Dragon Master

Author; Nightstar Fury from Nightstar Productions.

Rated; M for various things that will happen.

Disclaimer: I do not own HTTYD, Brave, or any of the songs I use. Everything belongs to its original creator/artist!

Chapter 1: The Dragon Rider.

Smack! Another slap came to the young female's cheek, her blue eyes glistened with new tears as she brought a hand to her stinging cheek. "Stupid girl...Its your fault!" Yelled a villager walking away. It was like this all the time, she was publically beaten and humiliated by the village. Ever since that day when the chief's son, Hiccup was taken by a Night Fury. The blonde haired girl struggled to her feet as she limped back home, to her small shack on the village outskirts. Her parents were dead, she lived alone. As she walked she heard the comments get spat her way.


"You'll never amount to anything."



"Traitor. Why do we keep you around?!"

"Its her fault that the chief's son was taken..." The whispers never stopped but she kept walking.

"It should of been her..."

"Worthless Astrid Hofferson..." She made it home and slammed the door shut as she fell against the door to her rear, crying her eyes out. Her body was sore from the beating she sustained only moments ago. It was her fault. If she hadn't been distracting Hiccup that day, he wouldn't of been taken.

Astrid sat there for maybe an hour, just thinking about everything that happened since that day 5 years ago. Astrid forced herself up again, beginning to clean herself up as her memories consumed her, they haunted her. Hiccup was in her position, he was the one constantly picked on and teased, called worthless, useless and more. Hiccup suffered more but that didn't matter now. Since the day he was taken, everyone almost honored him as some sort of importance. And she was the one who took all the hate, they all blamed her for it. She had nothing to her name anymore. No honor, no importance. No anything.

She looked over seeing the water boiling now, she carried it to the tub and poured it in with the cold water that was already there, the temperature seemed to even out. She undressed slowly and stepped in with a hiss, biting her lip from the pain. She closed her eyes as she remembered that day when it all started.


5 years ago. It was such a long time now. It was a quiet night before the raid hit, Hiccup and Astrid had been best friends. She was one of the only ones there for him after he got his beatings, she helped him out. Tending his injuries and holding him when he cried. Hiccup and Astrid met when they were 6, and were almost inseparable after that. Hiccup had no friends before her, he was always seen eating out of the garbage late at night. Astrid used to sneak him food, they'd talk for hours. Even as they got older, they stayed close friends. She always defended him from the other teens and when someone threatened to strike her, Hiccup took the beating instead as Astrid only watched in horror. She'd wait until everyone left before rushing to his side.

Hiccup was 15, like herself. When they were old enough to join dragon training, no one was more excited than Astrid. Hiccup used to rave about it so he could kill dragons like everyone else and finally make his father proud. But he became distant after a raid, claiming to of shot down a Night Fury. Everyone laughed at him, Astrid shied away hearing him take the verbal abuse, she didn't look up at him. But, in training. Hiccup had gotten better, stronger. He was actually surpassing her and she was growing very jealous about it because the one who did best would get the honor of killing their first dragon in the kill ring, in front of the entire village. Hiccup became the celebrity of Berk, everyone always wanting to be his friend while Astrid was cast aside.

The day she and Hiccup had to face off, was the worst day of her life. Hiccup had been chosen to kill the dragon, Astrid only saw anger. The next day, no one expected. Hiccup was supposed to face the Monstrous Nightmare but for once, there was a day time raid. All the teens were permitted to fight, even Hiccup. His father had never been prouder seeing his son fend off dragons without having to kill them. Astrid watched as people clapped for him and shouted his name with such excitement. Astrid had enough, she marched right up to Hiccup with her ax in his face.

"What's going on with you!" Astrid demanded from him.

"I–I don't know what you're talking about..." Hiccup said quickly.

"Don't lie to me, Hiccup! No one just gets as good as you do, start talking!" Astrid yelled.

"Astrid what is all this about..." Stoick the Chief of the tribe walked over now.

"He's been cheating in the ring! How else would he get so good!" Astrid stated now.

"This...isn't really the time to be having this out..." Hiccup said nervously now. There was a loud roar through out the area. The only one who didn't see it coming was Hiccup. A Night Fury swooped in and grabbed Hiccup, then flying off with the rest of the dragons.

"HICCUP!" Stoick yelled out in grief. It was in that moment, Astrid became the most hated person on Berk. All eyes were on her, and they were angry too. Stoick turned to face her, his heavy steps actually scared her in to backing up a little, "What did you do!" His angry voice boomed through out the village. Astrid didn't understand, what had she done. She only confronted Hiccup about why he was suddenly so good and got carried off by a Night Fury of all dragons. "My son is gone, because of you! If you hadn't distracted him, he would of seen that devil coming!" Stoick yelled at her making her cower in fear. Astrid's eyes widened, Hiccup being taken was her fault. Because if she hadn't let her jealousy take over, Hiccup would of been able to dodge the dragon and still be there with them. Astrid understood now, they all blamed her for him being taken.

