Sunshine Sanctorum
Summary: Sunshine Sanctorum is a mental institution for Star Man. In this world and the next, it houses many a hero and villain. That list includes but is not limited to: Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon and Winslow Schott Jr.
WARNING: High Rating for Graphic Violence
He was better than this.
Bloody fingers.
He was better than this.
He was better than this.
Broken glass.
He was better than this.
He. Was. Better.
Winn tore those red fingers through his hair.
They came back to his mouth trembling.
He was better than this.
His heart screamed.
The knife dropped from his hand.
Then tightened into a fist.
Winn's eyes were hallow.
The light was gone.
They closed.
He was better than this.
His apartment was in ruins.
His curtains closed.
Winn found himself walking into the bedroom.
The blood followed.
He was better.
Ropes bond porcelain skin to the head board.
Blank blue eyes stared upwards.
-Don't do this.
"I'm nothing like you."
"You and I…are connected."
"We look the same, we talk the same."
"I should never have kissed you."
"I embraced who I am and I don't want to stop."
"Sometimes I have to wonder if this is it."
"If this is the day I snap."
Shards of glass fell from his skin.
Winn stood over Kara.
She was perfect.
Just like a doll.
Her hair was beautiful.
And she made much better company dead.
Winn looked up with a glint in his eye.
He smirked.
And Toy Man.
It was like the universe was telling them to be together.
His head began to spin after he muffled a giggle.
He brushed back a strand of hair from her pale white skin.
It was perfect.
"He's my best friend in the whole world."
"Don't do this to me!"
A mirror appeared in front of him and shattered.
Winn jolted up screaming.
He stopped breathing.
Beads of sweat dripped from every pour.
He welcomed the heavy silence.
Winn sighed and wiped his face.
He was better than this.
The young man stood.
He was better than this.
His eyes closed and his fist thumped against the white padded walls.
He had to be.
His forehead soon followed.
For Kara.
For everyone back home.
For his mother.
For Winslow Schott Jr. the nerdy IT guy.
A guy who got lost in the shadows.
He turned to face the corner with bars on the window.
So why was he in here:
If he was better?
He lived in an age where heroes wore capes.
They didn't wear cardigans and try to kill people.
Winn's hair was in shambles.
His eyes had dark circles underneath.
But he couldn't stop obsessing.
Obsessing over the woman he saw everyday.
A woman who was his best friend.
A woman who helped people.
A woman who was so perfect.
She should be dead.
She should be his.
His eyes closed.
His face crumpled, he exhaled in frustration.
It was more of a shudder.
He loved her he shouldn't…
He shouldn't be thinking this.
Winn should have never tried to kill Adam.
The blood never left his hands-
Or his vision.
He should have been better.
End Chapter One.