This is the final chapter. Thank you everyone who took the time to comment. I appreciate hearing your comments! Art for the story and for others can be seen at my LiveJournal. The link is in my profile.


It Feels So Right
~Elvis song

Step in these arms, where you belong
It feels so right, so right
How can it be wrong?

There's something in the way you kiss
That makes me want to hold you tight
I know that nothing can't be wrong
that feels so right.

Each time we touch, you thrill me so
It means so much, so much
I can't let you go

This isn't only for tonight
We're gonna love our whole life long
'Cause baby, if it feels so right
How can it be wrong?

Tony placed the brochure for a bright red Ferrari 500 GTB Fiorano on his desk while he waited for the much-anticipated phone call from Uncle Clive's solicitor, Mr. Hubbard. He might never be able to afford a new Ferrari, but the used ones were going for around $300,000 these days. Tony was so focused on waiting for the phone call that he didn't even hear the conversation about the case going on nearby. Gibbs, McGee and Ziva were wrapping up the details, but the killer of Agent Patterson was dead, and Tony's report was complete, so he had nothing more to do.

The phone rang and Tony nervously said, to nobody in particular, "That's my future calling. Excuse me." He picked up and said, "Yes, Mr. Hubbard. How are you, sir?"

In the background, Tim and Ziva were talking about ballistics and a mining scam, and Tony could sense that Gibbs was watching him like a hawk.

Tony exclaimed, "That is unbelievable! Okay, well, thank you very much. Yes, thank you very much. All right. See you, pal." Sweat tricked down the back of Tony's neck as he leaned back in his chair with a sigh. All he could think of was his brief conversation with the solicitor, and how he had completely forgotten about the IOU he'd written when is uncle had loaned him money for college, so many years ago. He had to gather his wits and pay attention when someone started talking to him.

"Did...Uncle Clive leave a big estate?"

Tony stared at the expectant faces of Gibbs, Ziva and Tim for a long moment, before bursting out with, "Huge! Twenty-four million pounds! That's over thirty-five million dollars. Yes! Yes, it is! Yes, it is!" They were looking at him like he'd lost his marbles, which he was very close to doing. It had been a very trying few days, what with the tension-filled wait to hear about the inheritance, trekking around in the West, plus the Las Vegas fiasco, and discovering that, apparently, both he and Gibbs were gay. Tony was running on empty and, for some reason, his brain told him to say, "And he left it all to my sniveling cousin, Crispian. I mean, I'll give you, granted he did take care of Uncle Clive when he was ill, and he gave a very moving eulogy."

"Why is the lawyer calling you?" Of course Gibbs would ask that question.

"Oh, when I was in college, I borrowed ten thousand dollars from Uncle Clive, and, I guess I signed an IOU," Tony said with a shrug. "I don't really remember, but Crispian says that he found this document. Said 'IOU,' and apparently I owe him that ten thousand dollars plus compounded interest over the last twenty years. Do you know how much that is, by the way?" he asked, his voice rising with tension.

From the looks on their faces, they could tell he was screwed. Gibbs was smirking, though McGee seemed genuinely appalled. "I am sorry for your loss," said McGee.

Tony almost laughed. He threw his hands in the air and cried, "It's only money!"

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

Gibbs phoned Detective Ramos from the Las Vegas homicide division and asked a few questions about the brew pub, Bottoms Up, where he Tony had eaten when in Vegas. Without mentioning the contaminated beer, Gibbs inquired about their reputation.

Ramos immediately relayed the information that there had been several complaints about the overwhelming effects of some beer at the restaurant, coincidentally on the same night Gibbs and Tony had been in Vegas. "The Department of Health has started an investigation, and the word is that someone in the brewery was getting a bit too creative with the additives. It probably won't be deemed malicious, and they're going to get their license suspended for a while, but nobody was hurt by drinking the tainted beer." Ramos then tentatively asked Gibbs if he was aware of anyone who had ingested the beer and was suffering ill-effects.

Gibbs replied he didn't have any complaints.

