Dragon Master

Author; Nightstar Fury from Nightstar Productions.

Rated; M for various things that will happen.

Disclaimer: I do not own HTTYD, Brave, or any of the songs I use. Everything belongs to its original creator/artist!

Chapter 34: Thank You.

Toothless had never flow faster except the night they raced to Berk to stop Dagur, he came to a skid like land in front of Hiccup and Astrid's house as his friend in a panic jumped off and rushed inside panting. "Astrid!" Hiccup called out.

"Hi–Hiccup!...Up..stairs..." Astrid whimpered out as loud as she could manage. Hiccup tripped a bit but made his way up the stairs in to Kari's room, he saw Astrid laying on the wooden floor crying in pain holding her stomach. Hiccup raced to her side on his knees holding her hand.

"What happened babe, talk to me!" Hiccup asked her.

"I–I was...coming up to check on Ka–Kari...Ow!...I felt...a sharp pain...and m–my water...broke..." Astrid breathed heavily. Her water had broken? This was worse than he thought. Hiccup rocked her in his arms slowly tying to soothe her, he didn't know what to do. Even when he got Kari he never saw how to handle a birth.

"Alright...its alright...ssh...my mom will be here soon..." Hiccup said softly.

"I feel...so sick...Hiccup..." Astrid cried.

"Its okay...its just the labor...even breaths...just like Gothi told you too...ssh..." Hiccup tried to smile, it was a good day. Their baby would be born, that was something to be glad for even though his wife was laying here in terrible pain and there was nothing he could do for her.

"D–did Kari...get you? Where is she...is she...okay?" Astrid managed to ask.

"She did...she took Stormfly and found me at the hall in my meeting. She's fine. Dagur is taking her to Heather, and bringing my mom here..." Hiccup explained, Astrid's eyes widened.

"Sh–she took...St–stormfly!?" Astrid asked with worry.

"Hey, its okay...She came to me in no harm...She's okay, I promise. Worry about you right now...Breathe love...breathe..." Hiccup said softly. Astrid sighed softly trying to fight through the contractions.

"Hiccup! You're mom isn't here, she left with your dad 3 days ago." Toothless alerted him.

"What! Oh gods...This isn't happening right now..." Hiccup said with worry and panic.

"What is it, what's going on!" Toothless asked.

"Astrid's in labor...I can't leave her...Gods...What do I do...I..I don't know what to do!" Hiccup yelled out.

"Hiccup, you have to deliver the baby yourself. You can do it. You know what to do, it will come to you...just like protecting Kari, and saving that little boy during the blizzard." Toothless encouraged him.

"This is so different! Find Fishlegs or Gothi...Get them to follow you...I'll do what I can from here...Gods help me..." Hiccup breathed out. He looked at Astrid softly, he didn't want to panic her. He knew he had to stay calm and do what he could for Astrid. He forced a smile and stroked her cheek.

"Hiccup...It hurts so much..." Astrid cried lightly against him.

"I know...I know...It's okay...I–I'm going to take your pants off and take a look okay...Ssh...breathe." Hiccup said as he got the pillow from Kari's bed and used it under Astrid's head. Hiccup saw her nod to him as he moved between her legs and took a deep breath, her pants were soaked from her water breaking. Hiccup slowly undid the clip to her spiked skirt, and tossed them out of the way, then took off her boots, and pulled down her pants. Hiccup could already see the head, this wasn't good.

"Toothless...Hurry..." Hiccup pleaded.

"Why, what's wrong..." Toothless asked.

"The baby's head is already at the entrance...What do I do!" Hiccup panicked.

"Hey! Stop panicking, you can't do that right now. You've been through a lot worse...pull it together, Hiccup! Figure it out, I'm looking for help!" Toothless told him. Toothless was right, Hiccup couldn't let his wife down, he could figure this out. He knew he could. He watched as each contraction came, trying to figure out a pattern. He'd never seen child birth live but he read in books that during contractions, women were supposed to push but only if they were dilated enough. How the hell did he check that. 'Come on Hiccup...think!' Hiccup told himself.

Then it hit him, another page had shown a chart almost, Astrid's cervix should be opened about the size of his fist, maybe a little more. He'd need blankets, and something to cut the cord with. He took a deep breath looking at Astrid now. "Don't move...And don't tense up...Trust me." Hiccup told her, she gave a weak nod as he reached his hand. Yeah she was definitely dilated enough, more so because the baby's head was right there, he could feel it.

