Whispering. His ear twitched as he approached the alleyway, hearing several voices down the alleyway. He wasn't too sure what they were saying, but at this time of night, on this side of the city, it couldn't possibly be good. He ducked behind the dumpster on one side of the alleyway, peeking out from behind the receptacle.

Several guys who were obviously street dwellers and... A pink hedgehog. The biggest of the group had the girl pinned up against a wall, holding one of her wrists in a painful looking grasp.

He huffed, dragging his emerald gaze off of the scene and back out to the sidewalk. This wasn't exactly something he needed to get his nose into. And he didn't intend to. Getting up, he began walking again, until he heard a small squeak from the female.

Normally, he wouldn't give two shits if anyone was in trouble. Hell, half the time, he was the one the people in trouble had to answer to. But something about this situation... He just couldn't walk away.

"Looky here, boys... A pretty little play toy..." He leaned in close to her face. And she held her breath, nearly gagging on the terrible scent of the man holding her against a wall. Damn her car, damn it for being in the shop.

Suddenly, his grip on her wrist tightened, evoking a pained squeak from her. Damn her friend for keeping her out late. Damn every single element that had led her into her current, hopeless situation. Damn it all.

"Hey! Back off of her!" She averted her gaze over the guy holding her down, finding a blue hedgehog standing in the entrance to the alleyway. His green eyes glared threateningly into the group of assholes holding her against the wall.

The group laughed, turning to face him, the one still holding her wrist in a vice grip. "And what're YOU gonna do 'bout it, huh?"

The hedgehog simply crossed his arms over his chest, his red leather jacket pulled taught against his sides, exposing his tan chest, and smirked.

The one holding her wrist laughed again, and then made a hand signal, to which the two others charged towards the hedgehog. Meanwhile, the ring leader turned back to the girl with a sinister smirk, "Now, where were-"

"Man, not much of a fight."

Incredulously, the leader turned to face the hedgehog again, only to find him standing over top of the two goons, who were bloodied and beaten on the ground.