After that, Ramos informed Gibbs that her department had found two more murders they could attribute to the late Jerome Sax, and she said she'd send NCIS their findings.

Before the ink was dry on the final report into the death of Special Agent Patterson, Director Vance informed the team that he had a special interest in a murder case in Chicago, and he was accompanying them there to oversee the investigation.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

There was a loud clatter and some swearing, coming from the kitchen. "You need help?" Tony called from his seat in the living room.

"No. No, I've got it," came the reply.

It was a good five minutes before Jethro appeared at the door carrying a tray with two single-serve chicken pot pies, utensils and enough bottles of beer to last through dinner. He set it all down on the coffee table in front of the couch, while Tony swept the TV guide section of the paper and remote controls out of the way.

Tony teased, "You sure there's enough beer there? I wouldn't want you to feel thirsty or anything."

Jethro shrugged. "At least it ain't BuzzBrew."

Tony grabbed a bottle and raised it in a toast. "Here's to that!"

Settling beside Tony, Jethro handed him his dinner and a couple of paper napkins, and then fished around for the remote. Tony watched with amusement as Jethro squinted at the buttons before selecting one and then pressing another. To Tony's surprise, the DVD player powered up and a disc started whirring inside the device. "You choose a movie?" Tony asked. He hadn't even known that Jethro was capable of working the DVD player, much less that he'd care enough to pick a movie to watch.

"You wearing your ring?" asked Jethro, peering at Tony's finger.

"At home, I do," Tony said, noticing Jethro was wearing his ring, too.

"Good. I'll make a safe box to keep them in, for when we're at work. You'd better eat," Jethro said, taking a forkful of the pot pie while watching the screen as it came to life.

Tony did the same, but he choked on his food when the sound of Elvis singing 'Burning Love' started, and "Tony & Jethro's Wedding" appeared on the screen in a flowing script. "Oh no," Tony cried, shutting his eyes. "I told you I can't watch this!"

Jethro bumped his shoulder against Tony's and said, "Considering neither of us remember what happened, this is evidence, and we need to watch it."

"Evidence?" Tony had known the DVD was sitting there, but he'd blatantly ignored its presence for days. He was more afraid of what it might contain, than concerned about not knowing what had occurred during his blackout period. Jethro had regained some memories, but he said they were spotty. Now he was making them watch this video of their wedding ceremony at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel. "But it's going to be embarrassing, I know it!"

Jethro put his dinner aside and slipped his arm around Tony's shoulders. "C'mon, it'll be fine."

Staring at Jethro like he was crazy, Tony replied, "Somehow I doubt that." He picked up a beer bottle and handed one to Jethro thinking they were going to need something stronger, just to get through this.

Jethro kept his arm where it was as the titles disappeared and the scene inside the chapel unfolded. The chapel itself wasn't too gaudy, decorated in white with gold accents. Then Reverend Billy Bob 'Elvis' Cooper came into the picture, dressed in a high-collared white jumpsuit covered in glittering jewels, his black hair in an Elvis 'do, and a pair of big sunglasses shading his eyes. Tony couldn't help laughing, while wondering if the two grooms were going to appear in Elvis costumes, too.

He didn't have long to wait to find out. A woman with teased black Priscilla Presley hair entered the frame and opened the doors at the back of the chapel with a flourish.

In walked two men.

"Oh my God," Tony cried, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen. Beside him, he heard Jethro make a choking sound, and no wonder.

Walking down the aisle to the beat of 'Hound Dog,' was Tony, dressed in a black leather jacket and sunglasses. He was hand-in-hand with Jethro, who was nearly unrecognizable in a gold lamé tuxedo jacket, worn over his regular clothing. Neither of them was walking too steadily, and at times, Tony leaned heavily on Jethro.

"Holy shit, you're right out of North Hollywood, Jethro!" Tony exclaimed, laughing so hard he bent over.

Onscreen, when halfway down the aisle, Tony stumbled. Jethro quickly slid an arm around his waist. From then on, it looked as though Jethro was all that kept him on his feet. They were laughing onscreen, and Jethro wiped his eyes a couple of times.