"What's wrong..." Astrid panted out.

"You're giving birth, now. Stay right here Astrid...I'm getting a few blankets and water...I'll be close. I swear. Keep breathing, stay calm..." Hiccup said she nodded to him with worry as Hiccup rushed down stairs and found rags, towels, and blankets. He found a clean dagger, then finally he saw the water boiling from when Astrid he assumed was making lunch. He got half a bucket full, then a bucket of cool water. He mixed the two to make it warm as he rushed back upstairs and laid everything out so he could grab it easily.

Hiccup lifted her a bit and put a folded blanket under her while he laid one over his lap. He washed his hands quickly in the hot water, ignoring the burning he felt and dried them off with a rag to check her again. "Hiccup...I'm scared..." Astrid whimpered.

"I know...me too. But we have to do this...It's time Astrid...We can do this, together...Next contraction...I want you to push okay? Time to bring our child in to the world." Hiccup told her with a smile.

"Okay...I love you, Hiccup..." Astrid gave a soft smile.

"I love you so much more, Astrid..." Hiccup replied as he kissed her deeply before taking his position again, he wanted to be ready for anything. He watched Astrid cringe in pain, "Push, Astrid. Push!" Hiccup told her. Astrid had her legs on his shoulders as she pushed hard, screaming out in pain. It killed him to hear her in this much pain but unfortunately, this day couldn't of been more unplanned or under prepared for. He was praying to every God he knew about to help him with this.

After 10 seconds, Astrid breathed out as the contraction passed she breathed heavily. "Gods, tell me its over..." Astrid begged through her tears of pain and fear.

"Almost babe...next contraction, push again. Hold your breath and push down..." Hiccup told her, she forced a nod. It was quiet a few minutes before the next one came and Astrid did the same thing, holding it 10 seconds and breathing out heavily. "Good job, Astrid...good job...you're doing really good..." Hiccup said trying to keep her spirits up. He was sure her screaming had gotten the attention of the village by now, just like their wedding night.

"Hic..cup...we never...decided on...names...Ow!..." She whimpered out.

"Well...lets decide now then...He or she is gonna need one." Hiccup gave her a smile.

"I–I don't know...I–I liked...Solvi...it...means from the house of strength...seemed...fitting." Astrid cringed again with another contraction.

"Push, Astrid...Come on...Baby is almost out...I've got the head...Gimme one more good one...And I love that name...How about for a boy?" Hiccup asked her.

"Y–you pick..." Astrid panted, there was sweat on her face. He used one hand to dab her forehead lightly with the cool rag and lay it on her forehead before putting his hand back where it was to support the baby fully for the next push which came sooner than expected. "AH! It hurts so much!" Astrid cried out.

"Push! Push hard! Come on, lets bring this baby in to the Haddock family. Come on Astrid, I can't do it without you!" Hiccup encouraged her. Astrid pushed hard, yelling out while she did. She felt relief wash over her feeling the baby out, and more so when it cried. Hiccup wrapped it quickly after cutting the cord.

"The ba–baby is...out, and...okay?" Astrid said weakly as Hiccup lowered her legs down slowly with his one hand and he walked on his knees over to sit beside Astrid.

"He is...and he's perfect...Our little Vidar, our fighter in the woods." Hiccup smiled.

"A boy...We have...a son?" Astrid asked as she forced herself to sit up, leaning against Kari's bed and pulling a blanket over her legs. It hurt but not as much, Hiccup was lightly cleaning him off and re-wrapping him but before he could hand him off to Astrid he heard loud footsteps on the stairs and Fishlegs, Valka and Stoick rushing in to the room. Hiccup and Astrid only smiled at them, then back down at the newborn in Hiccup's arms.

"What...What happened in here?" Valka asked quickly.

"Astrid gave birth, what does it look like?" Hiccup remarked almost sarcastically.

"But who...Wait...did you...deliver the baby?" Fishlegs blinked, Hiccup nodded to him before handing Vidar to Astrid so she could feed him.

"How did you...know what to do? Men are never allowed to see the birth...How could you of known what to do?..." Stoick asked now.

"I've read a lot of books and just I don't know...instinct I guess?" Hiccup shrugged with a smile. "Mom, think you can take a took at our son to make sure everything is okay?" Hiccup asked her.

