1 down, 15 more to go.
Asami believed that with Basile Blanc gone, things would become better for his son. And for a time things did go well. Akihito continued to attend school, his grads never falling below an A minus. He spent time with his friends, staying out late and having fun. For the first few months after the Takabas' death, Asami allowed Akihito to sleep with him.
Eventually however, that had to stop. Three months after the father of Akira and Ruby, Akihito was fully moved into his own room. That was Asami's second mistake.
With their romantic relationship fully ended, Asami encouraged Akihito to date others. The teen smiled and nodded in agreement. Akihito allowed his friends to set him up and he attended mixers. It was looking good for soon Akihito was dating a pretty, sweet young lady. She was all Asami could hope for his son.
Sadly the relationship did not last. She left him the night they tried to take their relationship all the way. Akihito hadn't been able to perform, he couldn't even get hard. Akihito came home that night. Tears in his eyes and her laughter ringing in his ears. Asami comforted his son. Telling him it was okay. That it was probably due to the fact that he was sexualy attracted to men.
That opened a whole knew can of worms. Akihito shyly asked the guy he thought cute out in a date. The guy agreed and Asami found him watching his son dating a man that was not him. It ate at Asami but he didn't interfere. Not until his son came home covered in bruises. Asami had demand to know what happened. Akihito simply stated that he had fallen. Asami let it go but he kept watch over his boy. It was another two months before Akihito came home like that again. This time far worse. Asami didn't relent this time. Akihito spilled all.
Asami sought his revenge. Just as he had with the girl who had laughed at his son. Unlike the girl who Asami had given to one of his men who was rather brutal with his lovers, the boy did not meet a kind fate. He broke the guy's hands, sparing not a single bone. He had then taken quite a bit of pleasure removing one single testicle from its delicate sac. He left them both scared for life.
Sadly this revenge and punishment could not end his son's suffering. Akihito became highly depressed and continued to date a string of abusive men. Asami sent his son to therapists who just placed Akihito on meds that never seemed to help. Asami punished every man who laid so much as a cruel finger on his son. This path continued through out the rest of Akihito's university life.
After Akihito's graduation, their relationship deteriorated fast. Arguments started to take place nearly every day. It quickly escalated to multiple fights a day. Fights where Akihito took to throwing things at Asami. Eventually things became so bad that Akihito left with nothing but the clothes he wore.
The first few weeks found Akihito sleeping out on the streets with no shelter or food and very little water. Once Asami was able to locate his wayward son, he set him up in his own apartment. Akihito took it with a grudge and no thank you. Asami thought it was a sign that things would get better. He was wrong.
Instead of getting better, things went even further downhill. Akihito started drinking excessively. Asami tried to stop him but he was met with a bottle tossed at his head. Kirishima and Suoh fared no better with their nephew.
At the tender age of twenty, Akihito began to prostitute himself. Women, men. Young, old. Rich or poor. Akihito didn't discriminate. Nor did he say no. He allowed his customers to do anything they wished no matter how awful it was. There were days that his customers left him nearly dead.
These were the days that Asami came to he came to his son. Attending to the wounds that littered Akihito's body. Asami painstakingly stitched every deep cut, whip lash and laceration. He even took care of the wounds littering Akihito's anal canal. He spared no expense and even tossed his pride out the window. Begging his son to return to him. Akihito always refused.
Tired of the nice way, Asami forced his son back home. That resulted in a suicide attempt. At a loss, he had Akihito locked into an institution. Only for his son to break out and return to his drinking and prostitution.
By twenty two, Akihito had added drugs to his list. It was never Asami's drugs, his men knew better than to sell to his son. So Akihito turned to inferior drugs. Pissed, Asami eliminated the idiots who sold to Akihito and ended those who the pushers worked under.
It was Akihito's twenty third birthday. Like all the other years before, he went to Akihito's apartment. A bag of gifts in one hand. He knocked on the apartment door, waiting for an answer that he knew would not come. Five minutes later, Asami withdrew his key and entered the dark apartment.
Making his way through the apartment, Asami searched the place. He found his son in the bathroom. Passed out and a needle in one hand. The bag of gifts fell to the floor as Asami raced to his son's side. Akihito was still alive and the needle was still full. Never having met with Akihito's body. Swearing, Asami scooped his son up and rushed to the hospital.
Akihito would live. No thanks to the beating he had been given not an hour before Asami had arrived. Akihito was kept in the hospital for four days. He was then released into Asami's custody. Asami took him home to the penthouse. This time he had to be firm and unwavering. Something he had always been known for. Yet was unable to be with his son.