There were searches for weeks afterwards for Hiccup but there was never anything. No signs of him, no word about him. Neighboring tribes never saw a Night Fury carrying off a 15 year old boy with brown hair and forest green eyes. The people of Berk had ignored Astrid since the day Hiccup was taken, but that one day, Stoick did return with something. The tattered and torn clothing that Hiccup had been wearing that day. It was covered in old blood and barely any left of the actual cloth. It was that day, Stoick gave up his searches after saying there was no chance Hiccup was still alive. Where he found the clothes was torn up, blast and burn marks, dried blood and claw marks.

It was also this day that the village started to show more aggression towards Astrid. It started with casual tripping and purposely running in to her. Then it was physical and verbal abuse towards her. That was only a month after Hiccup was taken. A funeral was held with no body and Stoick was never the same again. His wrath only grew and his anger for Astrid was unheard of. He'd even gone as far to say the only reason she wasn't sent off was because he promised her father he'd make sure she stayed alive before he died. He did just that, he made sure she was alive after every beating she received. It's been like that for the last 5 years. Astrid still took part in fighting when the raids happened, she was a good warrior but no one cared when she captured or took down a dragon. They just kept going without a word to her.

/End Flashback/

Astrid opened her eyes to banging on the door. For a moment terror took over as she wanted to stay hidden incase it was more people coming to hurt her. She honestly didn't know how much more she could take. It was a moment like this where she wished the Night Fury had taken her or killed her on the spot. "OPEN THE DOOR!" Stoick's voice rang out loudly, shaking the small shack she resided in. Astrid gulped as she got out of the water and quickly dressed herself to answer it. She saw Stoick there. Astrid said nothing as her eyes cast downward from the large man before her. She didn't speak a word in fear of being hurt again. Stoick had never personally hurt her, but he didn't stop the others who did. "Good. You're still alive..." He said in a cold voice. Astrid bit back her tears, wishing Hiccup was there to stop this. He never would of let this happen. Stoick turned to leave now as Astrid found her voice.

"Why...Why do you even keep me alive anymore..." Astrid asked in a tone barely above a whisper.

"Do not speak to me. It because of you my son is gone, and you will live with that until the day you die." Stoick told her. She'd had enough, more than enough. Astrid whipped out her ax, thrusting it in his hands now and cutting him off from walking away. He narrowed his eyes seeing her actions.

"No! Do it! Just do it already. I'm sick of this...I'd rather be dead than be abused every day!" Astrid yelled at him now. "Just like Hiccup was before he was taken!" Astrid added coldly.

"Don't you speak my son's name! He was loved by everyone in this village until you got him taken and killed." Stoick yelled back, Astrid didn't even flinch.

"He was hated, just like me! Hated until you saw what he do with dragons! Sorry I wanted to know how the hell he went from Hiccup the Useless, which everyone in the village referred to him as to some great dragon fighter!" Astrid snapped at Stoick now.

"Dragon raid!" Yelled a villager running by.

"It's the dragon rider, leading them again!" Said another. Stoick threw Astrid's ax to the ground and walked away.

"Stay out of the way...We don't need anyone else taken..." Stoick spat at her before heading in to the raid. It was dark, a normal time for the raids to start. However unlike 5 years ago, these raids were organized and led by a dragon rider on the back of a Night Fury. It happened a year after Hiccup was taken, the raids being led by someone. This rider wore a black suit of armor, with the shoulder pad having the symbol of a Night Fury on it.

The raids were different since that first time a year later. Little food was taken, and the rider always freed the others dragons who had been captured. He always wore a black mask that looked like a Night Furies, spiked top and thin slits for eyes. He commanded all the dragons with a single gray staff that gave off a weird whirling like whistle sound. No one had ever gotten close to the rider, he never spoke a word and never left the back of his dragon. Astrid narrowed her eyes as she ran out now, it didn't matter what happened to her. If she died then it would make everyone including her happy.

She had to stop this, she had to try. The rider flew over head as Astrid flung her ax right at him and to her surprise, he caught it with one hand. Without another thought he flung it back with more speed as Astrid barely had time to dodge it. The rider stared at her only a moment before directing his dragon to keep moving on. Astrid picked up her ax from the ground and grumbled under her breath. The raid continued until sunrise, the rider watched everything from above then he gave the command for them to rise up and prepare to leave.

"I told you to stay out of the way!" Stoick yelled approaching her now, the sound of the Chief's loud voice made Astrid shrink in fear, cowering. The rider looked down now seeing the village all coming to the village square, panting and holding their weapons.

"I wasn't in the way! I've been right here the whole time!" Astrid said quickly.

"Don't you snap at me! You've done enough, worthless girl!" Stoick said firmly to her.

"Stepping outside was getting in the way!" Someone yelled to her, she winced.

"Then kill me!" Astrid yelled throwing her axe down angrily. "I'm so sick of being everyone's punching bag like Hiccup was! Do I have to do what he did to be liked!?" Astrid yelled. Stoick for the first time ever, raised his hand and backhanded her. It sent her to the ground.