"S–son? It's a boy?" Valka asked.

"Mom, dad...Meet your grandson. Vidar Haddock." Hiccup smiled wide.

"Oh son...I'm so proud of you..." Stoick said almost crying as Valka went over and checked over Astrid and the baby smiling happily.

"Everything is fine...You did everything you were supposed to, Hiccup. I'm proud of you too..." Valka said as she hugged him. "He's beautiful...Has Kari met her brother yet?" Valka asked.

"No...Astrid just gave birth, like literally 5 minutes before you walked in...I'm gonna go get her once Astrid is settled comfortably in our room." Hiccup said as he moved beside Astrid and carefully picked her up making sure the blanket was over her so not to reveal anything and carried her to their bedroom and laid her in the bed where he fixed the pillows so she could feed Vidar comfortably.

"Go on, go get Kari love...I'm okay here. I'm just feeding him." Astrid giggled.

"Yes, go get Kari son. We'll sit with Astrid for now." Stoick said as Valka was cleaning everything up and Fishlegs was helping.

"Alright..." Hiccup kissed Astrid deeply smiling, then lightly the top of their sons head before rushing out, he ran right in to Toothless. "Sorry bud..." Hiccup chuckled as he got up.

"What happened, is Astrid okay?" Toothless asked quickly.

"She and the baby both are..." Hiccup replied smiling wide.

"She had the baby! You delivered it?" Toothless asked with excitement.

"Yes bud. I delivered mine and Astrid's son..." Hiccup responded.

"It was a boy! Hah, I called it! What's his name?" Toothless grinned.

"Vidar Haddock and now...I need you to take me to Dagur and Heather's...Kari needs to meet her brother." Hiccup said.

"You got it!" Toothless told him smiling. Not another word was said as Hiccup got on his back and they sped off to Dagur and Heather's place. It only took a few minutes to get there, Hiccup stepped off the saddle and reached the door knocking on it. Dagur answered it surprised to see him.

"You look like you just went to war and back man..." Dagur chuckled.

"You try delivering a baby with no idea what you're doing except for book knowledge and tell me if you look the same." Hiccup retorted panting.

"She had the baby?" Dagur asked.

"She did, where's Kari?" Hiccup asked.

"Inside with Heather, took a while to calm her down after you left the hall." Dagur replied stepping aside to let Hiccup in the house. As soon as Kari saw Hiccup she ran in to his arms and hugged him tightly around the neck, Hiccup wrapped his arms around her.

"Daddy! Is mommy okay! Is she still in pain!?" Kari asked quickly.

"Mommy is fine baby and no, she's not in pain anymore." Hiccup smiled kissing her forehead.

"Can I go see her? I want to give her a hug and tell her how scared I was." Kari said.

"We will, but first...Daddy has to tell you something important." Hiccup chuckled a bit as he knelt down and rested Kari on his knee.

"What is it daddy?" Kari asked tilting her head slightly with curiosity.

"When we go see mommy, you have to be really quiet and not jump on her. Do you understand?" Hiccup stated.

"Why's that daddy, you said mommy wasn't in pain anymore. Is she sleeping?" Kari asked now.

"She's not in pain. But you don't want to wake up you little brother do you?" Hiccup asked her with a smile, Kari's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I have a little brother!?" Kari asked jumping off his knee happily.

"You certainly do. Want to go meet him?" Hiccup smiled.

"Yes! Come on, daddy! I have to meet him right now!" Kari said trying to pulling Hiccup out of the house now. He laughed holding her hand, then pulled her in to his arms.

"Astrid had a boy!" Heather exclaimed with a smile. Hiccup nodded to her smiling. "Can we come see her?" Heather asked.

"Later on. Family time ya know?" Hiccup told her.

"Of course, just let us know when." Dagur said trying to calm his sister down. Hiccup walked out with Kari and on to Toothless. Kari took her spot in front of her father and held on tightly.

"Come on daddy!" Kari urged him.

"Easy...remember what I told you baby...Mommy is still very sore and will be for a few days." Hiccup told her gently, Kari nodded to him. "Alright bud, take us home." Hiccup said to Toothless who launched in to the sky doing a loop and firing off a few victory shots before heading to the house.

"What's his name daddy?" Kari asked as they were flying.

