Evelyn Myers pushed her dark ebony hair out of her face and smiled as her childhood best friend, Steve Rogers, sat next to her in the cinema. They were about the same size but Evelyn liked to tease Steve that she was an inch taller, their other friend Bucky would agree just to annoy Steve as well. The three of them had been friends for such a long time that Evelyn couldn't remember who she had made friends with first.

"So I take it from your mood that enlisting didn't go well?" Evelyn asked quietly, "What was this, the fourth time?"

Sighing, Steve sat back glumly in his seat "Actually, it's the fifth time," he muttered keeping his eyes on the screen even though the movie had started yet, "and no, it didn't go well. Again."

"You need to stop doing this Steve," Evelyn whispered, putting a hand on his arm to make him look at her, "lying on your papers can get you into some real trouble… it isn't worth-"

"It is worth it if I get to fight for my country," Steve interrupted her then hesitated before speaking, "you know, you could go into the file room and-"

Evelyn frowned at him, "Don't even suggest that!" she hissed, glancing around to make sure no one was listening, "I will not change your medical file so you can enlist. I could be arrested for doing that! Not to mention be kicked out of the A.N.C and have to live with my aunt for the rest of my life."

"Evie… I'm sorry," Steve's voice softened at the mention of Evelyn's aunt: he knew that there was no love between them, "I'm just… jealous that you and Buck can help out while I sit around here doing nothing. Of course I don't want you to do that."

Shaking her head sadly, Evelyn looked at Steve sympathetically, "I get it… but there is other things you can do to help. That are just as important," seeing that Steve didn't seem to be taking her words to heart, she leaned forward and pecked his cheek "I'll go get us some popcorn. Save my seat."

"I'll be here," Steve shot her a smile and Evelyn winked at him as she got up and edged past the two other people in their row.

Heading to the door, Evelyn rolled her eyes as two guys near the back wolf-whistled at her and winked suggestively. She couldn't help but wish that Bucky was here – he would always put a stop to that sort of behaviour with a single look. He might drive her insane at times but she knew that he was always looking out for her, as was Steve, she was lucky to have them both.

It felt like she had been in the line for a while before it was finally her turn and she stepped towards the stall. "One bag of popcorn, please," Evelyn asked the man politely and handed over the money with a smile.

"This for your little brother?" the popcorn man asked, getting her change.

Evelyn frowned slightly, "I don't have a little brother… do you mean the guy I came here with? Steve?"

"I just assumed he was your brother," to her irritation he laughed mockingly "I didn't think there was a chance in hell that he was your date. Kid looks like a loser."

Glaring at him, Evelyn shook her head "And yet he's the one sitting in the darkened cinema with me while you're out here selling popcorn at your age," she roughly took the bag off of him and raised an eyebrow, "who's the real loser, hmm?"

Walking away, Evelyn felt the anger course through her body as she cursed under her breath as the popcorn guy's laughter rang in her ears. No one bothered to get to know Steve, they just judged him on his appearance and it annoyed her to no end that people did that. Steve was loyal, kind and a hell of a guy. It was his personality and the way he always tried to do the right thing that made Evelyn like him when they first met. It was why she tried to defend him from the bullies in the school yard, even though she got pushed over and got scraped knees for her effort but he was her friend. She would do anything for him. Same went for Bucky. God knows they two were more like family then her own aunt.

Slipping back inside the cinema and quickly thanking an elderly man who held the door open for her, Evelyn seen that the film had started and squinted her eyes in the darkness for any sign of Steve. The last thing she wanted was one of the ushers to lead her back to her seat with their tiny torches shining in everyone's faces.

Recognizing the man who had been at the end of their row, Evelyn stopped by him but before she could ask to get by, she frowned when there was no sign of Steve. "Excuse me, did the person I was here with leave?" Evelyn whispered.

"He told the rude man in front of him to show some respect," the man sighed and indicated to the side door, "they then went outside to settle things. I think he may have bitten off more than he could chew."

Evelyn sighed, "Of course he did," she held out her popcorn and shrugged "I doubt I'm going to see this film, you might as well have this."

Hurrying back to the door, Evelyn ignored the annoyed look from the popcorn guy and ran out to the front door. "Where the hell are you?" she thought to herself as she scanned the area for any sign of Steve. Cursing, she was about to go look for him when the sound of someone grunting in pain came from the alleyway beside the cinema and just hoped that Steve wasn't a bloody mess.

"Steve!" Evelyn shouted and ran towards the alleyway just in time to see Steve being punched in the face, "Hey! Leave him alone!" she said angrily, rushing forward and tried to pull Steve's attacker away from him but he easily pushed her away and she fell against the wall and winced a little as her head hit against the stone.

"Chill out sweet cheeks, I'm teaching this little jerk a lesson in respect."

Shakily getting to his feet, Steve glared at the guy as he stepped away from Evelyn, "Don't you touch her-" he began to say when the guy punched him again, making him fall against the trashcan but to Evelyn's surprise he stood up again and raised his fists.

"You just don't know when to give up, do ya?"