Tony glanced at the man sitting beside him on the couch, and asked, "Tears of joy?"

"Damned if I know," Jethro replied, though he, too, seemed to be getting a kick out of the video.

Reverend Cooper finished singing one song, and smoothly moved into 'Can't Help Falling in Love,' while Tony clung to Jethro.

The two men sitting on Jethro's couch could hear gold-lamé Jethro ask the woman if she had the rings. Upon hearing her reply of, "Sure, honey," Tony exclaimed, "I remember her! She's Bess, the minister's wife, right?"

"I think she was one of the witnesses."

"There was a guy there, the Reverend's brother. He had the video camera," Tony recalled. "Hey, I remember! It's coming back!"

Onscreen, Tony was singing along with Elvis.

"Take my hand,

Take my whole life, too,

For I can't help falling in love with you.

For I can't help falling in love with you."

In the wedding chapel, Jethro, who was swaying a little on his feet, removed Tony's sunglasses and smiled at him as if he could do no wrong. Jethro patted his arm. "That's my boy," they could hear him say.

Tony turned to Jethro and asked, "You did not just call me your boy?"

Jethro shrugged. "If the blue suede shoe fits, honey." Tony protested but Jethro pointed to the screen. "Pay attention. This is the good part."

Reverend Billy Bob 'Elvis' Cooper was speaking. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to witness, before family and friends, the exchange of solemn vows between Jethro "Hound Dog" Gibbs, and Tony "Who Loves Ya Baby?" DiNozzo. If there be any suspicious minds present in the audience, don'tcha think it's time to speak now or never? Their love won't wait."

At this point, the two men about to be wedded onscreen, as well as the two men on Jethro's couch, were all laughing. Jethro shushed Tony and told him to listen. "I don't want to miss this."

Reverend Cooper continued, "Jethro "Hound Dog" Gibbs, repeat after me: It only took one night to get stuck on you, and now my wish has come true."

Jethro did as he was told, not even stumbling over the words. "It only took one night to get stuck on you, and now my wish has come true."

The minister nodded and said, "You big hunka hunka burnin' love! I thought you were nothin' but a hound dog, cryin' all the time, but now I know you're my teddy bear 'cause tigers play too rough, and lions ain't the kind you love enough."

Jethro flapped a hand at the minister and said, "Yabba yabba, I agree, he's my hunk of burning love, and I hope he loves me half as much as I love him." Beside him Tony was staring at him, his mouth hanging open, apparently all words failing him.

Reverend Cooper continued, "Repeat after me: So kiss me quick and love me tender, for I can't help falling in love with you."

Rocking on his heels, Jethro smiled at Tony. "I can't help falling in love with you, Tony."

"You do?" Tony asked in wonderment.

"Damn right I do," Jethro replied. He must have leaned a little too heavily into Tony because they both tilted at a dangerous angle. The minister and Bess quickly righted them.

Speaking quickly, Reverend Cooper said, "Now it's your turn, Tony. Okay, Tony "Who Loves Ya Baby?" DiNozzo, repeat after me: It took a hard-headed man to make me king of the whole wide world."

"He sure is hard-headed," Tony said with a laugh. Jethro scowled at him, but only for a moment.

Apparently seeing he wasn't going to get Tony to repeat the entire vows, the reverend continued, "Now say: I thought you were the devil in disguise but you turned out to be my puppet on a string."

"No, I've never been scared of him," Tony said, never taking his eyes off Jethro's face.

"I used to live in the hotel down the end of lonely street but now it's viva Las Vegas, 'cause I need your love tonight," Reverend Cooper said.

"I do need your love tonight," said Tony.

Jethro smiled sweetly at him and replied, "I do, too."

Sitting on the couch in Jethro's living room, Jethro and Tony joined hands.

Reverend Cooper intoned, "Please take this moment to exchange your gifts of love." Tony and Jethro didn't make a move, so Cooper prompted, "The rings?"

