to someone, Selphie wandered up to Wakka who was talking to the bunch of guys.

"All right boys," Wakka was saying, "this is our battle. In one week, we face off against the blitzball leagues of Spira. Now, what's our goal?"

"TO DO OUR BEST!" The men chanted loudly. Selphie blinked.

"To do your best?" She asked, shaking her head. "How many games have you won?"

"Um, none?" one man asked, abashed.

Selphie groaned and threw up her hands in disgust. "You should have a way cooler goal than just 'doing your best'!" She thought for a moment and giggled. "This is a good one! Your new goal, is to WIN! At any cost! Win, win, win! Whoooo!"

"Win eh?" Wakka said, impressed at her energy. "That's really good. It could actually work. Okay boys, what's our goal?"

"TO WIN!" The men cheered and people looked up at the new chant, many smiling.

"That feels really good," another one said, grinning. "Thanks!"

"Not a problem!" Selphie giggled, spun and wandered over to where Yuna was sitting with a few elderly people.

Sitting down, a rustle of a long dress caught her attention as Yuna sat down beside her. "That was really nice what you did for them," Yuna said, smiling. "I'm Yuna."

"Selphie." She stuck her hand out and Yuna shook it a bit uncertainly. "You were really something, summoning that Aeon thingy."

Yuna giggled. "That is the first time I've heard someone refer to a sacred Aeon as a 'thingy'."

Selphie blushed, embarrassed. "Well, where I come from, there's Aeon like things all the time." Again, a half truth as she possessed all the known ones in the world. "I wish I could show you them sometime."

"Tell me about your home, Selphie," Yuna said after a moment of silence between the two girls. "What is it like there?"

"Oh it's great," Selphie exclaimed. "There's some really nice places around the world. There's Fisherman's Horizon which is one big dish, and then there's the Centra Continent where a HUGE city called Esthar is. There's lights and shopping malls and all sorts of technology there..." Selphie sighed wistfully. "It's nothing like this. Oh, and then there's the Garden, Balamb Garden is where I live now with Squall and Rinoa and Headmaster Cid..."

"It sounds wonderful," Yuna said as Selphie trailed off. "I wish I could see it. Is it far?"

"I suppose it could be far," Selphie said. "I... kinda wound up here by accident and now, I don't really remember where to go from here."

"I'm sure you can find your way back home, Selphie," Yuna said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure of it."

"Thanks Yuna. Yuna?" Yuna looked at her and Selphie grinned a bit. "Can I call you Yunie?"

Yuna blinked. "Like a nickname," Selphie clarified. "A friend of mine, Zell, he used to give everyone nicknames. Called me Seffie, Rinoa, Rinny, stuff like that. Squall never really got into the nickname thing but I'm rambling again, aren't I?" Yuna nodded, giggling. Selphie blushed. "Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm wound up about a subject or so."

"It's okay, and yes, you can call me Yunie."

Selphie giggled, hugged Yuna and yawned loudly. "Gosh, I'm tired. I think I'll go see if Wakka's got a bed for me."

"All right. Good night, Selphie." Yuna watched her go as Lulu came up to her and sat down, smoothing her skirt underneath her."Quite the girl," Lulu remarked.

"Yes," Yuna replied.

"You like her, don't you?" At Yuna's embarrassed look, Lulu sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if you are too trusting, Yuna. She broke the ancient taboo and came through the Cloister of Trials. You know that is forbidden amidst the people. She could be trouble."

"I disagree," Yuna replied firmly. "She has a kind heart, something I haven't seen in years. I feel... safe around Selphie."

"As your Guardian, I can only protect you," Lulu said. "But, I cannot pick your friends for you. I will abide by this. For now." The dark clad woman got up and wandered over to Wakka, casting glances at Selphie who entered the Crusaders Tent.

"You look like you need someone to talk to," said Selphie that night as she sat around the campfire with Wakka. The girl could not sleep and found Wakka pacing in front of the fire. "Something on your mind?"

"I was just thinking," said Wakka slowly as he played with the blitzball between his hands. "About my brother. He'd be about your age. His name was Chappu."

"You cared for him a lot," said Selphie sadly. "Something happened to him, huh?"

"Chappu was a crusader," said Wakka as he rubbed the back of his head. "My brother. It's hard to talk about him at times."

What happened to Chappu?" Selphie asked.

"Chappu was different," Wakka said, sighing. "He went to fight Sin one day with the Crusaders, thought he would miss his boat. Left this behind." Wakka picked up a weapon that sat next to him, a shimmering translucent blue blade with a hooked end. "This was a sword I gave him the day before he left. Instead, he left it, and turned his back on the teachings by taking an Al Bhed weapon. A rifle. They told me the day later, during the height of the championship Blitzball game, that Chappu had died against Sin." Wakka let out a tired sigh. "I'm sorry for troubling you, Selphie."

"Everyone has a set of bad memories they need to get into the open," Selphie said. "Me, I'm an orphan. Was, almost all my life. Then, I went to Balamb and met the people I grew to love as my friends and family. I suffered war and pain and loss when Trabia was bombed. And to boot, I don't know where my friends are now. Zell and Quistis and Rinoa and Squall and Irvine... everyone is gone."

The pair sat in silence as Wakka slowly wrapped his arm around Selphie's shoulders. "Hey, thanks for listening," Wakka said, wiping away a tear. "And for what it's worth, I'll help you find your friends."

"Thanks Wakka."

Wakka grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "C'mon, lets get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day, ya? Tomorrow, we head for Kilika, and then for Luca. I'm sure we can find someone there that's seen your friends."

Selphie grinned as she followed Wakka into the Crusaders Tent.

Yuna stumbled with the large trunk, the contents rattling within the housing. Suddenly, strong hands came down and helped the slender girl with the burden. "Wow, what do you have in here, rocks?" Selphie joked as she helped Yuna upright the trunk.

"They're gifts for the temples we visit," Yuna replied, resting on the trunk side.

"You don't need all that luggage, Yuna," Lulu called out from the town square.

"I'm sure it's the thought that counts," Selphie said, Yuna blinking at the unfamiliar expression but nodding.

"Hey, Selphie!" Selphie turned to see Wakka. "You coming or not? We've got some stuff packed for ya."

"It is time to go," Lulu said. "Yuna, come along." Yuna had quickly picked out the smallest but most meaningful items of the large trunk and left the rest to the temple priests who brought it back to her room. "Are you prepared?"

Yuna clutched her staff in her hands. "Yes, I am ready."