It was the guilt. He had told Akihito that he would forgive himself and move on but it had all been a lie. He had hurt his son. Asami had hurt many in his life, some were even his own blood, and he would continue to hurt others. He didn't care. He wasn't bothered by it. In fact he enjoyed it. Akihito was different however. Akihito was his son. His baby and he had hurt him.
But Akihito was right. He did need to forgive and move on. He would only continue to hurt his baby this way. Too bad he hadn't realized it sooner.
Determination set, Asami locked Akihito away in the secret room. He was greatfull for the forsight he had to pad the room. He watched from his office as Akihito threw himself against the walls again and again. When Akihito wore himself out, Asami entered the secret room with food.
He tied the tied blonde, Akihito's hair had long out grown the black dye and Akihito never bothered to reduce it, to the bed. Keeping Akihito's propped up, Asami fed his son and helped him drink from the glass of water. As Akihito fell asleep from the seditives in the food, he would tell his son how much he loved him. He would whisper stories of the mischievous acts Akihito had committed as a child. While Akihito slept, he bathed his boy.
Asami kept this routine for months. Until he had his son clean of drugs and alcohol. Healthy and filled out the way a young twenty three year old man should be. With his son where he needed to be, Asami moved onto phase two of his plans.
Akihito watched as his father entered the secret room. He wasn't happy to see the older man, he never was. Asami said nothing as he made his way to where Akihito sat on the bed, arms crossed over his chest. Asami shoved Akihito down face first into the mattress. Akihito struggled but Asami used his full strength to keep the blond in place.
Using soft leather, Asami bound his arms behind his back. Next Asami bound Akihito's ankles. Satisfied with his work, Asami sat down on the bed and pulled Akihito over his knees. He ran his hands over the tender flesh, calming the body beneath them. Without warning, Asami brought his hand down on Akihito's lush rump. Hard. Asami didn't let up untill Akihito was sobbing.
"Daddy. I'm sorry daddy. Please daddy. I love you."
Asami shifted Akihito so he sat on his lap instead of being bent over it. He pressed kisses to Akihito's brows, eyelids, nose, cheeks and lips.
"I love you Akihito."
"I'm sorry daddy."
"There is no need to be sorry Akihito. You were suffering. You don't have to apologise for that." He pressed a kiss to that precious blonde hair. "Akihito, do you know why I spanked you?"
"Because I was bad."
"No, not because you were bad. It was something you needed. Don't you feel better now?"
"Yes. Why is that?"
"The spanking helped to release feelings that you had bottled up." Asami released Akihito from his bindings and laid him down on the bed. " Akihito, I need you to stay still. Can you do that?"
Akihito nodded. Asami left the room, returning a short while later. A familiar metal rod held in his hand. Asami carefully placed the glowing red end of the rod over the brand on Akihito's hip. Akihito cried out at the searing pain in his hip but he never moved.
With the brand renewed, Asami set the branding iron aside. He sat on the bed. Asami pressed a few kisses to the brand before cleaning it and placing a cold soothing gel on it followed by a soft bandage.
Asami was silent as he rolled Akihito onto his hands and knees. Slicking up his cock, Asami positioned himself behind Akihito. Without warning, Asami slammed his full length into Akihito. The younger man screamed but Asami didn't stop to sooth him.
"Akihito, you are mine. You belong to me. You are both my son and my lover. I will never let you go."
Akihito shuddered at Asami's words. They were a soothing balm to the wounds scaring his heart.
"I can't believe it. She's so beautiful."
"She looks just like her mommy."
" Akihito!" Asami mocked.
Asami Airi had her mother's blonde hair and blue eyes. She was no more then three days old but her mother, grandfather and multitude of aunts and uncles were already in love with her.
It had taken another two years for Asami and Akihito to settle their relationship. Once they had stabilized their relationship, the couple/father and son moved onto the next step. Children. Akihito underwent a surgery that place a womb inside his body at the age of twenty six. It was a year before the womb was ready and officially apart of his body.
Since Asami and Akihito were biologically related, they couldn't have a child made by the two of them. It would risk their child's health and life. So they settled on an anonymous sperm donor. That had been hard on Akihito. He had wanted the child to be Asami's. Asami had put an end to that line of depression by pointing out that he was the grandfather and Akihito was his son. That made the child his.
Now nine months later, Asami Akihito was a mother and the infamous Asami Ryuichi was a grandfather. Life couldn't have been better.
Thank you for reading Daddy. I hope you enjoyed the story.