Bess brought out a white satin pillow upon which rested two gold rings, with their green gemstones glittering in the chapel lights, and offered them to Jethro and Tony. Jethro picked up a ring and, with his legs braced wide apart for balance, he slipped the ring on Tony's finger. Tony fumbled a bit, but he managed to get the matching ring on Jethro, while Reverend Cooper announced, "By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you 'husband and husband,' but remember, there is no return to sender. You may kiss your cousin."

Jethro was so entranced by what was transpiring on the DVD, that he gripped Tony's hand a bit too hard. Tony squeezed his hand and Jethro got the message, muttering, "Sorry," under his breath. Tony couldn't have described what he was feeling when, a moment later, the Jethro in the video leaned into a brilliantly smiling Tony, and kissed him. He was happy to see they looked like they had meant their vows, but he was sad they'd been under the influence of the homemade GHB when they'd exchanged their vows.

Reverend Cooper stood next to the two men, smiling at them, as they were still locked in a kiss, and spoke to the camera. "Please join me in welcoming Mr. and Mr. DiNozzo-Gibbs. Folks, this has got me all shook up, so please love me tender." He picked up a guitar and played a sweet version of 'Love Me Tender' as the camera panned back to the newly married couple, still kissing.

There was some advertising for various wedding packages the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel offered, but Tony turned the sound down and leaned into Jethro, who took him into is arms. Smiling, Tony said, "I really don't remember that kiss too well, so I think that maybe we should reenact it."

With a straight face, Jethro asked, "You think maybe it'll help you to remember?"

"We should try," Tony said, nodding, straddling Jethro's lap.

"Whatever it takes," Jethro said, then kissed Tony, angling his head as he gave him a slow, deep kiss. Tony slid his fingers into Jethro's short hair and tugged hard enough to make Jethro moan. Jethro's kisses turned soft and loving, and his arms went around Tony and he held him like he was precious, and Tony felt a warmth in his heart that almost brought him to tears, for he had never felt anything so intense in his entire life.

Jethro whispered against his lips, "Do you want me?" and Tony responded, "Yes, God yes, always," and Jethro smiled and whispered, "Good."

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

The next day, sitting in Jethro's kitchen, Tony phoned the wedding chapel in Vegas and talked with Bess Cooper. She remembered him, "and that silver-haired fox you married, honey," she said from over two thousand miles away. After Tony had verified that the marriage was, in fact, legal and binding, he was told that getting a divorce was much harder than getting married in Nevada.

Bess asked how Tony and his husband were doing. "We don't usually perform weddings for folks who've had so much to drink, but it was obvious the two of you were sincere in your love for each other."

Tony assured her that they had known what they were doing, even though it was a blatant lie. Well, he supposed that at the time they'd thought they knew what they were doing.

As soon as Tony hung up, Jethro joined him. He'd heard everything, not that the call had been a secret. Tony relayed the procedure they'd have to follow should they want a divorce, and although he tried to keep emotion out of his voice, it wasn't easy. He was determined to let Jethro decide whether or not they'd remain married. He knew which way he wanted to go, but he didn't want to influence the older man in making such an important decision.

Jethro said, "I may have been under the influence of that homemade GHB, but all it did was bring out the truth."

"The truth?"

"That I want to be married to you, Tony. I want us to do things together, normal everyday things like grocery shopping and squabbling over the right way to hang the toilet paper. I want to be able to drop into bed when I'm tired and find you're already there. And I want you to feel the same, and to grow old together, like normal people. I want this really badly, and I know the reason I feel so strongly about this. It's because it's you. I care, deeply, for you."

Tony blinked a couple of times and breathed, "Wow. I guess divorce is off the table then?"

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

Ten days later, after a succession of hard cases and long hours at work, Abby invited Tim, Ziva and Jimmy, and Tony, too, to a movie night – over at Gibbs' place. She didn't ask Gibbs if the lot of them could descend upon him, but he accepted the entire team, including Ducky, into his home. "It's a sports theme night," Abby had declared.