"You'll find out when we get there, be patient sweetie." Hiccup chuckled as Toothless landed on the ground and Hiccup got off then held Kari in his arms as he walked to the door. He saw Toothless sitting off to the side and smiled, "Come on Toothless. You know you can meet him too." Hiccup said opening the door walking in with Toothless following behind. "Remember...nice and quiet okay?" Hiccup reminded Kari. She nodded as Hiccup carried her up the stairs, Toothless still following.

"Sounds like Hiccup is back." Stoick smiled. Hiccup made it to the room smiling happily as Kari looked anxious.

"Mommy...You're okay!" Kari said almost crying tears of joy.

"Ssh, yes baby I am...All thanks to you getting daddy for me but don't ever let me find out you took Stormfly on your own...you could of been very hurt. It scared mommy." Astrid said firmly but still smiling.

"I promise...I was just worried for you mommy...and I knew daddy could help you...but I couldn't run fast enough..." Kari replied gently seeing the bundle wrapped in Astrid's arms.

"You did good sweetie. Now...do you want to meet your brother?" Hiccup asked her.

"Yes please daddy." Kari nodded, Hiccup walked towards the bed and carefully set Kari on the bed beside Astrid who wrapped her arm around Kari and kissed her cheek lightly.

"Kari. This is your brother, Vidar..." Astrid said softly. Kari looked over seeing her brother's face and smiled wide. No one talked or moved, they just watched as Kari lightly leaned in and stroke Vidar's cheek. Vidar's hands were out of the wrapping and lightly grabbed her finger cooing tiredly. Kari's eyes lit up with happiness.

"Mommy, daddy look! He's holding my finger!" Kari whispered with a wide smile.

"That's precious..." Valka sighed with a smile of her own.

"He knows you're his big sister and loves you." Hiccup said now.

Kari leaned closer as she smiled at Vidar. "Hi Vidar...I'm Kari, you're big sister and I promise to protect you and love you for the rest of our lives. No one will ever hurt you little brother." Kari whispered to him. That about tears to everyone's eyes in the room. Hiccup placed kisses on all their heads and hugged them carefully. Fishlegs had left after a while leaving just the Haddock family alone together to enjoy the moment. Everyone was thankful for something right about now.

Hiccup was thankful for Toothless keeping him alive all those years, because he would be dead without him. Hiccup wouldn't have Astrid, Kari, his parents, or now Vidar without Toothless. Astrid was thankful for everything she endured because it made her stronger and got her the family she had now. Going from nothing to everything was an amazing family. Valka was glad her son had found her and brought her home. Stoick was glad everyone was safe and happy together. It was truly a good feeling all around.

After a while, Valka and Stoick went home. Kari refused to sleep in her bed wanting to be close to her brother, so Hiccup said for one night she could sleep in their room and she promised to go back to her own tomorrow night. Hiccup put Vidar in his cradle beside Astrid who was already laying in bed, Hiccup got comfortable on the bed as well, Kari sleeping in between them. Toothless was sleeping upstairs on his slab of rock watching everything. Hiccup leaned over carefully and kissed Astrid deeply. "I love you, Hiccup." Astrid said lightly.

"I love you too, Astrid..." Hiccup replied as she soon fell to sleep holding Kari in her arms. "Toothless...are you still awake?" Hiccup asked softly.

"Of course I am. What's up?" Toothless asked.

"I just want to say thank you." Hiccup replied.

"For what? I haven't done anything." Toothless said a little surprised now.

"You've done a lot and I wouldn't have all this if it weren't for you. I wouldn't of come back if it weren't for you, I wouldn't of known Astrid was in trouble. I wouldn't have Kari, I wouldn't be chief, I wouldn't even be alive...Its all because of you I have what I have. You truly are my best friend, my brother and always a part of this family. Thank you, Toothless. For everything." Hiccup said to him lightly.

"You're welcome. And thank you...for being the only person to understand me, and see the difference. It is because of you that we can all coexist like this...Thank you for giving me a family again." Toothless smiled. With that, both of them went to sleep. No matter what challenges they faced over the years, it both brought them to a safer, happier place. And it was all because a human boy who had nothing dared to be different and see the truth in a creature he believed was deadly. All of it started because of the friendship formed between a human and a dragon. And as long as they had one another, life would always be just fine.