Swaying on his feet, Steve didn't look ready for a fight at all, "I can do this all day," he said faintly, before bravely taking a swing that the other guy easily blocked and punched him again, this time Steve fell onto his face and didn't get back up again.

Before Evelyn could get to her feet and try to help, someone in uniform strode forward and grabbed the other guy by the arm and pushed him away, "Hey! Pick on someone your own size," Bucky Barnes warned as he stared down the other guy, "and if I see you put your hands on a woman again, I'll make your regret it."

"Screw you!" the guy snarled and tried to punch Bucky: but this time it was different, this time his opponent knew how to fight. Stepping back, Bucky dodged the attack and hooked him on the head and for extra measure kicked him up the ass to send him on his way.

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief as Bucky turned and looked at her, "Thought I told you to keep an eye on him," he said, offering her his hand to help her up, "can't leave you two alone for one afternoon, huh?"

"I didn't think he'd start a fight while I went to get popcorn," Evelyn muttered, smoothing down her skirt and cursing a little at the scrape on the back of her leg, "oh great, just what I need before work tonight."

Steve grunted from the corner as he gingerly got to his feet, "That guy was a jerk… I didn't have a choice."

Sharing a look with Bucky, Evelyn walked over and checked Steve's face for any serious injuries but was pleased to see he was no worse for wear but would probably get some bruises in the morning. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched," Bucky joked slightly, leaning down to pick up some papers that Steve had dropped, "always getting into fights you can't win."

"I had him on the ropes," Steve muttered, leaning over to catch his breath.

"Of course you did," Evelyn rolled her eyes and folded her arms, "I can't believe I wasted money on a bag of popcorn."

"I'll make it up to you, Evie."

"Yeah, by letting me actually see the movie next time."

Steve grinned weakly at her while Bucky shook his head as he read one of the papers that Evelyn seen was another rejection, "Oh, so you're from Paramus now?" he asked sarcastically "You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form? And seriously, Jersey?"

"I've already given him a lecture, Bucky," Evelyn said quietly, knowing Steve probably felt low enough "how about we just call it a day and head back?"

Actually looking at Bucky, Steve's eyes widened as he took in his uniform and Evelyn noticed the jealousy and sadness in his eyes. "You get your orders?" he asked, fixing his coat.

Looking between his two friends, Bucky nodded "The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England the first thing tomorrow," he winked at Evelyn, "don't start crying on me doll, I'll write you a letter every week."

"I'll be able to sleep easier knowing that," Evelyn replied, but felt her heart clench at Bucky leaving her and Steve tomorrow and potentially never seeing him again, "and I want at least two letter a week."

"Not gonna have much time to write you love letters when I'm out there stopping the Germans," Bucky said, smiling at her, "but I'll try Evie."

They shared a sad smile but glanced at Steve when he scoffed, "I should be going too," he muttered bitterly, "I should be doing my part."

Evelyn looked at Bucky and shot him a look and he nodded and put his arm around Steve, "C'mon you two," he said jauntily, putting his other arm around Evelyn's waist making her roll her eyes, "it's my last night. I wanna celebrate it in style. But first we gotta get you cleaned up," he added as Steve stepped out from under his arm.

"Why? Where are we going?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow when he seen Bucky keep his arm around Evelyn, and more importantly, that she was letting him.

Bucky grinned and handed him the newspaper that was in his hand, "The future."

"Well, I'd love to go to the future with you Bucky, I really would," Evelyn laughed as she moved his hand off of her waist, "but I said I would help out at the enlistment tent tonight, trying to get in the good books with the A.N.C."

Giving her a mock look of anguish, Bucky put his hand on his heart "Well, I guess you'll see me in the infirmary, Evie, since you've just broken my heart."

"How you get girls, I'll never know," Steve chuckled, shaking his head as he flipped through the newspaper.

Evelyn tried not to smile, "Oh please, don't act like you haven't already got two dates for tonight," she could tell by the look on his face that this was true, "I wouldn't want to be playing gooseberry anyway."

"So now I'll be playing gooseberry," Steve said, rolling his eyes "great, another night with a disappointed date. Thanks for this Buck."

Bucky nudged Steve's shoulder, "Hey, enough of that talk. Any girl would be lucky to have you," he told him firmly before glancing at Evelyn, "c'mon Evie, take the night off and spend it with your guys. You know you want too and besides, I won't be here after tonight."

"Which means no more headaches for me," Evelyn replied sarcastically but gave Bucky a tender smile as she pecked his cheek, "I'll try and finish early and come meet you guys."

"You swear?"

"I swear."

Bucky pulled her in for a hug and lifted her off her feet as he spun her around, making her squeal a little, "I'm holding you to that. We're going out dancing after and I know how much you love dancing with me."

"Oh, it's a real hoot, Twinkle Toes," Evelyn ignored the smirk on Bucky's face as she walked over and hugged Steve, "Try and behave tonight, I don't want to have to clean you up tomorrow morning. Again."

Steve half smiled at her, "Can't make any promises."

Evelyn waved to them as she began to walk back home and heard Bucky shout after her, "Hey, if you do manage to get off early, keep the nurses uniform on! You know how much I love it!"