They brought food and drink and settled in front of the TV with their choices of movies all lined up: Air Bud starring Buddy, a golden retriever, The Longest Yard with Burt Reynolds, Bend it Like Beckham, and Cinq Tulipes Rouges, a 1949 crime film in which five riders in the Tour de France were murdered. Abby chose Air Bud, and started it while Tony and Jethro were still in the kitchen, getting together a tray of snacks.

"C'mon, you'll miss the beginning and it's sooo funny," Abby called.

"Coming," Jethro replied, grabbing Tony and stealing a quick kiss before they joined the others.

"Hey, they might see us," protested Tony, even though they were out of the line of sight of their friends.

"Nah, they'll never figure it out," Jethro said with a grin, although he released Tony and accompanied him into the living room. Ducky had made himself comfortable in an armchair, and Jimmy perched on a nearby ottoman, hugging a bowl of popcorn. Before Jethro and Tony had made it halfway to the couch, which Ziva and Tim were hogging, they stopped in their tracks.

Abby was standing a few feet away from the TV, remote in her hand, her mouth open as she stared at the screen. Similar expressions were on the faces of everyone in the room, eyes wide with disbelief, mouths agape, and in Tim's case, hands over his eyes as he moaned, "God in Heaven, please tell me I did not see that!"

Tony looked at the screen and realized with horror that he had never removed the DVD of "Tony & Jethro's Wedding," and Abby had inadvertently started it. And worse, it was showing the end of the ceremony, with Tony and Jethro locking lips while Reverend Billy Bob Elvis Cooper sang 'Love Me Tender.'

Tony turned, intending to run, but Jethro got hold of his arm and hauled him to his side. "Semper fi," he reminded Tony.

"You gotta be kidding, Jethro! I'm not a Marine!"

"Yeah, well, it's in our vows that you can't return to sender."

"You are not quoting Elvis!"

Abby's hands were over her mouth, her eyes alight with shock and joy, and a moment later she dropped her hands and launched herself at the two men, hugging them tightly. "I can't believe that you two were married by Elvis, and that you love each other, and this is so wonderful, isn't it everyone?"

Mortified, Tony felt his face heat up, but he spoke the truth when he said, "I love him, somethin' awful." Jethro, apparently, hadn't seen Moonstruck, but Tony didn't care, because the way his husband was looking at him, eyes as tender as Elvis had described in his song, Tony's heart melted.

"Guess this means we can wear our rings out in the open now." Jethro retrieved their wedding bands from the lock-box he had made, from the bookcase where it seemed right at home between the Zane Gray paperbacks and Tony's film guides. Jethro slipped Tony's ring onto his finger, and Tony did the same for Jethro, while their friends and colleagues, some more cautiously than others, offered them well-wishes and congratulations.

As Jethro gave Tony a kiss, surprising him by being demonstrative in front of everyone, Tim grinned and said, "Looks like I win the office pool. I bet that if they got married without telling anyone, they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for more than two weeks. Not that I expected you guys to even admit you care for each other."

Their colleagues gathered around and someone located a bottle of sparkling wine, so they made a toast while singing "Hound Dog." Ziva smiled but Tony thought it seemed strained. Jimmy was ebullient, Tim surprisingly accepting, and Abby entirely supportive. Ducky insisted on watching the wedding video from the beginning. "Just to make sure it is legal and binding," he said.

Tony laughed, although his face was still red, and Jethro wore a proud yet slightly embarrassed expression on his face at all the attention he was getting. When their eyes met, Tony realized that it didn't really matter what anyone else thought, because in the end, this was all that mattered – their mutual love.

Of course it didn't hurt that, although Tony hadn't told a soul, Uncle Clive had, after all, left him a good portion of his fortune in his will. Crispian had inherited the family estate and business, and about fifteen million dollars, so after deducting the ten thousand dollars (plus compounded interest over twenty years) that Tony had owed his uncle, his very own share of the inheritance weighed in at just under twenty million US dollars.

Compared to love, especially a love such as he had for Jethro, the inheritance was, as he had pointed out, only money.

~ • ~ • ~ the end ~ • ~ • ~