"Don't you mention my son! You will never be able to do what he could! You want to be liked, bring him back from the dead! But you can't, he's dead because of you, Astrid!" Stoick seethed out kicking Astrid in the stomach which made her gasp out for air. A few others threw their shields at her and she started to whimper out. The dragon rider couldn't watch this anymore as he up until now had stayed silent, he couldn't believe this village would treat one of their own so cruelly. He narrowed his eyes as he started whirling his staff around as the dragons all roared out and started landing on houses but they weren't attacking.

"What is going on!" People began to ask but everyone stopped when the Night Fury let out a massive roar and landed on the ground snarling at everyone. "Night Fury!" They yelled in disbelief.

"Get it!" Someone yelled out as they neared the black dragon standing beside the rider.

"Touch my dragon and your precious village will go up in flames." The rider growled out. People backed off quickly.

"What do you want dragon rider? Why do you land here before us?" Stoick asked.

"You are not worthy of that answer." The rider remarked.

"I am the chief and this is my village! You will answer to me." Stoick stated coldly.

"Chief? What chief harms an innocent villager, and allows tribe members to partake? You're no chief." The rider said.

"Psh, her? She's nothing." Came Snotlout's voice as he pulled Astrid up by her hair making her cry out.

"Hiccup, Why are we still here?" Came the croon from the Night Fury.

"I can't let them hurt Astrid, Toothless..." Hiccup replied slowly.

"Leave the girl alone." Hiccup stated. Yes it was true. He was really Hiccup behind the mask, the boy they all believed to of died 5 years ago. He was the dragon rider, the dragon conqueror, the dragon master that led all the raids. Many people in the Archipelago knew of him by one of those titles. He flew around on his Night Fury, freeing dragons who were trapped and leading organized raids that resulted in no death on either side. It started a year after he was taken. It had all been planned but no one knew that, no one knew who he was either and that's exactly how he wanted it but he wasn't about to let them abuse Astrid for his choice.

"You gonna make me?" Snotlout remarked. Hiccup rolled his eyes from behind the mask, Snotlout was technically his cousin but was one of the main bullies in his life 5 years ago.

"As a matter of fact, that's a good idea." He smirked as he snapped his fingers and a red and black monstrous nightmare dropped down behind Snotlout and flamed up scaring him in to letting Astrid go. The rider moved towards Astrid and put out his hand, she flinched fearing to be hit and this made him frown, in fact he was furious that these people had hurt her. He could tell that it wasn't the first time either. She had old bruises on her arms and face, and Astrid was never afraid. She was fearless from what he remembered in the past.

"You can't just come here and act like you own the place!" Stoick yelled.

"Actually as long as I have the dragons under my control and I'm currently the only thing keeping them from tearing this village to pieces, I do own this place right now. So shut up." Hiccup remarked looking back to Astrid who was still cowering in fear with her eyes closed on the ground. "Give me your hand. I won't hurt you, I promise." He told her in a calmer tone. Astrid slowly moved her arms and looked at him with his hand out. Why was he talking to her? Astrid didn't understand it. She didn't want to make him angry so she gave him her hand hesitantly and he pulled her to her feet. "Are you alright?" He asked.

Astrid only gave a nod to him as Stoick grabbed her arm making him whimper, "I didn't say you could get up!" Stoick said raising his hand to strike her again, Astrid closed her eyes tightly waiting for the hit but it never came. As she opened her eyes she saw another arm over her, holding Stoick's wrist in place.

"I would highly suggest you lower you hand, chief. Hit her one more time and you'll suffer dearly." Hiccup warned him in a dangerous tone.

"This is none of your business dragon rider." Stoick said firmly.

"Oh but it is. I don't let people hurt the innocent, whether they be dragon or human. You're hurting her for no reason. I've been here the whole time and she hasn't done anything." Hiccup replied coldly. Astrid didn't get it, why was this guy defending her? Stoick pulled his wrist back now and let Astrid go.

"She cost me my only son. It was her fault he was taken by the same dragon you ride, and he was killed after being taken..." Stoick sneered out.

"I can promise you she had nothing to do with the boy being taken." There were a few gasps now as people looked at one another murmuring to one another about what he had said.

"Yes she was! It was her fault he was distracted and didn't see the dragon coming!" Yelled a villager. The Night Fury now shot a blast before their feet and they backed up.

"Lets not lie. My dragon knows when you do. Yes...I know this place now. It's the island of Berk, is it not?" Hiccup asked in a smart ass tone even though he obviously knew the answer.

"Who are you?..." Gobber asked.

"I go by many times. The dragon conqueror, dragon master...but you may call me Ryder." Ryder stated loud enough to be heard with his arms crossed over his chest standing tall.(A/N: Hiccup will be referred to as Ryder for the time being.)

"How do you know...that this island is Berk?..." Yelled Fishlegs from the back now.

"From the boy who was taken from here. I believe you may know him as Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third." Ryder responded now. Stoick's sword dropped to the ground with a clang now. Astrid even looked at him now, did Ryder know Hiccup? There were so many unanswered questions now as the area had gone quiet after Ryder said what he did. Stoick couldn't believe it, he'd asked everywhere if anyone had seen Hiccup in the month before finding his clothes burned, bloody, and shredded. No one had seen him, but this man claimed to of. It didn't make any sense.